EMERGENCY 504 FOR SPRING 2014 TESTING LOUISIANA STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SECTION 504 STANDARDIZED ASSESSMENT DATA VALIDATION FORM for K-12 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES (Section 504 Eligible) Instructions: This form must be completed and submitted to LDE after determining that students are eligible for Section 504 services and before providing standardized testing accommodations to students who routinely receive Section 504 accommodations. LEA Section 504 Coordinators must ensure that a copy of this form accompanies the original Individual Accommodation Plan for students with disabilities (Section 504 Eligible). Information obtained from this form will be used for gathering statistical data for research-based initiatives, data validation of students receiving accommodations for standardized statewide assessment, training and/or technical assistance purposes. School District:_Jefferson_ School:____________________ School Code:_______Principal:________________________ SBLC/504 Chairperson:_____________________ District Section 504 Coordinator:_ NA Date:_______ Total # of 504 Students Receiving Test Accommodations in School:___NA____ Total # of 504 students on site:__NA___ Student’s Name Last 4 digits of student’s SS # Grade Qualifying Disability Standardized Assessment Accommodations Needed for Assessment (Codes may be used) ex. #68-Braille School District:_Jefferson_______ Student’s Name Last 4 Digits of student’s SS# School:_________________________ Grade Qualifying Disability Standardized Assessment Page ___ of Accommodations Needed for Assessment