Larisa Kosova Address: National Research University The Higher School of Economics (HSE) Slavyanskaya pl, 4/2 Moscow, Russia, 109074 Phone (office): 7 (495) 621-04-85; 623-43-56 E-mail: Professional Experience: 2009-present 2002-2009 1995- 2002 1991-1995 1978-1991 Joint Economic and Sociological Data Archive Director, HSE Sociological Data Archive Director, Independent Institute for Social Policy Head of Information Department, the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion and Market Research (VCIOM) Senior Research Fellow, Project Manager, the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion and Market Research (VCIOM) Research Fellow, the Scientific Center for Information on Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences (INION AN SSSR) Education: Brief training course in Central Archive of Empirical Data, Cologne, 2001 Training course in SCPR, London, 1995 Training course in British sociological research agencies, 1993 Kandidat Degree, All-Union Institute for Scientific and Technique Information, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1988 High Education Diploma, Moscow Aviation Institute, Department of Mathematics, 1977 Skills: Research methods in sociology Data analysis Information systems Scope of Research Interests: Social mobility, social structure, channels of social mobility, social transformation, élites, social values and attitudes Research Visits: 2000, March - University of Toronto, Canada 1998, November - Creighton University, USA Awards, Honors, and Grants: 2014-2015 allowance for academic work 2007 – 2009 Macarthur Foundation Program Grant 2007 - Macarthur Foundation Travel Grant 2005 – 2006 Macarthur Foundation Program Grant 2003 - RGGU Travel Grant 2002 - Ford Foundation Program Grant 2000 - Ford Foundation Travel Grant 1999 - Open Society Institute Travel Grant 1998 - Ford Foundation Research Grant 1997 - Macarthur Foundation Grant 1995 - Distinguished Researcher, VCIOM Award 1993 - European Community Training Grant 1988 - Award for Outstanding Results in Work, Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences 1985 - Distinguished Researcher, Exhibition of People Achievements (VDNH), Bronze medal Teaching Experience: 2009 – present – ‘Sociology of Public Opinion’, Higher School of Economics 2007 – present – ‘Retrospective Analysis of Social Survey Data’, Moscow State University 2003-present – ‘Methods and Models of Managing Decisions: Information Basis’, Moscow State University 2000-present – ‘Research Methods in Sociology’, Higher School of Economics 1999, August - ‘Modern Sociological Research Methods’, Kazakhstan Open Society Institute 1999, June - ‘SPSS in sociological research’, Mongolian Academy of Science, Ulaanbaatar 1998 - Creighton University, ‘Attitudes towards reforms in Russia’ 1992 - 1998, ‘Using SPSS in Sociological Research’, Moscow Institute of Arts 1985-1988, ‘Statistics for Physicians, First Moscow Medicine Institute Paper Presentation: ‘Social and Cultural Potential of Modernization: Case of Russia in the International Context’, the Tenth International Conference on the Problems of Economic and Social Development, HSE, Moscow, 2009, April ‘Social Mobility: Analysis of the Dynamics’, All-Russian Sociological Congress, Moscow, 2008, October ‘Civil Society: NGO in the Mirror of Public Opinion’, AAASS Annual Convention, New Orleans, November 2007 ‘Russian Sociological Data Archive: Options for Foreign Researchers’, AAASS Annual Convention, Washington (DC), November 2006 ‘Russian Sociological Data Archive: 5 years of Growth’: IASSIST Annual Congress, Edinburgh (UK), May 2005 'The Dynamics of Social Statuses in Russia: Secondary Analysis' 35th AAASS National Convention, Toronto (Canada), November 2003 'The Impact of Social Data Archives on Sociological Research Standards (case of Russia), together with Khakhulina Ludmila: IASSIST Annual Congress, Ottawa, May 2003 'Russian Sociological Data Archive (RSDA) - New Tool for Research and Teaching': RSDA Workshop, Moscow, November 2002 'Does Civil Society Exist in Russia?': 33d AAASS National Convention, Washington (DC), November 2001 ‘Elections Results in Russia’: 32nd AAASS National Convention, Denver (Colorado), November 2000 ‘Social mobility in Russia: Changes during last yeasr’: Annual VCIOM Conference, Moscow, February 2000 ‘Reforms and Change in the Character of Social Mobility in Russia’: 31st AAASS National Convention, St.Loius (Missouri), November 1999 ‘Disenchantment With Reform Among Different Status Groups': 30th AAASS Annual Convention, Boca Raton (Florida), September 1998 ‘Differential Analysis: A New Method of Characterising Social Groups’: WAPOR Conference ‘Public Opinion and Public Research at the Turn of the Century’, Tokyo, November 1996 ‘Features of the Elite Forming Processes in Russia’: Seminar ‘Elite in the PostCommunist societies’, Moscow, March 1996 ‘Computers as Means for the Cognitive Procedures Rationalization’: International Conference ‘Informatics and Problems of Humanitarian Education’, Novorossijsk, September 1995 'Transforming or Conservation? Values and Attitudes of Elite groups in Russia': International Conference 'Where Russia is Moving?', Moscow, December 1994 'VCIOM Data Archive: Problems and Prospects': Conference 'Making Data European', Luxembourg, May 1993 Publications: ‘Society of non-accumulation’, in Herald of Public Opinion, 2009, №1, С.56-65 ‘Steam-boiler of the Suspend Mobility’, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, , 12.01.2009, ‘Idols of the Market Place’, in Herald of Public Opinion, 2008, №1, С.59-65 ‘Why We Don’t Have Civil Society’, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 28.07.2008, ‘Are All Roads Open for Us? Possibilities for Vertical Mobility’, in the Soviet Society’ in Information Bulletin ‘Sophist’, 2007, N2(10), pp2-3 'Dynamics of Family Roles Vision: Secondary Analysis ISSP Data' (with A.Beletskaya) in SPERO (Social Policy: Expertise, Recommendations, Surveys), 2006, N5 (Autumn-Winter), pp.232-239 ‘Three dimensions of social time or dynamics of subjective evaluations of status’ in Herald of Public Opinion, 2006, N2, pp.25-31 ‘International Social Survey Programme (ISSP): Opportunities for Researchers’, in Information Bulletin ‘Sophist’, 2005, N1(7), pp2-3 ‘Voucher Privatization: Looking Back’ in Information Bulletin ‘Sophist’, 2005, N2(6), pp2-3 ‘Creation and Development of the Russian Sociological Data Archive’ in ICPSR Bulletin, 2005, Spring, Vol.25, №2, С.3-7 'Unemployment… Not frightened anymore?’ in Information Bulletin ‘Sophist’, 2005, N1(5), pp2-3 ‘Attitudes towards the reform as a line of demarcation’ in International articlebook ‘Political Demarcation and Political System’ (forthcoming) ‘Almost a jubilee…’ in Public Opinion Bulletin, 2004, N3, pp. 27-36 ‘The Impact of Economic Circumstances on Women's Attitudes to Russian Market Reform’(with T.Clark and E.Goss), forthcoming 'Social Mobility - Inequality of Opportunities' in Just and Unjust Social Inequality in Modern Russia, 2003, pp.432-448 'Changing Attitudes towards Economic Reform during the Yeltsin Era' (with T.Clark and E.Goss), 240 pp. Praeger Publishers, Westport, Conn. London, 2003 'Economic Well-Being and Popular Support for Market Reform in Russia' (with T.Clark and E.Goss) in Economic Development and Cultural Change, 51, no. 3 (2003): 753-768. ‘Compiling an Open Sociological Archive in Russia (with L.Khakhulina) in Social Science Data Archives in Eastern Europe, international article-book, 2002, Berlin-Cologne-Paris, С. 191-197 ‘Money or Power?’ in Sociological Research (translated), July-August 2000, pp. 67-74 ‘Putin’s phenomena: morphology and semantic of public support’ (with R.Brym) in Monitoring of Social and Political Changes, 2000 ‘Balkans and Chechnia: Ordeal of feeleings’ in Global world after the Balkan Crisis, Moscow, 1999, pp.197-207 ‘Money or Power? Channels of Mobility in Russian Society’, in Russian Public Opinion Monitor, 1999, N3, pp. 24-26 ‘Subject Evaluation of Economic Situation and Support of the Reforms in Russia’ (with T.Clark), in Sociological Studies, 1998, N5 ‘Social Reforms and status dynamics’, in Monitoring of Social and Political Changes, 1997, N6, pp.37-39 ‘Russian Elites - features and characteristics’, in Business and Politics, 1997, N7, pp.63-72 ‘Homo Sovieticus: a Possibility of Typology’, in Monitoring of Social and Political Changes, 1997, N2, pp.17-22 ‘Disenchantment with Reforms among Different Status Groups’, in Sociological Research, vol.35, N6 (November-December 1996), pp.86-91 ‘Presidential Election - the Final Diagnosis?’ (with R.Brym), in Monitoring of Social and Political Changes,1996, N5 (September-October), pp.19-22 ‘Political leaders in Public Opinion’, analytic report, VCIOM, 1996, June, 31 pp. ‘New Elite: Old Players on a New Field?’ (with Golovachev B., Khakhulina L.), in Segodnya (newspaper), 14.02.96 'Elite Groups: Details of Social Portrait' (with Golovachev B.), in Sociological Studies, 1996, N1 (January), pp.45-52 ‘Forming of Ruling Elite. Second part’ (with Golovachev B., Khakhulina L), in Monitoring of Social and Political Changes,1996,N1 (Jan-Feb), pp.32-38 ‘Forming of Ruling Elite. First part’ (with Golovachev B., Khakhulina L.), in: Monitoring of Social and Political Changes, 1995, N6 (NovemberDecember), pp.18-24 ‘Voters Will Make Their Mind Just on the Doorstep of the Pooling Stations’, in Izvestija (newspaper), 4.10.1995 ‘Reaction of Disillusion in Different Status Groups’, in Monitoring of Social and Political Changes, 1995, N4 (July-August), pp.36-37 'Satisfaction with Life and Intensity of Reforms', in Sociological Research, 1995, July-August, pp.87-92 'Old and New Russian Elite: Conservation or Transformation?' (with GolovachevB.), analytic report, Intercentre, 1995, August, 42 pages 'Influence of Socio-Psyhcologocal Attitudes on Political Behaviour', analytic report, VCIOM, 1995, March, 25 pages 'Dynamic of Values: Results of Empirical Research', in Russian Education and Society, 1995, January, pp.68-75 'Satisfaction with Life and Intensity of Reforms', in Sociological Studies, 1994, N10, pp.161-164 'Images of Status Dynamics and Socio-Political Attitudes', in Monitoring of Social and Political Changes, 1994, N4, pp.20-23 'Dynamic of Values: Results of Empirical Research', in Sociological Studies, 1994, N2, pp.114-118 'Should Sociologist Remember the Multiplication Table?', in Sociological Studies, 1992, N5, pp.128-132