full information letter

To editorial board should be submited:
1. Printed out and signed by the author text of the article
(abstract) in 2 copies.
Abstracts of PhD students should be recommended for
printing by their tutors.
2. CD with the text of the article (abstract) (with pictures,
formulas, tables).
3.Two certified reviews (of the organization where the author
works, and an outside organization), signed by the candidate
or doctor of economic sciences.
It is required to required to note in the reviews the relevance
of article submitted, elements of novelty, recommendations
for its publication.
4. Information about authors (name, academic rank, title,
organization (institution), address and telephone number, fax,
5. Letter of request from the head of the author's institution
to vicerector of Lviv Polytechnic National University Pih Z.
H. with the request to review the article and to allow its
publication in the Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National
6. Original of the document confirming payment of
conference fee.
The Editorial Board holds the right to reject the article (in
case of lack of scientific novelty or the article is not prpaired
in accordance due to these requirements).
Organizing committee address:
79013, Ukraine, Lviv, S. Bandera str. 12. Lviv Polytechnic
National University, Department of Management of
To participate in the conference and to publish article and
abstract to it the conference fee should be paid in the amount
of 100 USD, which includes – participation in the conference,
publication of abstract and article (this fee does not cover the
traveling, accommodation and meals cost).
More information on payment could be received after
request via e-mail or per phone.
Invitations to the conference will be sent to those
participants and organizations (institutions) from whom
conference fee will be received till April 1, 2010.
of the participant of ІІІ international
scientific-practical conference
20-21 May 2010
Working languages – Ukrainian, English, Polish.
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Department of Management of Organizations
Council of young scientists
at the Institute of Economics and Management,
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Іnstitute for Regional Studies of NAS of Ukraine
Name: ________________________________________________
Surname: ______________________________________________
Institution: _____________________________________________
Scientific degree, position:_________________________________
Tutor (for PhD students): __________________________________
Business address: ________________________________________
Personal address: ________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________
Fax: __________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________
Title of the article: _______________________________________
Lviv Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic
I plan to (please, indicate):
□ to do a presentation (with the plenary lecture
or section report);
□ participate as a listener;
Take part as a remote participant through:
□ publishing of abstract
□ publishing of article
Name of section
□ need in accommodation (for booking a room)
Higher School of Business and Management in
Lodz (Poland)
Department of Management of Organizations
Lviv Polytechnic National University
(IV teach. Bldg., Room. 407).
Department secretary:
tel (032) 258-21-75
fax (032) 258-26-61
E-mail: mor.conference@gmail.com
Contact English speaking person
Kryvoruchko Yaryna +380676726847
Lviv regional public organization
"College of Young Scientists"
Economic University in Cracow
University of Mateja Bela (Slovakia)
III International
Scientific-practical Conference
20-21 May 2010
Lviv, Ukraine
Ladies and gentlemen,
we invite you to attend the Third International Scientific
Conference on the problems of innovation processes,
which will take place in Lviv, Ukraine 20-21 May 2010 at
the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv
Polytechnic National University at Lviv, St. Bandera str.,
The organizers invite scholars, experts, lecturers,
researchers, doctoral students, graduate students,
BOBALO Yu.Ya. - Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National
University, Ph.D., Professor .
KUZMIN O. Ye - Director of the Institute of Economics and
Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of
Economics, Professor
KRAVTSIV V. S. - Director of the Institute for Regional Studies
of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics
PETROWYCH Yo. M. - Professor at the Department of
Management of organizations at Lviv Polytechnic National
University, Doctor of Economics, Professor
YURYNETS O. V. - Assistant professor at Department of
management of organizations at Lviv Polytechnic National
University, Ph.D.
ALEKSEEV I.V. - Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics
and Management, Head of department of Finances, Lviv Polytechnic
National University, Doctor of Economics, Professor
HERASYMCHUK V.G. - Head of the Department of International
Economics at National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv
Polytechnic Institute”, Doctor of Economics, Professor
DADO Ya. - Professor of Department of Management and
Marketing at Mateja Bela University (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia),
Dr. hab., Professor
ZAGORODNIY A.G. - Vice rector, Head of the Department of
Accounting and Auditing, Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Ph.D., Professor
ILLYASHENKO S.M. - Head of Marketing Department, Sumy
State University, Doctor of Economics, Professor
KOZYK V.V. - Head of Department of Enterprise economics,
investment and real estate, Lviv Polytechnic National University,
Ph.D., Professor
KRYKAVSKYY Ye.V. - Head of Department of Marketing and
Logistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of
Economics, Professor
LAPKO O.O. - Head of the Department of Finance, University of
Banking of National Bank of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics,
PATORA R. - rector of the Higher School of Entrepreneurship and
Management in Lodz, Poland, Doctor of Economics, Professor
POPLAVSKA Z.V. - Head of the Department of Theoretical and
Applied Economics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of
Economics, Professor
PERERVA P.G. - Dean of the Faculty of Economics at National
Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, Doctor of
Economics, Professor
SMOLYAR L.G. - President of the International University of
Finance, Head of Department of Management and Innovation, Ph.D.,
TYVONCHUK I.O. - Professor of Department of Theoretical and
Applied Economics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of
Economics, Professor
FEDULOVA L.I. - Head of Technological Forecasting and
Innovation Policy Division at Institute of Economics and Forecasting
of NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor
CHUMACHENKO I.V. - Dean of the Faculty of Economics at
Kharkiv National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky
"Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Doctor of Technical sciences, Professor
CHUBALA A. - Head of Marketing Department of the Economic
University in Cracow (Poland), Dr. hab., Prof. zw.
JAWORSKYY M.S. - Director of the Lviv Center for Scientific,
Technical and economic information, PhD.
YASTREMSKA O.M. - Head of the Department of Economics,
organization and planning of business at Kharkiv National Economic
University, Doctor of Economics, Professor
YATSURA V.V. - Head of the Department of Management, Lviv
National University named after Ivan Franko, Ph.D., Professor
Work of conference will be divided into sections:
1. Innovative processes and their impact on the development of
national economy and industrial production.
2. Theory and practice of management of enterprises and
organizations on the basis of innovative models of development:
problems, prospects and risks.
3. Managing innovation projects: theory and practice.
4. Formation and development of innovative corporate culture of
to take part in the conference it is requested till April 1, 2010
to the committee address: apply registration card (example of
registration card attached) abstract - 1-2 full pages and article.
Submited abstracts and articles should be designed after such
the text should be formed in Microsoft Word. Materials are
accepted only in working language of the conference. The main
text: font - 11, interval - 1.1, first line indentation - 1cm, font Times. Format of paper - A4 (210 x 297 mm). Margins: top - 2.0
cm, bottom - 2.7 cm, left - 1,8 cm, right - 2.5 cm. Header and
footer: bottom - 1.7 cm (page number in the center).
In first line name and surname of the author and coauthors (one
author should be presented in no more than two articles, bold
font, size 11, right sided) should be indicated. Next row affiliation (institution) (bold, 11, right sided). After 1 interval title of the abstract or article, big letters (bold, 14, centered). After
1 interval symbol ©, initials and surname of author, comma year
(italics, 11, right sided). After 1 interval - annotations and
keywords (font 11, bold). After 1 interval main text of the article
or abstract. Subtitles in the article, its structural parts should be
written in small bold letters, font size 11, centered.
CHUKHRAY N.I. - Head of the Department of Management of
Organizations at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctor of
Economics, Professor
ZAHARCHYN G.M. - Assistant professor at Department of
Management of Organizations at Lviv Polytechnic National
University, Ph.D., Associate Professor
HRYBYK I.I. - Assistant professor at department of management of
organizations at Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ph.D.
Attention! Structure of the article should contain: key words at least 6-7, Abstract in English and Ukrainian – up to 6 lines,
setting of the problem, analysis of recent studies and publications,
setting of the goals of the article, the main material, conclusions,
prospects for further research. Volume – up to 7 pages.