Dose Rate and Shielding Scoping Calculations for an IBN-12 Pu-Be Neutron Source Andrey Berlizov, Joseph Magill JRC-ITU-TN-2007/78 The mission of ITU is to provide the scientific foundation for the protection of the European citizen against risks associated with the handling and storage of highly radioactive material. ITU’s prime objectives are to serve as a reference centre for basic actinide research, to contribute to an effective safety and safeguards system for the nuclear fuel cycle, and to study technological and medical applications of radionuclides/actinides. Report -No: JRC-ITU-TN-2007/78 Classification: Unclassified Type of Report: Technical Report Unit: Actinide Research / Nuclear Safeguards and Security Action No: 53103 (FACIL) Name reviewed by the project coordinator / or action leader (A. Berlizov) approved by the project leader (J. Magill) approved by the head of unit (K. Lützenkirchen) released by the director (T. Fanghänel) Date Signature European Commission Joint Research Centre Institute for Transuranium Elements Contact information Address: Dr. Andrey Berlizov, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Joint Research Centre, Postafach 2340, 76125 Karlsruhe E-mail: Tel.: +49 7247 951 586 Fax: +49 7247 961 99 586 Legal Notice Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this publication. A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server © European Communities, 2007 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged 1 1. Introduction The Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) was contacted in October 2007 by the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) with a request to consider the chemical separation of the plutonium and beryllium in a IBN12 Pu-Be neutron source. These scoping calculations were performed to support decision making on the possibility of performing such separation using facilities available in ITU. This report addresses primarily the radiation safety and radiation protection issues, giving rough estimations for the dose rates, which would be expected from the source, and shielding, which would be required for its safe handling. 2. Source properties Pu-Be sources are fast neutron sources, where neutrons are produced mainly through the 9Be(,n)12C* reaction with a relatively small contribution from the self-multiplication effect due to the neutron induced fission on Pu isotopes and (n,2n) reactions on 9Be and other nuclides present in the source construction materials. An experimental spectrum of the neutrons from a Pu-Be source is shown in Fig. 1 (Stewart, 1955). The intensity of typical Pu-Be sources does not exceed 108 n/s. Alpha-beryllium neutron sources produce approximately 30 neutrons for every one million alpha particles The fast neutrons from Pu-Be sources are always accompanied by less intense photon radiation originating mainly from the decay of Pu isotopes and accumulated 241Am as well as from the de-excitation of 12C, yielding 4.44 MeV photons. The other less important sources of gamma-radiation include bremsstrahlung of secondary electrons and various (n,x) activation reactions occurring in the source and its surrounding materials. A spectrum from a Pu-Be source collected using a conventional high-resolution gamma-spectrometer is shown in Fig. 1 (Lakosi et al., 2005). The neutron output of the Pu-Be sources and the amount of Pu inside them depends significantly on the isotopic composition of Pu utilized for their production. Experimental studies show that Pu isotopics in Pu-Be source can vary in broad ranges (Filß and Welse, 1993; Bagi et al., 2004). The IBN type Pu-Be sources have been produced in the former Soviet Union and widely utilized in industrial and military applications (acronym IBN stands for Source of Fast Neutrons). The construction of the sources and their typical dimensions are shown in Fig.2 (data taken from the Booklet of the Radiation Sources Supplied by the All-Union Enterprise "Isotope"). The sources include an active cylinder made of an inter-metallic compound of plutonium and beryllium, which is tightly encased in a two-fold stainless steel capsule. According to the data in Fig. 2, the IBN-12 type sources have external dimensions of 46 mm 46 mm and of 54 mm 64 mm for the active part and protective capsule respectively. Their typical strength is within (5 1)107 n/s. The activity of Pu isotopes inside such sources does not exceed 1.31012 Bq and the -ray dose rate at 1 m distance is less than 130 Sv/hr (the value has been converted from 9.510-10 ampere per kg indicated in Fig. 2). Fig. 3 shows the construction of containers (type KN-9m 107), which have been used for storing IBN-12 and other neutron sources with similar strength. The major material used in the container shielding is paraffin (estimated thickness is about 30 cm), which indicates that the major shielding effect for such sources is achieved through the thermalisation of the fast neutrons. Fig.4 shows a scanned copy of the Certificate of the IBN-12, which has been provided by the BfS. The values indicated in the Certificate agree well with the typical characteristics of such sources: strength – 5.12107 n/s, activity – 1.251012 Bq, external dimensions - 54 mm 64 mm. The date of the source production is August 1977. The neutron and photon dose field characteristics from the IBN-12 source, as measured and provided by the BfS, are summarized in Table 1. No specific data on the Pu content and isotopic composition in the IBN-12 source is available. According to the information provided by the BfS (Beschreibung von geschlossen Pu-Be-Quellen schneller Neutronen) the typical amount of 239Pu in the IBN-12 sources does not exceed 115.9 g. The isotopic composition averaged over ten aged IBN type sources, as reported by Filß and Welse, 1993, was found to be: 0.6 wt.% - 238Pu, 75 wt.% - 239Pu, 24 wt.% - 240Pu, 0.5 wt.% - 241Pu (see Table 2). 3. Summary of the approach Dose rates were evaluated basically by means of Monte Carlo calculations with application of the general purpose Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code MCNP4c (Briesmeister, 1997). The calculations involve the convolution of calculated neutron and photon flux energy distributions with the respective fluence-to-effective dose conversion coefficients. The neutron and photon flux energy distributions were computed using analog (F2 tally) and/or non-analog (next-event-estimator F5 tally) approaches. 2 The anterior-posterior irradiation condition was assumed and the respective fluence-to-effective dose conversion coefficients were utilized (Pelliccioni, 2000). The neutron doses were evaluated in tree different spectral regions, from 0 to 0.55 eV, from 0.55 to 105 eV, and from 105 to 2106 eV, corresponding to thermal, epithermal and fast neutrons respectively. The photon doses were evaluated separately for 4.44 MeV photons, originating from the de-excitation of 12C, and other photons, including bremsstrahlung of the secondary electrons and various (n,x) reactions in the source and surrounding materials (capsule, shielding, air, measurement room etc.). The intensity of 4.44 MeV photons was evaluated from the activity of the source, taking into account the experimental value 4.0610-5 (4.44 MeV photons per incident -particle) for the thick target -ray production yield (Heaton et al., 1997). The MCNP model of the source included an active Pu-Be cylindrical part with dimensions 46 mm 46 mm surrounded by 4 mm thick stainless steel walled capsule. A uniform distribution of the activity within the active part of the source was assumed. The neutron emission rate 5.12107 n/s was taken according to the source's Certificate. Energy distribution of the neutrons was modeled according to the experimental data shown in Fig.1. The contribution of Pu isotopes and 241Am decay -rays to the total dose rate was evaluated deterministically using the Dosimetry and Shielding module available in Nucleonica. The point-like model for the source was considered. Additionally, the Nucleonica's Decay Engine was utilized in the evaluations of the current isotopic composition of the Pu-Be source (Magill et al., 2007) The dose and shielding calculations were performed for the following geometries: (A) source in free space, (B) source positioned in the center of a measurement room (341.5 m3, assuming 30 cm thick concrete walls), (C) source surrounded by a spherical shell (hollow radius - 50 cm, material layer thickness - 50 cm) made of water and reinforced concrete. In all cases doses were evaluated at 1 m distance from the source. The geometry B was considered to allow the comparison with the measured values reported by the BfS. The following materials were involved in the calculations: water (H2O, = 1.0 g/cm3), reinforced concrete (H 0.54 wt.%, O - 48.36 wt.%, Al - 4.43 wt.%, Si - 30.65 wt.%, Ca - 8.02 wt.%, Fe - 8.00 wt.%, = 2.4 g/cm3), air (C - 0.0126 wt.%, N - 76.5082 wt.%, O - 23.4792 wt.%, = 1.29310-3 g/cm3), Pu-Be compound (238Pu - 0.235 wt.%, 239Pu - 35.23 wt.%, 240Pu - 11.28 wt.%, 241Pu - 0.235 wt.%, Be - 53 wt.%, = 3.223 g/cm3). The density and elemental composition of the Pu-Be compound were calculated from the source dimensions and anticipated total Pu mass (154.5 g). 4. Results and discussion To obtain an estimate for the current isotopic composition of the IBN-12 source, it was assumed that in 1993 it was similar to the averaged isotopic composition found in the experimental study performed by Filß and Welse, 1993. Then, using Nucleonica, this composition was recalculated back to the fabrication date of the IBN-12 source (August 1977), and afterwards it was recalculated again to the present date. The summary of the isotopic composition calculations is presented in Table 2 and in Fig. 5. Partial and cumulative neutron and photon dose rates calculated for geometries A, B, and C are summarized in Table 3. Spectral distributions of neutron and photon fluxes as simulated by MCNP are shown in Fig.6. One can see that in the case of the bare source (geometry A) the calculated dose rates are underestimated in comparison with the experimental values shown in Table 1 by a factor of 3 for neutrons and by a factor of 2.5 for photons. The inclusion of the measurement room into the simulation model (geometry B) improves significantly the situation for neutrons, for which the resulting dose rate is almost doubled in comparison with the case of a bare source, which is due to the efficient backscattering of the neutrons from the concrete walls (albedo). The resulting discrepancy between the experimental and calculated neutron dose rates is about 1.8 times, which seems to present rather a good agreement if one takes into account the approximations and simplifications used in the calculations. At the same time the photon dose rate turns out to be almost uninfluenced by the measurement conditions, so the discrepancy by about a factor of 2.5 is still observed between photon dose rate in geometry B and the respective experimental value. As a possible source of additional contribution to the measured photon dose rate, an activation of the source construction elements (Fe, Ni, and Cr being the main components of the steel casing) by the fast neutrons has been considered (Basenko et al, 2005). Considering a mass of 10 g for each component, the main activation products were 54Mn (2.2x104 Bq), 51Cr (4.8x103 Bq), 55Fe (4.3x105 Bq), 57Co (3.7x105 Bq), and 58Co (2.4x105 Bq). Because of the relatively low activities, the activation products appear not to provide the explanation for the measured photon dose rate. As for the shielding calculations (geometry C), as one could expect, water provides the most efficient thermalization of the source neutrons, which, in its turn, results in the higher reduction (by more than two 3 powers of magnitude) of the neutron dose rate for this type of shielding. The resulting neutron dose rate of 6 Sv/hr seems to be acceptable from the radiation protection point of view. At the same time, the water shielding is not as good as the concrete one with respect to the attenuation of the photons. The photon dose rate is reduced by the 50 cm water layer only by a factor of 3, while the dose attenuation in the case of the concrete shielding with the same thickness is about a factor of 10. As one can see the major contribution to the photon dose rate comes from the 4.44 MeV photons. This suggests that the addition of a high-Z high-density layer of material behind the moderating medium is likely desirable to get better suppression of the photon contribution. Tables 4-7 show details of the Nucleonica calculations of the Pu isotopes and 241Am decay radiation contribution to the total gamma dose rate for various shielding materials and thicknesses. A total number of 2035 gamma and X-rays from a total of 42 parent and daughter nuclides have been taken into account in the calculation. The dose rate varies from 689 µSv/h for no shielding (Table 4) to 15.5 µSv/h for shielding with 4 mm Fe (to simulate the steel casing, Table 5). In both these cases, it can be seen that the main contributor to the gamma dose rate is the 241Am line at 59.5 keV with a contribution of 529 µSv/h. The results are also shown for 50 cm water (Table 6) and 50 cm concrete (Table 7). 5. Conclusions From the calculations performed the following two major conclusions can be drawn: Reasonable agreement between the experimental and calculated neutron dose rate from the IBN-12 source was obtained. The discrepancy between the measured and calculated photon dose rates was found to be quite high, which perhaps requires further investigation. In this respect, the additional data on the isotopic composition and mass of Pu inside the IBN-12 source could be of significant help. Experimental measurement of the Pu isotopic composition in the source using the conventional NDA gammaspectrometry technique is therefore suggested. The calculations performed demonstrate that the neutron and photon doses from the Pu-Be IBN-12 source can be in principle reduced to the reasonable levels by using realistic amounts of traditional shielding materials. The use of additional special shielding materials, e.g. borated high pressure polyethylene, can probably further improve characteristics of the radiation shielding. Multilayer shielding is likely needed for providing the efficient reduction of the resulting dose from the mixed neutron-photon radiation. Further optimization of the shielding can be performed for the realistic configurations of the chemical processing facility. 6. References J.Bagi, T.C.Nguyen, L.Lakosi, Assessment of the Pu content of Pu-Be neutron sources. Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 222 (2004) 242-248. V.K.Basenko, A.N.Berlizov, I.A.Malyuk, V.V.Tryshyn, NAAPRO: a Code for Predicting Results and Performance of Neutron Activation Analysis, Journ. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 263 (2005) 675-681. J.F.Briesmeister. MCNP – a general Monte Carlo N-particle transport code. Los Alamos National Laboratory Report, 1997, LA-12625-M. P.Filß, H.-J-Welse, Bericht über die Messung von 10 Pu-Be Neutronenquellen am 14. und im BfS Berlin, 1993, 5 Seiten. R.K.Heaton, H.W.Lee, B.C.Robertson, E.B.Norman, K.T.Lesko, B.Sur, -particle induced -ray transitions in light elements, Phys. Rev. C, 56(2) (1997) 922-937. L.Lakosi, C.T.Nguyen, J.Bagi, Quantitative NDA of isotopic neutron sources, Appl. Radiat. Isot., 63 (2005) 681687. J. Magill, J. Galy, R. Dreher, D. Hamilton, M. Tufan, C. Normand, A. Schwenk-Ferrero, H. W. Wiese, NUCLEONICA: A Nuclear Science Portal, M.Pelliccioni, Overview of Fluence-to-Effective Dose and Fluence-to-Ambient Dose Equivalent Conversion Coefficients for High Energy Radiation Calculated Using Fluka Code, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 88(4) (2000) 279–297. L.Stewart, Neutron Spectrum and Absolute Yield of a Plutonium-Beryllium Source, Phys. Rev. 98(3) (1955) 740-743. 4 Table 1. Results of the dose rate measurements from the IBN-12 #027. Radiation / Measurement conditions Dose, mSv/hr Neutron dose measurements: At contact (about 0.3 m) to the source without shielding 1 m distance to the source without shielding 2 m distance to the source without shielding 30 1.8 0.4 Photon (gamma+X) dose measurements: At contact (about 0.3 m) to the source without shielding 1 m distance to the source without shielding 2 m distance to the source without shielding 10 0.13 0.03 Table 2. Summary of the IBN-12 source isotopic composition calculations: Pu isotope composition measured in January 1993 in the BfS. The corresponding masses are also given. The Nucleonica decay engine has been used to calculate the original Pu composition 16 years earlier in 1977 and afterwards 30 years later in 2007. Date 238 239 Pu 240 Pu Pu 241 Pu 15 Jan 1993 0.6 (%) 75 (%) 24 (%) 0.5 (%) 15 Jan 1993 0.93 g 115.9 g 37.1 g 0.773 g 1977 composition (7.8E12Bq) 1.06 g 115.9 g 37.2 g 1.72 g 2007 composition (3.0E12Bq) 0.83 115.9 g 37.1 g 0.39 g 241 Am 1.29 g Table 3. Results of the calculations of the partial and cumulative dose rates at 1 m distance from the Pu-Be source. Geometry A B C (water) C (concrete) Neutron dose rate, Sv/hr: Thermal (< 0.55 eV) Epithermal (0.55 - 105 eV) Fast (> 105 eV) Total 0.0000036 0.58 626.26 626.84 9.00 27.77 987.47 1024.24 0.080 0.086 5.95 6.11 1.43 2.33 39.08 42.84 Photon dose rate, Sv/hr: Pu + 241Am 9Be(,n)12C* 4.44 MeV (n,x)-reactions and other Total 15.5 36.49 1.30 53,29 15.5 38.05 4.56 58,11 3.7 12.66 2.92 19,28 0.0018 2.44 2.93 5,37 Cumulative dose rate, Sv/hr 680,1 1082,4 25,4 48,2 5 Table 4. Plutonium-Beryllium Source (Nov. 2007), no shielding. The main contributions to the photon dose rate using Nucleonica (42 parent and daughters with 2035 gamma lines were included in the calculation). Nuclide Gamma Energy (MeV) Emiss. Probability P (per disintegration) Gamma Dose Rate (μSv/h) 95 Am 241 0.0595 1.93E-2 529 95 Am 241 0.0263 1.30E-3 116 95 Am 241 0.0270 3.36E-4 28.3 95 Am 241 0.0332 6.53E-5 3.69 94 Pu 238 0.0435 6.85E-5 2.49 Total 689 Table 5. Plutonium-Beryllium Source (Nov. 2007), 4 mm Fe. Nuclide Gamma Energy (MeV) Emiss. Probability P (per disintegration) Gamma Dose Rate (μSv/h) 95 Am 241 0.0595 1.93E-2 12.7 94 Pu 239 0.414 1.29E-6 0.228 94 Pu 239 0.375 1.36E-6 0.225 95 Am 241 0.103 1.12E-5 0.216 94 Pu 238 0.0999 1.28E-5 0.188 Total 15.5 Table 6. Plutonium-Beryllium Source (Nov. 2007), 50 cm water. Nuclide Gamma Energy (MeV) Emiss. Probability P (per disintegration) Gamma Dose Rate (μSv/h) 95 Am 241 0.0595 1.93E-2 3.35 94 Pu 239 0.375 1.36E-6 2.92E-2 94 Pu 239 0.414 1.29E-6 2.92E-2 95 Am 241 0.103 1.12E-5 2.78E-2 94 Pu 238 0.0999 1.28E-5 2.49E-2 Total 3.7 Table 7. Plutonium-Beryllium Source (Nov. 2007), 50 cm concrete. Nuclide Gamma Energy (MeV) Emiss. Probability P (per disintegration) Gamma Dose Rate (μSv/h) 94 Pu 239 0.414 1.29E-6 3.04E-4 94 Pu 239 0.375 1.36E-6 2.34E-4 95 Am 241 0.662 1.93E-7 1.87E-4 95 Am 241 0.723 5.21E-8 7.88E-5 Total 1.83E-3 6 Fig. 1. Experimental energy distributions of the neutrons (top diagram) and gamma-rays (bottom diagram, black line) from a Pu-Be source. 7 Fig. 2. Drawing and typical characteristics of IBN-1 IBN-12 type Pu-Be neutron sources (in Russian). 8 Fig. 3. Drawings of the typical containers used for storing Pu-Be neutron sources (in Russian). The container for the IBN-12 source is shown on the right bottom corner. 9 Fig. 4. Certificate of the Pu-Be fast neutron source IBN-12 #027 (in Russian) 10 Fig.5. Emission rate (emission probability per decay) of photons from the Pu-Be source (Nov. 2007). The original source (dated 1977) contained only plutonium isotopes and beryllium. As a result of ageing, the source today (Nov. 2007) contains Am-241 and other daughters of the plutonium isotopes. The calculations were made with Nucleonica. 11 -4 10 Neutrons Geometry A Geometry C (water) -5 Geometry B Geometry C (concrete) Fluence per source neutron, cm -2 10 -6 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 10 -10 10 -11 10 -9 10 -8 10 -7 10 -6 10 -5 -4 10 -3 10 10 E, MeV 10 -2 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 -5 10 -6 Fluence per source neutron, cm -2 10 -7 10 -8 10 -9 10 (n,x) photons Geometry A Geometry B Geometry C (water) Geometry C (concrete) -10 10 -11 10 -12 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E, MeV -5 10 Fluence per source photon, cm -2 9 -6 12 Be(,n) C* photons Geometry A Geometry B Geometry C (water) Geometry C (concrete) 10 -7 10 -8 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 E, MeV Fig.6. Neutron and photon flux energy distributions at 1 m distance from the Pu-Be source. 12 Distribution List T. Fanghänel (Director) ITU 1x F. Wastin (Programme) ITU 1x G. Weber (Registration & Archives) ITU 3x W. Wagner ITU 1x R. Caciuffo ITU 1x K. Lützenkirchen ITU 1x A. Berlizov ITU 1x J. Magill ITU 1x K. Mayer ITU 1x J.-P. Glatz ITU 1x Mr. Kothe BfS 1x Mr. Esser BfS 1x Mr. Hoffman BfS 1x 13 European Commission – Joint Research Centre – Institute for Transuranium Elements Title: Dose Rate and Shielding Scoping Calculations for an IBN-12 Pu-Be Neutron Source Author(s): Andrey Berlizov, Joseph Magill 2007 – 13 pp. – 21.0 x 29.7 cm Abstract The Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) was contacted in October 2007 by the Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) with a request to consider the chemical separation of the plutonium and beryllium in an IBN-12 Pu-Be neutron source. These scoping calculations were performed to support decision making on the possibility of performing such separation using facilities available in ITU. This report addresses primarily the radiation safety and radiation protection issues, giving rough estimations for the dose rates, which would be expected from the source, and shielding, which would be required for its safe handling. 14 The mission of the JRC is to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies. As a service of the European Commission, the JRC functions as a reference centre of science and technology for the Union. Close to the policy-making process, it serves the common interest of the Member States, while being independent of special interests, whether private or national. 15