Development of a Fluorimetric Assay for Fluorescence Quantification of Streptavidin Concentrations in Solution and on Surfaces Barrett J. Nehilla1,2 and Joyce Wong2 Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Boston University School of Medicine, 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University, Boston, MA 02218 1 Abstract A recently published fluorimetric assay for fluorescence quantification of streptavidin in solution was studied to ascertain its feasibility for applications in Dr. Wong’s laboratory. The Wong lab is interested in the binding of streptavidin-coated beads to different surfaces, but there is no method to quantify the streptavidin concentration on beads. The motivation of this study was to determine if the published fluorimetric assay could be applied to quantify the concentration of SA on the surfaces of beads. The intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence assay was performed in an effort to reproduce previously published results. Several different concentrations of unmodified d-biotin were used in the titration of streptavidin solutions. There was no breakpoint in the fluorescence data at any of the tested d-biotin concentrations. Quantitative measurements are not possible without a breakpoint. Biotin-4-fluorescein was used in all subsequent titrations in hopes that the saturation of binding sites would be noticeable with a bright fluorescent compound. Several experiments were conducted to work out the details of the biotin-4fluorescein protocol. It was determined that .10 mg/mL BSA in buffer A should be used to prevent nonspecific streptavidin binding to cuvette walls. Also, a 1-minute delay between the biotin-4-fluorescein addition and the fluorescence measurement was used to allow the reaction to reach equilibrium. Unfortunately, this assay is not yet accurate enough for fluorescence quantification of 4.81µM streptavidin in solution. Introduction The binding of biotin to streptavidin is a wellstudied system in bioengineering. Streptavidin (SA) is a tetramer with 4 biotin-binding sites. The dissociation constant of the biotin/SA complex is very low, and the binding kinetics are fast. Biotin’s affinity and nearly irreversible binding with SA is the basis for fluorimetric assays. The intrinsic trp fluorescence assay was the first method used to quantify SA concentrations in solution. Trp is an aromatic amino acid that absorbs UV light. The trp residues in SA are located near but not within the d-biotin binding sites (4). When d-biotin binds to SA, the SA undergoes a conformational change that blocks the trp residues near the d-biotin binding site. Therefore, the intrinsic trp fluorescence of SA decreases as more d-biotin is added to solution until all of the binding sites on SA are filled. Once all of the sites are filled, the SA fluorescence should remain constant even with further additions of d-biotin. There should be a well-defined breakpoint in the fluorescence graph, and this point is the amount of d-biotin added for complete biotin-binding site saturation. The concentration of the stock SA solution can be calculated from the breakpoint. Unfortunately, a breakpoint in the fluorescence was not observed after several trp fluorescence assay trials in the lab. There are several limitations to the intrinsic trp fluorescence assay. The trp fluorescence in solution is weak and nearly impossible to monitor in the presence of other proteins (1). Obviously, other proteins would contribute fluorescence to the solution. Additionally, the trp fluorescence assay can not detect less than 20nM SA in solution (1). Biotin-4-fluorescein is one of the many commercially available biotin-fluorophore conjugates. The fluorescence of biotin-4fluorescein is much stronger than trp, and its binding kinetics are nearly identical to that of unmodified d-biotin. Biotin-4-fluorescein’s fluorescence is completely quenched when it binds to SA. In a SA solution titration with biotin-4-fluorescein, the fluorescence increases slowly as the biotin-fluorophore binds to free binding sites on SA. After all of the biotinbinding sites are filled, the fluorescence should increase quickly because additional biotin-4fluorescein remains unbound in solution. In fact, it has been shown that the biotin-4-fluorescein fluorimetric assay can detect .2nM SA in solution so it is much more sensitive than the trp fluorescence assay (3). Biotin-4-fluorescein is an ideal candidate for fluorimetric assays for quantitative measurement of SA. Fluorimetric assays are preferable to other quantification methods because they are fast, easy and inexpensive (3). They also eliminate the use of radio-labeled ligands, an especially important consideration in this lab. A protocol was recently optimized over the course of several papers (1, 2, 3) for a reliable, quantitative, fluorimetric assay using biotin-4-fluorescein. The applications of fluorimetric assays in the lab are far-reaching. In the near future, this biotin-4fluorescein assay may be used to quantitatively measure the concentration of SA on coated beads. With quantitative values, the effect of SA concentration on the bead binding specificity to biotin-labeled surfaces can be tested in a flowchamber experiment. Materials and Methods Solutions SA, d-biotin and bovine serum albumin (BSA) were obtained from Sigma. Buffer A (1mM EDTA, 50mM NaH2PO4, 100mM NaCl) was adjusted to pH 7.5 with NaOH pellets and stored at 4˚C. The .5mM biotin-4-fluorescein was prepared in DMSO, and aliquots were stored at –70˚C. SA solutions (4.81µM) were prepared with buffer A and stored at -70˚C until the day of use. Similarly, stock solutions of d-biotin and biotin-4-fluorescein were diluted in buffer A to concentrations suitable for titration (usually 16µM). The titration solutions were kept at 4˚C for up to one week. Perkin-Elmer Spectrometer and DOS program A Perkin-Elmer LS50B Luminescence Spectrometer was used for all fluorescence measurements. There is a protocol for this instrument attached to the report. Although there are simple spectra manipulation tools in the DOS program, all data was exported to MATLABv6.1 for graphing and detailed data analysis. Tryptophan Fluorescence A cuvette was filled with 1920µL of cold buffer A and 80µL of 4.81µM SA. Then, 5µL of 16µM d-biotin was added to the cuvette at 90-second intervals and the fluorescence was monitored immediately after the d-biotin addition. Excitation was at 295nm, and the slit widths were 5nm and 7.5nm for excitation and emission, respectively. After the fluorescence spectra’s dependence on temperature and volume was discovered, 120µL of 4.81µM SA was added to 2880µL of room temperature buffer A. Then, 7.5µL of 16µM d-biotin was added to the cuvette at 90-second intervals. Biotin-4-fluorescein titration The same procedure as above was followed except 7.5µL of 16µM biotin-4-fluorescein was added to the cuvette at 90-second intervals. The fluorescence was monitored immediately after the biotin-4-fluorescein was added. Excitation was at 490nm and both the excitation and emission slits were 5nm. Biotin-4-fluorescein titration with .10mg/mL BSA in buffer A Buffer A with BSA in solution was prepared by adding 10mg BSA to 100mL buffer A. This solution was heated at 60˚C for 30 minutes to denature the BSA. A cuvette was filled with 2880µL of room temperature .10 mg/mL BSA in buffer A and 120µL of 4.81µM SA. Then, 7.5µL of 16µM biotin-4-fluorescein was added to the cuvette. There was a 1-minute delay before the fluorescence was monitored to allow the reaction to reach equilibrium. Basically, the biotin-4-fluorescein was added in 2-minute intervals. Results and Discussion Before obtaining results with the intrinsic trp fluorescence assay, several variables were tested. The most important variables were the volume and temperature of the solution in the cuvette. In all trials with cold solutions, the fluorescence spectrum of buffer A decreased over time. This indicates that the fluorescence spectrum of buffer A must depend on its temperature. Furthermore, when both very hot and very cold solutions are added to the cuvette, water condenses on the walls. ‘Foggy’ walls obviously have an effect on the light path in the spectrometer. It is important to assure that only solutions at or near room temperature are added to the cuvette in the spectrometer. Otherwise, the fluorescence spectrum will change until the solution in the cuvette reaches room temperature. The maximum volume of cuvettes is 4mL, however previous investigators performed trp assays with only 2mL (1). If the fluorescence spectra depend on the volume of solution in the cuvette, fluorescence assays would be unreliable (Figure 1). The buffer A spectrum has three 200 180 160 140 120 Volume dependence 100 320 average fluorescence of peaks 165 Intrinsic trp fluorescence spectra 220 fluorescence distinct peaks when excited at 295nm (refer to Figure 2). A quick method to relate different spectra is to average the ‘fluorescent height’ of the three peaks. Between 3mL and 4 mL, there is much less variability in the fluorescent spectrum of buffer A than between 1mL and 3mL. Therefore, it is important to maintain a cuvette solution volume of at least 3mL so that volume changes will not affect fluorescence readings. 330 340 350 360 nm 370 380 390 Figure 2: Four spectra for intrinsic trp fluorescence assay. Data comes directly from the DOS program. The thick line is the baseline. The other lines are fluorescence spectra at 3 different d-biotin concentrations. 155 150 145 140 135 1 2 3 v olume(mL) 4 Figure 1: The effect of changes in volume on the fluorescence of a solution. Tryptophan fluorescence assay It was difficult to analyze the spectra measured by the DOS program in the trp fluorescence assay. Figure 2 shows the baseline (thick line) and 1 spectrum for 3 consecutive additions of dbiotin. It is obvious from Figure 2 that the fluorescence decreases as more d-biotin is added to the solution. The only difference between these spectra appears to be the area under the curves between about 320nm-390nm. The DOS program can calculate the area under a spectrum curve. In the data analysis for this assay, the spectrum of interest was subtracted from the baseline. The result was a very noisy ‘difference’ spectrum. It is probable that this noisy spectrum is more indicative of machine variability than fluorescence trends during a titration. In order to estimate machine variability and binding kinetics, 3 consecutive fluorescence measurements were recorded after each addition of d-biotin (Figure 3). The y-axis is fluorescence difference because the spectrum of interest is subtracted from the baseline spectrum. The spectrum of interest is the fluorescence spectrum measured for each d-biotin addition. The error bars are indicative either of machine error in reproducing spectra or the kinetics of biotin/SA binding. If the reaction is slow, the fluorescence after each d-biotin addition would decrease as the d-biotin slowly binds to SA. Therefore, the error bars would all be approximately the same size. The error bars do not display this trend so the spectrometer is probably the source of error. Intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence 900 800 fluorescence difference 160 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 400 pmol d-biotin 500 600 Figure 3: Intrinsic trp fluorescence, titration with 6µM dbiotin. The error bars are standard deviation. The dot in the middle is due to overlap of error bars. In the titration of SA with 6µM d-biotin, there was no apparent breakpoint in the fluorescence (Figure 3). There was also no breakpoint in the titrations with 4µM d-biotin (data not shown). After all the biotin binding sites on SA are filled, Overall, the trp fluorescence assay was inconclusive. Because trp fluorescence is so weak, the spectrometer may not have the sensitivity to detect the small changes in fluorescence over the course of a titration with dbiotin. Biotin-4-fluorescein assay The biotin-4-fluorescein assay was initiated in hopes of elucidating the problems of the trp assay. Several experiments were performed to confirm that this assay could at least predict a breakpoint. A new solution of 4.81µM SA was made to ensure that all lyophilized SA was dissolved in buffer A. Several experiments with 16µM biotin-4fluorescein were conducted (Figure 4). The fluorescence spectra were recorded immediately after the biotin-4-fluorescein addition (0-second delay). All graphs have a clear breakpoint, unlike the trp fluorescence assay. The (•) graph differs from the others only in the age of the biotin-4-fluorescein (<1 hour vs. 6 days). Previous research indicates that biotin-4fluorescein slowly degrades after it is dissolved in buffer A (1). However, because the breakpoint of the (•) curve lies within the range of the breakpoints of the other graphs, it appears that the biotin-4-fluorescein has not degraded noticeably after 6 days. Unfortunately, there is considerable variability in the breakpoints (Figure 4, arrows). In fact, the breakpoints range from 1680pmol in the (x) curve to 1920pmol in the (+) curve. The (x) and (+) trials were conducted less that 1 hour apart from each other, so the temperatures of the buffer A, SA, and biotin-4-fluorescein, and the age of the biotin-4-fluorescein, were the same. This assay is unreliable because the breakpoint varies considerably between trials. Biotin-4-fluorescein assay 1400 1200 1000 fluorescence the SA trp fluorescence is completely blocked. Thus, the addition of more d-biotin should not affect the fluorescence of the solution. To confirm that d-biotin has no intrinsic fluorescence, large volumes of d-biotin were added to a cuvette in the absence of SA and the fluorescence was measured. It was shown that dbiotin has no intrinsic fluorescence. 800 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 pmol biotin-4-fluorescein 2500 Figure 4: Biotin-4-fluorescein (16µM) assay, 90-second intervals, 0-second delay. The (•) trial is the titration with <1h biotin-4-fluorescein, the other curves are titrations with 6 day old biotin-4-fluorescein. Trendlines are displaced vertically so they do not overlap. The arrows point to the breakpoints. The breakpoint variability could be due to nonspecific binding of SA or reaction kinetics. If SA binds to the cuvette walls, some biotinbinding sites are blocked. With fewer biotinbinding sites, the breakpoint (indicative of biotin-binding site saturation) would be lower than if all SA was free in solution. Thus, the degree of non-specific binding between trials would obviously affect the breakpoints. The kinetics of the biotin/SA reaction must also be considered. With a 0-second delay (Figure 4), the reaction might not have reached equilibrium before the fluorescence was measured. If the fluorescence is measured before the reaction reaches equilibrium, too much unbound biotin-4fluorescein would be free in solution. The result is an artificially high fluorescence measurement. It is important to give the reaction enough time to reach equilibrium before measuring the fluorescence. BSA is a protein that blocks non-specific binding, so a solution of .10mg/mL BSA in buffer A was made. It is known that BSA does not affect fluorescence measurements in the biotin-4-fluorescein assay (3). A SA solution with BSA was titrated with 16µM biotin-4fluorescein. Three fluorescence measurements were recorded 1 minute after adding the biotin-4fluorescein (Figure 5). The standard deviation at most of these points is negligible. Not only does the machine reproduce the spectra with high accuracy, but the reaction also seems to be at equilibrium. If the reaction was not at equilibrium, the spectra would have decreased with each measurement and the error bars would have been larger. Thus, a 1-minute delay should be adequate for the reaction to reach equilibrium. biotin-4-fluorescein assay, 1 minute interv al 1000 Biotin-4-fluorescein assay with BSA fluorescence 1000 fluorescence 800 600 800 600 400 400 200 200 0 0 500 1000 1500 pmol biotin-4-fluorescein 2000 0 500 1000 1500 pmol biotin-4-fluorescein 2000 Figure 5: Average and standard deviation of three consecutive fluorescence measurements at each biotin-4fluorescein addition, 1-minute delay. Note that the upper and lower limits of some of the error bars are so close together that they are interpreted by the printer as dots. Several experiments were performed to try to quantify SA in solution. Buffer A with .10mg/mL BSA was used to block non-specific binding and room temperature solutions were used to eliminate any temperature effects on the fluorescence. The biotin-4-flourescein was less than 2 days old for all trials, and a 1-minute delay between biotin-fluorophore addition and fluorescence measurement was used to account for kinetics (Figure 6). The control line (*) shows the rapid increase of fluorescence when biotin-4-fluorescein is added to a cuvette in the absence of SA. Among the 4 trials, the breakpoints vary from 1320pmol to 1560pmol of biotin-4-fluorescein. Previous research indicated that in a SA solution titration with biotin-4-fluorescein, a 1-minute delay was not adequate for the biotin-4fluorescein/SA reaction to reach equilibrium. SA solution titrations with a 10-minute delay were performed to ensure that the reaction reached equilibrium (1). It appears that the 10minute interval assay is unnecessary because it did not improve the accuracy of the titration (Figure 7). The 2 breakpoints in the 10-minute delay assay are within the range of the breakpoints in the 1-minute delay assay. BSA does not appear to increase the assay accuracy, either. However, it is important to ensure that there is no non-specific binding of SA in the cuvette, so the .10mg/mL BSA buffer A should be used as a precaution. Figure 6: Biotin-4-fluorescein assay, 1-minute delay (interval). The (*) is the control, all other graphs are different trials with the same procedure. The graphs are vertically displaced so they do not overlap. Arrows point to breakpoints. Biotin-4-fluorescein assay, 10 minute delay 1000 800 fluorescence 0 600 400 200 0 0 500 1000 1500 pmol biotin-4-fluorescein 2000 Figure 7: Biotin-4-fluorescein assay, 10-minute delay. Arrows point to breakpoints. At this time, the most consistent assay is the biotin-4-fluorescein titration of SA in .10mg/mL BSA buffer A with a 1-minute delay (Figure 6). The breakpoint of these trials is at 1480+/98.0pmol biotin-4-fluorescein. This breakpoint corresponds to the addition of 92.5µL of 16µM biotin-4-fluorescein. Assuming that the concentration of the stock SA was correct, 577.2 pmol (4.81µM *120µL) SA should be present in the cuvette. The effective concentration of the biotin-4-fluorescein concentration is 6.24µM (577.2pmol SA/92.5µL biotin-4-fluorescein), 60% less than the 16µM nominal concentration. Conclusions Fluorimetric assays have the potential to allow easy, fast and quantitative measurements of SA in solution and on surfaces. More experimentation is needed before the titration of SA with biotin-4-fluorescein can be used for quantitative analysis of SA solutions. It is important to ensure that all solutions are near room temperature and that the solution volume in the cuvette is at least 3mL before conducting any fluorimetric assay. Unfortunately, the spectrometer may not have the sensitivity to measure the weak trp fluorescence in SA. In the biotin-4-fluorescein assay, it was determined that a 1-minute delay between ligand addition and fluorescence measurement was adequate for the biotin/SA reaction to reach equilibrium. As a precaution against non-specific binding, .10mg/mL of BSA was added to buffer A with no effect on the fluorescence. At this time, the standard deviation of the breakpoint calculation across several trials is too high for this assay to be used in fluorescence quantification of SA. After more experiments are performed to elucidate the variables affecting this assay, the error in the breakpoint prediction should decrease. probably enough time for all biotin-binding sites to be filled with biotin-4-fluorescein. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Kelley Burridge for the guidance and insight throughout the lab rotation. References [1] Gruber, Hermann J., Gerald Kada, Markus Marek, and Karl Kaiser. “Accurate titration of avidin and streptavidin with biotin-fluorophore conjugates in complex, colored biofluids.” Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1381 (1998) 203212. [2] Kada, Gerald, Karl Kaiser, Heinz Falk and Hermann J. Gruber,. “Rapid estimation by fluorescence quenching or fluorescence polarization.” Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1427 (1999) 44-48. Future Work In the trp fluorescence assay data analysis, the areas under very noisy ‘difference’ spectra were calculated. Rather than calculating the area under the ‘difference’ spectrum, only the area under the spectrum of interest should be calculated. This modification may result in more accurate trp fluorescence data. The large error reported in the biotin-4fluorescein assay might be eliminated with more experiments. More experiments should be conducted simply to improve the accuracy of the mean and standard deviation. The fluorescence behavior around the breakpoint might be better understood with a more sensitive titration. Instead of 7.5µL additions of 16µM biotin-4fluorescein, 3.75µL increments might increase the assay’s precision in measuring the breakpoint. In previous research, the binding kinetics for the first 2 biotin-4-fluorescein molecules was reported to be much faster than the kinetics for the last 2 molecules (1). Thus, the first breakpoint in the titration might be due to the binding of only 2 biotin-4-fluorescein molecules. Because a titration with a 10-minute delay was performed (Figure 7), the breakpoint in these experiments is probably due the binding of 4 biotin-4-fluorescein molecules. Ten minutes is [3] Kada, Gerald, Heinz Falk and Hermann J. Gruber. “Accurate measurement of avidin and streptavidin in crude biofluids with a new, optimized biotin-fluorescein conjugate.” Biochimica Biophysica Acta 1427 (1999) 33-43. [4] Kurzban, Gary P., Gerry Gitlin, Edward Bayer, Meir Wilchel, and Paul Horowitz (1990). “Biotin binding changes the conformation and decreases tryptophan accessibility of streptavidin.” J. Protein Chemistry 9:673-682.