Syllabus SPR08

Spring 2008
Course description: This four-credit course is an introduction to the principles, concepts
and problems in structural geology. It includes the study of rock deformation in both the
ductile and brittle regimes in a broad variety of tectonic settings, with emphasis on the
continental crust. Several mountain belts will also be studied. It includes a weekly
(Friday: 2- 4:50) laboratory session involving a variety of structural geology exercises,
and a local ½ day field trip.
Course Objectives: A basic understanding of deformation in the Earth’s lithosphere
(crust and upper mantle) with special reference to mountain belts, modern and ancient.
All discussion is within the plate tectonic paradigm. The scale of observation in structural
geology is large, from the atomic scale (e.g. crystal plasticity) to planetary (e.g. mantle
convection). A purely descriptive approach to structural geology is insufficient, and our
objective is to understand the fundamental processes involved at a variety of scales. An
understanding of structural geology is a precursor to understanding such topics as plate
tectonics, earthquakes, and mineral and energy resources. The laboratory should
familiarize students with practical aspects of the subject.
Prereq: GLY 230.
Instructor: Dr. Kieran O’Hara
Office : 111 Slone; email; Ph: 257-6931
Office hours: MW 10-10:50AM
Teaching Assistant: Tim O’Brien
Office: 305 B Slone; Office hrs. Tues. – 12-2 pm
Lecture: MWF 1-1:50 PM, Slone 201
Laboratory: F: 2-4:50 PM, Slone 201
Text: Earth structure: An introduction to structural geology 2nd ed. (by van der Pluijm
and Marshak; Norton).
Field project. A field-related research project will be undertaken at Camp Nelson during
the semester. It will involve measuring faults, joints, bedding and a fold axis in the field
at Camp Nelson, and plotting these measurements on equal area stereographic
projections, using available free software. The description and interpretation of the
resulting patterns will be written up as a one-page typed summary, together with
stereonet plots at reduced scale. Two half-day (Friday afternoon) visits are planned for
Camp Nelson.
Grading: Based on Midterm (30%), comprehensive Final (40%), two laboratory quizzes
(10% each) and field project (10%). The curve for the midterm maybe different from the
final. Extra credit: attend Departmental seminars (Thurs. 4 pm) and write 1 page
summary (single space, min. 300 words) (worth 2% each; max. 5 summaries).
GLY 420G Tentative lecture schedule
Jan. 9 Introduction (Chapter 1).
11 Earth structure (Chapter14)
14 Plate Tectonics(14)
16 Stress (3)
18 Stress in Earth (3) (First lab.)
21 Holiday
23 Strain (4)
25 Strain measurements (4)
28 Rock rheology (5)
30 Deformation experiments (5)
Feb. 1 Brittle deformation (6)
4 Failure envelopes (6)
6 Jointing and veins (7)
8 no class
11 Faults (8)
13 Fault systems (8)
15 Fold-thrust belts (18)
18 Balanced X-sections (18)
20 Ductile deformation (9)
22 Crystal plasticity (9)
25 Deformation microstructures (9)
27 Folds I (10)
29 Folds II (10)
Mar. 3. Mid-term exam
Mar 5 Fabrics (11)
7 Field trip: Camp Nelson
17 Shear zones (12)
19 P-T-t paths (13)
21 Field trip: Camp Nelson
23 Geophysics (15)
26 Extensional tectonics (16)
28 Collisional tectonics (17)
30 The Andes (22.3)
Apr. 2 Strike-slip tectonics (19)
4 Himalayan orogen (21,2)
6 Alpine orogen (21,1)
9 S. Appalachians (22.4)
11 N. Appalachians (22.4)
13 Tectonics of midcontient USA (22.7)
16 Earthquakes I
18 Earthquakes II
20 Review
23 Review
25 no class
FINAL April 30, 1pm
Laboratory schedule (Friday 2 – 4:50 pm)
1. Map interpretation- structure contours
2. Map interpretation- structure contours
3. Strain measurements
4. Fold-thrust belts
5. Balanced cross sections
6. Feb. 22 Quiz I (10%)
7. Balanced cross sections
8. Mar. 7. Field trip: Camp Nelson measurements
9. Mar. 21. Stereographic projection – I
10. Plot Camp Nelson measurements
11. Stereographic projection – II
12. Mohr circle problems
13. Apr. 18. Quiz II (10%)