PROJECT PROPOSAL SOLAR COOKERS INTERNATIONAL SUNNY SOLUTIONS PROJECT P.O. BOX 52, KATITO. PROJECT NAME : OYWA ‘A’ SOLAR SUPPORT GROUP LOCATION : GEM RAE SUB LOCATION, NORTH NYAKACH LOCATION, LOWER NYAKACH DIVISION IN NYANDO DISTRICT OF KENYA. TIME FRAME : CONTACT PERSON : JESCA AOKO OCHIENG PHONE NUMBER : 0734387481 EMAIL ADDRESS : 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support Groups proposes to install 5 plastic tanks, conduct 15 trainings on rainwater catchment, WASH and water testing within 5 locations covered by the project. 2. COMMUNITY HISTORY The community is mainly engaged in subsistence farming. They live in a flood-prone area with no source of clean safe water. The population is 29,541 (1999 census) living in an area of 109.5 square kilometers. The number of households is 6,610 (1999 census). 3. ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY The group was started in July 2003 with only 5 members when Solar Cookers International introduced solar cooking and water pasteurization activities to the community of Nyakach. The group was finally registered with the Social Services Department in 2005. The current membership is 15. The group has been actively engaged in the promotion of solar cooking and water pasteurization in 5 locations of Lower Nyakach Division of Nyando District 4. WHY THE PROJECT IS NECESSARY Extreme floods and drought conditions make rain water catchment the best option for safe water in the community. During rainy seasons, a lot of water goes into waste due to lack of appropriate rain water catchment systems and during drought there is no clean safe water nearby. Water has to be sourced from far off rivers and dams which are not safe. The project is necessary because the plenty of water that goes into waste will be tapped through appropriate rain water catchment for use during days when water is scarce 5. COMMUNITY BENEFICIARIES 1575 households will get access to clean and safe water There will be reduction of water borne diseases in these households About 5725 school children will also get access to clean safe water Promotion of girl child education Community will have appropriate knowledge of water testing and treatment WHO HOW MANY WHERE 6.1. - Women - Widows 83 Gem Rae Sub Location and - Others 232 Gem Nam sub Location 350 Gem Rae Sub Location and 6.2. - Children - Orphans & Vulnerable children - Others 1150 Gem Nam sub Location - Widowers 20 Gem Rae Sub Location and - Others 120 Gem Nam sub Location 435 Gem Rae Sub Location and 6.3. - Men 6.4. – Church members Gem Nam sub Location 6. PROJECT PLANS The project will install 5 plastic water tanks, train community on water catchment systems, sanitation, hygiene and water testing and pasteurization within the 5 locations covered by the project. This is not a new project but we hope to continue what we have already been doing, with the groups we have been working with, incorporating new knowledge and topics. We will continue creating awareness on solar cooking, water pasteurization, sanitation and hygiene in Nyakach and beyond. These are the long term goals of Oywa ‘A’ Solar Support Group for the implementing the water program in the community: To construct appropriate water tanks in every location covered by the group. To install 1 BioSand Filter per school to all schools in the project area. To train the entire community on rain water harvesting catchment systems. ACTIVITY TASKS TIME WHO RESOURCES FRAME 1. Planning Group meeting to 1 day Group members Stakeholders 1 ream for the plan for purchase of execution of plastic tanks and Transport activities construction 20 bic pens equipment Notebooks Transport 2. Identification Visit stakeholders 5 days for sensitization of stakeholders 3. Community mobilization Attending Chiefs’ Barazas 5 days fullscaps Seline Jesca Group members Seline Transport Jesca 1 ream Meetings Visit groups, 2 pens churches, and Notebooks 2 ream fullscaps Group members schools to teach water catchment, sanitation and hygiene 4. Training community members on water Seline groups to be trained Jescah Invitation of group Group members Identification of 5 days members Training 5 days Choosing an 5 day fullscaps Transport 50 bic pens Notebooks Transport sanitation and hygiene, water catchment and system and water testing and pasteaurization 5. Selection of appropriate for the site for tank construction of the construction tank 6. Identification of construction materials Group members Community members Stakeholders Seline Transport of supply Jescah 2 notebooks Purchase of Group members Identifying sources materials Transportation of 10 days materials 7. Clearing site Tank Installation of the Installation 1 ½ month Group members Transport Community Materials members Water Group members Notebooks Community Materials tank 8. Operation and Continuous site on daily basis maintenance Opening and closing Carrying out repairs members 7. TECHNOLOGY TO BE USED The technology used will be installing plastic water tanks with rain water catchment systems. It is suitable for the community because it’s common and appropriate in that our soil texture found within the community will not produce good quality Ferro cement tanks. Most Ferro cement tanks constructed within the community develop cracks before and leak after a short duration. Plastic tanks are cheaper to buy than the materials to construct a Ferro cement tank and easy to get in Kisumu. 8. COMMUNITY MOBILIZATION AND MARKETING STRATEGIES Community mobilization and sensitization to create awareness of the importance of rain water catchment, safe water, sanitation and hygiene Training of community members on construction and maintenance of Ferro cement tanks and gutters will ensure good operation and maintenance of the tank in future Attend chief’s barazas to talk about water and hygiene Visit churches and schools in the project area Community contribution in kind will create a sense of ownership to the project for future sustainability Marketing the technology and services will be done through: - Radio programs - Banners - Brochures - Public days like chiefs barazas - Partners like women groups and other stakeholders Collaboration with other organizations for resource sharing and mobilization will be done to avoid duplication of activities 9. ADMINISTRATION ACTIVITY Water point WHOM Group officials - Chairlady - Secretary - Treasurer Operation Secretary Maintenance Members and Treasurer 10. FOLLOW UPS, ACCEPTABILITY, AND EXPANSION FOLLOW UPS: Visiting the installation tank sites regularly, i.e. once per week. Collecting and piling reports from water committee and field officer. ACCEPTABILITY: The number of turn-outs for water collections in a day or a week. Comments from all the community. Maintenance, i.e fixing problems, repair of gutters, putting a fence around the tank EXPANSION: Each group with a tank will collect a certain amount of money (i.e. each tank holding 5000 litres will be able to be filled ten times each year, the water will be sold at 2 KSh per 20 litres, so the profit for each tank per year will be approximately 5000 KSh). These profits will be used to install other tanks in other project areas. 11. MONITORING AND EVALUATION STRATEGIES MONITORING ACTIVITY WHO Maintenance Chairperson Cleaning of the tank and gutters Assistant chairperson and assistance secretary Collection of money Treasurer Training the community Field officers-Oywa ‘A’ Group members Overall supervision Project coordinator EVALUATION How the community will evaluate success: 1. If the community can get access to clean water 2. Reduction of water borne diseases within the community 3. Promotion of girl child education 4. Increased number of community participation How Oywa ‘A’ Solar Group will evaluate success: 1. When the water is easily accessible 2. By getting the comments from the community 3. By the community accepting the project 4. If water borne disease cases are reduced 12. PROJECT BUDGET **SEE ACCOMPANYING BUDGET DOCUMENT (including budget for first tank installation phase and budget for subsequent 5 tanks installation phase)