Commodities and Conservation: The Need for Greater Habitat Protection in the Tropics Background Report: Cattle Eduard T. Niesten Center for Applied Biodiversity Science Conservation International Note to the Reader: The bulk of this background report was prepared in the period 1999-2000 for the CABS publication Commodities and Conservation: The Need for Greater Habitat Protection in the Tropics (published in 2004; available upon request from Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle INTRODUCTION Over the past few decades, global consumption of beef has climbed steadily as a consequence of worldwide income growth, population growth, and urbanization. Indeed, Delgado et al. (1999) anticipate a dramatic surge in beef demand, arguing that the world stands on the eve of a global Livestock Revolution perhaps as far-reaching in its consequences as the Green Revolution in food grain production during the 1960s. The Green Revolution was fueled by rising productivity in the cultivation of cereals in developing countries, leading to astonishing increases in global supply. In contrast, the Livestock Revolution is demand-driven. Even in areas with muted prospects for per-capita income, population growth and urbanization will continue to spur growth in demand. Only a small share of total beef production is traded internationally, suggesting that the preponderance of future demand for beef will be met through increases in local supply. Cattle raising already has caused extensive damage to biodiversity, through deforestation in tropical areas and overgrazing in semi-arid regions (see Figure 1). The Livestock Revolution portends continued environmental damage as local cattle production systems strive to respond to anticipated growth in demand. Figure 1: Conflict between Livestock and Biodiversity in Selected Regions Source: Steinfeld et al., 1997. As in the other chapters in this volume, the discussion in this chapter is motivated by habitat destruction and biodiversity loss in the world’s most biologically diverse areas, found predominantly in the tropics. Growth in beef production fuels habitat destruction in two ways. First, expansion of grazing lands to accommodate larger herds often requires conversion of natural habitat to pasture, acting as a direct driver of deforestation and environmental degradation. Alternatively, intensification of production supports larger herds and yields (carcass weight per animal) on fixed areas by increasing supplies of external inputs, especially feed grains. Increasing demand for feed grains, in turn, presents a strong force for conversion of natural habitat to monocultures of maize, wheat, barley, and soybeans. 1 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle Widespread concern about the biodiversity impacts of cattle production first arose in response to clearing of virgin forests for grazing in Brazil and Central America in the 1970s and 1980s. By the mid1990s, a doubling in the number of cattle in Central America (since 1950) to nearly 10 million head was accompanied by an increase in the area under pasture from 3.5 million to 9.5 million hectares (Kaimowitz 1995). During the 1970s in Brazil, forests were converted to pasture at a rate of 0.8 million to 1.0 million hectares per year, predominantly on large landholdings. In all, about 60 percent of forest destruction in Brazil between 1966 and 1975 was attributable to cattle ranching schemes (Ecologist 1987, Mahar 1989). Pasture is the most prominent form of land use in Amazonia, accounting for more than three-quarters of agricultural land in the region, or about 50 million hectares (Chomitz and Thomas 2001). Moreover, the pastures created through deforestation offer only limited productive life spans; more than 50 percent of grazing lands carved out of the Amazon have been abandoned following degradation (Steinfeld et al. 1997). The cattle industry’s assault on habitat in Brazil and Central America was fueled by government efforts to promote the conversion of forest to cattle pasture. Tools used to do so parallel policies intended to promote the spread of coffee, cocoa, soybean, and other commodities throughout the tropics. The combination of government development priorities and political pressure from farmer lobbies virtually ensures that this threat will persist, despite frequently marginal economic prospects for the land uses that replace natural habitat. As with other commodities discussed in this volume, this situation confirms the need for direct habitat protection as a central component of a conservation strategy designed to address the threat to biodiversity from expanding cattle production. The first section of this chapter describes the three models of cattle production currently in use around the world, and briefly discusses their environmental implications, noting that expansion of cattle pasture and conversion of habitat to cultivate feed grains are the two main threats that cattle pose to biodiversity. The next section provides a general overview of global trends in consumption and production, highlighting the relatively small role played by international trade in global cattle and biodiversity interactions. The chapter then turns to two case studies that illustrate how conflicts between cattle and biodiversity can be aggravated by government policies, drawing both from the humid tropics (Brazil and Costa Rica) and the semi-arid region of Botswana. The chapter concludes that efforts to dismantle such policies form a critical component of the needed response to cattle and biodiversity interactions, as do greater efforts to extend direct protection to critical habitat. Production Systems The impact on biodiversity of growing demand for cattle products will depend on the production systems used to accommodate growth in demand. Cattle production systems operate on three principal models: extensive grazing, mixed farming, and industrial (or intensive) livestock production. Extensive grazing accounts for 9.3 percent of global meat production, mixed farming for 53.9 percent, and industrial livestock production for 36.8 percent (Steinfeld et al. 1997). In extensive grazing systems, cattle herds subsist on inputs readily available from pasture areas. These systems occupy about one-quarter of the world’s land, yet yield less than 10 percent of global meat production. In this type of system, production growth primarily is achieved by opening new grazing areas. However, when expansion of grazing land is not possible, further production growth is achieved by increasing the number of animals on a fixed area of land, thereby increasing the pressure on rangelands (Steinfeld et al. 1997). 2 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle Mixed farming systems integrate livestock and crop production, whereby each provides inputs used in the other: livestock consume crop residues while manure contributes to crop fertilization (see Box 1). When input requirements for production growth overwhelm on-farm capacity to supply feed, expansion depends on increased supplies of external inputs, particularly feed grain (Thomas & Barton 1995). The introduction of modern strains of high yielding crops into traditional systems presents another challenge to mixed farming. These crops generate between one-third and one-quarter as much non-grain biomass as traditional varieties, reducing the amount of waste products available to feed livestock. Of the three main production systems, output from industrial or intensive livestock production is growing at the fastest rate (4.3 percent per year versus 2.2 percent for mixed systems and 0.7 percent for extensive systems) (Seré and Steinfeld 1996). The intensive production model relies on inputs imported from outside, particularly concentrate feed grains, and therefore can be sustained on small units of land. As discussed below, the impact of future cattle production on biodiversity largely will depend on the extent to which rising demand for beef is met by greater intensification or by expansion of grazing to areas currently occupied by important native habitat. Although pasture expansion is a clear force of deforestation, severe environmental impacts can also accompany intensification and industrial production systems. Box 1: The Many Roles of Cattle In the developing-country context, cattle serve several functions beyond milk and meat production. For example, in areas where mechanization and imported chemical fertilizers are often prohibitively expensive, cattle assist directly with crop production as power for plowing, planting, and weeding. Cattle provide draught power for more than half of all cultivated land in developing countries (Steinfeld et al. 1997). In addition, cattle dung serves as a principal source of fuel in some regions, and can also be used as fertilizer. Globally, cattle contribute about 22 percent of total nitrogen fertilization and 38 percent of phosphates, or the equivalent of about $1.5 billion in commercial fertilizers (Steinfeld et al. 1997). Finally, in regions lacking stable financial institutions, cattle also serve as a store of value and as an insurance mechanism. In this regard, adjustments in herd size allow ranchers to adjust to changing economic conditions, and provide an important avenue for product diversification within a farming system. Environmental Impacts Various environmental problems accompany each type of production system. Extensive grazing systems directly can lead to overgrazing when demand pressure motivates efforts to raise production beyond the capacity of available rangelands. Overgrazing results in soil compaction and erosion, and thus reduces soil fertility and impairs watershed functions. Steinfeld et al. (1997) report that as much as 680 million hectares, or 20 percent of grazing lands worldwide may be degraded due to overgrazing. Mixed farming systems are similarly vulnerable to overgrazing. Industrial production systems may appear to alleviate pressure on areas of high biodiversity value because they do not rely on extensive grazing lands (Delgado et al. 1999). However, industrial production systems are likely to locate near urban areas in developing countries, where run-off, waste-products, poor hygiene and disease may pose significant health threats to human populations. Industrialized beef production also contributes to a build up of pesticides and antibiotics in the food chain (Delgado et al. 1999). Deforestation and habitat degradation form the principal threats to biodiversity attributable to cattle production. Expansion of both extensive and mixed farming systems directly contributes to forest 3 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle loss. Cattle ranching can take place on land unsuitable for crops, so governments often are eager to see ranching expand to ‘idle’ land under natural habitat (Delgado et al. 1999). Although intensive systems may reduce direct pressure on natural ecosystems from deforestation, they nevertheless threaten biodiversity indirectly through their impact on global markets for feed grain. Efforts to increase beef or milk production in mixed farming systems also increase demand for feed grains. Expanding feed grain markets contribute to expansion of cultivated area for grains such as soybean and maize, in many areas at the expense of natural habitat. For example, the proliferation of soybean operations in Brazil (see Chapter 6 in this volume) has resulted in widespread conversion of forests and grasslands to large-scale monoculture (Fearnside 2000). Thus, global intensification of cattle production may transmit severe threats to biodiversity in regions far from beef producing areas through international markets for feed grains (see Box 2). Box 2: Feed Grain Markets About 21 percent of the world’s arable land is used to produce grains for livestock feed, and grain fed to livestock represents around 40 percent of total global grain production (Brown 1995). Concentrate feeds, characterized by high nutrient densities, account for 40 percent of livestock feed in developed countries, but only 12 percent in developing countries. As continued intensification shrinks this gap, sustained growth in global demand for feed grains will be met through yield growth in traditional exporting countries in the Americas and Europe, and expansion of cultivated area in South and East Asia (Delgado et al. 1999). Soybean derivatives (oil meal) constitute more than half of high-protein feeds (Hendy et al. 2000). Increased supply of soy meal will come largely from South America, particularly in Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela, where cultivated area for soybeans is expected to grow dramatically over the coming decade (USDA 1998). Southern Brazil lost virtually all of its remaining forests by the mid-1980s to soybean cultivation. Much of this production is exported to the United States and Europe, demonstrating how intensified beef production in developed countries contributes to biodiversity loss in the tropics. This dynamic can only grow stronger as intensification of livestock systems proceeds throughout the world. GLOBAL MARKET TRENDS Trends in consumption and production of cattle products suggest that beef production will increase pressure on biodiversity in the tropics, due to both expanding pastures and intensification as described above. Inescapably, the global herd will increase in size. The world today holds more than 1.3 billion head of cattle, up 32 percent since 1965. Asia, Latin America, and Africa, home to most of the world’s global biodiversity hotspots, have seen their shares of the global herd rise, while shares in Europe and North America fell (see Table 1). Currently Asia holds more than one-third of the world’s cattle stocks, and Latin America about one-quarter, while Europe’s and North America’s shares are around 10 percent each (see Figure 2). TABLE 1: REGIONAL GROWTH IN STOCKS (1965-2000) World 32% Africa 67.7% Asia 38.0% Europe -12.2% Latin America & Caribbean 76.6% North America 0.4% Oceania 35.8% Source: FAOSTAT. 4 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle FIGURE 2: DISTRIBUTION OF GLOBAL CATTLE STOCKS (2000) Oceania 3% North America 11% Asia 35% Latin America & Caribbean 26% Africa 17% Europe 8% Source: FAOSTAT. Consumption Developing countries account for the bulk of anticipated growth in global consumption of cattle and dairy products. World consumption of beef grew by about 1.1 percent per year between 1982 and 1994. In developing countries, growth was even faster, averaging 3.2 percent per year. Consumption in the developed world, in contrast, remained virtually stable (Delgado et al. 1999). Over the past two decades, per-capita meat and milk consumption has expanded most rapidly in Asia. In China, for example, consumption doubled over this period. Consumption stagnated in Africa and West-Asia on a per-capita basis, but grew in total due to high population growth. By 2020 developing world meat consumption is projected to increase by a further 87 percent and milk consumption by 75 percent (Nicholson 2001). Increases in meat consumption are driven by population growth, income, and urbanization. Population growth acts as an obvious driver, as greater numbers of consumers result in greater total meat consumption. As incomes grow, a portion of additional income is spent on food consumption. People with low levels of income tend to spend a large proportion of any income increases on high quality protein sources such as meat (Timmer et al., 1983). Therefore, projected income growth in the developing world, combined with population growth, will fuel robust growth in demand for beef (Delgado et al., 1999). Another trend driving increases in meat consumption is urbanization, which results in exposure to a wide range of culinary influences and a greater variety of food choices, and has been correlated with growing per capita meat consumption (IFPRI 1995). The United Nations Population Fund predicts that by 2025, 60 percent of the global population will live in cities, up from around 45 percent today. More than 80 percent of global population growth is taking place in the cities of the developing world; the most dramatic population shifts will occur in Africa and Asia, where current urbanization rates are only about 34 percent (UNFPA 1995). In the early 1990s, developed countries consumed about 5 times as much beef and milk on a per capita basis as developing countries (Delgado et al. 1999). The gap, however, rapidly is shrinking as 5 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle consumption growth in developing countries outpaces that in developed countries by a factor of three or more. Future income growth, population increases, and urbanization in developing countries portend a strong surge in global beef consumption, leading Delgado et al. (1999) to project a ‘Livestock Revolution’. Whether this surge will warrant the term ‘Revolution’ may be debated, but the overall trend is unambiguous and certainly will elicit a dramatic response from the beef production sector. Production and Trade Most countries produce most of the meat that they themselves consume. Global trade in beef and veal accounts for less than 4 percent of world production (see Table 2). Even for the 10 leading exporters, exports only account for about 4 percent of production as a group, although some individual producers do maintain higher export shares (see Table 3). Since international trade accounts for such small shares of production, countries expected to experience rapid growth in demand for beef also are likely to experience rapid growth in production. TABLE 2: RATIO OF WORLD EXPORTS TO WORLD PRODUCTION (VOLUME) OF CATTLE PRODUCTS Beef and Veal Source: FAOSTAT. 1961 0.030 1970 0.034 1980 0.044 1990 0.039 2000 0.024 TABLE 3: BEEF EXPORTS AND PRODUCTION OF WORLD’S TOP-TEN EXPORTERS (1998) Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exports (Mt) World 1,832,559 Germany 246,376 France 212,277 India 183,150 Ukraine 164,637 Netherlands 156,548 Canada 114,850 Spain 89,442 United States of America 86,514 Uruguay 78,420 Belgium 76,392 Top 10 Total 3,241,165 Country Top 10 Share of World Source: FAOSTAT 0.77 Production (Mt) 55,315,903 1,458,900 1,630,000 1,400,800 793,000 534,700 1,150,700 650,727 11,803,000 449,900 303,400 75,491,030 Ratio of Exports to Production 0.03 0.17 0.13 0.13 0.21 0.29 0.10 0.14 0.01 0.17 0.25 0.04 0.36 To date, intensification has proceeded more rapidly in developed countries than in developing countries. Cattle production in developed countries has seen steady productivity growth in the form of increased output per animal, whereas production in developing countries has expanded primarily through larger overall herd sizes. Between 1982 and 1994, the amount of beef produced per animal increased by .9 percent per year in the developed world, and by only .5 percent per year in the developing world (Delgado et al. 1999). Over the same period the number of animals fell by 12 percent in developed countries while production grew by a modest 1 percent, but stocks increased by 16 percent in the developing world, and production by nearly 50 percent (FAOSTAT). Thus, in the developing world, 6 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle production increases relied heavily on larger herds rather than intensification, as opposed to the developed world where intensification allowed production growth despite declining total herd size. The difference between developed and developing country cattle production trends largely reflects the fact that, in most developing countries, the cost of importing feed grain for intensified production exceeds the cost of expanding grazing land. For many countries, intensification of feed input per unit of meat output would imply increased reliance on international trade in feed grain. Thus, a country’s ability to import feed grain will exert a strong influence on the evolution of livestock production systems and their impact on biodiversity. In countries where ability to import is constrained (for example, by foreign exchange shortages), output growth will intensify grazing pressure on existing pasture and rely on continued pasture expansion into increasingly marginal areas. Especially in developing countries with abundant and therefore inexpensive land, clearing of forests for pasture may appear more economically viable than intensification. Given anticipated demand growth, extension to further marginal areas and conversion of forest areas to pasture continues to threaten vulnerable ecological resources. Livestock therefore remains an acute threat to natural habitat throughout the developing world. THE ROLE OF GOVERNMENT POLICY In addition to global market trends, a host of government policies have encouraged the sacrifice of biodiversity to expanding cattle pasture. Two case studies below illustrate how government policy can aggravate the threat cattle production poses for biodiversity. The first examines the impact of government policies in Brazil and Costa Rica, countries where links between cattle and deforestation first raised international concern. The Brazilian and Costa Rican experiences show how government policy exacerbated tropical deforestation caused by cattle ranching. In the second case study, Botswana, direct conflict between cattle and wildlife has also drawn increasing international attention. The Botswana experience illustrates how cattle production threatens biodiversity in a semi-arid setting, again due in large part to the encouragement provided by government policy. Example 1: Brazil and Costa Rica During the 1960s and 1970s, influential ranchers’ associations in Brazil and Central America lobbied for government support of livestock farming and against restrictions on forest conversion. Governments responded favorably, motivated by a conviction that intensified use of forested areas would stimulate economic development (Hecht 1989). Several domestic policies supported and encouraged conversion of forests to pasture, including measures such as property-titling provisions, tax incentives, and subsidized rural credit, as cattle ranches became a form of tax shelter and land speculation rather than a response to market demand for beef. The combination of rural credit subsidies and tax advantages was a powerful incentive for expansion of the cattle industry. In Costa Rica, the real interest rate on livestock loans was negative between 1970 and 1983, at times reaching minus 10 percent (World Bank 2000a). In addition to attractive terms, the government adopted a forgiving stance with respect to loan defaults, thus promoting the spread of cattle ranching activities irrespective of profitability (WRI 1995). Until 1979 the Superintendency of Amazonia directly promoted deforestation by providing tax credits for ranches, and until 1982, corporations could obtain tax credits for up to half of investments in Amazonia funded by profits generated elsewhere in the country (Binswanger 1991, Fearnside 1989c, Hecht 1989, Nazmi 1991). Moreover, between 80 and 90 percent of agricultural profits were excluded from taxable income (Binswanger 1991). Brazil’s rural credit subsidy was not eliminated completely until 1987, and through 7 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle the late 1980s, government subsidies accounted for as much as three-quarters of investment in Brazilian cattle ranches (Fearnside 1989b, Hecht 1989, Mahar 1989). Cheap loans encouraged corporations and wealthy individuals to clear forests as a means of avoiding taxes, and conversion to pasture simply represented the most convenient mechanism for taking advantage of these benefits. Brazil’s system of land titling also encouraged forest clearing and conversion. These activities were deemed ‘improvements’ that validated ownership claims. As of the 1970s, land tenure laws in Brazil assigned ownership to whoever cleared the land, promoting land clearing as a form of speculation (WRI 1994). The land tenure system also facilitated concentration of land ownership. The role of agricultural land as a tax shelter increased demand for land from corporations and wealthy individuals with heavy income tax obligations to avoid. As these investors drove up land prices (while enjoying privileged access to subsidized rural credit), land purchases grew ever further out of reach for landless poor in rural areas. The poor were forced to resort to squatting and clearing forest to establish title (Economist 1989). Hence, Fearnside (1989a) goes so far as to say the land tenure system in Amazonia was founded entirely on deforestation. These incentives persisted until the mid- to late-1980s, when the drain on national budgets, international outcry, and pressure from international development agencies compelled governments in Costa Rica and Brazil to dismantle policies favoring expansion of range lands. The removal of these subsidies increased the cost of land, inducing intensification of beef production and slowing the rate of deforestation for pasture. For example, economic reforms adopted by Costa Rica in the 1980s reduced support for cattle operations, and helped bring about a sharp halt in conversion of forest to pasture (see Figure 3). Following several decades during which Costa Rica’s deforestation rate ranked among the highest in the world, in some years reaching 7 percent and higher, Costa Rica’s forested area is now growing due to reforestation efforts and regeneration of secondary forest on abandoned pasture (de Camino et al. 2000). The cattle industry in Costa Rica now maintains about the same number of animals as it did in the mid-1970s (around 1.75 million, down from a peak of nearly 2.5 million in the mid-1980s), but produces 50 percent more meat, indicating the effects of intensification. FIGURE 3: LAND USE PATTERNS, COSTA RICA (1961-2000). Permanent Crops 3,500 Permanent Pasture 3,000 Forests And Woodland 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 19 97 19 94 19 91 19 88 19 85 19 82 19 79 19 76 19 73 19 70 19 67 19 64 0 19 61 Hectares ('000s) 2,500 Year 8 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle Source: FAOSTAT. Trends in stock and production numbers in Brazil also show how policy changes induced intensification of beef production (see Figure 4). Stock numbers (or herd sizes) have increased steadily over time, at an average annual growth rate of about 5 percent. Until the early 1980s, production kept pace with stock growth, but after policies encouraging expansion of extensive grazing systems were dismantled, production accelerated through increased yield (carcass weight per animal). FIGURE 4: BEEF PRODUCTION AND STOCK GROWTH IN BRAZIL (1961-2000) 500 Index Value (1961 = 100) 450 400 350 300 250 200 Production 150 Stocks 100 50 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 1971 1969 1967 1965 1963 1961 0 Year Source: FAOSTAT. The Brazilian and Costa Rican experiences highlight two features of cattle production. First, a wide array of government policies both directly and indirectly can fuel deforestation by the cattle sector. Second, the elimination of policy distortions, in some instances, can reorient growth in cattle production from expansion of grazing land to intensification. Given anticipated growth in demand for beef products, policy reform may reduce direct pressure on natural forests from the cattle sector, but threats to biodiversity will remain. Growth in demand for cattle products renders unlikely the complete elimination of incentives to expand pasture, while production increases that rely on intensification do not remove, but rather change the nature of, pressure for forest conversion. Example 2: Botswana As in Costa Rica and Brazil, government policies have supported the cattle sector in Southern Africa, resulting in expansion of rangeland and overgrazing. Due to government support, cattle production has expanded in areas better suited to wildlife-based enterprises (Kiss 1990). Principal beef exporters from the region are Zimbabwe, Namibia, and Botswana, taking advantage of preferential access to the European Union market. The European Union allows these countries privileged access to its beef import markets under the Beef and Veal Protocol, a component of the Cotonou Agreement, the latest in a series of negotiated accords between the European Union and former colonies in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific regions. Through the mid-1990s, Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe accounted for about 85 9 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle percent of the total European import quota for all of Africa (FAO 1996a). The large share of production directed to exports indicates the strong role of distorting trade policy in cattle/environment interactions in this particular region (see Figure 5). FIGURE 5: EXPORTS AS PROPORTION OF PRODUCTION 100% 90% Exports/Production 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 19 80 19 81 19 82 19 83 19 84 19 85 19 86 19 87 19 88 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 0% Year Botswana Namibia Zimbabwe Source: FAOSTAT. Beef exports from Southern Africa to the European Union must meet strict technical sanitary requirements regarding Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), veterinary procedures, and slaughterhouse facilities. Veterinary cordon fences separate FMD and FMD-free zones, and countries maintain buffer zones where vaccinations and strict movement controls are mandated. The FMD-free zone includes all of South Africa, Swaziland, and Lesotho, and the central and southern parts of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe (see Figure 6). The veterinary fences in Botswana have become a particularly thorny environmental issue, as the fence system across the northern portion of the country severely restricts wildlife movements. FIGURE 6: MAP OF FMD-FREE ZONE AND FENCE IN SOUTHERN AFRICA 10 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle Source: FAO, 1996a. Botswana’s national herd doubled between the early 1960s and the 1980s, and cattle ranching rapidly expanded, often to marginal savannah lands. In these areas, cattle came into direct conflict with wildlife, and to preserve preferential access to European markets, Botswana constructed the fence system to comply with FMD regulations. The government of Botswana also provides a host of incentives in addition to the subsidy embodied in the European preferential access scheme; domestic policy distortions including fiscal incentives, subsidized animal health, extension, and research services, slaughterhouse subsidies, and tax write-offs comprise social costs that are not adequately set against the gains from subsidized sales in European markets. In the absence of these various forms of government support, cattle producers in Botswana could not afford to produce for the European Union market (Pearce and Warford 1993). Moreover, this access is unlikely to continue indefinitely, as the EU faces increasing pressure to reform its agricultural trade policies (BBC News, 2002). Loss of preferential access could reduce beef prices in Botswana by as much as 40 percent, dealing a severe blow to commercial cattle operations (Sigwele and Khupe 1996, Townsend and Sigwele 1998). The growing likelihood of this dramatic change in the policy environment augurs a drastic shift in beef production and trade in southern Africa, but also suggests that on-going large-scale infrastructure investment in new fencing schemes may be a colossal waste of scarce development funds. The government of Botswana supports the cattle sector despite various indications that other sectors may hold more promise. Policies favoring cattle activity in Botswana (and elsewhere in southern Africa) include domestic government measures such as subsidized stock purchases and free veterinary care, as well as effective price support due to the EU preferential access scheme. Barnes (1994) suggests that government policies inflate private financial rates of return to commercial cattle by a factor of 4. Development planning in parts of Botswana faces a choice between wildlife-based activities centered on local communities or livestock enterprises representing private commercial interests. Commercial livestock expansion would require extension of the fencing system and further interference with wildlife movements (Barnes et al. 2000). Nationally, cattle contribute about 3 percent of GDP, while tourism centered on Botswana’s wildlife contributes about 5 percent and is rapidly growing (Scott Wilson and EDG 2000). However, cattle holdings are highly concentrated among powerful interests that favor expansion of the sector (Perkins 1996). Therefore, even if commercial cattle ranching may not be viable over the long term despite various government subsidies, expansion and increased fencing remain a real threat. 11 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle The cattle sector in Botswana illustrates how international markets, government policy, and political lobbies can promote an industry despite less than robust economic fundamentals. Beef production for European markets imposes an array of social costs in Botswana, incurred through the expenditure of government funds to support cattle production and through environmental damage that undermines potentially more promising activities such as tourism. Nevertheless, a host of subsidies in Botswana continues to favor cattle production, due to policy inertia and political pressure from domestic cattle interests. This example shows both the detrimental impact of government policy, and the challenges facing efforts to promote policy reform. Moreover, policy reform will not change the fact that increasing global demand for beef will spur continuing increases in production. 12 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The Livestock Revolution anticipated by Delgado et al. (1999) portends robust growth in demand for beef in the coming decades. International trade comprises only a minor portion of beef consumption in most parts of the world, and therefore supply responses primarily will involve increases in local production systems. Production growth will rely on expansion of pasture in some areas of the world, but elsewhere will depend on increasing use of feed grains. Indeed, expansion in cultivated area for feed grains may prove to be the greatest threat to biodiversity attributable to cattle (see Chapter 6 in this volume). Growing demand for cattle products, intensification of production systems, and increasing feed grain consumption are the dominant factors shaping the following recommendations. Correct the policy environment. Political pressure to maintain government subsidies is likely to persist in many countries. Nevertheless, the examples of Brazil and Central America during the 1970s and 1980s suggest that dismantling skewed incentives for conversion of habitat to pasture can elicit a dramatic response from the cattle sector. In land-abundant countries, the private sector may still increase grazing land and stocks rather than pursue productivity growth, if the cost of land is low relative to that of feed grain imports, technical skills, and capital equipment required for intensification. However, by eschewing policies that encourage land clearing, governments facilitate intensification in cattle production, thereby enhancing efficiency, raising output, and reducing a direct threat to biodiversity. Directly protect habitat against expanding pasture. Policy reform notwithstanding, pasture expansion will remain a reality in many regions and requires direct protection of ecologically important areas on grazing frontiers. The productivity gap between extensive livestock production systems and industrialized production systems suggest that such measures, by reducing land-abundance, can induce productivity growth and alleviate pressure on threatened regions of high biodiversity value. That is to say, intensification is more likely to take place when land-constraints become binding, so habitat protection protects biodiversity while encouraging productivity improvements. However, growing demand for feed grains due to intensification requires a parallel response to expansion of cereals cultivation. Directly protect habitat against expanding feed grain cultivation. Direct habitat protection will be crucial to protect biodiversity from indirect impacts of global intensification of cattle production systems. The ongoing process of intensification may reduce direct, local pressure on biodiversity, but drives expansion of feed grain production elsewhere at an environmental cost that has yet to be established. To design an appropriate response to this dynamic requires further research on how livestock sector demand for feed grain impacts biodiversity on a global scale. For instance, soybean cultivation in Brazil has responded vigorously to demand for high-protein concentrate feeds in North America and Europe, resulting in rapid, large-scale biodiversity destruction. As beef production systems bear growing pressure to increase output throughout the world, increasing demand for feed grains promises to intensify this dynamic. For this reason, direct protection of critical habitat threatened by conversion to cereals production must become a priority. 13 Commodities and Conservation Background Report: Cattle REFERENCES Alexandratos, N. (Ed.). 1995. World Agriculture: Towards 2010. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Barnes, J. 1994. “Alternative Uses for Natural Resources in Botswana: wildlife utilization”. In S. Brothers and D. Nteta (eds.) Botswana in the 21st Century. The Botswana Society: Gaborone, Botswana. Pp. 323-336. Barnes, J., J. Cannon, and K. Morrison. 2000. Economic Returns to Selected Land Uses in Ngamiland, Botswana. Conservation International. BBC News. 2002. “Pacific Hits Back at EU Farm Deal”. October 25, available at: Binswanger, H. 1991. "Brazilian Policies that Encourage Deforestation in the Amazon". World Development. Vol. 19, No.7. pp. 821-829. Braga, C. 1992. "Tropical Forests and Trade Policy: The Cases of Indonesia and Brazil." World Bank Discussion Papers. Vol. 159. World Bank: Washington DC. Brown, L. 1995. “World Feedgrain Use Up Slightly”. In Vital Signs 1995: the trends that are shaping our future. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc: New York. Chomitz, K. and T. Thomas. 2001. “Geographic Patterns of Land Use and Land Intensity in the Brazilian Amazon”. Working paper, Development Research Group, World Bank: Washington DC. De Camino, R., O. Segura, L. G. Arias, and I. Pérez. 2000. 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