Edition: Revision 0
Specification: Part 1010 Design - Environmental
PART 1010
Environmental Management Plan
Design Requirements
Hold Points
This Part specifies the requirements for incorporating environmental protection matters into the design of the Works.
The Contractor’s design shall comply with any contract specific requirements specified in the Project Brief and any
Reference Documents listed therein. Any "Background Documentation" included in the Project Brief is provided
for information only.
This Part references the following:
DPTI: Environmental Management Plan Guidelines for Construction – Road, Bridge and Marine Facilities,
The legislation, Australian Standards, External Guidelines and Codes of Practice listed in the amendment to
Appendix C of the DPTI Environmental Management Plan Guidelines for Construction – Road, Bridge and
Marine Facilities,
DPTI: Cultural Heritage Guidelines,
DPTI: Protecting Waterways Manual,
DPTI: Water Quality Monitoring Manual for Construction,
DPTI: Phytophthora (Dieback) Control, Operational Instruction 21.3,
EPA Stormwater Pollution Prevention Code of Practice for Local, State and Federal Government, and
National Environment Protection (Assessment
DPTI publications are available from: http://www.transport.sa.gov.au/environment/standards_guidelines/.
Other publications are available on the nominated web site, directly from the Agency concerned or on CD provided
by the Principal.
Where the Contractor’s design varies from that contemplated in the Project Environmental Management Plan
(PEMP), the Contractor shall update PEMP to reflect any environmental protection matters not covered in the
PEMP to ensure that all environmental risks of the project are addressed. The revised PEMP shall be in accordance
with the appropriate DPTI Guidelines.
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Design Principles
Specification: Part 1010 Design - Environmental
Where practicable, the Contractor’s design shall be undertaken to maximise the achievement of the following
prevent disturbance to culturally significant Aboriginal Heritage sites,
protect and conserve non-Aboriginal cultural heritage items or structures,
prevent pollution of surface, ground and marine waters,
avoid uncontrolled mobilisation of contaminants off the Project Site,
limit the destruction or disturbance of native flora and significant trees,
maintain and preserve existing areas of native vegetation,
enhance the habitat value and the amenity of the corridor and surrounding areas,
avoid mobilisation or movement of proclaimed pest plants and environmental weeds,
protection of fauna habitat,
protect noise sensitive land uses,
minimise resource use and waste generated during construction,
maximise recycling, and
disposal of waste in an environmentally appropriate manner.
Environmentally Sensitive Areas
The Contractor shall ensure that any environmentally sensitive areas identified within the Environmental Documents
provided by the Principal or identified during the course of the design phase are marked on the Construction
Drawings. These plans and drawings shall be provided to all relevant personnel involved in the work under the
Specific Design Requirements
The Principal will provide Vegetation Survey(s) of the existing vegetation effected by the Reference Design. The
Vegetation Survey(s) will be prepared in accordance with DPTI’s Vegetation Survey Guidelines and include
numbered photographs and descriptions of trees, shrubs and areas of vegetation.
The design shall minimise impact upon any areas of vegetation as identified in the Vegetation Survey(s). The
recommendations from the Vegetation Surveys shall be taken into consideration during the design phase. The
Contractor shall ‘overlay’ the proposed horizontal design onto the Vegetation survey and identify all trees, shrubs
and areas of vegetation that will require removal for the work under the Contract. This plan will be used by DPTI to
assess the request to remove the vegetation.
The Contractor shall provide any necessary information required to enable the Principal to gain approvals for the
removal of vegetation where these have not already been obtained by the Principal. These approvals include
approvals by DPTI, under the Development Act 1993 for Significant Trees or the Native Vegetation Act 1991.
Provision of these approvals shall constitute a HOLD POINT.
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Specification: Part 1010 Design - Environmental
Water Quality Protection, Erosion and Sediment Control
Soil erosion and water quality management measures shall be incorporated into the design to meet the requirements
of the:
Environment Protection Act 1993,
Natural Resource Management Act 2004,
Pollution of Waters by Oils and Noxious Substances Act 1987,
Environment Protection (Water Quality) Policy 2003, and
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Code of Practice for Local, State and Federal Government 1997.
The design shall ensure the management of:
pollutants from rail corridor runoff and rolling stock spills during the operation of the railway, and
pollutants, sediments and alteration of pH or salinity during the Contractor’s Work.
A range of appropriate sediment and erosion control measures, using a treatment train approach, shall be used to
ensure sediment does not enter adjoining drainage lines, wetlands or adjoining land. Control measures may include
the use of detention basins, silt fences, straw bales, silt socks and cut off drains.
Site Contamination
If the Works will affect areas that have not been included in the site contamination assessment provided by the
Principal, the Contractor shall undertake any further investigation necessary (prior to construction and during
construction) to determine the scope and nature of contamination.
If any temporary storage areas (including any located within the railway corridor) are required for the stockpiling of
excavated materials prior to their delivery to DPTI’s Penfield Storage Facility Site, the Contractor shall mark the
locations on the Construction Drawings. The Contractor shall be responsible for all elements of the set up and
management of these temporary stockpile locations, including the information outlined in the Contract Specific
Requirements, Clause 1.6 "Site Contamination".
If the Contractor is proposing an alternative contamination management option to that defined in the Contract
Specific Requirements, Clause 1.6 "Site Contamination", the Contractor shall ensure that the material has had the
appropriate sampling and analysis to confirm that it is suitable for the proposed use. Further sampling may be
required depending on the requirements of the end user of the material. The Contractor shall develop and undertake
an appropriate Remediation Management Plan in accordance with the EPA Guidelines for Environmental
Management of On-site Remediation. A Remediation Management Plan (RMP) shall be prepared by an
appropriately qualified site contamination contractor to address the excavation, handling, remediation, transport, and
stockpiling of excavated materials. Details of disposal options, end use and appropriate classification of the material
shall also be detailed in the RMP.
The Contractor shall assume responsibility for the management of the project’s excavated material. The Contractor
will arrange EPA and other regulatory approvals where required, and adhere to any regulatory conditions.
The Principal will require the Contractor to provide to DPTI a statement from an EPA Accredited Contaminated
Land Auditor confirming that the Auditor has reviewed and endorsed the RMP, and that the proposed strategy(ies)
for the management and reuse or remediation of the excavated materials is consistent with the requirements of the
Environment Protection Act 1993. The Contractor shall note that the management and final placement of the
excavated material off site from the Railway Corridor Project Site will be subject to the consideration and formal
approval of an EPA Accredited Contaminated Land Auditor.
All work shall be undertaken in compliance with the Environment Protection Act 1993.
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Specification: Part 1010 Design - Environmental
The following records shall be provided to the Principal.
Vegetation Removal Plans.
The following surveys or reports where appropriate:
Additions or revisions to the Project Environmental Management Plan
Additions or revisions to the Water Quality Risk Assessment
Additional Site Contamination Investigation/s
Remediation Management Plan
and any other surveys, reports or studies issued to address environmental issues.
Implementation Records
The following approvals or licences where appropriate (at least 14 days prior to the commencement of
work on any part of the site affected by the approval):
Earthworks Drainage Licence from the Environment Protection Agency or any licence / approval or
permit required under the Environment Protection Act 1993, and
any other licence/approval or permit required under any other legislation.
The following is a summary of Hold Points referenced in this Part:
Provision of approvals for removal of vegetation
5 working days
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