possibility cambridge

5. Sociedade Civil Transnacional
ANHEIER, Helmut / GLASIUS, Marlies / KALDOR, Mary (eds.) – Global Civil
Society 2001, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001.
Online: http://www.lse.ac.uk/Depts/global/researchgcspub.htm
(cap. 1 - Helmut Anheier, Marlies Glasius and Mary Kaldor: Introducing Global Civil Society; 2 - John
Keane: Global Civil Society?; Helmut Anheier: Measuring Global Civil Society)
ANHEIER, Helmut / GLASIUS, Marlies / KALDOR, Mary (eds.) – Global Civil
Society 2002, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002.
(cap. 1 - Helmut Anheier, Marlies Glasius and Mary Kaldor: "The State of Global Civil Society: Before
and After September 11"; cap. 2 - Neera Chandhoke: The Limits of Global Civil Society)
ANHEIER, Helmut / GLASIUS, Marlies / KALDOR, Mary (eds.) – Global Civil
Society 2003, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003.
(cap. 1 - Helmut Anheier, Marlies Glasius and Mary Kaldor: "Global Civil Society in an Era of
Regressive Globalisation: The State of Global Civil Society in 2003"; Helmut Anheier and Hagai Katz:
"Mapping Global Civil Society")
ANHEIER, Helmut / GLASIUS, Marlies / KALDOR, Mary (eds.) – Global Civil
Society 2004/5, Sage Publications, 2004.
(cap. 1 - Kenneth Anderson and David Rieff: "Global Civil Society: A Sceptical View"; Helmut Anheier
and Hagai Katz: "Network Approaches to Global Civil Society ")
ANHEIER, Helmut / GLASIUS, Marlies / KALDOR, Mary (eds.) – Global Civil
Society 2006/7, Sage Publications, 2006.
(Introduction - Martin Albrow and Helmut Anheier: "Violence and the Possibility of Global Civility";
cap. 4 - Mary Kaldor, Denisa Kostovicova and Yahia Said: "War and Peace: The Role of Global Civil
ANHEIER, Helmut / GLASIUS, Marlies / KALDOR, Mary (eds.) – Global Civil
Society 2007/8, Sage Publications, 2007.
(Introduction - Martin Albrow and Marlies Glasius: "Democracy and the Possibility of a Global Public
Sphere"; cap. 5: Mary Kaldor and Denisa Kostovicova: "Global Civil Society and Illiberal Regimes"; cap.
11 - Sabine Selchow: "Language and 'Global' Politics: De-Naturalising the 'Global'")
Baker, GIDEON and David CHANDLER (eds.) – Global Civil Society: Contested
Futures, Routledge, 2004.
COHEN, Jean / ARATO, Andrew – Civil Society and Political Theory, Cambridge,
MIT Press, 1992.
COLAS, Alejandro – International Civil Society: Social Movements in World Politics,
Polity, 2001.
(Chapter 4: International Society From Below. The Role of Civil Society in International Relations. 5:
The Promises of International Civil Society. Global Governance, Cosmopolitan Democracy and the End
of Sovereignty?)
FROST, Mervyn – “Global Civil Society: An Ethical Profile” in HOVDEN, Eivind /
KEENE, Edward (eds.) – The Globalization of Liberalism, Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2002.
GERMAIN, Randall – The Idea of Global Civil Society: Ethics and Politics in a
Globalizing Era, Routledge, 2005.
GILL, Stephen / MITTELMAN, James (eds) – Innovation and Transformation in
International Studies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
(Part III: Transformation, innovation and emancipation in global political and civil society; Part IV:
Reflections on global order in the twenty-first century)
HOWELL, Jude / PEARCE, Jenny – Civil society & development : a critical
exploration, Boulder, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001.
KALDOR, Mary – Global Civil Society: An Answer to War. Cambridge: Polity Press,
KEANE, John (ed.) – Civil Society and the State: New European Perspectives. London:
Verso, 1988.
KEANE, John – Global Civil Society?, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
SALAMON, L. / SOKOLOWSKI, S. / LIST, R. – Global Civil Society: An Overview.
Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies, 2003.
Online: http://www.ccss.jhu.edu/pdfs/Books/BOOK_GCS_2003.pdf
SMITH, Jackie (ed.) – Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics: Solidarity
Beyond the State. Syracuse University Press, 1997.
TAYLOR, Rupert (ed.) – Creating a Better World: Interpreting Global Civil Society,
Kumarian Press, 2004.
WALZER, Michael (ed.) – Toward a Global Civil Society, Berghahn Books, 1997.
AMOORE, Louise / LANGLEY, Paul – “Ambiguities of Global Civil Society”, Review
of International Studies, 30(1), 2004.
(Sem PDF)
BAKER, Gideon – “Problems in the Theorisation of Global Civil Society,” Political
Studies, 50, 2002.
BROWN, C. – 'Cosmopolitanism, World Citizenship and Global Civil Society',
Contemporary Research in Social and Political Philosophy, 3(1), 2000.
KALDOR, Mary – “The idea of global civil society”, International Affairs, Vol. 79
Issue 3, 2003.
KALDOR, Mary – “Democracy and Globalisation”, Centre for the Study of Global
Governance Working Paper Series, WP 03/2008.
LIPSCHUTZ – Ronnie, “Restructuring World Politics: The Emergence of Global Civil
Society,” Millennium 21(3), 1992.
(Sem PDF)
LIPSCHUTZ, Ronnie – “Power, Politics and Global Civil Society,” Millennium 33(3),
(Sem PDF)
LUPEL, Adam – "Tasks of a Global Civil Society: Held, Habermas and Democratic
Legitimacy beyond the Nation-State", Globalizations, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2005.
MATTHEWS, Jessica – “Power Shift: The Rise of Global Civil Society”, Foreign Affairs,
January-February 1997
MUNCK, Ronaldo, – “Global Civil Society: Myths and Prospects”, Voluntas:
International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 13(4), 2002.
PETERSON, M. J. – “Transnational Activity, International Society and World Politics”,
Millennium - Journal of International Studies, Vol 21, 1992.
(Sem PDF)
PRICE, Richard – “Transnational Civil Society and Advocacy in World Politics”,
World Politics, 55, 2003.
(Sem PDF)
SCHOLTE, Jan Aart – "Global Civil Society: Changing the World?", CSGR Working
Paper No. 31/99, 1999.