Class Description and Instructors - North Carolina State Firemen`s

Class Descriptions and Instructors
Advanced Honor Guard Operations, Part I – Rick Wood/David Watson
Saturday, August 27, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Blue Ashe
This class will cover the many functions of an Honor Guard, from casket guards to Color Guards, to
folding the flag. Participants are asked to bring their own Color Guard equipment to include hats and
gloves for use in the class.
Rick Wood is a Battalion Chief with Skyland Fire Department and is the founder and Commander of
the Buncombe County Firefighters Honor Guard. Chief Wood served in the US Marine Corps for
several years and has taught and instructed several honor guard units throughout the state. Chief Wood
is also the Commander of the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department Honor Guard.
David Watson is the fire prevention officer with Conover Fire Department and has been involved with
the Honor Guard Expo since its conception.
Advanced Honor Guard Operations, Part II –Rick Wood/David Watson
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Blue Ashe
An Update on NIMS and its Impact on Today’s Fire Service – Kenneth Mullen
Friday, August 26, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Auditorium I
As a chief officer, has your department explored the benefit of having an incident management system
as a part of your fire department practices? This workshop will provide the latest information
regarding NIMS (National Incident Management System) compliance and suggest methods on how to
comply with the requirements of NIMS.
Kenneth Mullen has thirty-one years of fire service experience with the Rocky Mount Fire
Department, serving as Chief since 1998. He has a two-year degree in Fire Science from Wilson
Technical Community College and a BS in Management and Organizational Development from Mount
Olive College. Mullen is an advisory board member for the NC Executive Fire Officer Development
Program, the NC Unified Command Program, and the Emergency Preparedness Program at Nash
Community College.
Arson for the First Responder, Problems Encountered With the Investigation – Craig
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
This class will be arson for the first responder. It will teach the student what to look for and how to
identify intentionally set fires from accidental fires.
Craig Yarborough is retired from Burlington Fire Department as Assistant Chief with thirty-two years
service. He is presently employed with EFI Global as a fire investigator. He is Training Chairman for
the NC Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators. He was Past President of the
NC Arson Association.
ATV Use in Fire and Rescue Service, Part I – Nick Reed, Sr./Nick Reed, Sr./Mark Lowman
Saturday, August 27, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
The primary objective of this class is to initiate thoughts as to the vast number of ways in which all
type ATV’s can be creatively and efficiently used in the Fire and Rescue Services. The need for
standardization of operational and teaching guidelines will be stressed, as well as a recognized operator
and instructor’s certification/qualification program will be discussed.
The Lovelady All-Terrain Emergency Response Team – Nick Reed, Sr., Nick Reed, Jr., and Mark
Lowman all hold Firefighter Level II, Level II Instructor, and EMT certifications. They are all
members of the Lovelady Fire Department, Burke County SAR, and the NC Forestry Service prearranged fire attack crews.
ATV Use in Fire and Rescue Service, Part II – Nick Reed, Sr./Nick Reed, Sr./Mark Lowman
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Basic Honor Guard Operations, Part I – Rick Wood/David Watson
Friday, August 26, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Blue Ashe
This class is for new and current Honor Guard members who need work on or want to learn the basics
of Honor Guard drill. This class will cover saluting, standing at attention, marching, etc. and the
overall appearance and performance of an Honor Guard member. Participants are asked to bring their
uniform covers (hats) to the class.
Rick Wood is a Battalion Chief with Skyland Fire Department and is the founder and Commander of
the Buncombe County Firefighters Honor Guard. Chief Wood served in the US Marine Corps for
several years and has taught and instructed several honor guard units throughout the state. Chief Wood
is also the Commander of the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department Honor Guard.
David Watson is the fire prevention officer with Conover Fire Department and has been involved with
the Honor Guard Expo since its conception.
Basic Honor Guard Operations, Part II – Rick Wood/David Watson
Friday, August 26, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Blue Ashe
Chaplaincy in the Balance – Chaplain Ed Stauffer
Wednesday, August 24, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Auditorium IV
This workshop will cover new topics that are facing the Chaplain in the emergency services - diversity,
public prayer, pending law and legal issues and much more.
Chaplain Ed Stauffer is the Founder and Executive Director of the Federation of Fire Chaplains. He is
presently Chaplain for the IAFF and founder of the FFC Training Institute. He teaches several times a
year at the Texas A&M Fire School and is an instructor on family and other issues in the Fire Service.
Chaplain Stauffer has been Chaplain of the Fort Worth, Texas Fire Department for thirty-one years and
although retired from full-time work with the department, he continues to be on call for the
department. He offers training and assistance in the realm of the Chaplain, CISM, disaster situations,
and emergency service response.
Cold Storage Warehouse Fire Worcester, Massachusetts – John F. Sullivan
Thursday, August 25, 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
At the time of the fire, the Worcester Fire Department had 469 uniformed personnel, 15 engine
companies, and 7 ladder companies operating out of 12 stations. The year before the fire, the
department responded to more than 20,000 emergency calls and fought 459 structure fires. The sixstory warehouse building was in the heart of the town’s former warehousing and cold storage district.
It had been abandoned for a decade before the fire but was frequented by homeless individuals. The
tragic fire occurred on December 3, 1999; it was reported at 6:15 pm. The fatal fire was started when
homeless individuals overturned a candle inside the warehouse. It was reported to fire officials by an
off-duty police officer who saw smoke coming from the warehouse roof. Eventually going to five
alarms, the fire took more than twenty hours to extinguish. It also took more than six days to recover
all the bodies of the deceased firefighters. Giving the ultimate sacrifice that day were: Lieutenant
Thomas E. Spencer, Firefighter Timothy P. Jackson, Firefighter James F. Lyons, Firefighter Joseph T.
McGuirk, Firefighter Paul A. Brotherton, and Firefighter Jeremiah M. Lucey.
District Chief John F. Sullivan is an eighteen-year veteran of the Worcester Fire Department. He is a
Coordinator and Lead Instructor of the Worcester Firefighter’s Safety and Survival Seminar. Chief
Sullivan is an Instructor II level trainer for both the Worcester Fire Department and Massachusetts
State Fire Academy; specializes in Firefighter Skills Development (including RIT), Structural
Firefighting, Recruit Firefighter Training, and Fire Officer Development. He holds a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Fire Science and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Chief Sullivan is an
adjunct professor at two local Worcester colleges in the Fire Science division, and an active member of
the National Fire Academy’s Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education Committee. He is also a
member of the NFPA’s Fire Science and Technology Educators section.
Emergency Management, Homeland Security Issues: Are We Ready? – Gerald A. (Rudy)
Wednesday, August 24, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Auditorium I
This workshop will address immediate concerns of Homeland Security issues and what NC Emergency
Management is doing to work with the Fire Service to prepare local personnel to handle these types of
Gerald A. (Rudy) Rudisill, Deputy Secretary of the NC Department of Crime Control and Public
Safety oversee the Divisions of Emergency Management, Alcohol Law Enforcement, Civil Air Patrol
and Law Enforcement Support Services. This Department serves as the State’s chief protector and
defender of the general public, coordinates the State’s Emergency response and directs relief efforts to
disaster victims.
Emergency Vehicle Rollover Prevention – Randy Hess
Wednesday, August 24, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Auditorium III
Nationwide the number of emergency service vehicle rollovers has skyrocketed in the last few years.
Emergency Service Organizations need to know that the majority of rollover crashes can be prevented.
A large majority of the crashes that have occurred are single vehicle crashes. According to various
investigative reports by NIOSH and USFA’s white paper report on vehicle rollovers, the leading
contributing factor is driver error. In addition to driver error, there are many other factors that can
contribute to vehicle rollover crashes. These include road design and configuration, excessive relative
speed, poor visibility, and improper driver reactions to rollover circumstances. Proper driver training,
along with an understanding of the causes of vehicle rollovers, can help prevent these tragic incidents.
“Emergency Vehicle Rollover Prevention” by VFIS provides the information and tools needed to assist
ESO’s in this training.
Randy Hess is the Technical Director of Risk Control Services for VFIS Insurance in York,
Pennsylvania, where he also resides. He is responsible for development and coordination of risk
control and safety programs for VFIS. Randy holds an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Fire
Science Technology from Rowan Technical College in Salisbury, NC. Prior to working for VFIS, he
was the Safety and Emergency Management Director for the County of Gloucester, New Jersey.
Randy has also been active in emergency services safety at the state and national level, serving on the
Charter Board of Directors of the Fire Department Safety Officers Association (FDSOA) and in 1994,
he served on the Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor’s Firefighter Safety Task Force. In 2001, Randy
helped to develop the loss control and safety program for the North Carolina Volunteer Workers
Compensation Fund. In his role with VFIS, he has served as an adjunct instructor at a number of
institutions including Texas A&M University, University of Missouri Fire Rescue Institute and the
Alabama, Florida, and Georgia State Fire Academies.
Fayetteville: City On Fire! Igniting Partnerships in Fire Science Education – Benjamin E.
Nichols/Dr. Juliette Bell/Dr. Jonathan Breitzer/Beverly Strickland/Tina Royal/Cara Jesse
Wednesday, August 24, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Pebble Beach
The Fayetteville community is engaged in a unique and dynamic partnership that is destined to break
new ground in the way municipalities and their educational entities collaborate for the future of their
citizenry. This presentation will focus on the partnership between the City of Fayetteville, Fayetteville
State University, Fayetteville Technical Community College, and Cumberland County Schools leading
to development of 2+2+2 educational program, which culminates in a BS degree in Fire Science.
During this presentation, representatives from each partnering entity will provide a description of their
role in the collaborative development of the 2+2+2 Fire Science Program. Following the presentations,
ample opportunity will be provided for discussion during a question and answer session.
Presenters are: Benjamin E. Nichols – Chief Fire Officer, City of Fayetteville, Dr. Juliette Bell – Dean,
College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Fayetteville State University, Dr. Jonathan Breitzer – Assistant
Professor, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, Fayetteville State University, Beverly Strickland –
Chairperson of Criminal Justice Technology, Fayetteville Technical Community College, Tina Royal –
Huskins Coordinator, Fayetteville Technical Community College, and Cara Jesse – Guidance
Counselor, E.E. Smith High School.
Fire Department Fund Raising Techniques – Tom Tharp
Friday, August 26, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
This workshop will explore a variety of fund raising efforts – pros and cons – with a focus on the direct
mail method. Attendees will gain an insight into developing or improving a direct mail fund raising
Tom Tharp is a thirty-five year member of the Fire Service, originally in Maryland, now living and
serving in Key Largo, Florida. Tom held several positions at the department, county, state, and
national levels, and has been actively involved in fund raising efforts for over twenty-nine years. Tom
is an avid emergency services patch collector and fisherman. Be sure to come and swap a patch with
Tom at the OCS, Inc. booth.
Fire Marshal Burnout 101 – Brian King/Wendy Nichols
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Auditorium III
Our plates are full, there is not enough time to get it all done, deadlines on top of deadlines, and then
there is the family. How do you keep a balance? This workshop will cover basic steps on how to help
you manage your stress and avoid burnout.
Brian King currently holds the position of Assistant Fire Marshal/Chaplain with the Winston-Salem
Fire Department. As a twenty-five year career fire service veteran, Chaplain King has acquired
numerous certifications which include: Firefighter II, Fire Service Instructor I, Fire Prevention
Inspector III, Fire and Life Safety Educator II, and Emergency Medical Technician. Chaplain King is
currently serving as the Chaplain of the NC State Firemen’s Association, NC Association of Fire
Chief’s, NC Society of Fire Rescue Instructors, NC Fire Marshal’s Association, and Forsyth County
Fire & Rescue Association.
Wendy Nichols is a professional counselor licensed by the state of North Carolina who works with
REACH Employee Assistance Program in Winston-Salem. Wendy is a North Carolina native who
received her Master’s Degree in Counseling from the College of William and Mary. She has been
providing EAP services to private companies and municipalities in North Carolina and Virginia for the
past five years and specializes in work with local government. She provides clinical counseling
services to firefighters and their families, critical incident debriefings, training workshops, and career
Fire Prevention Week Brainstorming – Kim Wittig/Angie Gregg/Jan Parker
Friday, August 26, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Auditorium III
What are you planning for Fire Prevention Week this year? This informational session will provide
you with exciting, innovative, and creative ideas to enhance your fire prevention activities. Learn
about successful programs and how to be most effective with your fire education message. Also, learn
about the latest information and technology regarding fire alarms.
Kim Wittig is the Fire & Life Safety Educator in the Rocky Mount Fire Department. She coordinates
all fire and life safety education programs for the City of Rocky Mount and has been with injury
prevention for over five years.
Angie Gregg is an Injury Prevention Specialist with the Office of State Fire Marshal.
Jan Parker serves as the Fire and Life Safety Educator for the Raleigh Fire Department. Jan has been
with the fire department for twenty-seven years, and she is truly committed to fire prevention;
however, she has seen the need for the fire service to broaden its mission and include injury
Fire Station Design & Planning – Ken Newell
Wednesday, August 24, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Auditorium II
Ken will share his experiences with working with fire departments and local governmental agencies on
the process of building or renovating fire stations. He will outline several things you can do even
before getting a design professional involved. Ken’s presentation will provide you will insight to the
following issues: Getting started, Project Phases, The Architect’s Responsibilities, and Design Issues
and Ideas.
Ken Newell, AIA, is a Senior Principal with Stewart Cooper Newell Architect, and has designed over
100 Fire/EMS stations and fire training facilities since joining the firm in 1998. He has provided
architectural and consulting services for fire departments and municipalities in North Carolina, South
Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Florida, Nebraska, Arkansas, and
New Jersey. He has also spoken at various national and state fire conferences. Ken can be reached by
visiting or emailing Stewart Cooper Newell
Architects can be reached at 1-800-671-0621.
Firefighter Safety – Make It A Priority! – Mike Hill
Saturday, August 27, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Auditorium I
This workshop will explore safety programs and strategies chief officers can implement to impact the
problem of firefighter vehicle-related injuries/facilities.
Mike Hill is currently serving as Risk Manager for the North Carolina Volunteer Safety Worker’s
Compensation Fund. He is a retired Supervisor of Standards, North Carolina Office of State Fire
Marshal. He has thirty-eight years experience in emergency services. He is Past President of the
North Carolina Society of Fire/Rescue Instructors.
Growing Pains, What Did I Forget? – Alan Perdue
Wednesday, August 24, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Colony A
This session will focus on the challenges that Fire Chiefs and Officers are or will be faced with in
dealing with our most valuable, but unpredictable resource – our employees. Topics such as hiring,
firing, performance reviews, policy development and enforcement are just a few of the issues to be
discussed. Attendees will be invited to participate in the discussion in order to share valuable life
Alan Perdue has been employed as the Director for the Guilford County Emergency Services since
1979. He has an Associates Degree in Fire Protection Technology and a Bachelors Degree in Business
Management and Ethics. He is a graduate of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer
Program. He currently serves as Fire Service Representative of the NC State Building Code Council,
Vice-Chairman of the International Association of Fire Chief’s Fire & Life Safety Section, and VicePresident of the NC County Fire Marshal’s Association.
I Am Responsible – The Personal Accountability System – John F. Sullivan
Friday, August 26, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Auditorium II
Does your department have a personnel accountability system? Does it work? Where does the
responsibility for fire ground personnel accountability lie within your table of organization? The best
personnel accountability system begins with personal accountability long before the time of the alarm.
This workshop will explore the individual’s role in the accountability system, on the fire ground and
beyond. Challenge yourself to become more responsible and more accountable for your actions!
Make the statement, “I am responsible” a part of your personal mission statement, and help to spread
the concept of personal accountability as a means to achieving true personnel accountability.
District Chief John F. Sullivan is an eighteen-year veteran of the Worcester Fire Department. He is a
Coordinator and Lead Instructor of the Worcester Firefighter’s Safety and Survival Seminar. Chief
Sullivan is an Instructor II level trainer for both the Worcester Fire Department and Massachusetts
State Fire Academy; specializes in Firefighter Skills Development (including RIT), Structural
Firefighting, Recruit Firefighter Training, and Fire Officer Development. He holds a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Fire Science and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Chief Sullivan is an
adjunct professor at two local Worcester colleges in the Fire Science division, and an active member of
the National Fire Academy’s Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education committee. HE is also a
member of the NFPA’s Fire Science and Technology Educators section.
Introduction to the 2006 North Carolina Fire Prevention Code – Christian Noles
Friday, August 26, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Auditorium III
This course will serve as an introduction to the changes between the 2002 North Carolina Fire
Prevention Code and the 2006 edition. The seminar will address changes related to fire safety,
hazardous materials, and means of egress that inspectors will need to be knowledgeable of when the
code is adopted on January 1, 2006.
Christian Noles is the Chief Fire Protection Engineer for the North Carolina Office of State Fire
Marshal, a division of the Department of Insurance. His responsibilities include interpretation to issues
relative to the North Carolina Prevention Code and oversight of the state’s 1800+ fire marshals and
inspectors regarding interpretations. He received his Associates of Science Degree from Parkland
College and his BS Mechanical Engineering from Southern Illinois University. He is a member of the
Society of Fire Protection Engineers and the National Fire Protection Association.
Keeping the Construction Cost to a Minimum – Ken Newell
Friday, August 26, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Auditorium II
More often than not, budget is the single largest controlling factor in what you can or cannot build.
Ken will reveal ways in which his 50+ fire department clients have built durable, low-maintenance
facilities without “busting the budget.” Ken’s presentation will consider several cost saving subjects
including: Making the Most of Your Site, One Story vs. Two Story Buildings, Construction Types,
Material Selections, and Avoiding Unnecessary Facility Duplications.
Ken Newell, AIA, is a Senior Principal with Stewart Cooper Newell Architect, and has designed over
100 Fire/EMS stations and fire training facilities since joining the firm in 1998. He has provided
architectural and consulting services for fire departments and municipalities in North Carolina, South
Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Virginia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Florida, Nebraska, Arkansas, and
New Jersey. He has also spoken at various national and state fire conferences. Ken can be reached by
visiting or emailing Stewart Cooper Newell
Architects can be reached at 1-800-671-0621.
Key Issues Facing Volunteer and Combination Fire Departments – Jeff Cash/Wesley Hutchins
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Auditorium I
This workshop is designed to discuss current issues facing volunteer and combination fire departments
on the local, regional, and national levels. The workshop targets key issues facing volunteer and
combination department chief officers. Topics discussed will include personnel, staffing, training
issues, recruitment and retention, internal leadership, and public awareness of the issues volunteer and
combination departments are being presented with. Target audiences are Volunteer and Combination
Fire Department Chiefs, Chief Officers, Training Staffs, and ranking company officers.
Jeff Cash is the Fire Chief of the Cherryville Fire Department and part-time Program Coordinator for
the North Carolina State Firemen’s Association. Jeff is a twenty-seven year veteran of the Fire Service
and has served as Chief of the Cherryville Fire Department since 1986. He has an Associates Degree
in Fire Protection Technology. He serves on NFPA 1021 Committee, as well as NFPA Technical
Correlating Committee. He also serves as North Carolina’s Director to National Volunteer Fire
Council, serving on the Executive Committee. Chief Cash is also a Past President of the North
Carolina State Firemen’s Association, and served as President in 2001.
Wesley Hutchins is the Fire Chief of Walkertown Fire Department and District Two Director for the
North Carolina State Firemen’s Association. Wesley is a Regional Fire Rescue Training Coordinator
with the North Carolina Department of Community Colleges and is a twenty-nine year veteran of the
Fire Service. He also serves as President of the Piedmont Firemen’s Association. He is a Past
President of the Forsyth County Fire/Rescue Association. Wes has a BS in Health & Human Services
from Gardner-Webb University and is a former councilmember serving on the Town Council of
Walkertown, NC.
NCFR Commission Certification Tests – Wes Lail
Friday, August 26, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Friday, August 26, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
This class will be giving previously scheduled Fire Officer, CFI, and Ed. Methodology tests. We will
tests individuals who need these tests and who have been approved to take them.
Wes Lail is a Certification Specialist for the North Carolina Department of Insurance, Office of State
Fire Marshal.
Operations “Plus” – The Next Logical Step in Haz Mat Emergency Response, Part I – Mike
Friday, August 26, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Pebble Beach
In emergency response we constantly evolve our tactics to meet the needs. With the ever-increasing
threat of WMD and Mass Casualties from hazardous materials, responders must reexamine the old
roles of Haz Mat Awareness, Operations, and Technician. Perhaps there is a compromise between
operations and technicians called ops-plus. This session will also explore the Hazardous Materials
Operations Plus Standard in North Carolina and how it applies to emergencies involving hydrocarbon
Mike Callan is a twenty-year veteran of the Fire Service and a former Captain with the Wallingford,
Connecticut Fire Department. In 1989 at the Fire Department Instructor’s Conference in Cincinnati, he
was selected from 7000 municipal and private sector instructors as the International Society of Fire
Instructors’ – George D. Post Instructor of the Year. He is co-author of Hazardous Materials
Exposures – Emergency Response and Patient Care published by Brady and Prentice Hall.
Operations “Plus” – The Next Logical Step in Haz Mat Emergency Response, Part II – Mike
Friday, August 26, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Pebble Beach
Overview of the Firewise Forestry Program – Shardul Raval/Ron Hollifield
Saturday, August 27, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
The Firewise Program is a national program that focuses on creating a defensible space and safe access
to homes in the wildland urban interface so in the event of a wild fire, the chances of survival are much
greater. In North Carolina, the Firewise Program will be used to enhance the existing wildlife
management, and mitigation and prevention efforts of the NC Forest Service, NC Emergency
Management, The Fire Marshal’s Office, and the local fire departments.
Shardul Raval is the Staff Forester-Fire Control & Prevention/Firewise State Co-Coordinator of North
Carolina Division of Forest Resources (NCDFR). He has an undergraduate degree in Biology from
Campbell University and a Master in Forest Conservation Degree from the University of Toronto. He
joined the NCDFR in 1999 as a Service Forester in the Fayetteville District. In 2002, he was promoted
to Forestry Specialist. In 2004, he was promoted to his current position.
Ron Hollifield is the District Ranger and Firewise Coordinator for District 10 of the North Carolina
Division of Forest Resources, which takes in ten counties located in the western piedmont and
foothills/mountains of North Carolina. He is a native of McDowell County. He worked eighteen years
in several positions in the mountain region of North Carolina before taking a promotion to the coastal
region to work as the Dare County Ranger. In 2002, he took a promotion to District Ranger at
Lexington. He serves as the Air Operations Branch Director on NC ITM 1, which has taken him
around the country on fires, floods, hurricanes, and other incidents in the last twenty-four years.
Regional Cooperation to Build a Training Center – Dan Jones
Friday, August 26, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Auditorium I
Amazing things can happen when local government officials combine their resources to provide the
very best for firefighters and citizens. This workshop looks at how chiefs can work together for
substantial benefit.
Chief Dan Jones has served as Chief of the Chapel Hill Fire Department since 1990, after a sixteenyear career in Pinellas Park, FL. He has served on many national committees and published many
articles for the trade journals. Chief Jones currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of the National Fire and
Rescue Magazine.
Remembering When – Who Are Seniors & Why Are They Special? – B.T. Fowler/Jan Parker
Saturday, August 27, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Auditorium III
This workshop is an overview of an exceptional NFPA fire/fall prevention program that targets senior
citizens. Learn how your department can become proactive and use this highly successful program to
reach a rapidly growing “high risk” population! Let us show you how “Remembering When” can
compliment a new or existing smoke alarm program in your community. Great PR benefit and it’s
B.T. Fowler is a retired Raleigh Fire Department Captain. B.T. has been involved in the fire service
since he was 22 years old. Although he is retired, he remains active with the NC Fire and Life Safety
Educators Council and has a passion for senior safety.
Jan Parker serves as the Fire and Life Safety Educator for the Raleigh Fire Department. Jan has been
with the fire department for twenty-seven years, and she is truly committed to fire prevention;
however, she has seen the need for the fire service to broaden its mission and include injury
B.T. and Jan look forward to every opportunity to team up and share their enthusiasm about fire safety
and fall prevention with others.
Suicide Bombers: Fire/EMS Response – August Vernon
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Auditorium II
Every week on television we see the scenes of chaos and destruction caused by suicide bombers in
cafes, buses, and streets across the globe. What type of impact would a similar event cause in the US
at a major sporting event or on a crowded bus in your jurisdiction? The suicide bomber has become
one of the few remaining ways for terrorists to effectively target their enemies. First responders at all
levels must learn to work together to deter suicide bombers from attacking locations in their
jurisdictions, and to safely respond in the event an attack occurs. “Suicide Bombers” is an interactive
presentation with supporting terrorist training and recruitment videos that provides updated
information from Iraq and Israel.
August Vernon is currently a US DOD (Department of Defense) Security Contractor serving in Iraq
since July 2004 providing high threat convoy security. He served with the Forsyth County Office of
Emergency Management from 2000 to 2004 and with the Fire Service since 1990. Currently a North
Carolina Fire Service Instructor, August served as a Nuclear-Biological-Chemical (NBC) Operations
Specialist with the US Army from 1991-1995. He teaches courses in Terrorism/WMD Response and
has written several articles published in various national publications. August can be reached at
Taking Care of Our Own, Part I – Chief Dan Hermes/Kathy Guyer-Martin/Beverly Walter
Friday, August 26, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Auditorium IV
Saturday, August 27, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Auditorium IV
This workshop will focus on what every department needs to have in place to handle the worst – a lineof-duty death or serious injury. A veteran Fire Chief will share what he learned after experiencing a
line-of-duty death and how his region and state have organized to offer immediate assistance to other
departments going through similar tragedies. He will share a pre-incident model that can be
implemented in your department. A North Carolina survivor will talk about what happened to her
family after the death of her husband, and what helped them most. Foundation staff will provide
updates on their programs and the status of PSOB benefits.
Chief Dan Hermes of Pleasantview Fire Protection District, IL, chairs the Illinois Fire Chief’s Funeral
Committee. In this role, he and members of his committee have assisted hundreds of departments after
the death of a public safety officer. He is working with the NFFF to implement a state response team
model-training program.
Kathy Guyer-Martin of Madison, NC, has been active with the NFFF for several years and serves as
Musical Coordinator during the National Memorial Weekend. Her husband, Mike, died from injuries
received in the line-of-duty in 1996. Kathy works for Sara Lee.
Beverly Walter joined the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation staff in 2002 and works with the
Taking Care of Our Own training program and the scholarship program. Prior to joining the
Foundation, she worked as an acquisitions technician at the Learning Resource Center on the campus
of the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg Maryland.
Taking Care of Our Own, Part II – Chief Dan Hermes/Kathy Guyer-Martin/Beverly Walter
Friday, August 26, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Auditorium IV
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Auditorium IV
Three Hours to Prepare for the “Big One,” Part I – William Ferroli
Saturday, August 27, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Pebble Beach
Beginning with an exercise process called the “set-up,” the facilitator will provide exercise ground
rules for a three to four hour functional exercise within the exercise room(s) (Command Post).
Participants will encounter operational and management experiences, while solving a variety of issues
brought on through a working scenario and a pre-designed rail incident. Come prepared to play a role
in the mock-up of a train derailment in a North Carolina community. It may be in your backyard. This
session is as real as it gets without bringing locomotives, tank cars, and chemicals in to the classroom.
William Ferroli, MS, BMCS, (USCG Ret.) is President of Compliance Associates, Inc., founded in
December 1997 to provide operational response, regulatory compliance and incident management
training and exercise programs for public and private organizations, based on a combined thirty years
of operational, regulatory, management, and training experience.
Three Hours to Prepare for the “Big One,” Part II – William Ferroli
Saturday, August 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm
Pebble Beach
“Unplugged” – What Issues Are You Talking About at the Kitchen Table? – John F. Sullivan
Saturday, August 27, 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Auditorium II
Is there a disconnect between the line personnel and the staff in your department? Does the “Peter
Principle” seem to apply to you or the people who lead your organization? This workshop will
facilitate a frank and open forum about the issues that affect you on a daily basis; the stuff we all
complain about at the kitchen table! Together we will explore the reasons why we all are experiencing
the same problems, and what we can do to overcome some of these problems and help move our
departments forward (At the very least, we will poke fun at some gold badges and ourselves!).
District Chief John F. Sullivan is an eighteen-year veteran of the Worcester Fire Department. He is a
Coordinator and Lead Instructor of the Worcester Firefighter’s Safety and Survival Seminar. Chief
Sullivan is an Instructor II level trainer for both the Worcester Fire Department and Massachusetts
State Fire Academy; specializes in Firefighter Skills Development (including RIT), Structural
Firefighting, Recruit Firefighter Training, and Fire Officer Development. He holds a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Fire Science and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. Chief Sullivan is an
adjunct professor at two local Worcester colleges in the Fire Science division, and an active member of
the National Fire Academy’s Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education committee. He is also a
member of the NFPA’s Fire Science and Technology Educators section.
What Difference Does Safety Make? – Mike Hill
Friday, August 26, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
This presentation will take a look at North Carolina’s approach to Worker’s Compensation Coverage
for volunteer emergency services and the services provided by the North Carolina Volunteer Safety
Worker’s Compensation Fund. We will also look at injury trends in the fire and rescue service in
North Carolina and see first hand what impact safety or the lack of, can have on your emergency
services organization.
Mike Hill is currently serving as Risk Manager for the North Carolina Volunteer Safety Worker’s
Compensation Fund. He is a retired Supervisor of Standards, North Carolina Office of State Fire
Marshal. He has thirty-eight years experience in emergency services. He is Past President of the
North Carolina Society of Fire/Rescue Instructors.