Class of 2011 Graduation Information Schedule Monday, May 23 Tuesday, May 24 Wednesday, May 25 Wednesday, May 25 Thursday, May 26 Friday, May 27 Friday May 27 Senior Exams Senior Exams Make-Up Senior Exams Graduation Practice Graduation Practice Report to Homeroom Graduation Ceremony 3rd & 4th Block 1st & 2nd Block All courses 8am-12pm 1:00 – 3:00 PM 9:00 – 11:00 AM 6:20 PM 7:00 PM SHARP! Tickets Each graduate receives 6 tickets to the ceremony. The gym has a limited number of seats. If you need additional tickets, talk to fellow graduates who may not use all that they receive. We do not “sell” extra tickets. You may also place your name on a waiting list for one additional ticket (see Mrs. Wiggins during your lunch). This is not a guarantee!! You will receive your tickets (6) at the end of the last graduation practice. Attire for Graduation Girls- Wear white or light-colored dress or skirt and blouse with white, black, or clear dress shoes. The bottom of your dress or skirt should not show beneath your gown. If your gown came with a white collar, you may discard it. Boys- Wear white dress shirt with a tie (no bow ties), dress pants (black, dark brown, dark blue, or khaki), dark socks and dark dress shoes. No athletic shoes. Shoelaces must be tied. ALL GRADUATES red cap and gown, cap should be flat on top of your head (not tilted to the back) solid red tassel o Beta’s and NHS’s may choose to wear black or gold tassels as appropriate…these will be given out at graduation practices o All tassels will be worn to the right side. o No jewelry outside your gown -- no medallions. No cell phone or pagers or beeping watches. If you are using a cap and gown bought in another year, you must still purchase a diploma cover from Josten’s. You cannot get a diploma without a diploma cover. **Notify Mrs. Wiggins IMMEDIATELY if you have not made arrangements for your cap, gown, tassel, or diploma cover.** IF YOU ARE NOT PROPERLY ATTIRED, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE IN GRADUATION. SEE MRS. WIGGINS IF ANY PART OF THE ATTIRE GUIDELINES IS A PROBLEM FOR YOU. Academic Honors stoles and tassels: High Honor: final SC UGP GPA greater than or equal to 4.5, these students will wear a gold honor stole Honor: final SC UGP GPA greater than or equal to 3.75 without rounding, these students will wear a gold honor cord **Cords and stoles will be distributed on graduation night in your homerooms. ] Be sure that you take your gown out of the bag NOW. Many of the creases will hang out, but pressing or steaming may be necessary. You will be expected to have a wrinkle-free gown at graduation. *Quality Plus will press your gown free of charge if you have it to them by Monday, May 23. All gowns must be picked up by Tuesday, May 24. Before you go to pick up your gown from them, please call ahead (833-2330) to make sure your gown is ready. Graduation Practice Two practices- Wednesday, May 25 from 1:00-3:00 PM and Thursday, May 26 from 9:00- 11:00 AM. Be present inside the big gym promptly at 1:00 PM or 9:00 AM on practice days. Enter from the big gym through the outside/main doors. If you are late, you will miss important information and instructions. You must be present at both practices to participate in graduation. Do not arrive before 12:45 PM on Wednesday or 8:45 AM on Thursday and do not go into other parts of the building. Speakers and musicians in the program will rehearse immediately after each general practice. This includes all speakers and is mandatory. Graduation Exercises Report to your homeroom by 6:20 PM on Friday, May 27. If you are not present, your diploma will be pulled and you will not be allowed to participate. You should enter the front doors of the school. NO ONE ELSE CAN ENTER WITH YOU. All graduation guests should enter the main entrance of the new gym (and must have a ticket to enter). Teachers will be with you in homeroom to assist you with caps/gowns/tassels. All tassels will be pinned in place and caps will be adjusted. Your attire will be checked at this time. Take Care of Business You are expected to clean out your locker before you leave school for the last time. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO USES THE LOCKER- IF IT IS YOURS, IT MUST BE EMPTY! Clear all debts. You may owe for a variety of things: lost or damaged books, uniforms, library fines, and lunch. These debts must be cleared for you to receive your diploma. Finish strong!!!!! This is the time to make your best grades and finish your requirements. If you do not have the twenty-four units required by the state, you will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. A Class Act Graduation is a group event. It’s about all of you! No one should draw extra attention to him/herself. This is an occasion you will remember always. Conduct yourself with dignity and respect others. Every senior wants to hear his/her name called. You’ve earned it! Don’t steal someone else’s moment. Information for Your Family and Guests Every person of any age who enters the gym must have a ticket (not a graduation announcement). Doors will open at 6:15 PM Guests should use the main entrance to the new gym (at the back of the school). Children under age 6 should be sent to the nursery. This is an event with a very large crowd. It’s difficult for any small child to sit still and quiet for that long -- up to two hours. Be fair to them and to your fellow graduates -- use the nursery. It also frees up a ticket for someone else to use. (See Mrs. Wiggins to sign up for the nursery.) Please talk with your family and guests about our expectations. This is a dignified ceremony. It is neither courteous nor respectful to yell, scream, or cheer for you when your name is called. We will cheer together when ALL GRADUATES have been called. Graduates or guests who disrupt the ceremony will be escorted from the premises by a police officer. ALL cell phones, pagers, and beeping watches SHOULD BE TURNED OFF. Graduation begins at 7:00pm SHARP!!!! Please ask your guests to arrive early. Most people will park some distance from the gym entrance. It will take at least 20 minutes to walk to the gym, get inside and find a seat. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER THE GYM ONCE THE CEREMONY BEGINS. PLEASE ASK THEM TO BE ON TIME!!!!! ONCE THE CEREMONY BEGINS, NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED IN THE GYM. Parking will be available for disabled individuals near the gym. This is very limited. Arrive early. There is limited seating on the floor for those in wheel chairs and those who cannot climb the steps. Other family members should sit in the bleachers and save those floor seats for others who need them. Pictures: Classic Photography of South Carolina will photograph every senior during the awarding of diplomas. You will receive in the mail a complimentary color proof and the opportunity to purchase 5X7 photographs. o Please contact Classic Photography with your current addresses if you have reason to believe the address provided at the start of the school year may be out of date. o If you provide the company with an e-mail address, proofs will be emailed within 24 hours of the ceremony. o Questions? E-mail Classic Photography at or call (800) 768-3987 Mr. Charles Steele will video the ceremony. He will attend graduation practice to sell these videos. Guests MAY NOT LEAVE THEIR SEATS to take pictures or video. NO ONE IS ALLOWED ON THE FLOOR DURING THE AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS. Please ask your family and guests to be considerate of those around them by not standing in front of others to take pictures or videos. ANY INDIVIDUAL WHO ATTEMPTS TO DISRUPT THE GRADUATION CEREMONYGRADUATE OR GUEST- WILL BE ESCORTED OUT BY POLICE OFFICERS. FINAL TRANSCRIPTS- the school you plan to attend needs a final transcript, issued after graduation with your last credits and your graduation date. We will send this for you -- at no cost, but you must let us know which school to send it to. Complete a “Final Transcript Form” and we’ll take care of this for you right after graduation. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THIS SUMMER TO DO THIS…THESE TRANSCRIPTS WILL BE MAILED OUT THE WEEK FOLLOWING GRADUATION. You do not want to wait until late July to have your transcript sent out. NCAA Clearinghouse o Mark the appropriate section on your final transcript form. o Students must send official test scores from SAT and/or ACT. Dual Enrollment Students o Piedmont Tech – directions may be found at You may complete a request in person or by mail or fax o USC Union – see Mrs. Wiggins for transcript release forms Scholarship Information is printed in the graduation program. Turn in a copy of your college’s financial award letter, and scholarships that you are awarded will be included in the program. (Because LIFE is awarded with the final GPA, this scholarship will not be printed in the program.) Your financial award letter and copies of scholarship award letters must be turned in to Mrs. Wiggins by Friday, May 20. Financial Award Letters… please bring to Mrs. Wiggins to copy. We keep a total of scholarship dollars won by your class. YEAR END CHECKLIST FOR SENIORS: o Turn in scholarship info (and copies of your financial award letter) to Mrs. Wiggins by Friday, May 20 o Complete and turn in final transcript form by Thursday, May 26 o Turn in pictures for the slide show to Coach Wofford (seniors in groups) o Sign up for the nursery if you will need it at graduation…the list will be in Mrs. Wiggins’ office. o Let Mrs. Wiggins know if you have already committed to the military for after graduation. o Remove gown from bag and try it on to be sure it fits Take gown to Quality Plus cleaners for pressing by May 23 Pick up gown by May 24 o Acquire proper clothing and shoes to wear o Complete class work….pass classes needed to graduate o Clean out locker (even if you don’t use it) o Settle all debts (including lunch charges), turn in all books to teachers and/or library o Attend graduation practice on May 25 and May 26