Evaluation of Entrance Assessment Arrangements November 2011 Please take a few moments to complete the questionnaire below, by ticking the appropriate box, regarding our arrangements of the Entrance Assessments which were held in November 2011. Thank you for your co-operation. Issue Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree I found the Familiarisation Morning in October 2011 informative. My child found the Familiarisation Morning in October 2011 helpful and beneficial. The arrangements for the Entrance Assessment in November 2011 were well organised. My child found the arrangements for the Entrance Assessment in November 2011 straight forward to follow. It was better to have the English and Mathematics Assessments on the same day rather than having to come to school on two separate mornings. The length of the morning of the Entrance Assessment was not too long for my child. My child found multiple-choice style questions straight forward to answer. On the day of the Entrance Assessment, my child was able to complete the OMR sheets without any difficulties. Rainey Endowed School has kept me well informed of all the main issues involved in the Entrance Assessment Process. Please feel free to comment on any of the above Issues, if appropriate and note any suggestions for improvement in any possible future Entrance Assessment Arrangements. Cannot Comment