Lesson 12.6: Optimization


Lesson 12.6: Optimization

Optimization problems are problems that involve finding the absolute maximum value or the absolute minimum value of a function.

We will be able to calculate:

Area and perimeter

– Revenue and profit

Inventory control.

Optimization Strategies


Introduce variables, look for relationships among these variables, and construct a math model of the form: Maximize (minimize) f ( x ) on the interval I .


Find the critical values of f’

( x ).


Find the maximum (minimum) value of f ( x ) on the interval I .


Use the solution to the mathematical model to answer all the questions asked in the problem.

Profit = Revenue - Cost

Note: Maximum revenue and maximum profit occur at 2 different points. The profit is maximum when

P’(x) = R’(x) – C’(x) = 0, so R’(x) = C’(x) means when the marginal revenue is equal to the marginal cost.

Problem 1

Find two numbers whose difference is 15 and whose product is a minimum.

Let x and y be the two numbers x – y = 15 -------------- x = 15 + y xy is a minimum

Set M = xy

M = (15+y)y = y 2 + 15y

Find critical values:

M’ = 2y + 15 = 0

y = -15/2 = -7.5

Check to see if it is a min or max

M’’ = 2 > 0

Concave up so yes we have a min

Therefore the numbers are 7.5 and -7.5 (15 + -7.5)

Problem 2

Find two positive numbers whose product is 21 and whose sum is a minimum.

Let x and y are two positive numbers xy = 21 ----------------------

x = 21/y x + y is a minimum

Set M = x+ y

M = 21/y + y = y + 21 y -1

Find critical values

M’ = 1 – 21/ y 2 = 0

– 21/ y 2 = -1

y 2 = 21 so y = 


the number is positive so y = 21

x =

21 y




Therefore the numbers are 21 and 21

Check to make sure it is a min

M’’ > 0 concave up, so yes

Problem 3

Find the dimensions of a rectangle with an area of 108 square feet that has the minimum perimeter.

Let x and y be the dimensions of the rectangle.

Area A = xy = 108  y = 108/x

Minimum perimeter P = 2x + 2y

P = 2x + 2 (108/x)

P = 2x + 216 x -1

P = 2 – (216/x 2 )= 0

- 216/x 2 = -2 x 2 = 108

x = 


the dimensions have to be positive so y = 108 = 6 3

x =

108 y


6 3

6 3

Therefore the numbers are 6 3 and 6 3

*Check to make sure it is a min

P’’ > 0 concave up, so yes

Problem 4

A company manufactures and sells x ePhones 10S (these are better than iPhones) per week. The weekly cost and price-demand equations are

C(x) = 30,000 + 110x p = 700 – 0.2x (price-demand function)

A) What price should the company charge and how many phones should be produced to maximize the weekly revenue? What is the maximum weekly revenue?

R = px = (700 – 0.2x)x = 700x – 0.2x


R’ = 700 – 0.4x = 0

x = 1750

R’’ < 0 so it is a max

Therefore the company should charge p = 700 – 0.2 (1750) = $350

And the maximum revenue is R (1750) = $612,500

B) Find the maximum profit, the production level that will realize the max profit, and the price the company should charge for each ePhone.

P = R – C (Profit function)

P = 700x - 0.2x

2 – (30,000 + 110x)

= 700x – 0.2x

2 - 30,000 - 110x

= -0.2x

2 + 590x – 30,000

P’ = -0.4x + 590 = 0

X = 1470

P’’ < 0 so it is a maximum

Price should charge is p = 700 – 0.2 (1470) = $405

Max profit is P(1475) = $405,125

Problem 5

A deli sells 640 sandwiches per day at a price of $8 each.

A) A market survey shows that for every $0.20 reduction in the original $8 price, 15 more sandwiches will be sold. How much should the deli charge for a sandwich in order to maximum revenue?

Let x be the number of $0.20 reduction in price

Then the number of sandwiches sold will be 640 + 15x

The price per sandwich is 8 – 0.20x

* Find the domain

The price cannot be negative so p ≥ 0

8 – 0.20x ≥ 0

X ≤ 40

So the domain is 0≤ x ≤ 40

*The revenue function is

R(x) = (640 + 15x)( 8 – 0.20x)

R(x) = 5120 – 128x + 120x – 3x 2

= -3x 2 – 8x + 5120

R’(x) = -6x – 8 = 0

X = -8/6 = -4/3 this is not a critical value because it is not in the domain

So the price should stay the same $8

B) What is the maximum revenue?

R = 640(8) = $5120

Problem 6

A car rental agency rents 200 cars per day at a rate of $30 per day. For each $1 increase in rate, 5 fewer cars are rented. At what rate should the cars be rented to produce the maximum income? What is the maximum income?

Let x be the number of $1 increase in rate

So the number of cars is 200 – 5x

And the rate is p = 30 + 1x

* Find the domain

The rate can not be negative

30 – x ≥ 0

x ≥ -30

So the domain is x ≥ 0

The revenue function is

R(x) = (200 – 5x) (30 + 1x)

= 6000 + 200x – 150x – 5x 2

= 5x 2 + 50x + 6000

R’= -10x + 50 = 0

-10x = -50

X = 5 is a critical value

Rate p = 30 + 1(5) = $35

The maximum income is R(5) = -5(5 2 ) + 50 (5) + 6000 = $6125
