City of Carmine Ordinance #1 CITY OF CARMINE ORDINANCE #1 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY OF CARMINE, IN FAYETTE COUNTY TEXAS, DECLARING CERTAIN ACTS TO BE UNLAWFUL OR AN OFFENSE OR MISDEMEANOR AND ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF FINES, PENALTIES AND PUNISHMENTS WHENEVER THE SAME ARE COMMITED: WHEREAS, THE CITY OF CARMINE, TEXAS, has determined through its Mayor and Board of Aldermen that it would be in the best interest of the inhabitants of said municipal corporation to establish certain acts as being unlawful or an offense or misdemeanor and to establish a schedule of fines, penalties and punishments for the commission of such unlawful acts, offenses or misdemeanors; and WHEREAS, the public importance of this measure and the fact that it is to the best interest of the inhabitants of this municipal corporation to establish action at the earliest possible date, constitute and create an urgent public necessity requiring that this be termed and take effect as an emergency measure and this ordinance is passed and adopted as an emergency measure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF CARMINE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following acts shall be unlawful or an offense or misdemeanor subject to the penalties, fines and punishments hereinafter set forth, and the following prohibited acts together with future chapters, ordinances and amendments thereto shall be henceforth known as the “Code of Ordinance, City of Carmine, Texas” and may be so cited. No. 1 Abandoning iceboxes and refrigerators. Definitions. Abandoned shall mean the throwing away or discarding in a manner, which at common law should constitute an abandonment of personal property of iceboxes, refrigerators or freezers on vacant property, junk heaps, trash piles or other accumulations of debris. Dangerous exposure shall mean the placement of iceboxes, refrigerators or freezers not in use in a garage, barn, outbuilding, porch, yard, lot or other portion of premises where children at play may come upon it and be attracted to it. No. 2 Same. Declared a nuisance. City of Carmine Ordinance #1 The abandonment or dangerous exposure of any icebox or refrigerator with its door or doors in normal latching or locking condition is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and a serious menace to life, because of the danger of children entering such an icebox, refrigerator or freezer and becoming locked therein and suffocating. No. 3 Same. Removing and dismantling doors and locks. It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon or dangerously expose or cause or permit to be abandoned or dangerously exposed any icebox, refrigerator or freezer unless the door or doors have been removed from such icebox, refrigerator or freezer or unless the latch or lock holding each door shut is dismantled or removed so that the door may be opened from within by simply pushing on it. Jamming or obstructing the lock or latch shall not be sufficient compliance herewith but the same must be removed or dismantled so that accidental latching or locking is impossible. No. 4 Same. Persons responsible. The duties imposed by Sections No. 2 and No. 3 are imposed alike on the owner of the icebox, refrigerator or freezer in abandoning it and the owner or any occupant of premises where a dangerous exposure occurs. Prohibition against abandonment and dangerous exposure of iceboxes, refrigerators or freezers shall be liberally construed to effect the remedy intended and prevent loss of a child’s life. No. 5 Immoral Acts. Exposure or act. It shall be unlawful for any person to expose his person in an indecent manner, or do any obscene or indecent act in any street or other public place, or in the presence of any person. No. 6 Removing landmarks and street signs. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any post, stake or other mark indicating the lines of any street or alley, or pull down, remove or deface any board, sign or plate indicating the name of any street. No. 7 Loitering. On streets; encumbering streets thereby. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct or encumber any street corner, sidewalks or other public place in the city, or lounge or loiter in or about the same after being requested or ordered to move on by a policeman or by any peace officer. No. 8 Same. About the premises of another. It shall be unlawful for any person to be found loitering about the property or upon the premises of another without being able to give a good account of himself. City of Carmine Ordinance #1 No. 9 Possession of property without authority. Animals or vehicles; improper use with consent. It shall be unlawful for any person to take or use temporarily any animal or any vehicle for the transportation of things or persons, owned or controlled by another without the consent or assent of such owner or person having the control thereof, or for any servant or other person while in charge of such animal to ride, drive or make improper use of the same contrary to the will or wishes of the owner or person having custody or control thereof. No. 10 Firearms discharging. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any gun, pistol or other firearm of any description in, on, across or near any public street within the limits of the city. No. 11 Fighting. It shall be unlawful for any person to fight with another person in a public place. No. 12 Ditching of streets. It shall be unlawful for any person to dig or cut any ditch, or make any opening on or across any street or sidewalk within the limits of the city without first having obtained the consent of the city. No. 13 Disturbances and disorderly conduct. Definitions of “public places”. A public place is any public road, street or alley, inn, tavern, store, grocery, workshop or any place to which people commonly resort for purposes of business, recreation or amusement except where otherwise indicated herein. No. 14 Same. Of the peace generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to go into any public place or into or near any private house or establishment and use loud, vociferous, obscene, vulgar or indecent language or swear or curse or expose his person crudely, display any pistol or other deadly weapon in such public place or upon any street or near any private house in a manner so as to disturb the inhabitants thereof. No. 15 Same. Allowing in house. It shall be unlawful for the owner, lessee or proprietor of any house to make, cause, permit or suffer to be made therein any loud or improper noises, or to collect or permit to be collected therein any drunken, noisy or disorderly persons to the annoyance or disturbance of the neighborhood. City of Carmine Ordinance #1 No. 16 Same. At public assemblies. It shall be unlawful for any person, by boisterous talking, whistling or any rude or indecent act or conduct, to disturb the audience of any show, theater, exhibition, performance, assemblage for religious worship or other lawful public assembly or meeting. No. 17 Burglary tools. Possession unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any persons to have in his possession any implement or instrument designed and intended by him to aid in the commission of a burglary or larceny or for unlawfully picking a lock. No. 18 Assault and battery. Definitions. The use of any unlawful violence upon the person of another, with intent to injure him, whatever be the means or the degree of violence used, is an assault and battery. The word “battery” is used in the following sections in the same sense as assault and battery. Any attempt to commit a battery or any threatening gesture, showing in itself or by words accompanying it, an immediate intention, coupled with an ability to commit a battery is an assault. The words “coupled with an ability to commit” shall have the following meaning: No. 19 (1) The person making the assault must be in such a position that, if not prevented, may inflict a battery upon the person assailed. (2) He must be within such distance of the person so assailed so as to make it within his power to commit the battery by the use of the means which he attempted it. (3) It follows that one who is at the time of making any attempt to commit a battery under such restraint as to deprive him of the power to act or who is at so great a distance from the person assailed that he cannot reach his person by use of the means with which he makes the attempt, is not guilty of an assault, but the use of any dangerous weapon, or the semblance thereof, in any angry or threatening manner, with intent to alarm another and under circumstances calculated to effect that object, comes with the meaning of an assault. Same. Degrees of assault. Any assault is either a simple assault, an aggravated assault or an assault or an assault with an intent to commit some other offense. City of Carmine Ordinance #1 No. 20 Same. Violence not amounting to. Violence used to the person does not amount to an assault or battery in the following cases: (1) In the exercise of the right of moderate restraint or correcting given by law to the parent over the child, the guardian over the ward, the master over the apprentice and the teacher over the scholar. (2) In the preservation of order in a meeting for religious, political or other lawful purposes. (3) In the preservation of the peace or to prevent the commission of offenses. (4) In preventing or interrupting an intrusion upon the lawful possession of property. (5) In making lawful arrest and detaining the party arrested in obedience to the lawful order of a magistrate or court, and in overcoming resistance to such lawful order. (6) In self defense or defense of another against unlawful violence offered to his person or property. In all cases mentioned in this section where violence is permitted to effect a lawful purpose, only that degree of force may be used which is necessary to effect such purpose. No. 21 Annoying use of public rooms in derogation of owner’s rights. Definitions. The words public rooms for the purpose of section No. 22 shall be deemed to include any basement, building entrance or doorway, lobby, hallway, stairway, mezzanine, elevator, foyer, public rest or sitting rooms or any place used in common by the public, tenants, occupants or guests and situated in a hotel, office or loft building in the city. No. 22 Same. Lingering or loafing. It shall be unlawful for any person to linger, loiter, sit or stand in any public room in violation of the expressed wish of the owner, lessee, managing agent or person in charge of the building in which such public room may be situated. No. 23 Annoyances to females. Indecency, profanity, etc. City of Carmine Ordinance #1 It shall be unlawful for any person, by rude or indecent behavior or by profane or obscene language, to disturb or annoy any female in any public assembly or public place. No. 24 Penalty for all violations of all crimes. For all violations of all crimes heretofore set forth the maximum penalty shall be $100.00 or less. No. 25 Jurisdiction The Municipal Court of the City of Carmine shall have jurisdiction of all cases arising within its territorial limits. No. 26 Weeds, brush, rubbish and certain other conditions constituting a nuisance. 1. Whenever weeds, brush, rubbish and all other objectionable, unsightly and unsanitary matter of whatever nature shall exist, covering the surface of any lots or parcels of real estate situated within the city, or when any of such lots or parcels of real estate, as aforesaid, shall have the surface thereof filled or partly filled with holes or be in such condition that the same holds or is liable to hold stagnant water therein, or if from any other cause shall be in such condition as to be liable to cause disease or produce, harbor or spread disease germs of any nature or tend to render the surrounding atmosphere unhealthy, unwholesome or obnoxious, the same shall constitute andis hereby declared to constitute a public nuisance, the prompt abatement of which is hereby declared to be public necessity. The word “weeds” as herein used shall include all rank and uncultivated vegetable growth or matter which has grown to a height so as to become an unwholesome or decaying mass or a breeding place for mosquitoes or vermin. Whenever the existence of any nuisance defined in this ordinance on any lots or parcels of real estate situated within the city shall come to the knowledge of the Mayor, it shall be his duty to forthwith cause a written notice identifying such property to be issued to the person owning the same. Such notice shall be addressed to such person at his post office address or by publication as many as two (2) times within ten (10) consecutive days, if personal service may not be had or if the owner’s address is not known, requiring the abatement of such nuisance by grubbing and removing such weeds, brush, rubbish or other objectionable, unsightly or unsanitary matter of whatever nature, as the case may be, or by filling in, draining, leveling or otherwise regulating such lots or parcels of real estate so as to prevent stagnant water standing therein, within ten (10) days from the service of such notice. Such notice shall further state that, in default of the performance of the above condition, the city may, at once, cause the same to be done and pay therefore, and charge the cost and expense incurred in doing or having such work done, or improvements made, to the owner of such property, and fix a lien thereon as provided in this article. City of Carmine Ordinance #1 In the event of the failure, refusal or neglect of the owner or occupant of any premises or property to cause such nuisance to be removed or abated in the manner and within the time provided, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to cause the weeds, brush, rubbish or other unsanitary matter or condition constituting a nuisance to be promptly and similarly abated in a reasonable and prudent manner at the expense of the city. The Mayor or his duly authorized representatives shall compile the cost of such work done and improvements made in abating such nuisance and shall charge such costs against the owner of such premises. The city council hereby finds and declares that general overhead of administrative expense of inspection, locating owner, issuing notice, reinspection and ordering work done, together with all necessary incidents of same, require the reasonable charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each lot, or tract or parcel of acreage and such minimum charge is hereby established and declared to be an expense of such work and improvement. Notwithstanding, therefore, any tabulation of recorded cost, a minimum charge of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be assessed against each lot so improved under the terms of this section, but such sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) is hereby expressly stated to be a minimum charge only, and shall have no application when the tabulated cost of the work done shall exceed such minimum charge. After charging the same against the owner of the premises, the Mayor shall certify a statement of such expenses and shall file the same with the County Clerk of Fayette County. Upon filing such statement with the County Clerk, the city shall have a privileged lien upon the land described therein and upon which the improvements have been made, second only to tax liens and liens for street improvements, to secure the expenditure so made, and ten per cent (10%) interest on the amount from the date of such payment. For any such expenditures and interest, as aforesaid, suit may be instituted by the city attorney and recovery and foreclosure had in the name of the municipal corporation of the city; and the statement so made, as aforesaid, or a certified copy thereof, shall be prima facie proof of the amount expended in any such work or improvements. Upon payment of the full charges assessed against any property, pursuant to the procedure herein above set forth, the Mayor shall be authorized to execute, for and in behalf of the City, a written release or lien heretofore mentioned. All notices to cut weeds or abate any nuisance under this ordinance, and all statements evidencing costs to the city of cutting weeds or abatement of nuisances, upon failure, refusal or neglect of the owner to cut weeds or abate the nuisance after having been notified to do so, as well as all other clerical work incident to enforcement of the provisions of this division, shall be prepared and mailed by the City Secretary. All payments of money by and collections of money, if any, from property owners for the purpose of paying the City for expense in abating nuisances as provided for in this article shall be deposited to the use of the City. Any owner, lessee or occupant, whether a natural person or a corporation or any agent, servant, representative or employee of any such owner, lessee or occupant, including any person having ownership, occupancy or control of any premises or lot or lots or parcel of real estate or any part thereof, or any interest therein, or improvements thereon, situated within the limits of the City, on which there exists any nuisance as City of Carmine Ordinance #1 defined in this chapter, who shall allow or permit any such nuisance to be created or to remain and continue if created and established, or who shall fail, refuse, or neglect to remove or abate such nuisance, by one of the methods provided in this article or otherwise regulating such premises, so as to prevent such a nuisance, within ten (10) days from the date of service of notice thereof as provided for in this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined, and each day during which such failure, refusal or neglect shall continue to exist, shall constitute a separate offense. 2. Whatever is dangerous to human health or welfare or whatever renders the ground, the water, the air or food a hazard or an injury to human health us hereby declared to be a nuisance. No. 27 City officials. Terms of office. Section 1. In lieu of a one-year term of office the office of Mayor of the City of Carmine, Texas, the term of office shall be for a two-year term of office. Section 2. In lieu of a one-year term of office for Councilmen of the City of Carmine, Texas, the term of office shall be for a two-year term of office. Section 3. The Mayor and two Councilmen determined by lot at the first meeting of the Board of Councilmen following the next annual election after the adopting of this ordinance shall serve two-year terms. The remaining councilmen shall hold office for an initial term of one year. Thereafter, all members of the Board of Councilmen shall hold office for terms of two years and until their successors have qualified. Section 4. The manner of selecting those Councilmen to serve the initial two year terms shall be determined by lot and that shall be by placing the names of each of the elected Councilmen into a receptacle and thereafter, the City Secretary shall draw from such receptacle the names of two Councilmen and the names of those two Councilmen first drawn shall serve for period of two years. No. 28 Traffic rules and regulations for City. Section 1. The City of Carmine, Texas, adopts by reference as though fully set out herein verbatim, Article 670ld, Title 116, Vernon’s Ann. Civ. St., as amended and as shall hereafter be amended, insofar as such article and its provisions may be enforced by the City of Carmine, and insofar as such enforcements shall not conflict with any of the existing laws of the State of Texas. Section 2. Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less that $1.00 and not more than $100.00. City of Carmine Ordinance #1 Section 3. The Municipal Court of the City of Carmine, Texas, shall have jurisdiction to try all cases involving violations of any of the provisions of Article 670ld, Title 116, Vernon’s Ann. Civ. St. falling with the jurisdiction of Municipal Courts. Section 4. The Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of Carmine, Texas shall have exclusive authority to collect all fines levied in accord with this ordinance and shall cause all the fines to be deposited to the account of the City of Carmine, Texas. Fines levied and collected shall be used in the construction and maintenance of road, bridges and culverts therein, and have the enforcement of traffic laws regulating the use of public road by motor vehicles and motorcycles and to help defray the expense of City traffic officers. AMENDED 7-11-83 No. 29 The fact that there presently exists a public emergency and an imperative public necessity for the immediate preservation of public peace, health, safety and general welfare, requires that the provisions of this ordinance go into effect immediately upon its introduction, execution and passage, and all rules relating to more than one reading or taking effect at a future date are hereby suspended; and this ordinance shall be passed and take effect as an emergency measure and be in full force from and after its passage as provided by law, and it is so ordained. Passed this the 13th day of August 1973 with five (5) Aldermen voting in favor of passage and none voting in opposition thereto. Signed and approved this the 13th day of August, 1973 Jerry Jacob Jerry Jacob, Mayor, City of Carmine, Texas J. C. Pohl Alderman Raymond Steinbach Alderman W. J. Neese Alderman Emil Albers Alderman W. O. Rauch Alderman City of Carmine Ordinance #1 AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE #1, No. 28, Section 4 In accordance with the Uniform Act of Texas Motor Vehicle Law, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statues 670ld, Section 144A, and Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statues 6700 Disposition of Fines, the Clerk of the Municipal Court of the City of Carmine, Texas, shall have exclusive authority to collect all fines levied in accord with this ordinance and shall cause all fines to be deposited to the Account of the City of Carmine, Texas. The fines collected are a part of the revenues of the City, and may be disbursed as provided by the budget, which is adopted annually by the City Council. Adopted at the Regular Meeting on July 11th, 1983. The motion was made by W. J. Neese, seconded by W. O. Rauch; carried 5-0. Johnana Clark Johnana Clark, Secretary