World of Literary Terms

World of Literary Terms
By: Charley
Analogies, Metaphors &, Similes
 Analogies are similes and metaphors in a way.
 Analogies are different because analogies describe
the relationships between two things.
Example: His thoughts tumbled in his head, making
and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer
without Cling Free.
Analogies, Metaphors &, Similes
Similes compare two things that
are nothing alike using like or
 Example: His temper was as
explosive as a volcano.
Analogies, Metaphors &, Similes
 Metaphors are an analogy that
is not implied comparing two
things that are similar.
 Example: I'm dead tired, She's
the apple of my eye.
Alliterations & Assonances
 Alliterations are repetition of initial sounds
in the same phrase.
 Example: Peter piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers. If peter piper picked a
peck of pickled peppers how many
peppers did peter piper pick?
 Assonances are the repetition of the
same vowel sound in the same phrase or
 Example: He gave a nod to the officer
with the pocket.
Idioms & Hyperbole
 Idioms are phrases that aren’t suppose
to be taken seriously.
 example: break a leg, or your full of
 Hyperboles are an exaggeration.
 Example: I am so hungry I could eat a
horse and a cow.
Personification ,
Onomatopoeia &, irony
 Personification is where the writer
gives a non human thing human
 Example: the trees waved at me
while I was walking through the
 Onomatopoeia is a sound used to
describe action.
 Example: “pow”, “pop”, “smack”, or
Personification , Onomatopoeia &, irony
 Irony is The use of words to
express something different from
the literal meaning.
 Example: The Ludites, an antitechnology group, launching a
website to spread their ideas.
Author’s purpose, theme &, mood
 Author’s purpose is why they wrote the
text being to inform, persuade, or
 Theme is the major idea broad enough
to cover the entire story.
 Mood is The emotional state of mind
expressed in work.
Flashback & foreshadowing
Flashback is when you look
back on what happened in
the past.
Foreshadowing is clues to
what will happen in the
inference &, connotation
 Inference is a prediction that you
cant take straight out of the text.
 Connotation is the emotional
relationships suggested by group of
words which affects the
Allusion, subplot &, parallel
 Sub plot is stories within a story
that expands the characters,
setting, or theme.
 Allusion is an indirect reference to
the event, person, place or artistic
Allusion, subplot &, parallel episode
A parallel episode are
events that happen at the
same time without the main
characters awareness.
 I got my information from a
literary term worksheet from one
of the teachers.
 I got my ideas for my examples
from the internet.
Teacher use
 This PowerPoint was useful in
the classroom.
 the teacher really liked it I had
to change a couple of things
after he showed.