STEPHEN P. PELLEGRINO 17 Oakland Square Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412.683.7535 ACADEMIC American University, Washington, D.C., Graduate Program, Interdisciplinary Arts (1978-79). Peabody Conservatory, Post-graduate Study in Music Theory and Composition taught by Dr. Asher Zlotnick (197779) University of Maryland, Graduate Program, Drama (1976) University of Pittsburgh, B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Major in Theatre Arts; Minor in Studio Arts, Literature and Music (1971-75) EXPERIENCE (Author, Composer, Lyricist, Director, Choreographer, Performer) Dislocated Sequence 1.0 Chamber piece for oboe/violin/piano commissioned and performed by The Living Room Chamber Project January 2014 ACCORDION STORIES Wrote and performed one man show about growing up in the Mon Valley when both steel and the accordion were king. April 2011 gravity + grace Wrote score/arrangements for orchestra and choir, directed and performed in this contemporary opera about Parkinson’s Disease. Collaborated with Frank Ferraro. Heinz Foundation Grant (Sept 2009) Man from ‘NYAYZAR/Work Song Cycle Multi-disciplinary performance piece with collaborator Frank Ferraro- commissioned for Ingenuity Festival in Cleveland, Oh. (2008) 1st Annual Alexander Berkman Memorial Labor and Music Festival- Producer of an evening of Pittsburgh labor history through music. (July 2008) 22 DRYWALL Macbeth Adaptation of the play Macbeth that was performed in a house in an urban neighborhood in Pittsburgh that was in the midst of a complete rehab (September 2006) Calling Mr. Conrad Outdoor radiophonic opera commissioned by Three Rivers Arts Festival and Pro Arts (June 2005) LOSER Mobile Rhythmic Platform Percussion pageant wagon created for First Night –Three Rivers Arts Festival (January 2005) Drywall 21: Man from ‘NYAYZAR One man show about an entity from another dimension. Presented in conjunction with the Three Rivers Arts Festival (June 2004 4Quarters Collaboration with Frank Ferraro. Site Specific saxophone quartet presented by Three Rivers Arts Festival (June 2004) Refrigiolith / Who’s Coming to Dinner Finalists in Film Kitchen Contest. LOSER Collaboration (April 2003/April 2004) Drywall 20: Equinox/Stone Collaboration with sculptor Frank Ferraro. A celestial ritual performed in a parking lot (October 2003) Much Ado About Nothing Musical Supervisor and accordionist in University of Pittsburgh Repertory production (March–April 2003) Drywall 19 : Wetland Installation at Mattress Factory (November2002-January 2003) Drywall 18 Video Fugue For 3 Monitors Created score, designed and constructed installation; Pittsburgh Filmmakers 30th Anniversary (November 3, 2001) Drywall 13-16 Digital goes to Analog Wrote book, lyrics and music; directed and choreographed; designed set and slides; Pittsburgh Playhouse Rauh Theatre, funded in part by the PA Council on the Arts (June 15-17, 22-24, 2000) NoT42 Choreographed for Pittsburgh Dance Council’s Choreographers’ Dance Continuum (May 7, 8 1999) DRYWALL 10112 :Thanksgiving Dinner Resume of Stephen P. Pellegrino ~ Page 2 Wrote book, lyrics and music; directed and choreographed; designed set and slides (November 1997) DRYWALL XXX: Prometheus Bound/Unbound Wrote book, lyrics and music; directed and choreographed; designed set and slides; Pittsburgh Public Theatre, funded in part by the PA Council on the Arts (September 1995) DRYWALL XXX: the presage Wrote text/score, directed, performed, designed set; Pittsburgh Center for the Arts (January 15, 1994) STILL MILL Wrote and co-directed with Tony Buba; funded in part by Rockefeller Foundation and Hallwalls (1987) DRYWALL XLIII: THE MONSTROUS SPIDER Wrote score and libretto; directed cast of 7; performed role of Spider in Kabuki-based opera, funded in part by the PA Council on the Arts (1987) OVERCOOKED ONIONS Composed musical piece commissioned by Pittsburgh Dance Alloy (1987) LIGHTNING OVER BRADDOCK Scored and performed sound track, co-starred in film by Guggenheim Fellow Tony Buba (1986) DRYWALL XVI: RITUAL Wrote score/libretto, directed/choreographed cast of 12, designed set and special lighting effects (1986) DRYWALL Parts I-IX & DRYWALL Parts I-VII Wrote text, score; directed, choreographed; created set, sculpture and mask; performed; Off Forbes Performance Art Festival and Performance Art Residency, Yellow Springs Art Institute (1985) ClTlscape Wrote score/libretto, directed/choreographed cast of 30, designed set and costumes, produced video/film; performance funded, in part, by PA Council on the Arts (1984) THE GRIP Wrote text/score, directed/choreographed, designed mask, costume, slides and lighting for piece commissioned by Philadelphia Art Alliance and Nexus Gallery (1984) and performed at the Off Forbes Performance Art Festival (1984) PASS IT! Wrote score, libretto, directed and choreographed cast of 20, created slides and film, performed work commissioned by Mattress Factory (1983) WO MAN Wrote score, libretto, directed and choreographed, created slides and performed while in residency at Yellow Springs Art Institute lab (1983) VOICES FROM A STEELTOWN Wrote and performed music soundtrack for documentary film by Tony Buba; funded by PA Humanities Council (1982) LEGEND (Parts II and III) Wrote text, score; co-directed, choreographed and performed one-man musical comedy performed at Painted Bride, Philadelphia; Pittsburgh Center for the Arts; Washington Project for the Arts, Washington, D.C. (1982) TRAIN'D Wrote text, score; directed, choreographed; designed special lighting (1981) MILL HUNK HERALD Wrote movie score and played central character in film by Tony Buba (1981) A LEGEND (in his own mind) Wrote score and libretto; directed and choreographed one-man show produced by University of Pittsburgh's Floating Theatre (1980) A NIGHT IN PITTSBURGH Performance at Mattress Factory (1980) ARE THE GOLDFISH DEAD? Wrote and directed structuralist drama (1980) A JAZZMAN'S REVENGE Wrote text and score; directed and performed one-man musical (1979). JEFF JONES CONQUERS THE WORLD Wrote text and score; directed and choreographed; designed sets with special lighting for outdoor performance staged on roof and featuring cast of wheelchair dancers commissioned by the Maryland Dance Theatre Workshop (1978) YAMA BIKO NO and JESUS IS MY BEST GIRLFRIEND Choreographed two dances commissioned by Maryland Dance Theatre Workshop (1978) Resume of Stephen P. Pellegrino ~ Page 3 THE COUPLE Choreographed and danced for concert (1978) A NIGHT IN PITTSBURGH Performed piece for Baltimore Theatre Project (1978) THE JEFF JONES SILAS MARNER MAN WITH GUITAR CASE AND BOOTS OR THE CURSE OF THE SCARLET ALBATROSS Wrote score; directed and choreographed cast of 60; designed sets and costumes (1977) THE UNBIRTH Created outdoor conceptual piece with cast of 100 as guest choreographer for the Maryland Dance Theatre Workshop's Dance Day (1977) SOME OF MY BEST FRIENDS ARE GUNS (Jeff Jones cycle) Created dance as guest choreographer for Maryland Experimental Dance Concert (1977) A NIGHT IN PITTSBURGH Wrote book, Iyrics, music and performed one-man show about growing up working class (1977) THE UBU CYCLE Wrote music and adapted Jarry script (1977)