Early College Response to Intervention Tier 2 Teacher Responsibilities Goal: identify and assist students who are demonstrating academic or behavioral difficulties. Tier 1 Classroom Level Strategies are used to enable all students to achieve success in meeting the standards of the Early College curriculum. These strategies include standards based instruction, differentiated instruction, and other classroom management and instructional strategies which promote success. Every student in the school is on Tier 1. Teacher remediation strategies for Tier 1 include but are not limited to tutorial (voluntary/mandatory), Saturday School, and department level makeup and retesting policies. Mandatory Tutorial is a Tier 1 Strategy. Students maintain grades less than 75 at any point during a marking period, or recommended by the teacher or parent are placed in Mandatory Tutorial. Teachers initiate Mandatory Tutorial by completing and submitting a Mandatory Tutorial Parent Notification Letter to the parent or guardian of the student. Tier 2: Intervention Strategies are implemented in addition to general classroom instruction. Tier 2 Intervention Checklist Student enters program with low or minimal CRCT score. Student grades are less than 70 at the mid-term or end-of-term. Student demonstrates a need for intervention. Parent recommends intervention. Tier 2 Procedure 1. Identification a. Prescreen students during application process to generate a list of students requiring Tier 2 interventions at the start of the year based on preexisting data. b. Advisors will screen records of incoming freshmen to help facilitate identification of students needing intervention at the beginning of the school year. c. Teachers will identify at-risk students needing intervention as quickly as possible if necessary. For example, if a student fails the first couple of assessments, intervention is most likely warranted. d. Students with grades of less than 70 at the midterm or end-of-term. e. Parents can request intervention. 2. Placement 6/29/2010 a. Once a student is identified as requiring Tier 2 intervention, the teacher or staff member will submit a RTI Tier 2 Academic Referral Form & Action Plan. b. Teachers will contact the parent and schedule a parent conference at which an action plan will be developed with input from the teacher, student, and parent. If a parent declines to attend the conference, teachers are to inform them that they will be informed in writing of the recommendations from the action plan meeting. An RTI committee member will assist with meeting notes. c. Action plan documentation will be maintained and monitored by the student’s advisor. 3. Duration a. Once an action plan has been developed. Teachers will initiate a RTI Tier 2 Data Collection Control Sheet and begin the data collection process. b. The student will remain on the Tier 2 level for at least two months. c. At the end of the data collection period, the RTI committee will evaluate the data and teacher recommendations and one of the following will occur: Student will be placed back at Tier 1. Student will remain at Tier 2 for a second period of evaluation and data collection. Student will be referred to Tier 3 for SST/SSP. RTI Committee Members Dr. Robinson – Program Leader Alison Ross – Director of Guidance Derek Perry – RTI Coordinator Bernice Watson – Special Education Representative Shanda Padilla – Regular Education Teacher 6/29/2010