160 chapter 11 outline

Chapter 11: Intervention: Overview
Chapter 11 – Intervention: Overview
Chapter Overview
Once an accurate and thorough assessment has been performed, and we have a
diagnosis, we move on to providing intervention. There are various forms of
interventions: psychopharmacological, psychotherapy, herbal, self-help, and
other alternative modes of treatment. While students will not be formally
practicing for quite some time, this introduction into intervention allows them to
consider the menu of treatment choices to promote their academic journey.
Ethical considerations, a theme throughout the text, are discussed and are a
guide to the delivery of psychological services. Chapter 11 introduces us to
empirically based interventions and provides the backbone for the next three
chapters. Students should begin to consider how these interventions affect the
lives of patients and impact clinicians as well.
Chapter Contents
The Ethics of Intervention
Theoretical Approaches
Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapies
Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression
Process-Experiential Therapies
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies
Seeking Psychological Treatment
The Duration and Impact of Psychotherapy
Alternative Modes of Service Delivery
Summary and Conclusions
Learning Objectives
1. What are the ethical considerations of intervention?
2. Discuss the benefits of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapies?
Chapter 11: Intervention: Overview
3. How does interpersonal psychotherapy benefit patients?
4. Discuss the role of interpersonal psychotherapy for depression.
5. What are the roots of the process-experiential therapies?
6. Why has there been a resurgence of the process-experiential therapies?
7. Why are cognitive-behavioral therapies so popular?
8. Which is the most empirical-validated psychotherapy?
9. What are the phases of cognitive-behavioral therapy?
10. Who seeks psychological treatment?
11. What does psychotherapist mean?
12. How can patients be sure their therapist is qualified?
13. How long does psychotherapy last and does it work?
14. What other modes of service delivery are there for therapies?
Up for Discussion
1. Does the economy play a role in the increase or decrease of
psychological services?
2. What are the challenges of seeking out psychological services?
3. How can therapists violate ethics during treatment of a patient?
4. If you were seeking out therapy, what questions would you ask your
5. Why would insurance companies reimburse for cognitive-behavioral
therapies over psychodynamic therapies?
6. Why are cognitive-behavioral therapies more preferred in the field?
7. Which therapy would you consider for yourself? What would you
8. When would interpersonal psychotherapy not be advised?
9. As a therapist, would you recommend psychotherapy, medications, or
both? Which is most effective?
10. Why do patients typically turn to medications rather than psychotherapy?
11. What are the challenges for a patient to continue with psychotherapy?
12. Should group therapy be a substitute for individual psychotherapy?
Chapter 11: Intervention: Overview
13. What are the risks of relying on self-help books and tapes?
14. What are the benefits of computer therapy and what is missing?
15. Is therapy better explained as a form of reparenting?
Out-of-Class Activities
1. Have students visit the American Psychological Association website on
the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and the Code of Conduct. Have
them select the sections relevant to treatment and therapy, explain how
one could violate a code, and discuss the consequences of such a
violation. Have them consider why these particular sections are there.
2. Have students research a therapy of their choice and provide an analysis
of why this treatment would be effective and for which disorders. They
should be prepared to defend their choice in class.
3. Psychotherapy can be challenging for a patient. Students should assume
the role of therapist and write up ways in which they can encourage
patients to stay with their treatment. They should try to incorporate
prevention techniques from Chapter 11 in their answer.
4. Students can look up numerous group therapies and may want to attend
one, with the permission of the group facilitator. They should write up their
reactions, the effectiveness of the group, the group support, and the
overall differences and similarities to one-on-one counseling.
Web Links
Beating the Blues computer-based treatment of anxiety and depression:
The FearFighter Internet-based treatment of phobias and panic, and other
Internet-based treatments:
Some additional websites describing virtual reality treatments and treatment-related
research. Keep in mind the importance of empirical evidence in reviewing self-help
books and websites offering treatment options:
Chapter 11: Intervention: Overview
Video Suggestions
Aaron T. Beck (DVD, color, 60 min.) In this video, Philip Kendall interviews Aaron
Beck, the pioneer of cognitive-behavioral therapy and developer of the Beck
Depression Inventory. Beck discusses the development of behavioral and
cognitive therapies. 2001, Insight Media.
Cognitive Counseling (DVD, color, 60 min.) Presenting cognitive strategies for
clients across the life span, this DVD features Jan Holden detailing the steps of
her cognitive counseling routine. It covers evaluation of distorted versus viable
thinking, examination of evidence, cost-benefit analysis, thought stopping, and
cognitive and behavioral rehearsal. 2004, Insight Media.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy With John Krumboltz (DVD, color, 100 min.)
In this DVD, John Krumboltz discusses cognitive-behavioral therapy and shows
how it involves learning to shape one’s life through the modification of thoughts
and behaviors. The program includes an actual counseling session. 1998, Insight
Mixed Anxiety and Depression: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach (DVD, color, 60
min.) In this program, Donald Meichenbaum demonstrates his approach to
treating comorbid disorders. He shows how to establish therapeutic priorities,
develop a treatment plan, and help clients reconceptualize complaints as
problems with solutions. 1996, Insight Media.
Psychodynamic Counseling and Psychotherapy (DVD, color, 90 min.) This DVD
describes key strategies drawn from psychodynamic and interpersonal
approaches that can be used to explore relational patterns and change the ways
in which clients’ thoughts, actions, and feelings are shaped by interpersonal
relationships. 2004, Insight Media.
Psychotherapy (DVD, color, 30 min.) This video examines psychodynamic,
Rational-Emotive, humanistic, and behavioral approaches to treating
psychological disorders. It features demonstrations by and interviews with Hans
Strupp, Albert Ellis, Rollo May, and Enrico Jones. From Annenberg/CPB, 1990,
Insight Media.
Therapies (DVD, color, 30 min.) This DVD examines four approaches to therapy,
explains their underlying theories, and elucidates their methods. It looks at
psychoanalysis, client-centered therapy, and behavioral therapy and contrasts
the forms of cognitive therapy developed by Beck and Ellis. 2002, Insight Media.
Chapter 11: Intervention: Overview
Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (DVD, color, 75 min.) Featuring Hanna
Levenson, this DVD demonstrates Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (TLDP)
with a 74-year-old man. It shows how TLDP integrates psychodynamic,
interpersonal, cognitive-behavioral, and systems approaches and teaches how to
assess a client, develop and maintain a treatment focus, and terminate
treatment.1998, Insight Media.
Suggested Readings
Norcross, J. C., Santrock, J. W., Campbell, L. F., Smith, T. P., Sommer, R., &
Zuckerman. (2003). Authoritative guide to self-help resources in mental health
(rev. ed.). New York: Guilford Press.
Wood, J. C. (2007). Getting help: The complete and authoritative guide to selfassessment and treatment of mental health problems. Oakland, CA: New
Harbinger Publications.
Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine
CyberPsychology & Behavior
Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare
Psychotherapy Research
Gotlib, I.H. & Hammen, C.L., (2002). Handbook of Depression. The Guilford
Sedgwick, D., (2001). Introduction to Jungian Psychotherapy: The Therapeutic
Relationship. Brunner-Routledge – Taylor and Francis Group.
Druss, R.G., (2000). Listening to Patients: Relearning the art of Psychotherapy,
Oxford University Press.
Davidson, K., (2000). Cognitive Therapy for Personality Disorders. ButterworthHeinemann Publishers
Bugental, J.F.T., (1999). Psychotherapy Isn’t What You Think: Bringing the
Psychotherapeutic Engagement into the Living Moment. Zeig, Tucker, and
Company, Inc.