Ola Engelsen, The relationship between exposure of ultraviolet

Senior Scientist
Tromsø, Norway
Engelsen, Ola
Married, three children born 1999, 2001 and 2005
1997 Dr. Scient. in Applied Physics
University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway
Thesis: An investigation of the coupled surface-atmosphere
radiative transfer problem of remote sensing in the visible
and near-infrared spectral bands and its inversion.
1991 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Thesis: Acoustic imaging: The reconstruction of underwater
1989 B. Eng. in Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Thesis: SiO2 cantilever beam spatial light modulator.
Scientific proposal writing, project management, EU and
national research project coordination and reporting.
Referee for Journal of Geophysical Research, International
Journal of Remote Sensing, Limnology & Oceanography,
International Journal of Biometeorology, Hormone and
Metabolic Research, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Co-adviser for doctoral student Kåre Edvardsen at University
of Tromsø, 2005 – present.
Perl, IDL, C and Fortran programming. Basic Linux and
windows system administration.
NILU, Ola Engelsen
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Enclosure: Publication list
Norwegian (native)
English (fluent)
German (moderate)
Italian (limited)
CV: Engelsen, Ola
French (limited)
Norway, Italy, USA
* American Geophysical Union (AGU)
* Norwegian Society of Chartered Technical and Scientific
Professionals (Tekna)
* International Commission on Illumination (CIE) Technical
Committees TC6-58 (A Recommendation on Lower Limits
for UV exposure)
Norwegian Society for Photomedicine and Photobiology
(NOFFOF): board member.
Several publications covering topics within UV and optical
remote sensing, radiative transfer modelling, ozone, sea ice,
oceanic chlorophyll, hydroacoustics and more.
See below.
Radiative transfer modelling, UV radiation and its effects,
remote sensing
11/00 - present
Senior Research Scientist: Norwegian Institute for Air
Research, Tromsø. Remote sensing, UV radiation and ozone
research. Effects of UV radiation.
1/99 - 10/00
Research Scientist: Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromsø
Development of remote sensing methods for identification
and characterization of polar sea ice. Remote sensing of
oceanic chlorophyll.
3/97 - 12/98
9/93 - 3/97
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Research Scientist: NORUT IT, Tromsø, Norway.
Development of remote sensing methods based on radiative
transfer modeling in the ultraviolet, visible and infrared
spectral domains. Simulation of measured UV spectra, design
of fast UV radiative transfer model, sensitivity studies of
ozone distribution on surface radiation, identification
methods for dense boreal forest areas from space, surface
temperature retrieval from space. Project acquisition and
Ph.D. Student and Research Scientist.
Satellite remote sensing of terrestrial surfaces and the
atmosphere chiefly in the optical domain. Extraction of
physical radiative properties using radiative transfer
modeling. Surface identification. Improvement of AVHRR
processing chains to produce data more suitable for
quantitative and directional analysis. Participated in the
writing of funded proposals.
CV: Engelsen, Ola
Research Assistant: Norwegian Defence Research
Studied satellite remote sensing systems and Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) in particular. Worked on estimation of
speckle noise moments in SAR ocean images and
segmentation of SAR images.
9/91 - 12/91
7/92 - 8/93
Research Assistant: Department of Electrical Engineering.
University of Washington: Seattle, USA.
Worked on methods for microwave tomography of rainfalls.
Research Assistant: Applied Physics Laboratory.
University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Developed imaging algorithms and computer code for an
underwater acoustic imaging system. Studied and compared
various types of underwater imaging systems and methods.
7/90 - 8/91
Webb A.R., O. Engelsen (2008) Ultraviolet exposure
scenarios: risks of erythema from recommendations on
cutaneous vitamin D synthesis, Adv Exp Med Biol., 624,
Thiel, S., L. Ammannato, A. Bais, B. Bandy, M.
Blumthaler, B. Bohn, O. Engelsen, G. P. Gobbi, J. Gröbner,
E. Jäkel, W. Junkermann, S. Kazadzis, R. Kift, B.
Kjeldstad, N. Kouremeti, A. Kylling, B. Mayer, P. S.
Monks, C. E. Reeves, B. Schallhart, R. Scheirer, S.
Schmidt, R. Schmitt, J. Schreder, R. Silbernagl, C.
Topaloglou, T. M. Thorseth, A. R.Webb, M. Wendisch, and
P. Werle (2008) Influence of clouds on the spectral actinic
flux density in the lower troposphere (INSPECTRO):
overview of the field campaigns, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8,
Brustad M., K. Edvardsen, T. Wilsgaard, O. Engelsen, L.
Aksnes, E. Lund (2007) Seasonality of UV-radiation and
vitamin D status at 69 degrees north, Photochemical and
Photobiological Sciences, 6, 903-908,
van der Mei I.A.F., Ponsonby A.-L., Engelsen O., Pasco
J.A., McGrath J.J., Eyles D.W., Blizzard L., Dwyer T.,
Lucas R., Jones G. (2007) The high prevalence of vitamin
D insufficiency across Australian populations is only partly
explained by season and latitude. Environmental Health
Perspectives, Aug:115(8), 1132-39.
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CV: Engelsen, Ola
Edvardsen, K., M. Brustad, O. Engelsen and L. Aksnes
(2007) The Solar UV Radiation Level Needed for
Cutaneous Production of Vitamin D3 in the Face. A Study
Conducted Among Subjects Living at a High Latitude
(68°N), Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 6,
57-62, doi:10.1039/b613263d.
Webb, A.R. and O. Engelsen (2006) Calculated Ultraviolet
Exposure Levels for a Healthy Vitamin D Status.
Photochemistry and Photobiology. 82(6), 1697–1703.
Engelsen O., M. Brustad, L. Aksnes and E. Lund (2005)
Daily Duration of Vitamin D Synthesis in Human Skin with
Relation to Latitude, Total Ozone, Altitude, Ground Cover,
Aerosols and Cloud Thickness, Photochemistry and
Photobiology, 81(6), 1287-1290.
Engelsen, O. and A. Kylling (2005) Fast simulation tool for
ultraviolet radiation at the earth’s surface. Optical
Engineering, 44(4), 041012.1-7.
Engelsen, O., G. Hansen, and T. Svenøe (2004), Long-term
(1936–2003) ultraviolet and photosynthetically active
radiation doses at a north Norwegian location in spring on
the basis of total ozone and cloud cover, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 31, L12103, doi:10.1029/2003GL019241.
Brustad M., Alsaker E., Engelsen O., Aksnes L. and Lund E.,
Vitamin D status in middle-aged women at 65-71 degrees
north in relation to dietary intake and exposure to ultraviolet
radiation, Public Health Nutrition, 7 (2), 327-335,
doi:101029/2002JD003325, 2004.
Engelsen O., H. Hop, E. N. Hegseth, E. Hansen, S. Falk Petersen, "Deriving phytoplankton biomass in the Marginal
Ice Zone from satellite observable parameters", International
Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 25, Number 7-8, 10-20
April 2004, Pages 1453-1457.
Engelsen O., E. N. Hegseth, H. Hop, E. Hansen and S. FalkPetersen, "Spatial variability of chlorophyll-a in the Marginal
Ice Zone of the Barents Sea, with relations to sea ice and
oceanographic conditions", Journal of Marine Systems,
Volume 35, Issue 1-2, 15 June 2002, Pages 79-97.
Van Weele M., Martin T. J., Blumthaler M., Brogniez C., den
Outer P. N., Engelsen O., Lenoble J., Pfister G., Ruggaber A.,
Walravens B., Weihs P., Dieter H., Gardiner B., Gillotay D.,
Kylling A., Mayer B., Seckmeyer G. and Wauben W.: "From
model intercomparison towards benchmark UV spectra for
six real atmospheric cases", Journal of Geophysical Research,
Vol. 105, No. D4, Pages 4915-4925, February 2000
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CV: Engelsen, Ola
Lapeta B., Engelsen O., Litynska Z., Kylling A. and Kois B.:
"Sensitivity of surface UV radiation and ozone column
retrieval to ozone and temperature profiles", Journal of
Geophysical Research, Vol. 105, No. D4, February 2000
Solheim I., Engelsen O., Hosgood B. and Andreoli G.:
"Measurement And Modeling of the Spectral and Directional
Reflection Properties of Lichen and Moss Canopies", Remote
Sensing of Environment, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 78-94, 2000
Verstraete M. M., Engelsen O., Gobron N., Pinty B. and
Martonchik J. V. (1997): "Advanced models for multiangular
remote sensing data interpretation", Journal of Remote
Sensing, Vol. 1 Suppl., Special Issue of the First International
Workshop on Multi-angular Remote Sensing, May 1997,
ISSN 1007-4619
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CV: Engelsen, Ola
Other publications
S. Thiel, L. Ammannato, A. Bais, B. Bandy, M. Blumthaler, B. Bohn, O. Engelsen, G. P. Gobbi,
J. Gröbner, E. Jäkel, W. Junkermann, S. Kazadzis, R. Kift, B. Kjeldstad, N. Kouremeti, A.
Kylling, B. Mayer, P. S. Monks, C. E. Reeves, B. Schallhart, R. Scheirer, S. Schmidt, R.
Schmitt, J. Schreder, R. Silbernagl, C. Topaloglou, T. M. Thorseth, A. R. Webb, M. Wendisch,
and P. Werle, Influence of clouds on the spectral actinic flux density in the lower troposphere
(INSPECTRO): overview of the field campaigns, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 7, 1341713473, 2007
Webb, A.R. and Engelsen, O. (2007) Ultraviolet Exposure Scenarios: Risks of Erythema from
Recommendations on Cutaneous Vitamin D Synthesis, Book chapter in “Sunlight, Vitamin D
and Skin Cancer”, J. Reichrath (Editor), Landes Bioscience,
Ola Engelsen, The relationship between exposure of ultraviolet radiation and vitamin D status,
12th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, University of Bath, U.K., September
1/6, 2007. Invited talk og abstract.
O. Engelsen, K. Sorensen, J. Hokedal and K. Stebel
Aerosol measurements and atmospheric correction at high northern latitudes: a comparison of
MERIS data, IV International Conference on "Current Problems in Optics of Natural Waters,
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, September 11-15, 2007, Talk and 4-page proceedings paper
Ola Engelsen, The relationship between exposure of ultraviolet radiation and vitamin D status,
A UV Conference celebrating One century of UV Radiation Research, 18 - 20 September 2007,
Davos, Switzerland. Talk and 2-page extended abstract.
Ola Engelsen, The FastRT UV simulation tool: recent updates, spin-offs and applications, A UV
Conference celebrating One century of UV Radiation Research, 18 - 20 September 2007, Davos,
Switzerland. Poster and 2-page extended abstract.
Engelsen O, A. R. Webb (2007) Analysis and reconstructions of measured vertical UV
radiation profiles during the UV campaign in Thessaloniki July 2006, SCOUT-O3 EU project
meeting, Crete, 7-11 May 2007. Poster.
Engelsen, O. and Hansen, G.H. (2007) UV/visible radiation climate variability on a decadal
scale at Svalbard. Poster. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø, 21-26 January.
Hansen, G., Vogler, C., Brönnimann, S. and Engelsen, O. (2006). Latitude dependent influence
of climate teleconnection patterns on total ozone and UV radiation levels in Northern Europe.
Poster presentation. (PP 42/2006). (International workshop on climate variability and extremes
during the past 100 years, Gwatt, Switzerland, 24-26 July 2006.).
Engelsen O, Brustad M, Lund E, Vitamin D winter: New considerations on its duration,
Proceedings of the CIE symposium 2004 on Light and Health: non-visual effects, 30 Sep. - 2
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CV: Engelsen, Ola
Oct. 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 54-56. CIE x027:2004. Proceedings article, book of extended
abstracts, and oral presentation.
Engelsen O, Kylling A, A fast, easy and accurate simulation tool for ultraviolet radiation at the
earth's surface, Proceedings of the CIE symposium 2004 on Light and Health: non-visual
effects, 30 Sep. - 2 Oct. 2004, Vienna, Austria, pp. 196-199. CIE x027:2004. Proceedings
article, book of extended abstracts and poster.
Seckmeyer G, B. Kjeldstad, E. Putz, P. Taalas, B. Gardiner, A. Bais, H. Slaper, A. Kylling, A.
Webb, P. Weihs, O. Engelsen, M. Blumthaler, J. Lenoble, M. Janouch, J. Krzyscin, K. Eerme, Z.
Litynska, D. Gillotay, A.G. di Sarra, U. Feister, M. Steinmetz, J. Groebner21, A-M Siani, D.
Henriques, M. van Weele, C. Brogniez, T. Koskela, EDUCE - European database for ultraviolet
radiation climatology and evaluation, 3rd Euroskin Conference in Stockholm, 16-19 September
2003. Poster.
Engelsen O.and Kylling A., Fast simulation tool for UV radiation and diagnosis of measured UV
spectra. In Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5156 Ultraviolet Ground and Space-based Measurements,
Models and Effects III,. Slusser, J. R, Herman J. R., Gao W. (eds.), 409-419, 2003.
Ola Engelsen and Georg Hansen, "Reconstruction of the long-term UV climate at a NorthNorwegian location in spring", Sixth European Symposium on Stratospheric Ozone,
Gothenburg, Sept 2-6 2002. Poster.
Falk-Petersen, S., Hop, H., Poltermann, M., Dahl, T.M., Hansen, E., Pavlov, V., Pavlova, O.,
Nøst, O.A., Løyning, T.B., Engelsen, O., Borgå, K., Sargent, J.R., Scott, C.L., Kwasniewski, S.
& Wiktor, J. 2002c: Ecosystem consequences of the variability in the ice-ocean system of the
Barents Sea. 37th European Marine Biology Symposium August 2002, Reykjavik - Iceland.
Engelsen O (2001): "Fast simulations of downward UV doses, indices and irradiances at the
Earth's surface", http://nadir.nilu.no/~olaeng/fastrt/fastrt.html
Engelsen O, Falk-Petersen S, Hegseth E N, Hop H and Hansen E: "Spatial variability of
chlorophyll-a in the Barents Sea: relations to sea ice and hydrography", Oceans from Space
"Venice 2000", Abstracts and CD-ROM, V. Barale, J.F.R. Gower and L. Alberotanza (eds),
European Commission, EUR 19661 EN
Engelsen O and Kylling A: "Fast radiation transfer modeling of downward UV doses, indices
and irradiances at the Earth's surface", European Conference on Atmospheric UV Radiation,
Helsinki, 28 June - 2 July 1998
Engelsen O, Litynska Z, Kois B, Lapeta B and Kylling A (1998): "Influence of vertical ozone
profiles on ground UV radiation - part 1: Sensitivity study and implications for total ozone
column retrieval", European Conference on Atmospheric UV Radiation, Helsinki, 28 June - 2
July 1998
Lapeta B, Litynska Z, Kois B, Engelsen O and Kylling A: "Influence of vertical ozone profiles
on ground UV radiation - Part 2: study on selected real atmospheres", European Conference on
Atmospheric UV Radiation, Helsinki, 28 June - 2 July 1998
Van Weele M, Blumthaler M, Brogniez C, Engelsen O, Lenoble J, Martin T, den Outer P, Pfister
G, Ruggaber A, Walraven B and Weihs P: "From model intercomparison towards benchmark
UV spectra for real atmospheric cases", European Conference on Atmospheric UV Radiation,
Helsinki, 28 June - 2 July 1998
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Enclosure: Publication list
CV: Engelsen, Ola
Engelsen O, Govaerts Y, Pinty B and Verstraete M M (1998): "Identification of dense boreal
forest on the basis of simulated NOAA-AVHRR reflectance factors", IGARSS'98, IEEE, Vol. V,
pp. 2729-2731
Engelsen O, Pinty B, Verstraete M M and Martonchik J V (1998): "Parametric bidirectional
reflectance factor models for atmospheric radiative transfer modeling", IGARSS'98, IEEE, Vol.
II, pp. 713-715
Engelsen O, Pinty B, Govaerts Y and Verstraete M M (1998): "Identification of surface areas to
represent a suitable surface boundary condition for atmospheric radiative transfer analysis",
IGARSS'98, Vol. IV, pp. 2128-2130
Solheim I and Engelsen O: "Detection of Lichen Covered Areas in a Landsat-5 TM Scene by the
use of Bidirectional Reflectance Factors", In Proceedings of 27th Symposium on Remote
Sensing of Environment, Tromsø, 8-12 June 1998
Engelsen O (1998): "Fast simulations of downward UV irradiances at the Earth's surface for
clear sky conditions", http://www.itek.norut.no/~olae/fastrt/fastrt.html
Govaerts Y M, Engelsen O, Pinty B and Verstraete M M (1997): "Identification of a particular
tropical forest environment on the basis of simulated NOAA-AVHRR reflectance factors",
Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Guyot & Phulpin (eds), Balkema,
Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 917 3
Engelsen O, Pinty B, Verstraete M M and Martonchik J V (1997): "Design and evaluation of
parametric bidirectional reflectance factor models", Physical Measurements and Signatures in
Remote Sensing, Guyot & Phulpin (Eds), Balkema, ISBN 90 5410 917 3
Solheim I, Hosgood B, Andreoli G and Engelsen O (1997): "An Experimental Study of
Bidirectional Reflectance properties of Lichens", Norut IT Technical Report, N-9005 Tromsø,
Engelsen O, Pinty B, Verstraete M M and Martonchik J V (1996): "Parametric Bidirectional
Reflectance Factor Models: Evaluation, Improvements and Applications", EC JRC Technical
Report, EUR 16426 EN
Engelsen O (1995): "Exploratory research on the detection and characterization of dense dark
vegetation (DDV)". Final report. Norut IT Contract report no. 10331-94-07 F1EI ISP N
Engelsen O and Verstraete M M: "Designing Vegetation Indices to Detect Dense Dark
Vegetation (DDV)". Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 5-9 December 1994, San
Francisco, Ca. (USA), ORA 38762
Rosenblum L, Kamgar-Parsi B, Belcher E O and Engelsen O: "Acoustic Imaging: The
Reconstruction of Underwater Objects", IEEE 91 Visualization Conference, San Diego, October
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CV: Engelsen, Ola