Copyright Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA - KJA593 FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING PROGRAMME : BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (HONOURS)(CIVIL) COURSE : FLOOD CONTROL PROJECTS AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS CODE : KJA593 SEMESTER : CREDIT HOURS : PRE-REQUISITE : HOURS/WEEK : 3.0 No. of lecture hours No. of tutorial hours : 3.0 hrs/week : 1.0 hr/week ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.0 SYNOPSIS The subject covers materials on flood control projects and economic analysis. includes topics on flood problems; causes, policy, prevention measures, management, forecasting and warning. Other topics are flood control schemes and measures, flood plain hydrology and hydraulics, numerical computations of flood control, flood damage reduction functions and measures, case studies of flood mitigation in urban areas and economic analysis of flood control projects. Also includes application of computer models and water resources software. 2.0 OBJECTIVE At the end of the course, students should be able:- 3.0 a. to understand the various issues related to flood; prevention, control and management. b. to understand various subjects in flood control projects and economic analysis and brings them into one whole perspective. c. to obtain a comprehensive basic knowledge, which includes software applications in flood related topics for further endeavour in the area of flood control projects and economic analysis. METHODS a. b. Lectures Tutorial Copyright Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA - KJA593 4.0 CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. Topics Lecture Hour ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Introduction Flood problems, flood policy, flood prevention, preparedness and management, flood control investigations, causes of flooding, methods of flood control and protection, approaches to flood contrl/structural and nonstructural measures, determination of the effectiveness of flood control measures, hydraulic and mathematical modelling, flood investigations, design flood, social economic consideration, flood risk mapping, flood forecasting and warning. 3 hours 2. Stages in the evaluation of flood control schemes 3 hours Problem identification, flood damage analysis/hydraulic/frequency damage relationships, cost estimation of structural measures, computation of annual costs, benefit cost comparison and project selection. 3. Flood plain hydrology and hydraulics 3 hours Purpose, use of computer simulation, method of analysis, precipitation runoff process, discharge hydrograph, flood frequency analysis, statistical analysis of observed peak discharges, regional; frequency analysis, water surface profile computation, application of hydrologic and hydraulic analytical techniques. 4. Computer model for flood control (self reading assignments) Types of computer models, which computer model to use, HEC1, HEC2, HEC5, HEC6, MIKE11 and MIKE SHE. Pitfalls in the choice of the right kind of computer models for flood control. 5. Numerical computations on hydraulic hydrological aspects of flood control. and River flow analysis, peak discharges, river regimes, flow frequencies, flood frequency, analysis of annual series, flood predictions, rainfall runoff, relationship, rational methods, time area method, hydrograph analysis, unit hydrographs, 9 hours Copyright Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA - KJA593 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. Topics Lecture Hour -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------rainfall runoff relationships over longer periods. Introduction to the application of HEC, MIKE 11 and MIKE SHE models and other catchments models, engineering applications on flood routing, design floods and urban hydrology. 6. Flood damage reduction measures 3 hours Structural flood control measures, nonstructural flood control measures, reservoir, channel improvements, diversion, dikes. Stagedischarge, stage frequency and discharge frequency relationship with flood control measures. 7. Floor mitigation in urban areas - case studies 3 hours Kassel-Germany, Tokyo-Japan, Kuala LumpurMalaysia, York-U.K, Bangkok-Thailand, ManilaPhillipines and Jakarta-Indonesia. 8. Flood damage reduction functions 3 hours Tangible, intangibles damages and formulation, direct and indirect damages, actual and potential damages. Application of damage functions. Derivation of flood damage frequency functions. 9. Economic analysis of flood control projects. Steps involved in engineering economic analysis, benefit cost ratio, with and without project analysis, flood damage reduction benefit, total annual cost computation, rates of return, capital recovery factor, limitation of benefit cost analysis, economic of multipurpose projects. 10. Example and exercise on the computation of benefit cost analysis. 3 hours Copyright Faculty of Civil Engineering Universiti Teknologi MARA - KJA593 5.0 EVALUATION Test 1 Test 2 Corusework Test 3 (comprehensive) 6.0 25% 25% 20% 30% 100% TEXT BOOKS No text book - notes are provided 7.0 REFERENCES 1. Water - Resources Engineering Freyberg and Tchobanoglous - 4th Edition, Linsley, Franzini, 2. Hydrology in Practice - 4th Edition, Elizabeth Shaw 3. Reservoir Capacity and Yield - McMahon, TA & RG Mein 4. Flood Studies Report (& Supplementary) - NERC 5. Principles of Water Quality Control - 4th Edition, Tebbut. 6. Groundwater - Freeze, R.A and Cherry, J.A. 7. Water supply - C. Twort, R.G. Hoather and F.M. Law 8. Irrigation Principles and Practices - 4th Edition, Hansen, V.E., O.W. Israelsen and G.E. Stringham. 9. Water Quality : Characteristics, Tchobanoglous, G and E.D. Schroeder. Modelling, Modification -