READ 201-02 Lessons & Homework (ADMIN 102) Themes: The Family + Identity, Relationships, Society Views, Fiction book Assignments & Homework Date 9/26 (Tuesday) 9/28 (Thursday) Assignments Unit One: Family and Identity Introductions Shapes exercise (Identity) Information Sheet Homework: •Purchase materials from the bookstore. (5 points) •Please note that homework is always due on the next time class meeting unless otherwise indicated. Brainstorm list on Families Answer questions on Families / Identity Preview vocabulary & concepts from “Mona Gets Flipped”(page 49 of Reading 201 Handbook) Read around Individualized Vocabulary Program Homework: • Read to page 52 (break in the page). Write journal #1: What has happened so far in the story? What questions do you have? 1 Date 10/3 (Tuesday) Assignments Unit One: Family and Identity Discuss “Mona Gets Flipped” (to page 52) Read around (to the middle of page 54) Vocabulary Questions “Child of the Americas” (page 323 of We, Too, Sing America) Write your own poem Homework: •Finish reading “Mona Gets Flipped” (to page 59). Write journal #2: What is the connection between family and identity in this story? Be sure to cite a few quotes or points from the story. 10/5 (Thursday) Review “Mona Gets Flipped” (Think-Pair Share) ◦What is a good mother? ◦What makes up the identity of the mother figure in your family? Preview, Preread, Code: “The Good Mother: Searching for an Ideal” (page 60 of We, Too, Sing America) Groups of 3-4 read a section and summarize it for the class. Homework: •Read through “The Good Mother: Searching for an Ideal” (page 60 of We, Too, Sing America). Does the concept of a good mother vary from culture to culture? Interview one mother and write one page (Journal #3) about the essay and about your observations of mothers, working and identity. (Reminder: Quiz on reading on Tuesday) 2 Date 10/10 (Tuesday) Assignments Unit One: Family and Identity 5 minute assessment: How did the reading go after what we did in class on Thursday? Group Quiz: Answer comprehension questions on page 67. Think-Pair Share on homework. Vocabulary Introduce Unit Two: Family and Relationships Discuss an important interaction you have had with an older adult, preferably a family member. Introduce “’See Spot Run’: Teaching My Grandmother to Read.” (page 28 of We, Too, Sing America) Vocabulary Read around part of essay. What is Frisina’s relationship with her grandmother like? Citing examples from the text. 10/12 (Thursday) Homework: Journal Response #4: Is Frisina’s relationship with her grandmother typical of the relationship that teenagers in America have with their grandparents? Use your own experiences and observations in your one-page (typed) response. Be sure to cite from the essay. Review responses to “’See Spot Run’: Teaching my Grandmother to Read.” Vocabulary Class list + Prepare for Jeopardy Introduce “Sonny’s Blues” Music, culture, author brainstorming Homework: •Use 5 class vocabulary words in 5 of your own (original) sentences on the subject family relationships •Read to page 38 of “Sonny’s Blues.” Choose one of the ways to respond to a reading SO FAR on page 11 of your handbook (1 page, typed) (Journal #5) 3 Date 10/17 (Tuesday) 10/19 (Thursday) Assignments Unit Two: Family and Relationships Review vocabulary sentences and rewrite in different form. Review “Sonny’s Blues” Cluster Map on Relationships between the brothers. Read around Jeopardy! Homework: •Read to page 43 of “Sonny’s Blues” •Prepare for vocabulary quiz. “Vocabulary” Quiz Dialectical Journal Provocative Questions Read around Vocabulary Collection Fiction book ideas Homework: •Finish “Sonny’s Blues.” Journal #6: What are some of the conflicts in the relationship between the two brothers? Analyze the conflicts and cite from the text. •Bring your fiction book to class on Tuesday 4 Date 10/24 (Tuesday) Assignments Unit Two: Family and Relationships Quiz on “Sonny’s Blues” Class discussion Introduce your novel. Silent reading Homework: Read fiction book (45 minutes). Write a one page summary of what is happening in your fiction book. Any family relationships? (Journal #7) 10/26 (Thursday) Share fiction book summaries ◦What is your family’s view of marriage? What is your view of marriage? (Give one, Get one) Preview, Preread, Code “Vietnamese Families: The Gap and the Bridge” (page 91 of We, Too, Sing America) Homework: •Read “Vietnamese Families: The Gap and the Bridge” (page 91 of We, Too, Sing America). Journal #8: How do the Vietnamese/American families view marriage? How does your family view marriage? •Continue to read your novel. Bring it to class each time we meet. 5 Date 10/31 (Tuesday) Assignments Unit Three: Society Views of Families Think-Pair Share Assessment: What have you learned so far about reading more effectively? Introduce new unit What are society’s views of single dads? Introduce “The Train Cake” Discuss “The Train Cake” Homework: •Finish reading “The Train Cake.” The author, Dorris, battles some of the views of single fathers. Based on your own experiences or observations, what are some of the current views of single fathers? Do you agree or disagree with them? See if you can interview one person for this 1 page, typed response) (Journal #9) •Keep reading your novel. Bring it to class please. 11/2 (Thursday) Review response to “The Train Cake” Silent Reading of Fiction book. Test your reading rate? How to Improve your Concentration Homework: •Read at least 50 pages of your novel over the weekend. Bring 3 academic words to class. Write about your novel – one page. Any society views of family? (Journal #10) 6 Date 11/7 (Tuesday) Assignments Unit Three: Society Views of Families Present Vocabulary Brainstorm: What are America’s general views of the elderly? Do different cultures have differing views of the elderly? List a few examples (KWL+) Introduce “They Shut My Grandmother’s Room Door” (page 133 of We, Too, Sing America) Write questions. Homework: •Read “They Shut My Grandmother’s Room Door” (page 133 of We, Too, Sing America) and answer the questions in the second column of the KWL+ chart. Write your answers in the third column. 11/9 (Thursday) Complete the KWL chart on “They Shut My Grandmother’s Room Door” Review strategies: PPC, KWL, Dialectical Journal, Brainstorming. Groups Preview the following articles: “Children of Divorce” (page 20) “Hold the Mayonnaise” (page 55) “Father and Child” (page 73) “Marriage as a Restricted Club” (page 86) “Boys and Girls, Indian Style” (page 122) “My Mother’s English” (page 263) “Cultural Barriers and the Press to Americanize” (page 303) “Americanization is Tough on ‘Macho’” (page 276) Individuals choose one of the essays to read. Homework: •Use one of the strategies we have learned in class and read your assigned essay. Free write one page description of your reading experience. (Journal #11) Continue reading your fiction book. 7 Date 11/14 (Tuesday) 11/16 (Thursday) Assignments Unit Three: Society Views of Families + Presentations Pass out Presentation format on teaching the essay to the class. Make 1-2 connections to our three family themes. Homework: •Prepare for presentations on Thursday. Be sure to do the work associated with your job description in the presentation format. Present your reading experience of your essay (midterm) Assessment Adding Vocabulary from readings Homework: •Read your fiction books. 8 Date 11/21 (Tuesday) Assignments Unit Four: Fiction books Close exercises “Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper” (page 214 of We, Too, Sing America) Prediction and Visualization Exercise. Silent reading of fiction books. Homework: •Read your fiction book. Write a dialectical journal. Bring in a word for the class to learn. Jot down the page number and the sentence it comes from. 11/23 (Thursday) 11/28 (Tuesday) 11/30 (Thursday) Thanksgiving holiday •Read your fiction book! Catch up! Present words. Introduce and read “The Composition” Individual Conferences on work / grades Homework: •Finish your fiction book. Write Journal #12 on the end of the book. •Finish reading “The Composition.” Prepare for quiz! Quiz on “The Composition” Introduce book report format. Practice on “The Composition” Homework: •Start working on your book report. •Review all our class vocabulary words for the final. 9 12/5 (Tuesday) Unit Four: Fiction Books, Final Reading, Vocabulary Word Game Final Reading: “My Prison Studies” (page 179 of We, Too, Sing America.) Go over Focus Exercise Homework: •Complete draft book report •Finish reading “My Prison Studies.” Complete Focus Exercise on page 22 of Read 201 Handbook. 12/7 (Thursday) Review focus exercises. Go over draft book reports Homework: •Finish book reports (due on Tuesday 12/12) •Review all class vocabulary for final exam. 12/12 (Tuesday) Final Exam: 1:45 – 3:45 Present book reports Vocabulary Final Quiz 10