Genetic Disorder Project Presentation

Genetic Disease Presentation
u have been challenged to incorporate your knowledge about cells, cell
vision, genetics, and DNA to research and present on a specific
netic disorder. By the time this project is due, you will have already
mpleted your basic study about the ideas of genetics and mutations.
ow with that information, you are being required to research a
ecific genetic disorder and give an oral presentation along with
eating a PowerPoint presentation to explain the genetic disorder.
ur multimedia presentation (PowerPoint) along with your oral
esentation should include the following slides/questions:
Slide #1 – Genetic Disease Name, your name, date.
Slide #2 - What is the name of the disorder and what is
e history behind the disorder? Who discovered it or/and who
ve done research on the disease?
Slide #3 – Here is where your attention getter goes –
ctures, a video (just nothing graphic – assume you will be
owing this presentation to your mother or grandmother).
Slide #4 - How is the disorder diagnosed? How does a
rson receive the disorder? Is it sex-linked? Is it a mutation? Is it
e to heredity?
Slide #5 - The signs and symptoms of the given disorder.
Slide #6 - What types of treatment (if any) are there are
r the disorder?
Slide #7 - Internet sources that may be of interest to the
You are encouraged to share any other information that
u feel is relevant that you feel is important for others to know
out the genetic disorder.
mail ( me your
election BEFORE progress reports. The disease
ou select is on a first-come-first-served basis,
o choose now so you will not be stuck with one
ou do not want! I will assign a genetic disease for
hose who do not select one by the due date!
Possible Genetic Disorders (there are many more):
Achondroplasia (Dwarfism)
Adrenal hyperplasia
Autism/ Asperger syndrome
Cystic Fibrosis
Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)
Marfan Syndrome
Moebius Syndrome
Polycystic Kidney Disease
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Familial Dysautonomia
Gardner syndrome (intestinal
Gaucher’s Disease
Huntington’s Disease
Jacobsen Syndrome
Klinefelters Syndrome
Klippel-Feil Syndrome
Proteus Syndrome
Rett’s Syndrome
Spinocerebellar Ataxia
Tay-Sachs Disease
Tourette Syndrome
Turner Syndrome
Due dates:
Disease selection: November 16th, 2012
Basic slide outline: November 30th, 2012
Complete PowerPoint due: December 14th, 2012
Class presentations: December 17th – 21st, 2012
List of internet resources that may be helpful to you in creating your
hoo - Genetic Disorders
e explains several different disorders and contains links to all of the different types
genetic disorders.
netic & Rare Conditions Site
ks to different types of disorders in alphabetical order.
netic Disorder Library
learn more about different genetic disorders, browse through the Genetic Disorder
netics Education Center
eks to help educate people about genetics.
e National Human Genome Research Institute
plains about the human genome project.
partment of Energy - Human Genome Project Information
vides a lot of information about the human genome project.
Gene Map of the Human Genome
u can see the mapping of several different chromosomes found within the body.
arning about the Human Genome Project and Genetics through the World Wide Web
ks at the ethical issues of genetic research.
hat is Genetic Testing?
ows the basics of genetic testing and talks about the ethical issues of that happen
e to genetic testing.
Rubric for Evaluation of Genetic Disorder Presentation.
nk to Bibliography Citation Machine
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