
NCDPI – AIG Instructional Resource: Background Information
Resource Title: Historical Figures Analogies
Subject Area/Grade Level (s): Social Studies/2
Time Frame: 30 minutes
Common Core/Essential Standard Addressed:
2.H.1 Understand how various sources provide information about the past.
2.H.1.2 Identify contributions of historical figures (community, state, nation and world) through various genres.
Additional Standards Addressed:
3.W.7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic.
Brief Description of Lesson/Task/Activity: All students in the class will be introduced to various historical figures (from their community, state,
nation, and the world). The teacher will read books and find videos from the internet that explain the contributions that these historical figures
made to our world, and she will guide students to discuss what life would be like today without their contributions. Then higher-level students
will be asked to complete analogies connecting historical figures to their contributions. Students will need to research via books and the
internet the historical figures and their contributions to be able to complete the analogies. Students will also write their own analogies with
good relationships.
Type of Differentiation for AIGs (include all that apply):
Adaptations for AIGs:
x Process
x Extension
x Acceleration
x Product
Explanation of How Resource is Appropriate for AIGs: This task is appropriate for higher-level students because while they continue to work
with the Essential Standard for this grade level, they will also extend their learning by researching historical figures and their contributions to our
world. The students will work on a third grade level objective for research/writing. They will also practice thinking critically by solving analogies.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction
AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project
Needed Resources/Materials:
The teacher may choose to use links like the following for students to use for their research. (Please visit any sites you plan to use prior to the
lesson to ensure they are all still appropriate):
Attachment: Historical Figures Analogies
Sources: NA
TEACHER NOTES: The teacher can save links so that students may only access certain sites from the internet. If the teacher does this, students
will not be “all over” the internet and also the teacher can be sure that the sites she chooses will have the information that students need in
order to solve the analogies.
NCDPI AIG Curriculum Resource Outline
The teacher will begin the lesson by asking:
Do you know any famous person who has contributed to our world? What did that person do? How did that help our world? Does what they
did help you personally? How? How would life be for you without that contribution?
The teacher will read books and/or find video clips of famous historical figures (famous women, presidents, inventors, explorers, AfricanAmericans, scientists, etc.) and their contributions. The class can have a discussion about how our world would be without their contributions.
For example, how would it be if Thomas Edison had not invented the light bulb; what if explorers had never found North America; what if
Abraham Lincoln had never become President of the United States, etc.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction
AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project
After the teacher shares many books, videos, and articles on the internet about famous historical figures and their contributions and the class
has discussed what our world would be like if these people had not worked hard to make such important contributions, the higher-level
students will be asked to complete the attached analogies page. Students will need to use books and the internet to research
people/contributions that they do not know about. The teacher could have certain website links available for students to use or she can
monitor students to use the internet via search engines that are appropriate for students to use. Students will continue to research the famous
figures and contributions to complete the analogies. Then they will create their own analogies that show good relationships.
Students should share their original analogies with their peers and discuss the following questions:
What did you learn that you didn’t already know?
Which person on the sheet do you think made the biggest contribution? Why do you say so?
Which contribution do you personally value most? Why?
The teacher will assess how well students complete the analogies attachment:
Did the student use several/many sources to gain thorough/accurate information?
Was the student able to use the search engine to find the historical figure/contribution?
Did the student complete the analogies correctly?
Did the student write accurate “relationships” for the analogies?
When the student is finished, can he answer questions about the historical figures?
Did the student write really accurate analogies with “tight” relationships?
TEACHER NOTES: The teacher can create a rubric to assess this project using the questions/criteria above if she wishes to do so.
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction
AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project