I. Early Years Edward Taylor was born in the hamlet of Sketchley, Leicestershire, England in 1642 Was a nonconformist-- which meant that he was a member of a Protestant church not adhering to the doctrines of an established church He refused to sign the Act of Uniformity in 1662 Sailed for the Massachusetts Bay Colony on April 26, 1668 Attended Harvard upon arrival in Boston II. Minister Accepted the proposition to become the minister in the small farming community in the Bay Colony of Westfield He braved the deep snowdrifts in the dead of winter to arrive there, and there he remained for the rest of his life Married Elizabeth Fitch in 1674 and had 8 children. When she died he married Ruth Willys and had six children. Edward Taylor and The New England Congregationalist Puritans of the 1630s and 1640s felt that to be truly saved one had to stand before the church and give an account of one’s salvation experience which had to be akin to that of Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. He also felt that The Lord’s Supper was the most important of the sacraments Taylor’s importance as a theologian was in his role in the controversy concerning the question of who may partake of the Lord’s Supper. III. Controversy Taylor felt that only the regenerate (one who is morally and spiritually restored or renewed) could partake of The Lord’s Supper Solomon Stoddard, the minister of the Congregational church in the nearby town of Northampton, allowed unregenerate (those not reborn spiritually and not repentant) to participate in Communion. Stoddard held that the Lord’s Supper was a converting and regenerating ordinance and not a sacrament for the regenerate only. Taylor felt that participation in the Lord’s Supper participation on the part of the congregation and the minister was required because anyone who took Communion while in a state of sin ate and drank his own damnation Thus the reason we have Taylor’s Preparatory Meditations… IV. Collection of Poetry Edward Taylor forbade his family to publish the works which he had composed and preserved. His self-bound two volumes remained in the Yale Library for more than two centuries. Professor Thomas H. Johnson found them in the late 1930s and published only two of the larger works for publication under the name The Poetical Works of Edward Taylor. V. Critical Summations It was said at that time that, “Taylor’s poems established him almost at once without quibble as not only America’s finest Colonial poet but as one of the most striking writers in the whole range of American literature.” Donald Stanford (editor of “The Poems of Edward Taylor”) says, “Taylor seems to have been endowed with most of those qualities usually connoted by the word puritan. He was learned, grave, severe, stubborn, and stiff-necked. He was very, very pious. But his piety was sincere. It was fed by a long continuous spiritual experience arising, so he felt, from a mystical communion with Christ. The reality and depth of this experience is amply witnessed by his poetry.” Many have debated why Taylor kept his poetry so secretive. Perhaps it was because most Puritans would have thought it outlandish that in Taylor’s poetry he created conceits and metaphors that used spinning wheels, bowling balls, excrement, and insects to express his intense emotions. Many feel that God’s Determinations touching his Elect is the best long poem written in seventeenth-century America Yet some find it “dated” unlike the universal and permanent appeal of Milton’s epic Paradise Lost, and they feel that Taylor cannot at any time equal the sill of Milton’s blank verse. God’s Determination Touching His Elect is known for its lyric structure and many literary critics compare them (the collection of the 35 poems) to music because of their structure. They see this as Taylor’s attempt at permeating the poetic world with real life. Others have approached the same work as verse drama, despite the Puritan antipathy for the theater. However, most scholars disagree with attempts to reclassify the work and suggest that it could not have been performed as a play for many reasons. Thomas M Davis considers God’s Determinations to be Taylor’s work in progress. He believes that the text was composed over three years and Taylor’s skill improved by the end. He says the work as a whole is uneven; “The generally high quality of the verse and techniques is often undercut by quite pedestrian lines that are flat and dull and by a shaky development of individual sections of the poem.” However, the final verses are “highly successful and sophisticated.” In the consideration of Huswifery and The Ebb & Flow, literary scholars often compare these poems to those of Anne Bradstreet due to the domestic imagery. However, unlike Bradstreet, he wrote in the metaphysical style of poets like Donne; especially in Preparatory Meditations. Critic Karl Keller approaches Taylor as the “first frontier poet of early America” and considers his work historically valuable because it shows us the aesthetics associated with early Puritanism. Within that is the classic Puritan dilemma—reconciling the devout individual’s desire to glorify God while being aware of his unworthiness in performing such a task. Several critics have noticed Taylor’s wit in his poems. They suggest that his sense of humor refutes the common perception about the Puritans’ melancholy dispositions. Bibliography "Edward Taylor," in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 24: American Colonial Writers, 1606-1734. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book. Edited by Emory Elliott, Princeton University. The Gale Group, 1984, pp. 310-321. http://harvardsquarelibrary.org/poets/taylor/php http://www.answers.com/topic/teddy-taylor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Taylor http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/WCarson/taylor.htm http://web.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap1taylor.html http://www.enotes.com/poetry-criticism/taylor-edward