
Integer Errors - “You've got the wrong value!”
Summary: Integer values that are too large or too small may fall outside the allowable
bounds for their data type, leading to unpredictable problems that can both reduce the
robustness of your code and lead to potential security problems.
Description: The value of each integer variable is stored in a block of memory of a
fixed size. This size of this block, which is dependent upon the specific type of integer
variable (int, short, long, etc.), limits the range of values that can be stored in
variables of that type. Mathematical operations such as addition and multiplication may
lead to values that are outside of this range. If a value that is assigned to a variable of a
type that is not large enough to hold that value, an integer overflow occurs, and the
resulting value will likely not be what the programmer intended. This applies to all data
types that store integer variables, including int, short, and long.
Risk: An integer error may be exploited to cause a program crash, lead to incorrect
behavior, or present opportunities for malicious software to run code that could do bad
things to your computer.
Example of Occurrence: There is a Facebook group called “If this group reaches
4,294,967,296 it might cause an integer overflow. “ This value is the largest number that
can fit in a 32 bit unsigned integer. If the number of members of the group exceeded this
number, it might cause an overflow. Whether it will cause an overflow or not depends
upon how Facebook is implemented and which language is used – they might use data
types that can hold larger numbers. In any case, the chances of an overflow seem
remote, as roughly 2/3 of the people on earth would be required to reach the goal of
more than 4 billion members.
How can I avoid integer overflow?
1. Choose your data types carefully: Choose your data types to be large enough to
hold the values you will be working with. If there's any doubt at all as to whether your
variable will have values that are too large for a short, use an int. If the int
might be too small, use a long.
2. Validate your input for ranges and reasonableness. Check input is valid and
reasonable before conducting operations.
1.Type in the following program. Compile and run.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class IntegerError {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
// variable declarations
// add short, long
int i;
byte b;
short sh;
long lon;
System.out.println("Largest integer is "+Integer.MAX_VALUE);
System.out.println("Smallest integer is "+Integer.MIN_VALUE);
System.out.println("Largest byte is "+Byte.MAX_VALUE);
System.out.println("Smallest byte is "+Byte.MIN_VALUE);
System.out.println("Largest short is " +Short.MAX_VALUE);
System.out.println("Smallest short is " +Short.MIN_VALUE);
System.out.println("Largest long is "+ Long.MAX_VALUE);
System.out.println("Smallest long is "+Long.MIN_VALUE);
System.out.print("Type an integer value: ");
i = scan.nextInt();
System.out.println("Type a byte value: ");
b = scan.nextByte();
System.out.println("Type a short value: ");
sh = scan.nextShort();
System.out.println("Type a long value: ");
lon = scan.nextLong();
System.out.println("\nYou entered the following values: ");
System.out.println("Integer: "+i);
System.out.println("Byte: "+b);
System.out.println("Short: "+sh);
System.out.println("Long: "+lon);
i = Integer.MAX_VALUE+1;
System.out.println("Integer overflow: i = "+i);
sh = (short) (sh *10);
System.out.println("Ten times short value is "+sh);
2. Print out the program and output before proceeding.
3. Complete the following checklist for this program.
4. Run this program until you find a value for the short that causes an error.
 What happens when an integer error occurs?
 What is the smallest value for the short that you can find that leads to an error
when it is first typed in – when the program prints “short: “ and then your value?
 What is the smallest value that you can type that causes an error when it is
multiplied by 10?
Security Checklist
Checklists are used in many industries including aviation and software for safety and
error checking. Complete the following security checklist to identify potential
vulnerabilities in your code.
Security Checklist
Integer Overflow
Check each line of code
1. Underline each occurrence of an integer variable.(All occurrences of i
should be underlined)
For each underlined variable:
2. Mark with a V any mathematical operations involving the variable.
3. Mark with a V any assignments made to the variable.
4. Mark with a V any input operations that assign values to the variable.
Possible Vulnerability!!
1. What happens when you exceed the largest integer value? Why do you think that
2. How could addition result in an integer error?
3. How could multiplication result in an integer error?
4. How could user input result in an integer error?
5. What sort of things might go wrong when an integer error happens?