Busse: HS Historical Phonology FR 14

Busse: HS Historical Phonology FR 14-16 (WS 2006/07)
Plan and reading list
In particular
General introduction
Who cares for sound changes?
use your brains
Repetition basics: Phonetics/Phonology
General concepts and key terms
use your linguistic reference works
Repetition basics: Phonetics/Phonology
Key terms, categories etc. for change
use your linguistic reference works
Theories of (sound) change: types
dependency of theories on premises
Keller Kap. 1, Linke Kap. 10.1
Theories of sound change: sample
validity of 'fragmenting' theories
Boretzky B.I,
English sounds and sound changes
Wright, "Accents"
The Great Vowel Shift: what it is
sample of LangHistories**
The Great Vowel Shift: how we know
empirical data
Dobson, Pronunciation
The Great Vowel Shift: why?
pre-conditions of plausible explanations
use your brains
The Great Vowel Shift
preparing discussions
organizing in groups
The Great Vowel Shift: why
presenting explanations 1 + 2
The Great Vowel Shift: why
presenting explanations 3 + 4
The Great Vowel Shift: why
presenting explanations 5 + 6
(last week: examinations)
use your notes
**For a description of the phenomenon and analyses of how linguists see the GVS you may use the following histories of the language and any
linguistic reference work on English (use contents, indices, entries s.v.), e.g.:
Barber, Charles. Early modern English. 2nd ed. Edinburgh 1997.
Baugh, Albert and Thomas Cable. A history of the English language. 4th ed. London 1993.
Berndt, Rolf. A history of the English language. Leipzig 1984.
Bragg, Melvyn. The adventures of English: the biography of a language. New York 2003.
Bryson, Bill. The mother tongue: English and how it got that way. New York 1990.
Crystal, David (ed.). The Cambridge encyclopedia of the English language. 2nd ed. Cambridge 2004.
-----. The stories of English. London 2004.
Freeborn, Dennis. From Old English to standard English: a course book in language variation across time. London 1992.
Hanowell, Manford. Sprachhistorischer Examenskurs Englisch. München 1980.
Jucker, Andreas. History fo English and English historical linguistics. Stuttgart 2000.
Leith, Dick. A social history of English. 2nd ed. London 1997.
McArthur, Tom (ed.). The Oxford Companion to the English language. Oxford 1998.
McCrum, Robert et al. The story of English. 3rd ed. London 2002.
Further reading (partly used in seminar):
Boretzki, Norbert. Einführung in die historische Linguistik. Hamburg 1977 und öfter.
Chevillet, François. "The great vowel shift: theories and problems," Dialectologia et Geolinguistica 5 (1997): 49-63.
-----. "The great vowel shift as a bogus construct : God's truth versus hocuspocus", Idéologies dans le monde Anglo-Saxon 9 (1997): 39-47.
Dobson, Eric J. English pronunciation 1500-1700. 2 vols. Oxford 1966 [1957].
Johnston, Paul. "English vowel shifting: one great vowel shift or two small vowel shifts", Diachronica 9 (1992): 189-226.
Keller, Rudi. Sprachwandel: Von der unsichtbaren Hand in der Sprache. 2. erw. Aufl. UTB 1567. Tübingen 1994 [engl. On language change: the
invisible hand in language, London 1994].
Linke, Angelika et al. (eds.). Studienbuch Linguistik. 3. Aufl. Tübingen 1996 [Kap. 10.1 "Grundfragen der Historiolinguistik", pp. 365-382].
Wright, Susan. "Accents of English", pp. 259-288 in: David Graddol, Dick Leith, and Joan Swann (eds.). English: history, diversity and change,
London 1996