2011 - 2012 SCHOLARSHIP DESCRIPTIONS & INFORMATION Updated: April 26, 2012 The best source of scholarship money is from the school you plan to attend following graduation. It is important to contact the financial aid office after you apply to a particular school. The Van-Far Guidance office list scholarships on our website. These scholarships are sent to us for sharing with students. However, this is not a comprehensive list of scholarships and we encourage students to do their own research. All A+ Students will have to fill out the FAFSA to receive your A+ money. You may fill out the FAFSA anytime. You will need your recently submitted tax forms in order to fill this out. You may go to www.fafsa.ed.gov to apply for a pin and do that as soon as your taxes are completed. (You may fill out the FAFSA using your previous year’s taxes; however you will need to update your FAFSA as soon as your current year taxes are completed.) To receive Federal or State Aid for college tuition you will also need to fill out the FAFSA after January 1st of your senior year. SCHOLARSHIP DUE DATES MAY CHANGE AT ANYTIME, AT THE DISCRETION OF EACH INDIVIDUAL SCHOLARSHIP. PLEASE SEE THE GUIDIANCE OFFICE FOR ANY CHANGES OR FOR MORE INFORMATION. The Scholarship titles found in red letters can be found on the Van-Far school shared drive or the Van-Far Website as the deadlines near. SEPTEMBER Missouri Cattlemen’s Foundation ($1000) - Deadline September 30 updated 8/30/11 The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association sponsors the following: Missouri Cattlemen's Foundation Scholarship – must be a Missouri resident and a current paid member of the Missouri Junior Cattlemen’s Association or the parent/guardian must be a current paid member; must submit 3 letters of recommendation, must be a high school senior or a full-time college student; have a GPA of 2.5/4.0 or better; submit most recent high school or college transcript; demonstrate leadership potential through extra-curricular activities and work experiences, preference may be given to students who plan to/are attending Missouri colleges and universities, as well as those who need for financial assistance. Applications must be returned to the Missouri Cattlemen Foundation office and be postmarked by the deadline. Applications are available at www.mocattle.com/scholarshipprogram.aspx. The Hagan Scholarship (34 awards in Missouri up to $5,000) – updated 4/26/12 Available September 1 - November 15 The Hagan Scholarship Foundation sponsors the following: must be a resident of an eligible state (MO, KS, NE, IA, AR, OK) must have attended as a junior and senior an eligible high school, must be a graduating senior in the current graduating class; must have a 3.5 GPA, must score 23 or higher on -1- ACT, must enroll in college the first semester after high school; must have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of less than $10,000; must apply for eligible Federal and State grants; must not have been convicted of a felony. The Hagan Scholarship will help pay the unmet financial need of the recipient, up to $5,000 per semester. The Scholarship is renewable for up to seven semesters, if the renewal criteria are met. For more information go to www.hsfmo.org. Application is available online beginning September 1. OCTOBER National Multiple Sclerosis Society – Available October 1 thru January 13 updated 10/25/11 The National Multiple Sclerosis Society sponsors: high school seniors who have MS or who have a parent with MS; or high school (or GED) graduates of any age who have MS or who have a parent with MS; plan to attend an accredited post-secondary school for the first time; enroll in at least six credit hours per semester leading to a degree, license or certificate; plan to enroll in an undergraduate course of study at an accredited two or four-year college, university, or vocational school in the US; be a US citizen or legal resident. Application is available online at www.nationalMSsociety.org/scholarship. Wendy's High School Heisman Scholarship - Deadline October 3 updated 8/30/11 Wendy's Restaurants sponsors the following: students must have a "B" average grade and participate in at least one school-sponsored sport, exhibit excellence in the classroom, on the field, and in their community. Applications must be completed online (www.wendysheisman.com) by the student no later than 5:00 pm, central time, by the deadline. Each student application must have their online application reviewed and confirmed online by a school representative. US Bank Scholarship ($1,000) - Available October thru March updated 10/25/11 US Bank sponsors the following: be a high school senior or college undergraduate; be participating in the US Bank Student Loan Program; no essay; scholarship recipients are selected through a random drawing process. For more information go www.usbank.com/scholarship. National Merit Scholarship Program - Deadline October 14 update 10/25/11 National Merit Scholarship Corporation sponsors the following: students must take the PSAT/NMSQT during their junior year of high school, be enrolled in high school and normally progressing towards graduation, enroll full time in college no later than the fall following graduation, and be a U.S. citizen. For more information go to the NMSC's website, www.nationalmerit.org. Axa Achievement Community Scholarship ($2,000) – Application period: October 17 to February 1 updated 11/29/11 be a U.S. citizen; be a current high school senior who plans enroll full-time in an accredited two or four year college or university in the U.S. by fall; be ambitious and motivated, as evidence by outstanding achievement in school community, or work activities; be recommended by an unrelated adult who can attest to the student's achievements. For more information & application go to www.axa-achievement.com. Horatio Alger Association State Scholarship - Deadline October 30 updated 8/30/11 Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, Inc. sponsors the following: be enrolled full time in high school in Missouri, progressing normally toward graduation, planning to enter college no later than the fall following graduation; have a strong commitment to pursue a bachelor's degree at an accredited institution; critical financial need ($50,000 or less adjusted gross income per family is preferred); involvement in co-curricular and community activities; minimum GPA of 2.0; be a Missouri resident; and a U.S. citizen. Must apply online at http://www.horatioalger.org/scholarships. -2- Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation - Deadline October 31 updated 8/30/11 The Coca-Cola Company sponsors the following: current high school senior; U.S. citizen; anticipating completion of high school diploma at the time of application; planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution; minimum 3.0 GPA at the end of their junior year of high school. Apply online at www.coca-colascholars.org before the deadline. NOVEMBER VFW Scholarship Program - Deadline November 1 updated 9/20/11 The local VFW sponsors the following: - Patriots Pen for grades 6-8; students can win a U.S. savings bond; students must write an essay, length of 300-400 typewritten words; you must write your own essay; all essays must be typed in English with no color or graphics and cannot be less than 300 words or greater than 400 words in length, every words is counted regardless of length. The VFW's Commander-in-Chief annually chooses the year's theme. - Voice of Democracy for grades 9 - 12; be enrolled in a public, private or parochial high school; record your original 3-5 minute (+ or - five seconds maximum) essay on a standard cassette tape or CD (record in .wav format) on the year's theme; label your cassette or CD and neatly typed essay with your name and complete the entry form; recordings must be your own voice, without music, special effects or background sounds, songs and poetry are not acceptable; do not provide anything within the essay or recording that will identify you in any way. Entry form is available online at www.vfw.org/community/programs . The Hagan Scholarship – November 15 updated 8/30/11 The Hagan Scholarship Foundation sponsors the following: must be a Missouri or Kansas resident, must have attended as a junior and senior an eligible high school, must have a 3.5 GPA, must score 23 or higher on ACT, must have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of less than $10,000; must have an unmet financial need of $2,000 or more, must be accepted for enrollment at an eligible college or university, must enroll the first semester after high school, must not have been convicted of a felony, if awarded scholarship, must grant HSF permission of publicize recipients name, photo and achievements to publicize the scholarship and to encourage others to apply for a scholarship. For more information go to www.hsfmo.org. Application is available online beginning September 1. BK Scholars Program – Application period November 15 to January 10 Burger King sponsors the following: For details and how www.haveityourwayfoundation.org/bksp_scholarship_eligibility.html updated 11/8/11 to apply go to Updated 9/20/11 Most Valuable Student Scholarship - Deadline November 17 to the Guidance Office. The Elks National Foundation sponsors the following: any high school senior; U.S. citizen; male and female students compete separately for identical awards; include your employment history, community service, honors and awards, and your extracurricular activities. You do not have to be a member of the Elks Lodge to participate in the scholarship. Electronic application forms are available at www.elks.org/enf/scholars. Applications must be returned to the Lodge nearest you (Mexico, Missouri) by 5pm on December 2. See the Guidance Office for other drop off locations. Soil and Water Conservation Society Scholarship – Deadline November 28 Updated 9/20/11 The Missouri Show-Me Chapter sponsors the following: students need not be a SWCS member; must be in their senior year of high school or in full-time undergraduate academic study; must major in a -3- conservation or natural resource-related field such as soil science, land use planning, forestry, wildlife management, fisheries, agricultural engineering, hydrology, rural sociology, agronomy, water management, agricultural economics, biology, agricultural education, or related environmental protection or resource management curricula; applicants must attend or plan to attend a college or university that is properly accredited by national or regional accrediting bodies, or their equivalence. Financial need will not be a factor in selection. For more information and application go online to http://swcs.missouri.edu. Senior Scholarship Program ($500) – Deadline November 30 updated 11/29/11 The Missouri High School Fast Pitch Coach’s Association sponsors the following: graduating seniors who have participated in fast pitch softball for their school; the coach must be a member of MHSFCA; write a biography of participation in softball along with a short essay; essay no more than one page long. For more information see the Guidance office or your coach. KFC Colonel's Scholars - Available December 1 thru February 8 updated11/29/11 KFC sponsors scholarships up to $20,000; minimum GPA of 2.75; enroll in a public college or university in Missouri; plan to pursue a bachelor's degree; be a US citizen; and demonstrate financial need. The scholarship application is available online at www.kfcscholars.org. DECEMBER John T. Belcher Memorial Scholarship - Deadline December 1 updated 10/11/11 The Missouri School Board Association sponsors the following: the school must be a member of the Missouri School Board Association; only one application per school may be submitted; the local school board will select the applicant based on academic achievement, leadership abilities and the quality of an essay on the educational topic selected that year by the FutureBuilders Board; need may also be considered; after the applicant is chosen they should see the Guidance Counselor for further instructions. After the school board choses one applicant, then they have until January 13 to submit application online. University of Missouri Flagship Scholarship – Deadline December 1 The University of Missouri Flagship Scholars sponsor the following: scholarships are available to students from Audrain and Clark Counties only; give priority to candidates who are first-time college or transfer students who are seeking to earn an undergraduate degree from MU and who meet the criteria. For more information contact the University of Missouri or the Guidance Office. Application must be completed online. Axa Achievement Scholarship - Deadline December 1 updated 9/20/11 - Axa Achievement Scholarship in assoc. with U.S. News & World Report: be a U.S. citizen; be a high school senior who plans enroll full-time in an accredited two or four year college or university in the U.S. by fall; demonstrate ambition and self-drive as evidenced by outstanding achievement in an activity in school, the community or workplace; be recommended by an unrelated adult who can attest to the student's achievements. Applications are available online at www.axa-achievement.com. NASSP/Herff Jones Principal Leadership Award ($1000–12,000) - Deadline December 2 updated9/22/11 NASSP and Herff Jones co-sponsor the PLA scholarship: students must be nominated by a school principal, assistant principal or designee; only one senior per school may be nominated; nominees should be in the top 20% of their class and demonstrate leadership; if there is a candidate with strong -4- leadership qualities that is not in the top 20% of their class, he/she can still be nominated; keep in mind this is a leadership award. For more information see your principal or guidance counselor or go to www.nassp.org/pla. JANUARY United States JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship Program - Deadline January 3 updated 11/29/11 The United States JCI Senate Foundation sponsors the following: submission must be typewritten or printed; see scholarships instructions for all necessary forms; maximum number of reference letters is 5 with a maximum length of one page each; application must be postmarked by the deadline. The Wal-Mart Dependent Scholarship – Application period January 3 thru March 15 updated 11/29/11 The Walton Foundation sponsors the following: must be a US citizen; actively employed with WalMart Stores or the dependent of an actively employed Associate for at least six consecutive months as of March 29, 2010; be a high school senior graduating between August 1, 2009 and July 31, 2010; have a high school GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; plan to enroll for fall 2010 as a freshman at a two or four year college or university in the US; have financial need and be able to demonstrate the need with required documents. For more information and application go to www.act.org/walmart/depend. John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Essay Contest – Deadline January 7 updated 10/5/11 The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation sponsors: must be a US high school student in grades 9-12 attending public, private, parochial or home school; also eligible US students under age 20 in high school correspondence/GED program; write an original essay of 1,000 or less; first place winner receives $5,000 cash and $5,000 to grow in a John Hancock Freedom 529 College Savings Plan; for more information go to www.jfklibrary.org. Gates Millennium Scholars - Deadline January 11 updated 9/20/11 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsors the following: must be African-American, AmericanIndian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American or Hispanic-American; citizen/legal permanent resident or national of the US; unweighted GPA of 3.3 on a 4.0 scale or earned a GED; enrolling for the first time at a US accredited college or university as full-time, degree-seeking first year student; demonstrated leadership abilities through participation in community service, extracurricular or other activities; meet the Federal Pell Grant (FAFSA) eligibility criteria; submit all three required forms by the deadline. Submit online application at www.gmsp.org. Washington Crossing Foundation Scholarship (Range $500 to $5,000) - Deadline January 15 for application to be RECEIVED. Updated 11/15/11 The Washington Crossing Foundation sponsors the following: application must be received by above date; open to all high school seniors who are U.S. citizens and are planning careers of service to the United States in local, state or federal government; cover page double spaced, see guidelines for information required; requires a one-page essay, not to exceed 300 words; letter of recommendation from principal or guidance counselor; high school transcript with ACT or SAT scores; a concise resume’ of biography, honors, awards, and activities; see scholarship application for more details. Application requires three copies of each, follow directions appropriately. Bertram A. Cowley Memorial Scholarship - Deadline January 31 updated 11/29/11 The Cowley Scholarship sponsors the following: a Van-Far senior who participates in instrumental and/or vocal music; selection is based on need, scholastic performance, instrumental/vocal music -5- participation, and overall character. deadline. Applications must be returned to the Band Director by the John Dennis Scholarship (16 awards @ $1000) - Deadline January 31 updated 11/29/11 The Missouri Sheriffs' Association sponsors the following: graduating senior; major in a criminal justice career; attend a Missouri college or university; must be in good standing with his/her school; must have reference from his/her school counselor; show financial need; required to have a 2.0 GPA or greater; be active in extra-curricular activities; attach a paragraph to application detailing his/her goals ten years after high school graduation. Application must be RECEIVED by Sheriff Stuart Miller no later than the deadline. Applications are available online at http://www.mosheriffs.com/scholarship_info.php. Poet Bio-refining Scholarships ($1500 - $500) – Deadline January 31 updated 10/5/11 Poet Bio-refining of Macon sponsors this scholarship – There is a 60 minute ethanol video called “Fueling Freedom” you may view (see the guidance office); seniors should provide Poet Bio-RefiningMacon with a 60 second video or radio advertisement touting the benefits of ethanol by the deadline; ask your school to provide Poet with evidence that the student is a senior and his/her intentions to pursue further education; winners will be selected by Poet Bio-refining-Macon’s management team. FEBRUARY Dr. Darrell 'Jack' Holley/Missouri United School Insurance Council Scholarship – updated 1/10/12 Deadline February 1 to Guidance Office, then will forward by February 17 This is not a music scholarship. The Missouri United School Insurance Council sponsors the following: high school must be a current member of MUSIC; only ONE application from each school can be submitted; applications must be postmarked by the deadline, late applications will not be accepted; copy of transcript including ACT or SAT score needs to accompany your application; letter of recommendation from a district administrator, counselor or teacher (only 1 letter is required). Only one application can be submitted from a school. Return applications to the Guidance Office. James L & Nellie M. Westlake Scholarship Program - Deadline February 1 updated 12/15/11 The James L. and Nellie M. Westlake Foundation sponsors the following: be a Missouri resident; be graduating seniors at Missouri high school who plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study for the entire upcoming academic year at an accredited four-year college or university or have completed one or two full years at a Missouri community college with sufficient credits to transfer to an accredited four-year college or university at the sophomore or junior level; demonstrate limited financial resources with a family adjusted gross income of $50,000 or less and an expected family contribution toward college of $7,000 or less; have at least a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale except community college applicants with one year transferable credits must have 2.25 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Applications must be submitted online at www.sms.scholarshipamerica.org/westlake. ESA Foundation Scholarships – Deadline February 1 Updated 11/1/11 The Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation sponsors the following: awards over 160 scholarships nationally and internationally each year; go to www.epsilonsigmaalpha.org/esa-foundation/scholarships/how-to-apply, for more information and a complete list of all scholarships available; students may apply for up to 3 scholarships; applications must have all required documentation as though it were the only application submitted, due to judging is done by different people. Application is only available online. -6- Missouri State Fair Youth in Agriculture Scholarship – Deadline February 1 updated 1/10/12 Missouri State Fair officials sponsor the following: individuals must have participated in the Missouri State Fair as a youth exhibitor in the FFA or 4-H divisions; must be a high school senior and an active 4H or FFA member; must enroll in an accredited community college, college or university in Missouri and major in agriculture; members who have sold livestock in any past Sale of Champions at the Missouri State Fair are NOT eligible for this scholarship; scholarship must be used within 9 months after awarded. Missouri Corn Scholarships – Deadline February 10 update 1/10/12 Missouri Corn Program sponsors the following: This scholarship is available to high school seniors and college juniors. High school seniors: must have been a full-time student the previous year; must be Missouri resident from a Missouri farm or rural area must plan to attend a two-year or four-year Missouri college or university and major in agronomy (or related subject). College juniors: must also be Missouri resident from a Missouri farm or rural area; currently be a junior; have completed at least 60, but fewer than 90 credit hours, enrolled in a Missouri four-year college or university majoring in the field of agronomy (or related subject) during application time. Application is available online at www.mocorn.org. Missouri Teacher Education Scholarship – Deadline February 15 updated 1/10/12 The Department of Elementary & Secondary Education sponsors the following: high school seniors in a 4year college or university located in Missouri, or students enrolled in a junior or community college in Missouri; make a commitment to pursue an approved teacher education program and enroll as a full-time student in a 4year college or university; must achieve scores on ACT, SAT or SCAT that place them at or above the 85 percentile, or have achieved GPA which ranks in the upper 15% of their high school class or as calculated at the end of the sixth semester; meet the requirements for entry into an approved teacher education program in Missouri. For more information go to http://dese.mo.gov/schoollaw/rulesregs. National FFA Scholarships – Available November 15 thru February 15 update 1/10/12 The National FFA Organization sponsors the following: There are numerous scholarships available thru the National FFA Organization, see your Guidance Counselor for the FFA Scholarship Guidebook or go to http://www.ffa.org/index.cfm?method=c_programs.Scholarships for more information. Signature page must be post marked by February 22. You do not have to be an FFA member to be eligible for all scholarships. National Co-Op Scholarship Program – Deadline February 15 updated 10/25/11 The National Commission & The World Association join in sponsoring the following: cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale; complete all required admissions applications and be accepted at one of the WACE Partner Institutions; include a typed one-page 500 word essay, describing why you have chosen to pursue a college cooperative education program. Application is available online at www.co-op.edu. Kenneth Gregg Agricultural Scholarship - Deadline February 24 updated 1/10/12 The Kenneth Gregg Estate sponsors the following: must be a resident of Ralls County, Missouri; must be a full-time student in an accredited university or college; pursuing a career in the field of agriculture will be favored; demonstrate financial need for such funds as well as have a good moral character and possess a strong academic record based on scholarship and involvement in extracurricular activities; provide report prepared by school counselor or an official of the school to serve as further recommendation for financial aid need; two letters of reference, one from a teacher, one from a nonschool source; consideration of scholarship renewal, an application should be resubmitted noting any -7- additional information subsequent to prior application along with latest transcript from attending university or college; indicate application is being submitted for renewal consideration; for renewal consideration, application must maintain an overall 3.0 GPA and continue to demonstrate financial need; applications must be mailed by the deadline. Etta Mae Anderson Scholarship - Deadline February 24 updated 1/10/12 The Etta Mae Anderson Estate sponsors the following: must be a resident of Ralls County, Missouri; must be a full-time student in an accredited university or college; students pursuing a career in education will be favored; demonstrate financial need for such funds as well as have a good moral character and possess a strong academic record based on scholarship and involvement in extracurricular activities; provide report prepared by school counselor or an official of the school to serve as further recommendation for financial aid need; two letters of reference, one from a teacher, one from a non-school source; for consideration of renewal, the recipient must submit the latest transcript from the attending university or college and must maintain an overall 3.0 GPA and continue to demonstrate financial need; applications must be mailed by deadline. LEAP Accounting Scholarships ($500) – Deadline February 29 updated 1/24/12 The Missouri Society of CPA’s sponsors the following: be an MSCPA high school student member (membership is free); be a Missouri resident (or a child of MSCPA member); be a current high school senior; enroll in at least 12 college course hours at a college/university in Missouri; declare accounting degree or equivalent. Applications are online at http://www.leapforward.com/scholarships.html. Buick Achievers Scholarship Program – Deadline February 29 updated 2/7/12 (100 awards @ $25,000 and 1000 awards at $2000) Buick sponsors the following: high school seniors that are first time college students in the fall; enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or university for the entire next academic year; major in a course of study that focuses on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Math), select design, marketing, accounting, finance and business majors are also eligible (see the list of eligible majors at buickachievers.com); recipients will demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the automotive or related industries using these areas of study; be US citizen and have permanent residence in the US. Applications are available online at www.buickachievers.com. Junior Achievement Scholarship – Deadline after student completes Jr. Achievement. FCCLA sponsors the following: This scholarship is only available to senior FCCLA members who have completed Junior Achievement. See the FACS Advisor for an application. MARCH Kansas City Associated Equipment Distributors Scholarship (4 awards @ $1,000 each) – Deadline March 1 updated 11/8/11 The Kansas City Associated Equipment Distributors sponsors the following: both men and women attending vocational/technical school and pursuing a certificate or associates degree in Diesel Mechanics or Heavy Equipment repair are eligible, must be enrolled as full-time student (12 hour minimum per semester); be enrolled for the fall semester for the year in which the scholarship is awarded; pursuing an associate of applied science degree or certificate in either Diesel Mechanics or Heavy Equipment Repair; be in good academic standing with a minimum 2.5 high school cumulative GPA, or a GED minimum score of 260. Applications must be postmarked by the deadline. See the Guidance Office for more information. -8- MAMIC Scholarship Program ($1,000) - Deadline March 1 updated 2/1/12 The Ralls County Mutual Insurance Company and the Missouri Association Mutual Insurance Company sponsors the following: parts I, II, and III of the applications must be completed by the school principal or counselor; parts IV, V, and VI must be completed by the applicant; provide essay in 75 words or less in own handwriting, why you want to be a recipient of the Ralls County Mutual Insurance Company scholarship. Application must be complete and mailed to the Ralls County Mutual Insurance Office by the deadline. National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA) - Deadline March 1 updated 12/15/11 The Scott/St. Louis Chapter sponsors the following: high school applicants must reside in Illinois or Missouri; college students must be enrolled as full-time student at an accredited institution within the NDTA’s Central Region; priority will be given to applicants seeking a degree related to business, transportation logistics, or physical distribution; see application for more details at www.ndtascottstlouis.org. Project 21 Scholarship - Deadline March 9 updated1/10/12 (Awards 2 First Places @ $1500 and 4 Second Places @ $1000) The Missouri Gaming Association sponsors the following: all Missouri High School Seniors are eligible (see Rule 8 for Ineligibility); entry requirements: Article, an article must be published in the newspaper, magazine or publication of the applicant's school between January 1 and February 28, one set of the student newspaper, magazine or publication in which the article appears must be submitted; Poster, a poster entry must be displayed in a public area of the applicant's school for at least one full week between Jan.1 and Feb. 28; poster entry must be accompanied by an essay (minimum of one-page; double-spaced) discussing the topic of underage gambling; Video, a video entry must be viewed in a school class or forum between Jan.1 and Feb. 28, must be at least 1 minute in length, but no longer than five minutes. See application for more details. Application and other required documentation must be mailed by the deadline. Application is available online at http://www.missouricasinos.org/pdfs/2011_Project_21_Application.pdf. Audrain County Cattlemen's Scholarship - Deadline March 9 updated 2/14/12 The Audrain County Cattlemen’s sponsors the following: Do not have to be a member to apply. Return applications to the Guidance Office to be mailed by the March 15 deadline. Altrusa Club Memorial Scholarship (2 awards @ $2,500) – Deadline March 9 updated 2/14/12 The Altrusa Club of Mexico sponsors the following: any graduating senior, graduate or GED recipient who wants to further his/her education by attending a college, university, or vocational school (not limited to Mexico students); have high school diploma or GED certificate; show financial need; have satisfactory scholastic standing; high school transcript; 2 letters of recommendation; resume; and biographical statement. Return applications to the Guidance Office to be forwarded by the March 15 deadline. Robert M. White II Scholarship - Deadline March 11 updated 2/7/12 The Mexico Ledger sponsors the following: scholarship is open to anyone. Return applications to the Guidance Office and will be mailed together. Farm Kids for College Scholarship (3 awards @ $1000) - Deadline March 12 updated 2/1/12 The National Farmers sponsors the following: be a high school senior, major in an agricultural field at an accredited college or university, typed answers to the questions on application, two letters of reference, official high school transcript and official GPA; recent photo for use in future scholarship promotions (photo will not be returned); include essays. -9- Audrain County Criminal Justice & Fire Protection Scholarship ($1000) - Deadline March 15 updated 2/7/12 The Audrain County Sheriff's Auxiliary and the Little Dixie Fire Protection District sponsors the following: meet entrance requirements to an accredited college, university, or specialized school; show evidence of the ability to possess and maintain an acceptable level of achievement at all times; actively participated in school and community organizations or events; have an academic ranking that places him/her in the upper 50% of their graduating class; show a need for financial-assistance; be a good citizen, possessing a good moral character; be a resident of Audrain County; pursue a major field of study in Criminal Justice or Fire Protection. Missouri Minority Teaching Scholarship – Deadline March 15 Missouri Department of Higher Education sponsors the following: must be a US citizen or permanent resident; be a Missouri resident; be African American, Asian American, Hispanic American or Native American; be a recent high school graduate, college student or returning adult (without a degree) who ranks in the top 25% of their high school class and score in the top 25% of the ACT or SAT exam, or another accepted national academic assessment exam; OR be an individual who has completed 30 college hours and has a cumulative GPA of 3.0; or an individual with a baccalaureate degree who is returning to an approved math or science teacher education program; be enrolled full-time in an approved teacher education program at a participating community college or four-year college or university in Missouri. Applications must be submitted by the deadline. Applications are online at www.dhe.mo.gov/minorityteaching.shtml. MFA Foundation Scholarship ($2000) - Deadline March 15 updated 2/1/12 The MFA Foundation sponsors the following: the committee considers: applicant's interest in furthering his/her education by engaging in studies relating to agriculture or other fields of study that benefit rural life; applicant's participation and leadership in school, church, and community activities; reputation for good citizenship and good moral character; financial need, sources of income and willingness to work; satisfactory academic progress. Scholarship may be used at any accredited college or university to pursue any course of study. Recipients must be enrolled in school as a fulltime student by Sept.1 or the funds will be allocated to the runner-up. G.H. Dudley Scholarship - Deadline March 15 updated 2/7/12 The Audrain County Students Foundation sponsors the following: student must reside in Audrain County; will be awarded based on need, sincerity, and probability of successful completion of designated program. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Veterans of Foreign Wars Scholarship (approx. award $400) - Deadline March 15 updated 2/7/12 The Vandalia Memorial Post 2173 sponsors the following: first priority to graduating seniors; second priority to full-time students; minimum GPA of 2.0. Return application to the Guidance Office by deadline. Griffin Family Foundation - Deadline March 15 updated 2/14/12 Anna Margaret Griffin sponsors the following: students must be a graduating senior from Audrain County or Montgomery County, Missouri; for students attending vocational and technical schools, colleges and universities with particular emphasis on students interested in pursuing advanced studies in nursing, health related occupations, medical occupations and education; once the recipient receives a scholarship the recipient may continue to apply for additional yearly scholarships provided the recipient is enrolled in a college, university, trade or technical school; any student in college, university trade or technical school may apply with preference being giving to those students who have graduated from a High School in Audrain County or Montgomery County, Missouri. See - 10 - application form for more information. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Counselor will forward all applications by the April 1 deadline. Show Me Credit Union Scholarship – Deadline March 15 updated 1/17/12 Show Me Credit Union, Mexico Missouri sponsors the following: show good citizenship while in school; shown leadership ability in school activities; maintained at least a C grade average; been accepted to a college, university or trade school, and Audrain or Callaway high school senior must be a member of Show Me Credit Union as of January 1 of the current year. Missouri Heart Institute Foundation Scholarship ($1000) - Deadline March 15 (to Ms. Waller) updated 2/8/12 The Missouri Heart Institute Foundation sponsors the following: students must be a graduating senior with a 'B' or higher GPA; enrolling in a healthcare related program in the upcoming fall or summer semester; counselor must submit a brief narrative summarizing their personal attributes and goals. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office. Only three students will be selected and have their applications forwarded by April 2nd. Brookstone Scholarship (2011 awarded 4 @ $500) – Deadline March 9 (to Guidance office) updated 2/16/12 Brookstone Company sponsors the following: any graduating senior who plans to continue his/her education in some area of business; ability to attain and maintain acceptable level of academic achievement; shown evidence of good citizenship while in school; have leadership ability in school and/or community; been accepted in a college, university, or trade school to further his/her education; financial need may be considered; preference will be given to students who plan to continue their education in some area of business. Missouri Bankers Foundation Scholarship ($500) – Deadline March 16 updated 2/1/12 The Missouri Bankers Foundation sponsors the following: must be a high school senior who have exhibited academic achievement and/or economic need; planning to enroll in a full-time course of study leading to a major in a field related to banking; attach official transcript with ACT score, two letters of recommendation and a resume of extracurricular activities; application form must be signed by an officer of a Missouri Bankers Association member bank. Applications must be postmarked no later than the deadline. Diane and Peter Christodoulou Memorial Scholarship- Deadline March 16updated 3/12/12 The Community Foundation of the Ozarks administers the following: any Missouri high school graduating senior with a specific IEP in Learning Disabilities who can meet post-secondary entrance requirements (diagnosis of ‘Other Health Impaired’ is not acceptable); must completely fill out form, signed by both the student and the school counselor, teacher or administrator; pages 1 & 2 to be completed by the student; cover letter completed by a counselor, teacher or administrator explaining why the student should be awarded this scholarship and addressing the student’s potential for completing a post-secondary program; recent wallet-size photo (photo will not be returned); copy of first page of current or most recent IEP, copy of high school transcript. Application must be mailed by the deadline. Septagon Construction Academic Scholarship - Deadline March 16 Updated 2/7/12 Septagon Construction sponsors the following: must be a graduating high school senior or an enrolled, full-time student at a state accredited institution pursuing a degree in one of the following areas of study: Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Construction Management or Construction Technology; must include one written recommendation from an instructor and one written recommendation from an employer or school counselor/advisor; must include a brief (150-200 word) word processed statement describing educational and professional - 11 - goals; must be a U.S. citizen; preferred consideration will be given to applicants living within Septagon's business and employment areas; applications must be delivered or postmarked by the deadline at 5:00 pm; late applications will not be considered; application is also available online at http://www.septagon.com/scholarship. This scholarship is also available to college students, see separate application form. Aviation Scholarship ($500) – Deadline March 23 to Ms. Waller updated 10/25/11 The Experimental Aircraft Association Mid Missouri Chapter 1225 sponsors: intended for students pursuing a career in aviation. Applications will be forwarded by the March 30 deadline to the Mid Missouri Chapter. Missouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture Vocational Scholarship – updated 2/7/12 (4 awards @ $500 each) Deadline March 30 The Missouri Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture sponsors the following: be a Missouri resident and applicant or their parents or guardian must hold a current Farm Bureau membership; enroll as a full-time student; enroll for the fall semester of the year in which the scholarship is awarded; pursuing an associate of applied science degree or certification in a trade related to agriculture; applicants must be a student in good academic standing, have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; submit 1 letter of recommendation from a school official (teacher, counselor, or administrator); a letter of personal reference; a letter of recommendation from an employer or work supervisor; and a copy of your high school transcript or GED certificate. Vandalia Area Ministerial Alliance Memorial Scholarship - Deadline March 30 updated 2/28/12 The Vandalia Area Ministerial Alliance sponsors the following: verify standing within graduating class; verify college/university/trade school to be attended; verify gross family income for the current year; need verification by your school counselor; letter of recommendation from one teacher and one adult outside your family. Application must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Fern Braden-Audrain Medical Center Auxiliary Scholarship - Deadline March 31 updated 2/7/12 Audrain Medical Center Auxiliary sponsors the following scholarship: submit application along with two letters of recommendation (from a teacher, counselor, or pastor, no relatives); recent photo; official school transcript; and hand-written essay of at least 100 words telling about yourself; must attend school of higher education accredited or approved by the State of Missouri; be a full time student with 12 credit hours or more per semester; maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA per semester; remain in the healthcare field. Ed French Charitable Scholarship - Deadline March 31 updated 2/14/12 The Ed French Charitable Foundation sponsors the following: scholarship is limited to graduating seniors who live in specific boundaries of Farber and Laddonia; check with your counselor for the specific boundaries. Applications must be mailed by the deadline, see application for address. Patriotic Art Scholarship - Deadline March 31 The VFW Auxiliary sponsors the following: students in grades 9-12; attend school in the same state as the sponsoring Ladies Auxiliary; home-school students are eligible; foreign exchange students are not eligible; size no smaller than 8 x 10 and no larger than 18 x 24; proper flag usage (refer to Federal Flag Code-public law 94-344 or at <www.bcpl.net/~etowner/flagcode.html>); digital art may be used, all images must be original; do not frame artwork, submit canvas entries on stretcher frames. See your Art Teacher or Guidance Counselor for more information. Farmers & Laborers Co-Op Insurance Association Scholarship - Deadline March 31 updated 2/7/12 - 12 - The Farmers & Laborers Co-Op Insurance Association sponsor the following: give a summary of why you have chosen your trade or profession, attach copy of high school transcript and include attendance records, summary of high school extra-curricular activities and awards, include a photo. Applications must be returned to Guidance Office by the deadline. Masonic Merit Scholarship - Deadline March 31 updated 2/7/12 The Masonic Scholarship Fund of Missouri sponsors the following: GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; class rank; ACT, SAT or equivalent test score; involvement in extra-curricular activities; financial need; current recipients-providing proper re-application, to be continued before new applicants are selected; graduate from a Missouri Public High School; enrollment as a full-time student (12 credit hours per semester) at an accredited college or university in the US; selection is made without regard to race, creed, sex or country of origin. Criteria for continuing scholarship: recipients need to provide proper notification by letter for continuing their education; provide current official college transcript showing a cumulative 3.0 or higher GPA; enrollment as a full-time student (12 credit hours per semester) at an accredited college or university in the US; scholarships are for a limit of 4 consecutive years; must be in residence, must contact the Grand Lodge with any address changes; contact Grand Lodge if he/she transfers to another college. Applications must be mailed by the deadline. Susan M. Hunter Correctional Scholarship - Available February 1 thru March 31updated 1/10/12 The Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA) sponsors the following: applicants must be the child of a current, retired, or deceased employee who is or was a full-time employee of a corrections agency that is a member of ASCA; must be high school seniors entering college, undergraduates, or graduate students; must be attend a two-year or four-year accredited college or university; must be enrolled full-time as defined by their college or university; incoming first time freshman and enrolled full-time college graduate or undergrad students must have a minimum college GPA of 3.0; graduate students’ field of study must be Corrections/Criminal Justice; new applicants must include an essay (max 300 words - English only) "Describe your career goals and what this scholarship would mean to the completion of your undergraduate/graduate education"; graduate students must include a description of their Corrections/Criminal Justice career goals; official transcript; test scores (only incoming freshman); two recommendation letters. See application for more details. Application must be submitted online at http://www.asca.net by deadline, all required documentation must be postmarked no later than the deadline. Missouri Insurance Education Foundation - Deadline March 31 updated 2/7/12 (4 awards @ $1500 each) The Missouri Insurance Education Foundation sponsors the following: must be a Missouri resident; be a graduating high school senior; must be a full-time Missouri college/university freshman in the coming academic year with an interest or intent to pursue an insurance, risk management, or actuarial science course of study at an accredited Missouri college or university; must demonstrate scholarship -- in the complete sense -- consistent with capacity and circumstances; must submit typed application form (handwritten will not be accepted); letter of application addressed to the Scholarship Committee, the letter should contain a brief explanation of career goals and biographical (background) information; one letter of recommendation from student's high school teacher, administrator, or former employer; complete high school transcript with cumulative grade point average and class standing/rank. Applications must be postmarked by the deadline. Applications are available online at www.mief.org. Shelter Insurance Foundation ($2000) - Deadline March 31 updated 2/28/12 Shelter Insurance/Frankie Wallace sponsors the following: must be a graduating senior; selection is based on applicant's scholastic achievement, participation and leadership in school and community activities, citizenship and moral character, and educational goals; children of any Shelter Insurance - 13 - Agent or employee are NOT eligible; must enroll in a college/university by the September following his/her high school graduation. WERDCC Scholarship - Deadline March 31 Application must be obtained from the prison. Applicant must be son/daughter to a prison employee. APRIL United Credit Union Scholarship (8 awards @ $500) - Deadline April 1 updated 2/7/12 United Credit Union sponsors the following: must be a member of United Credit Union and currently attending or planning to attend a school of advanced education; maintain a 2.75 overall GPA; good citizenship and leadership characteristics; active in school and community activities; attach a copy of your high school transcript and ACT score; applications are to be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Ted Seeley Memorial Scholarship (Amount Varies) - Deadline April 1 updated 3/12/12 The Dam Few Cruisers Car Club sponsors the following: given to a student who has chosen to further his/her education in an automotive related field; recipient will be chosen by the scholarship committee based on need and the desire to complete vocational training; only awarded to recipient one time; applicant must reside in the following school districts, Van-Far R-I, Bowling Green R-I, Pike Co. R-III (Clopton), or Ralls Co. R-II (Mark Twain); include letters of reference and high school transcript and vo-tech school transcript. Applications must be mailed by deadline. See application for address. Ralls County Mutual Insurance Company Scholarship– Deadline April 1 updated 02/16/12 (2 awards @ $500 each) Ralls County Mutual Insurance Company of Center, Missouri sponsors the following: must be a Missouri high school senior, attending an accredited school in Missouri. Applications must be mailed by the deadline. Moberly Area Community College Scholarships – Deadline April 1 updated 3/12/12 Applications are available from the Guidance Office or online at http://www.macc.edu/index.php/201213-scholarship-application.link. MACC currently has one Scholarship Application for all of the scholarship available at MACC. See Guidance Office for paper application or above web address for full listing of scholarships and requirements for each. The Chris Lovelace Memorial Scholarship - Deadline April 2 updated 2/28/12 Brinda Pargeon sponsors the following: any interested student may fill out this application; scholarship will be awarded for one year only, on need, sincerity, and probability of following through with plans; any information that will help the committee make a choice will be appreciated. Application must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Martha J. McDonald Memorial Scholarship - Deadline April 2 updated 2/28/12 The McDonald Family sponsors the following: any Van-Far student of high scholastic promise regardless of race, creed, color, sex or national origin; student must have maintained superior grades (3.25 GPA or above) in high school; must be pursuing a degree in the fields of: Business, Science, Education, or Medicine at an accredited college or university in the state of Missouri; demonstrate strengths in high school, community service, extra-curricular activities, overall leadership capabilities, work experience; selection will be made by the family upon recommendation of the High School Principal and Counselor; preference will be given to, but not limited to, students who are active members of the First Presbyterian Church in Vandalia; include ACT/SAT scores; neatness of - 14 - application and indicators as to whether parent or student completed the application will be taken into consideration. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. The Rotary Scholarship ($750) - Deadline April 2 updated 2/21/12 The Vandalia Rotary Club sponsors the following: available for students to attend any vocational or trade school, college or university to improve their education; students cannot be children of Rotarians; scholarship will be awarded for one year only and will be based on need, sincerity, community service and the probability of following through with educational plans. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. The Michael Deppe Memorial Scholarship - Deadline April 2 updated 2/16/12 The Michael Deppe Trust sponsors the following: available to any graduating senior who plans to attend any school to improve his/her education; will be awarded on the basis of need, sincerity, and probability of the applicant following through with his/her plans; include brief high school transcript. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Clay Greenplate Memorial Scholarship ($500) - Deadline April 3 updated 2/21/12 The Greenplate Family sponsors the following: one award to be given to a Van-Far senior who will pursue higher education at the school of their choice; will be awarded based on sincerity, community service, and activities, leadership, and the probability the student will follow through with their educational plans, and financial need. If application is not completed it will not be considered. Applications must be mailed by the deadline. See application for address. Althea Club Memorial Scholarship - Deadline April 4 updated 2/22/12 (Given in Memory of Shad Talbert and Elizabeth Long) - The Althea Club sponsors the following: Van-Far high school senior who will be enrolling as a freshman at a college, university, junior college, or a trade school; scholarship is for one year only; will be awarded on sincerity, citizenship, leadership, and the probability of following through with plans; include class rank, ACT/SAT score and GPA. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Vandalia Lions Club Scholarship - Deadline April 5 updated/2/16/12 The Vandalia Lions Club sponsors the following: must be a Van-Far student who plans on attending an accredited college, university, or technical school; complete the application; include in 75 words or less in your own words and handwriting why you want to be a recipient of this scholarship. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Kenneth L. Short Memorial Scholarship ($1000) – Deadline April 6 updated 2/8/12 Opaa foods sponsors the following: must enroll in an accredited college or university and demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the food service/hospitality industry; submit a typed statement of less than 500 words as to why you are applying for this scholarship; a description of your high school and community activities; work experiences; and your intended career path; letter of recommendation from a high school teacher; copy of your transcript. Updated 9/14/11 Shane Dean Voyles Memorial Scholarship ($500) - Deadline April 8 see note below. The American Legion sponsors the following: one award will be awarded annually; each high school in the State of Missouri may submit only one application for this award; applicant must be selected by the faculty of the High School he/she is attending based on individuals financial need; participation in athletics, participation in school activities/clubs; volunteer work; exceptional leadership qualities high moral standards and extreme patriotism; recipient must be a full time student in an accredited college or university in the state of Missouri; must be a resident of Missouri; must be attending an accredited college/university as a full-time student; a descendant of a veteran with at least ninety days active - 15 - service in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, who received an Honorable Discharge for such service; photocopy of the veteran's DD 214, discharge or separation notice must accompany the application. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by April 8 th, and then one student is selected to submit their application by the April 20th deadline. Application is available at www.missourilegion.org. Charlotte Luebrecht Memorial Scholarship ($250) - Deadline April 10 updated 2/8/12 The Luebrecht Family sponsors the following: been accepted into or enrolled in a medical program such as nursing school, allied health program or medical school; attach a one page essay discussing plans for a career in medicine; include a resume, a letter of recommendation and a transcript. Application must be mailed to Sheri Luebrecht, prior to deadline. Sheila Smith Cosmetology Scholarship ($500) – Deadline April 12 updated 3/1/12 Benny and Charles Grisham, brothers to Sheila Smith sponsor the following: scholarship can be awarded to a high school junior, graduating senior or a post-high Van-Far graduate attending a school of cosmetology; applications must be returned to the Guidance office. Jefferson Leon & Dorothea Ann Hays Memorial Scholarship - Deadline April 13 updated 2/22/12 The Jefferson Leon & Dorothea Ann Hays Trust sponsors the following: must be a graduating senior of Van-Far High School; students may attend any college; any interested student may complete the application; will be awarded on need, sincerity, and probability of successful completion of the student's program of study; include high school transcript, SAT/ACT score, and GPA. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Raymond B. & Genevieve Culwell Scholarship - Deadline April 13 updated 2/22/12 The Raymond B. & Genevieve Culwell Trust sponsors the following: needy Van-Far students of high scholastic promise regardless of race, creed, color, sex or national origin who reside within a fifteen mile radius of Vandalia, Missouri at the time of selection; student must have maintained superior grades in high school and must be pursuing study in fields of Arts, Business, Engineering, or Science at an accredited college or university in the state of Missouri; any degree resulting in a BS or BA would be considered eligible; attach a high school transcript; SAT or ACT score. Return applications to the Principal’s office by the deadline. Shad Talbert Memorial Scholarship - Deadline April 13 updated 2/22/12 The Talbert Family sponsors the following: available to a Van-Far senior boy who has been active in athletics and other activities; must rank in the upper one-half of their class; attend an accredited college or post-secondary education facility. Application must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Sheila Smith Memorial Scholarship ($500) – Deadline April 13 updated 3/12/12 The Smith Family sponsors the following: will be awarded to a worthy graduating boy or girl who is pursuing a career in Cosmetology; awarded on the basis of need, sincerity, and the probability of following through with college plans; if no graduating senior applies for scholarship, maybe given to a post-secondary student. Charlotte Schwab Student Council Scholarship - Deadline April 13 updated 3/12/12 Van-Far High School Student Council sponsors the following: available to a Van-Far senior. Application must be returned to the Student Council Advisor by the deadline. First National Bank Scholarship - Deadline April 15 - 16 - updated 2/21/12 The First National Bank sponsors the following: graduating senior of Van-Far High School; include high school transcript with ACT scores and attendance. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Van-Far Alumni & Friends Scholarship - Deadline April 15 updated 3/12/12 The Van-Far Alumni and Friends sponsors the following: awarded to a graduating Van-Far senior and to a Van-Far Alumni who are enrolled as a sophomore, junior or senior as a full-time student; selection is based on need, sincerity, scholastic achievement, and the probability of the student following through with their educational plans; must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA; include a high school transcript. Applications must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Farm House Builder of Men ($1000) – Deadline April 15 The Farm House Fraternity – Alpha Chapter of the University of Missouri – Columbia sponsors the following: any male high school senior planning to attend the University of Missouri-Columbia may apply. You do not have to join or be interested in the fraternity itself. Heart of Missouri Board of Realtors ($500) – Deadline April 15 updated 2/21/12 The Realtors of Callaway and Audrain Counties sponsors the following: is open to any high school senior attending high school or being home schooled in Callaway or Audrain counties; include 5001000 word essay on one of the listed topics on the application. VFTA Scholarship - Deadline April 20 updated 4/3/12 The Van-Far Teachers Association sponsors the following: applications should be typed, neat and complete; attach a high school transcript; students will be asked to interview with the VFTA Scholarship Committee; appropriate business casual-style attire is expected. Eugene Goodpasture Memorial Scholarship ($300) - Deadline April 16 updated 2/28/12 The Goodpasture Family sponsors the following: must be a graduating senior girl of Van-Far High School; for a girl to attend any post-secondary school to further her education; will be awarded on the basis of need, sincerity, and the probability of following through with college plans; include high school transcript and cumulative GPA; also include attendance records. Application must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. East Central Administrators Association Scholarship - Deadline April 16 Northeast Superintendent's Association sponsors the following: superintendent must submit only one scholarship application from their district for consideration; must be a graduating senior. Applications are available from the Guidance Office. Women Legislators of Missouri Scholarship – Deadline April 20 updated 2/22/12 (9 awards at $500) The members of the Women Legislators of Missouri sponsor the following: awarded to a female graduating high school senior; include 500 word essay, topic on application; recipient will be chosen from each of the nine Missouri U.S. Congressional Districts; students that do not follow instructions and /or fill out the application completely will be disqualified. updated 9/14/11 Lillie Lois Ford Scholarship Fund (2 awards @ $1,000 each) - Deadline April 20 The American Legion sponsors the following: two awards are given each year; one to a boy who has attended a full session of The American Legion Boys State of Missouri or a full session of the Department's Cadet Patrol Academy; the second to a girl who has attended a full session of The American Legion Auxiliary's Girls State program or a full session of the Department's Cadet Patrol Academy; student must be a resident of Missouri; unmarried dependent under the age of 21; - 17 - descendant of a veteran with at least ninety days active service in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, who received an Honorable Discharge for such service; photocopy of the veteran's DD 214, discharge or separation notice must accompany the application; attending an accredited college/university as a full-time student; consideration for scholarship will be determined by NEED of financial aid; scholarship must be used the first fall semester of a college/university following graduation from high school. Application must be mailed by the deadline, see application for address. Application is available at www.missourilegion.org. updated 9/14/11 M.D. 'Jack' Murphy Memorial Nurses Training Fund ($750) - Deadline April 20 The American Legion sponsors the following: one award is given for two successive semesters, and may be extended for one additional year by reapplying; planning a career as a Registered Nurse; must be used the first fall semester upon completion of high school; must have graduated in the top forty percent of their high school class and Counselor’s statement must be attached; student must be a resident of Missouri; must be unmarried dependent under the age of 21; a descendant of a veteran with at least ninety days active service in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, who received an Honorable Discharge for such service; photocopy of the veteran's DD 214, discharge or separation notice must accompany the application; consideration for scholarship will be determined by NEED of financial aid; must be attending an accredited college/university as a full-time student. Application must be mailed by the deadline, see application for address. Application is available at www.missourilegion.org . Updated 9/14/11 Joseph J. Frank Scholarship (5 awards @ $500 each) - Deadline April 20 The American Legion sponsors the following: must have attended a full session of Missouri Boys State/Girls State program; a descendant of a veteran with at least ninety days active service in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard, who received an Honorable Discharge for such service; photocopy of the veteran's DD 214, discharge or separation notice must accompany the application; a resident of the state of Missouri; must be an unmarried dependent under the age of 21, must be attending an accredited college/university as a full-time student; consideration for scholarship will be determined by NEED of financial aid; scholarship must be used the first fall semester of college following graduation from high school. Application must be mailed by the deadline, see application for address. Application is available at www.missourilegion.org . Charles L. Bacon Memorial Scholarship (2 awards @ $500 each) - Deadline April 20 Updated 9/14/11 The American Legion sponsors the following: two awards are given annually in memory of the first Missourian to serve as National Commander of The American Legion; must be a members of The American Legion family(Legion member, Auxiliary member, S.A.L. member, or a descendant of a member of any thereof); must be unmarried dependent under the age of 21, a resident of the state of Missouri; and must use the first fall semester of a college/university following graduation from high school; as a full-time student in an accredited college or university; consideration for scholarship will be determined by NEED of financial aid; Application must be mailed by the deadline, see application for address. Application is available at www.missourilegion.org. Erman W. Taylor Memorial Scholarship (2 awards @ $500 each) - Deadline April 20 Updated 9/14/11 The American Legion sponsors the following: be a descendent of a veteran having served 90 days on active duty in the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corp or Coast Guard, and having an Honorable discharge; a copy of the veteran’s discharge or separation notice must be submitted with application; the copy must show the entered date and the left service date; be a resident of Missouri; consideration for scholarship will be determined in NEED of financial aid; must be planning a major in education, attach high school counselors statement and SAT/ACT scores; be a full-time student - 18 - enrolled at an accredited college/university; scholarship must be used the first fall semester of college/university following graduation. Application is available at www.missourilegion.org. National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors (NAIFA)($500) - Deadline April 20 updated3/12/12 NAIFA Mid Missouri sponsors the following: high school students in their senior year who will graduate in the spring from any of the following high schools, Centralia, Columbia, Community, Fayette, Fulton, Hallsville, Harrisburg, Howard Co., Mexico, Montgomery Co., New Bloomfield, New Franklin, North Callaway Co., South Callaway Co., Southern Boone Co., Sturgeon, Van-Far and Wellsville-Middletown; complete essay with the title of "The Importance of Insurance and Financial Planning"; must be typed, double-spaced, and be at least one full standard page in length and not more than two pages; work must be original, but statistical and industry information may be included; judged on basis of clarity of expression and overall effectiveness presenting the importance of insurance and financial planning. Application must be postmarked by the deadline. Les Nelson Memorial Scholarship - Deadline April 26 updated 2/16/12 The Nelson Family sponsors the following: students need to be pursuing a degree with a major in agriculture; will need to demonstrate strengths in agriculture courses during high school; community service and activities, extra-curricular activities, overall leadership capabilities, work experience and have a financial need. Application needs to be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Tanner Eugene Lowrance Memorial Scholarship ($500) – Deadline April 27 updated2/22/12 Timothy Lowrance sponsors the following: available to a high school senior with a GPA of 2.75 or higher; plans to further their education; participate in two or more high school sports; scholarship will be awarded on personality, charm, heart, character, school activities, community leadership and grades; application must be completely filled out. Application must be returned to the Guidance Office. Elizabeth Long Memorial Scholarship - Deadline April 27 updated 2/22/12 The Long Family sponsors the following: must be graduating senior who plans to further their education; preference will be shown to students who have been a Van-Far athlete (cheerleader or other), active member of Van-Far FFA Chapter or an active member of Van-Far Chiefs Band; include a copy of your high school transcript. Application must be returned to the Guidance Office by the deadline. Missouri Past National Presidents Scholarship - Deadline April 30 The Department of Missouri Ladies Auxiliary sponsors the following: must be a high school senior student who are the daughter/son, granddaughter/grandson, of members of the Department of Missouri Ladies Auxiliary/VFW Member who have paid their current dues; two letters of recommendation from current instructors or counselors; include high school transcript; a description of yourself to include school, community and volunteer activities, honors received, hobbies and future goals. Applications must be received by the deadline. Men of Achievement Scholarship (2 awards @ $500 each) – Deadline April 30 updated 3/20/12 Delta Sigma Phi-Beta Beta Chapter at the University of Missouri sponsors the following: must be graduating in the spring; male student attending the University of Missouri in the fall; have at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA; need a letter of recommendation submitted by coach/employer/faculty member; complete a personal interview (if selected as a finalist); submit high school transcript with official ACT score; complete essay, academic and activity documents. - 19 - MAY Audrain Agribusiness Scholarship - Deadline May 1 updated 2/28/12 The Audrain Agribusiness sponsors the following: applicant must be a high school senior living in Audrain County, Missouri; plan to study in an agriculture-related field at the college of their choice; provide a copy of their high school transcript; complete a one-page essay. Applications must be received by the deadline. EMO Conference Scholarship ($ Amount Varies) - Deadline May 1 updated 3/22/12 The EMO Conference sponsors the following: student must be a senior who has participated in EMO conference events while in high school and been recognized at least twice by the conference; this includes having been a participant in EMO Band, EMO Choir, and/or been a first or second team allconference athlete or academic bowl competitor; minimum attendance percentage of 95%; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5; also attach a resume; applications are then given to the high school principal who selects one boy and one girl to represent the school in the final selection process. The applications must be returned to the Principal’s Office by the deadline. Andy Robinson Memorial Scholarship ($500) – Deadline May 1 updated 4/3/12 The Robinson Family sponsors the following: will be awarded to a Van-Far senior intending to further their education by attending a Trade/Technical School. Junior Achievement Scholarship – Deadline May TBA Only VF seniors that participate in Junior Achievement are eligible for this scholarship. Scholarship applications are only available from the FCCLA Advisor. Better Business Bureau - Student of Ethics Award - Deadline May 15 The Better Business Bureau of E. Missouri and S. Illinois sponsors the following: must be a U.S. citizen and legal resident of Illinois or Missouri; open to high school juniors in the 92 counties in Southern Illinois and Eastern Missouri served by the St. Louis BBB; include completed entry form, one-page essay (written by student), high school transcript, one letter of reference for the student (from a teacher, school official, church official, employer, etc. - no family members); letter of reference should not be longer than 100 words. Applications must be postmarked by the deadline. JUNE Alpha Gamma Sigma Scholarship - Deadline June 1 The Men of Alpha Gamma Sigma sponsor the following: must be male to apply, have intent to attend the University of Missouri-Columbia, being a member of Alpha Gamma Sigma is not a requirement to receive the scholarship. JULY Beatrice Snyder Scholarship Program – Deadline July 21 Harold Snyder and children sponsor the following: for students planning to enroll full-time in the Automation & Robotics Technology degree program offered by Linn State Technical College at the Advanced Technology Center, Mexico, Missouri, or the Computer Information Systems degree program offered by Moberly Area Community College at the Advanced Technology Center. Students who receive Vocational Rehabilitation or A+ funding may not apply. Application must be mailed to the ATC. - 20 - - 21 -