HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL DISABILITY EQUALITY SCHEME The purpose of the Disability Equality Scheme is to show how Holy Trinity International School is going to promote disability equality for disabled staff, pupils, parents and the wider community. We believe in treating everyone fairly and we are committed to creating an environment in our school in which everyone involved can take part. All school staff have a responsibility to treat everyone fairly and to promote arrangements for people with disabilities. The following aims are written in accordance with the schools Mission statement and in compliance with the DDA, (Disability Discrimination Act). Aims: To ensure appropriate provision is made for children and adults with disabilities. To ensure that school documentation promotes Disability Equality. To create appropriate strategic planning to address future needs. To ensure equal access within the physical environment and access to information. Objectives: To make appropriate provision for staff training. To review and adapt requirements of the curriculum where appropriate. To audit and review resources. Information for parents and public is regularly reviewed in line with the DDA. Improve ways for greater involvement of children with disabilities. Review whole school policies with potential for any discrimination that may arise e.g. anti-bullying. To review budget in line with requirements, both present and future. To involve disabled pupils and their parents in making decisions. The school has identified certain areas of good practice where proactive steps have already being taken: Ensured effective communication to improve transition arrangements between schools for students with disabilities. Ensured effective communication to improve transition arrangements between HTIS , students and parents. Whole school staff meetings on nature of disabilities and subsequent requirements for the curriculum and physical accommodation within classrooms and movement throughout the school site. Regularly carried out risk assessments to ensure ease of access to all aspects of school life. Liaised with external agencies to promote a safe and appropriate access to the curriculum and school site. The school is aware of some areas of concern: Physical limitations of the school site and subsequent budgetary implications. How to further develop the curriculum to address issues raised by disability. Communication with LEA as an Independent school. The subsequent Action Plan addresses the short, medium and long term requirements in ensuring the promotion of Disability Equality and considers access to school facilities and curriculum; relationships with others. Three Year Action Plan 2013 - 2016. 2013 - 2014 Target Strategy Resources / cost To ensure full access to teaching and learning. To annually review planning in accordance with IEP. Focus on classroom management and use of resources. Directed time through July 2014 staff meetings. Departmental budgets. Equal access to teaching and learning, indicated through planning and classroom management. To provide equal opportunities to participate in extra -curricular activities and school visits. To explore and promote a wide Directed time July 2014 range of activities and assess Meetings with parents requirements to ensure access on and students. a regular basis Students with disabilities participating in school clubs and visits Training for differentiating curriculum. Timeframe teachers on To regularly review learning Staff meetings and Ongoing in the requirements and impact on review meetings. teaching. Give overview of appropriate strategies. Research help and advice Liaise with parents and LEA to Review meetings. from medical and maximise access to services and psychological external information available. agencies. Develop risk assessments to Through Health and Safety Health and help inform the strategic Committee carry out risk meetings. planning of the school. assessments assessing mobility through school site regularly Achievement Teachers familiar with current issues. July 2014 School updated and relevant information cascaded. Up to date knowledge of support services. Safety July 2014 Ramps/handrails/hoists installed to improve access to Senior/Prep School. Involvement of local disability Contact local groups to support Directed time groups. school in better understanding of disability matters. July 2014 Raised local profile / community involvement. To assess the physical To review classroom allocation to Directed time limitations of the buildings. minimise use of stairs. December 2013 Timetable established allocating classrooms across two floors, with easy access to toilets. To create an exit plan for all Fire marshals correctly trained, Directed time students in emergency equipment purchased as Fire Drills situations necessary External agencies Equipment purchase December 2013 Purchase of evac chair, staff allocated to assist specific students Developing involvement. pupils’ Involve pupils in promoting Establish links with July 2014 disability equality and awareness School Council through PSHE syllabus, school Forum. council and assemblies. Pupils and whole school benefit from increased awareness. 2014-2015. Target Strategy Resources / cost Timeframe Involving parents / carers. Set ways in which parents and Cost of producing Ongoing. carers can be involved through newsletters. newsletters and invitations to events. Assess future provision for Explore requirements and Directed time. students / staff with hearing implications on teaching and External agencies. and sight loss. learning, especially the use of ICT for partially sighted students / staff. Achievement Increased parental/ carer involvement. July 2015 School is able to make appropriate provision for staff and students with hearing and sight disabilities, from Nursery through to Sixth Form. and Feb 2015 In line with review and target setting day, action plan drawn up. To review all access routes, Carry out risk assessments on Directed time through Dec 2015 internal and external. external access points to school Health and Safety site and building, outdoor sports Committee. facilities, circulation areas, staircases, classrooms, toilet facilities, Identify barriers to access using checklist, (Appendix A) Action plan in place to address areas that are not compliant. Information gathering on Send out parental/ student letters / Students students with disabilities, feedback forms. parents. their experiences and areas for improvement. 2015-2016. Targets Strategy Resources / Cost Timeframe Achievement Monitoring and review of Formal review of information Directed time Disability equality scheme. gathering processes, information gathered and targets identified and met. July 2016 Understanding of progress made and yet to be made with appropriate strategies. Develop school plan improve access designated areas. Dec 2015 Capital resources secured and physical accessibility of school increased. July 2012 Raised local profile / community involvement. to Work with IES / foundation to Ongoing to establish funding for projects, to inform extent of provision Involvement of local disability Contact local groups to support Directed time groups. school in better understanding of disability matters. Appendix A This list should help you identify barriers to access that exist in schools. The list is not exhaustive. It is designed to encourage a flexible approach to the further questioning of accessibility to school. How does the school deliver the curriculum? YES NO Do teachers and teaching assistants have the necessary training to teach and support disabled students? Are classrooms optimally organised for disabled students? Do lessons provide opportunities for all students to achieve? Are lessons responsive to student diversity? Do lessons involve work to be done by individuals, pairs, groups and the whole class? Are all students encouraged to take part in music, drama and physical activities? Do staff allow for additional time required to use equipment in practical work? Do staff provide alternative ways of giving access to experience or understanding for disabled students who cannot engage in particular activities? Is there appropriate ICT provision for students with disabilities? Are school visits, including overseas visits, made accessible to all students irrespective of attainment or impairment? Are there high expectations of all students? Is the school designed to meet the needs of all students? YES NO Does the size and layout of areas – including all academic, sporting, play, social facilities; classrooms, assembly halls, dining room, library, gym and outdoor sporting facilities, playgrounds and common rooms – allow access for all students? Are all areas well lit? Are non-visual guides used to assist people to use buildings including lifts with tactile buttons? Could any of the decor or signage be considered to be confusing or disorientating for disabled students with Visual impairment, autism or epilepsy? Can students who use wheelchairs move round school without experiencing barriers to access such as those caused by doorways, steps and stairs, toilet facilities and showers? Are pathways of travel around the school site and parking arrangements safe, routes logical and well signed? Are emergency and evacuation systems set to inform all students including students with SEN and disabilities including alarms with both visual and auditory components?