[ Home ] List of HMD cause-of-death categories A graph of death counts for all ages by calendar year with disruption score will appear when you move your cursor over one of the numbers in either column 1 (Group) or 2 (Cause). Group Cause I ICD-6 ICD-7 ICD-8 ICD-9 ICD-10 code(s) code(s) code(s) code(s) code(s) 001-138, 001-138, 571, 764 571, 764 001-008, 001-008, 010-019 010-019 Disease(s) Certain infectious diseases 000-136 001-139 010-019 010-018 A00-B99 A15-A19, 1 Tuberculosis 2 Syphilis 020-029 020-029 090-097 090-097 3 Infectious Gastro-enteritis 571, 764 571, 764 008, 009 008, 009 4 Dysentery 045-048 045-048 004, 006 004, 006 A03, A06 5 Meningococcal infection 057 057 036 036 A39 6 Septicemia 053 053 038 038 A40-A41 7 Viral hepatitis 092 092 070 070 B15-B19 8 HIV-AIDS -- -- -- 042-044 B20-B24 9 Other infectious diseases 030-044, 030-044, 000-003, 001-003, A00-A02, 049-052, 049-052, 005, 007, 005, 007, A05, A07, B90 A50-A53 A04, A08A09 054-056, 054-056, 020-035, 020-035, A20-A38, 058-091, 058-091, 037, 039- 037, 039- A42-A49, 093-138 093-138 068, 071- 041, 045- A54-B09, 089, 098- 066, 071- B25-B89, 136 088, 098- B91-B99 139 II Malignant neoplasm 140-205 140-205 140-209 140-208 C00-C97 10 Lip/oral cavity/pharynx 140-148 140-148 140-149 140-149 C00-C14 11 Esophagus 150 150 150 150 C15 12 Stomach 151 151 151 151 C16 13 Colon 153 153 153 153 C18 14 Rectum 154 154 154 154 C19-C21 15 Liver, gallbladder and bile ducts 155, 156 155, 156 16 Pancreas 157 157 157 157 C25 17 Larynx 161 161 161 161 C32 18 Trachea, bronchus, and lung 162, 163 162, 163 162 162 C33-C34 19 Skin 190 190 172 172 C43 20 Breast 170 170 174 174, 175 C50 21 Cervix uteri 171 171 180 180 C53 22 Other parts of uterus 172-174 172-174 182 179, 182 C54-C55 23 Ovary 175 175 183 183 C56 24 Prostate 177 177 185 185 C61 25 Kidney 180 180 189 189 C64-C66, 155, 197.7, 197.8, 156 155-156 C22-C23, C24.0 C68 26 Bladder 181 181 188 188 C67 27 Hodgkin lymphoma 201 201 201 201 C81 28 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 200, 202, 200, 202, 205 205 200, 202 200, 202 C83-C85 29 Myeloma 203 203 203 203 C90 30 Leukemia 204 204 204-207 204-208 C90.1, C91C95 C17, C24.1C24.9, C26- 152, 158- 31 Other malignant neoplasms 152, 158- 152, 158- 160, 164- 160, 164- 165, 176, 165, 176, 178-179, 178-179, 191-199 191-199 160, 163171, 173, 181, 184, 186-187, 190-197.6, 197.9-199, 208-209 152, 158160, 163171, 173, 176, 181, 184, 186187, 190199 C31, C37C41, C44C49, C51, C52, C57C60, C62, C63, C69C80,C82, C86-C88, C90.2, C96C97 III 32 IV 33 V Other neoplasms Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 210-239 210-239 210-239 210-239 D00-D48 290-299 290-299 280-289 279-289 D50-D89 250-289 250-289 240-279 240-278 E00-E90 34 260 260 250 250 E10-E14 287 287 277 278 E65-E68 250-254, 250-254, 240-249, 270-286, 270-286, 251-276, 288-289 288-289 278-279 Mental and behavioural disorders 300-326 300-326 290-315 290-319 F00-F99 37 Alcohol abuse (including alcoholic psychosis) 307, 322 307, 322 291, 303 291, 303 F10 38 Drug dependence, toxicomania 323 323 304-305 304-305 300-306, 300-306, 290, 292- 290, 292- 308-321, 308-321, 302, 306- 302, 306- 324-326 324-326 315 319 35 36 VI 39 Diabetes Mellitus Overweight, obesity, and other hyperalimentation Other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases Other mental and behavioural disorders Diseases of the nervous system and the VII sense organs 40 Meningitis (other than meningoccocal and tuberculous) 240-246, 251-277 E00-E07, E15-E64, E70-E90 F11-F16, F18-F19 F00-F09, F17, F20-F99 G00-H95 340-398 340-398 320-389 320-389 (excl. G45.8 and G45.9) 340 340 320 320-322 G00-G03 41 Parkinson's disease 350 350 342 332 G20-G21 42 Alzheimer's disease -- -- -- 331 G30 43 Multiple sclerosis 345 345 340 340 G35 Other diseases of the nervous system and the 341-344, 341-344, 321-333, 323-330, G04-G13, sense organs 351-398 351-398 341, 343- 333-337, G23-G26, 389 341-389 G31, G36- 44 H95 (excl. G45.8 and G45.9) 390-429, VIII Heart disease 400-456, 400-456, 440-450 390-429, I00-I52, I70- 465 465 (except for 440-449 I79 393-398 393-398 I05-I09 444.2) 410-416, 421.1 421.1 Acute rheumatic heart diseases 400-402 400-402 390-392 390-392 I00-I02 Arteriosclerotic/ischaemic and degenerative 420 420 410-414 410-414 I20-I25 421-434 421-434 420-429 (except (except (except 420-429 I30-I52 421.1) 421.1) 426) Chronic rheumatic heart diseases 46 47 48 Other forms of heart disease 49 Hypertensive heart disease 440-447 440-447 400-404 401-405 I10-I15 50 Artherosclerosis 450 450 440 440 I70 51 Aortic aneurysm 451 451 441 441 I71 442-449 I72-I79 I26-I28 52 53 IX 410-416, 45 Other diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries Pulmonary heart disease and diseases of pulmonary circulation Cerebrovascular disease 442-448 452-456 452-456 (except 444.2) 465 465 426, 450 415-417 330-334 330-334 430-438 430-438 I60-I69, G45.8, G45.9 54 Cerebral hemorraghe 331 331 431 55 Cerebral infarction 332 332 432-434 431, 432 I61-I62 433, 434, I65-I66, 437.7 G45.8, G45.9 430, 435, 56 Other cerebrovascular diseases 330, 333, 330, 333, 430, 435- 334 334 438 436, 437.0437.6, 437.8- I60, I63-I64, I67-I69 437.9, 438 X 57 XI Other and unspecified disorders of the 460-464, 460-464, circulatory system 466-468 466-468 240-241, 240-241, 470-527, 470-527, 763 763 480-483 480-483 470-475, 470-475, 500 500 490-493, 490-493, 763 763 Respiratory diseases 58 Influenza 59 Other acute respiratory infections 60 Pneumonia 61 Chronic bronchitis 501-502 62 Asthma 63 64 451-458 451-459 I80-I99 460-474, 480-486, 490-493, 460-519 J00-J47, J60-J98, U04 500-519 470-474 487 460-466 460-466 480-486 480-486 J12-J18 501-502 490, 491 490, 491 J40-J42 241 241 493 493 J45-J46 Other obstructive pulmonary diseases 526-527 526-527 492, 518 Other respiratory diseases 240, 510- 240, 510- 500-517, 492, 494, 496 470-478, J09-J11 J00-J06, J20J22 J43-J44, J47 J30-J39, 525 525 519 488, 495, J60-J98, U04 500-519 XII Diseases of the digestive system 65 66 67 68 XIII Peptic ulcer Gastro-enteritis (non-infectious) Chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis 70 572-587 572-587 444.2 540, 541 540, 541 531-533 543, 572 543, 572 535, 561563 571 530-539, 530-539, 520-530, 542, 544- 542, 544- 534, 536- 570, 573- 570, 573- 560, 564- 580, 582- 580, 582- 570, 572- 587 587 577, 444.2 243-244, 243-244, 690-716 690-716 Infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue 690-698 690-698 Non-infectious diseases of the skin and 243-244, 243-244, subcutaneous tissue 700-716 700-716 720-749 722-723 Other diseases of the digestive system system/connective tissue 71 520-577, 581 Diseases of the musculoskeletal XIV 530-570, 581 Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue 69 530-570, Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthrosis 520-579 K00-K93 531-533 K25-K27 535, 555, 556, 558, 562 K29, K50K52, K57 571 K70, K73-K74 520-530, K00-K22, 534, 536- K28, K30- 553, 557, K46, K53- 560-561, K56, K58- 563-570, K67, K71- 572-579 K72, K75-K93 680-709 680-709 L00-L99 680-686 680-686 L00-L08 690-709 690-709 L09-L99 720-749 710-738 710-739 M00-M99 722-723 712-713 714-715 M05-M06, M15-M19 72 XV Other diseases of the musculoskeletal 720-721, 720-721, 710-711, 710-713, system/connective tissue 724-749 724-749 714-738 716-739 590-594, 590-594, 580-584, 600-637, 600-637, 590-629, 792 792 792 Diseases of the genitourinary system M00-M03, M08-M13, M20-M99 580-589, N00-N08, 590-629 N10-N99 73 Nephritis and nephrosis 590-594 590-594 580-584 580-589 74 Infections of kidney 600 600 590 590 N00-N05, N17 N10-N12, N13.6, N15 N06-N08, N13.0-N13.5, 75 Other diseases of kidney and ureter 601-604 601-604 591-594 591-594 N13.7-N14, N16, N18N29 76 XVI 77 XVII 78 XVIII 605-637, 605-637, 595-629, 792 792 792 640-689 640-689 Certain conditions originating in the 760-762, 760-762, perinatal period 765-776 765-776 Congenital malformations/anomalies 750-759 750-759 Other diseases of the genitourinary system Complications of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium 595-629 N30-N99 630-678 630-676 O00-O99 760-779 760-779 P00-P99 740-759 740-759 Q00-Q99 79 80 81 XIX Congenital malformations of the nervous system Congenital malformations of the circulatory system Other congenital malformations/anomalies Ill-defined or unknown 750-753 750-753 740-743 740-742 Q00-Q07 754 754 746-747 745-747 Q20-Q28 755-759 755-759 744-745, 743-744, Q10-Q18, 748-759 748-759 Q30-Q99 780-791, 780-791, 780-791, 793-795 793-795 793-796 780-799 R00-R99 82 Senility without psychosis 794 794 794 797 R54 83 Sudden infant death syndrom -- -- -- 798.0 R95 84 Unknown and unspecified causes 795 795 795-796 85 Other ill-defined or unknown 780-791, 780-791, 780-791, 793 793 793 242, 245, 242, 245, E800-E999 E800-E999 XX External causes E800-E999 798.1798.9, 799 780-796 E800-E999 R96-R99 R00-R53, R55-R94 V01-Y98 V02-V04, V09.0, V09.2, V12-V14, 86 Motor vehicle accidents E810-E835 E810-E835 E810-E823 E810-E819, V19.0-V19.2, E820-E825 V19.4-V19.6, V20-V79, V80.3-V80.5, V81.0-V81.1, V82.0-V82.1, V83-V86, V87.0-V87.8, V88.0-V88.8, V89.0, V89.2 87 Accidental falls E900-E904 E900-E904 E880-E887 E880-E888 W00-W19 88 Accidental poisoning E870-E895 E870-E895 E850-E877 E850-E869 X40-X49 V01, V05V06, V09.1, V09.3-V11, V15-V18, V19.3, V19.8- 89 Other accidents E800-E802, E800-E802, E800-E807, E840-E866, E840-E866, E825-E845, E910-E965 E910-E965 E890-E949 E800-E807, E826-E848, E870-E879, E890-E949 V19.9, V80.0V80.2, V80.6V80.9, V81.2V81.9, V82.2V82.9, V87.9, V88.9, V89.1, V89.3-V89.9, V90-V99, W20-X39, X50-X59 90 Suicide E970-E979 E970-E979 E950-E959 E950-E959 X60-X84 91 Homicide E980-E985 E980-E985 E960-E969 E960-E969 X85-Y09 92 Events of undetermined intent 93 Other external causes -- -- E980-E989 E980-E989 242, 245, 242, 245, E970-E979 E970-E979 E990-E999 E990-E999 E990-E999 E990-E999 Y10-Y34 Y35-Y98