UNIVERSITY OF KENT Module Specification 1. The title of the module Child and Adolescent Mental Health (WL802) 2. The Department which will be responsible for management of the module The Division of Mental Health in the Centre for Professional Practice 3. The Start Date of the Module October 2009 4. The cohort of students (onwards) to which the module will be applicable. October 2009 5. The number of students expected to take the module 15 6. Modules to be withdrawn on the introduction of this proposed module and consultation with other relevant Departments and Faculties regarding the withdrawal None 7. The level of the module (eg Certificate [C], Intermediate [I], Honours [H] or Postgraduate [M]) M Level (FHEQ Level: 7) 8. The number of credits which the module represents 15 Credits 9. Which term(s) the module is to be taught in (or other teaching pattern) Variable 10. Prerequisite and co-requisite modules Introduction to Mental Health 11. The programmes of study to which the module contributes MSc in Mental Health Studies 12. The intended subject specific learning outcomes and, as appropriate, their relationship to programme learning outcomes a. Gain an understanding of the developmental concepts that are applied to thinking about child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing (LO’s A1, A6, A9, B13, B15, C24) A1.Contemporary debates, theoretical frameworks, evidence based research and service user perspectives relating to mental health and well being A6. the contexts and influences that shape mental health over an individuals lifetime A9 common and complex patterns of presenting the signs and symptoms of mental distress and ill health B13 Synthesise information from a wide range of perspectives and sources in order to inform client care B15 Critically articulate and utilise knowledge of therapeutic practice in client and family work C24. Interpret and evaluate the impact and application of mental health legislation and policy on practice b. Gain knowledge of the range of factors that promote or hinder mentally healthy growth and development in children and adolescents (LO’s A1, A2,A3,A4, A5, A6) A1 Contemporary debates, theoretical frameworks, evidence based research and service user perspectives relating to mental health and well being A2 the principles and values that promote ethical practice such as equality of citizenship and the right to self determination A3. In depth understanding of the principles and values that promote and support inclusive practice A4. A critical understanding of the many factors that contribute to health inequalities and the role services play in challenging or supporting those inequalities A5. the principles and values that enable services to engage with and promote the voice of the service user in mental health A6. the contexts and influences that shape mental health over an individuals lifetime c. Critically examine the key concepts that shape policy and practice in the delivery of child and adolescent mental health services (LO’s A1, A2, A3, A4,A5, A7, A10,B12,B13, B15, C20, C22, C24) A1 Contemporary debates, theoretical frameworks, evidence based research and service user perspectives relating to mental health and well being A2 the principles and values that promote ethical practice such as equality of citizenship and the right to self determination A3. In depth understanding of the principles and values that promote and support inclusive practice A4. A critical understanding of the many factors that contribute to health inequalities and the role services play in challenging or supporting those inequalities A5. the principles and values that enable services to engage with and promote the voice of the service user in mental health A7. the systemic factors that facilitate or hinder collaboration with service users, other professionals, and service providers A10. Contemporary evidence based interventions and the challenges of applying theory to practice B12. Critically evaluate research in terms of its ability to inform and advance practice in diverse settings B13. Synthesise information from a wide range of perspectives and sources in order to inform client care B15.Critically articulate and utilise knowledge of therapeutic practice in client and family work C20 . Demonstrate competence in the integration of evidence to practice and utilise reflective practice during supervision C22 Demonstrate enhanced ethical awareness of own values, beliefs and attitudes and their impact on mental health service users and those that support them within culturally divers and changing communities C24 Interpret and evaluate the impact and application of mental health legislation and policy on practice d. Develop a comprehensive knowledge of the common and complex patterns of presenting signs and symptoms of mental distress and ill health in children and adolescents (LO’s A6,A9, C19, C25,) A6 the contexts and influences that shape mental health over an individuals lifetime A9 common and complex patterns of presenting the signs and symptoms of mental distress and ill health C19 Assess the needs, strengths, abilities and skills of individuals and their families and carers using a collaborative and inclusive approach C25 able to critically analyse many positions of a complex issue or dilemma and resolve informational conflicts e. Develop a critical understanding of the systemic contexts within which children and adolescents are likely to be exposed to factors that help or hinder their mental health (LO’s A2,A3,A4, A6,A7, C19, C23) A2 the principles and values that promote ethical practice such as equality of citizenship and the right to self determination A3. In depth understanding of the principles and values that promote and support inclusive practice A4. A critical understanding of the many factors that contribute to health inequalities and the role services play in challenging or supporting those inequalities A6. the contexts and influences that shape mental health over an individuals lifetime A7. the systemic factors that facilitate or hinder collaboration with service users, other professionals, and service providers C19 Assess the needs, strengths, abilities and skills of individuals and their families and carers using a collaborative and inclusive approach C23. Demonstrate enhanced capability and competence in order to communicate and work effectively across professional, interagency boundaries and with service users and those that support them f. Gain a critical understanding of family systems and the interplay between families, services and networks of support. (LO’s A7, B12,B15,B16, C19, C21, C23) A7. the systemic factors that facilitate or hinder collaboration with service users, other professionals, and service providers B12. Critically evaluate research in terms of its ability to inform and advance practice in diverse settings B15.Critically articulate and utilise knowledge of therapeutic practice in client and family work C19 Assess the needs, strengths, abilities and skills of individuals and their families and carers using a collaborative and inclusive approach C21 expand the ability to deliver research and evidence based interventions in order to meet the needs of service users with complex needs and in a variety of settings C23. Demonstrate enhanced capability and competence in order to communicate and work effectively across professional, interagency boundaries and with service users and those that support them g. Critically reflect on the influence of cultural, political and theoretical views of childhood in relation to diagnostic categories (LO’s A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7, A8,B12, C22, C25) A1 Contemporary debates, theoretical frameworks, evidence based research and service user perspectives relating to mental health and well being A2 the principles and values that promote ethical practice such as equality of citizenship and the right to self determination A3. In depth understanding of the principles and values that promote and support inclusive practice A4. A critical understanding of the many factors that contribute to health inequalities and the role services play in challenging or supporting those inequalities A6. the contexts and influences that shape mental health over an individuals lifetime A7. the systemic factors that facilitate or hinder collaboration with service users, other professionals, and service providers B12. Critically evaluate research in terms of its ability to inform and advance practice in diverse settings C22 Demonstrate enhanced ethical awareness of own values, beliefs and attitudes and their impact on mental health service users and those that support them within culturally divers and changing communities C25. able to critically analyse many positions of a complex issue or dilemma and resolve informational conflicts h. Critically evaluate the evidence base for specific interventions within a CAMHS context (LO’s A10, B12, C21) A10. Contemporary evidence based interventions and the challenges of applying theory to practice B12. Critically evaluate research in terms of its ability to inform and advance practice in diverse settings C21.Expand the ability to deliver research and evidence based interventions in order to meet the needs of service users with complex needs and in a variety of settings 13. The intended generic learning outcomes and, as appropriate, their relationship to programme learning outcomes a. Develop the ability to make use of a wide variety of information resources to inform your observations and relate them to practice (LO’s B13, C27, D33, D34) B13. Synthesise information from a wide range of perspectives and sources in order to inform client care C27. Develop and enhance skills in formulating client case notes, referral letters and case summaries that recognise and respect the client’s concerns D33. Ability to use and manage electronic information and resources in the management of work-based clinical practice D34. Ability to make use of a wide variety of resources in developing your clinical knowledge base, including the independent use of professional journals and research publications b. Ability to make appropriate use of sources of information, including IT, to support clinical learning and effectiveness (LO’s C27, D32, D33) C27. Develop and enhance skills in formulating client case notes, referral letters and case summaries that recognise and respect the client’s concerns D32. Ability to exercise authority and work autonomously with high levels of responsibility making appropriate use of consultation and supervision D33. Ability to use and manage electronic information and resources in the management of work-based clinical practice c. Ability to communicate your knowledge and understanding clearly in written form (LO D28) D28. Ability to communicate effectively to others both orally and in written form, and to respond effectively to others’ communications in the context of work-based clinical practice 14. A synopsis of the curriculum This module explores the key concepts that shape Child and Adolescent Mental Health services. Students will be provided with a range of information about child development and the factors most associated with promoting or hinder good mental health. Students will learn about the common and complex ways in which children and adolescents express mental distress. The evidence base for common interventions will be critically evaluated. Critical reflection on the dynamics of systems will feature as children are most often part of a family, school or care system. 15. Indicative Reading List Common assessment framework for children and young people – practitioners guide (2007) Every child matters (2003) – Home Office CM5860 CAMHS Standard, National Service Framework for Children,Young People and Maternity Services – Department of Health 2004 Nath Dwivedi, K., and Brinley Harper, P. (2004) Promoting the emotional wellbeing of children and adolescents and preventing their mental ill health – Jessica Kingsley Press Fonagy, P., & Roth, A. (2005)- What works and for whom?- The Guilford Press 16. Learning and Teaching Methods, including the nature and number of contact hours and the total study hours which will be expected of students, and how these relate to achievement of the intended learning outcomes This module will comprise of 15 hours contact and 135 hours of private study. The module will utilise a range of lecturing, discussion, seminars and group exercises. The students will be required to reflect on their own attitudes and assumptions about the healthy development of children. 12d 12e 12f 12g 12h 13a 13b 13c Approximate Number of Hours 17. o o x 15hrs x x x x x x x x x Application into work based practice: Written Assessmen t x x x x x x x x Reflection: 12a 12b 12c Guided study: Teaching sessions Learning Outcomes CAMHS Delivery Methods x x x x x x x x x x x x 50hrs 30hrs 15hrs x x x x x x x x x 40hrs Assessment methods and how these relate to testing achievement of the intended learning outcomes Learning will be assessed by: A reflective log of 1500 words (40% of the final mark) describing either: The student’s reappraisal of their views on ‘healthy’ childhoods following consideration of the key concepts covered during the module Or The student’s reappraisal of their approach to working with children, adolescents and their families following consideration of the key concepts covered during the module A 3000 word critical appraisal of the key concepts used in CAMHS and their capacity to encourage inclusive practice (60%) Learning Outcomes Method of Assessment 12a 12b 12c 12d 12e Reflective log of 15000 words x x x x 3000 word essay x x x x x 12f 12g 12h 13a 13b 13c Credits And % of Mark x x x 60% x x x x 40% 18. Implications for learning resources, including staff, library, IT and space Seminars will take place within an existing teaching programme on the Medway campus or at facilities provided by a training commissioner. Teaching will be provided by practicing clinicians with appropriate skills, and experience in multi-professional settings. Students will have access to learning resources through both NHS Post graduate centres and libraries, and the University’s library and IT provision 19. A statement confirming that, as far as can be reasonably anticipated, the curriculum, learning and teaching methods and forms of assessment do not present any non-justifiable disadvantage to students with disabilities All teaching provision will conform with University of Kent and NHS equal opportunities statements, with no disadvantage anticipated. Statement by the Director of Learning and Teaching: "I confirm I have been consulted on the above module proposal and have given advice on the correct procedures and required content of module proposals" ................................................................ Director of Learning and Teaching .............................................. Date ………………………………………………… Print Name Statement by the Head of Department: "I confirm that the Department has approved the introduction of the module and, where the module is proposed by Departmental staff, will be responsible for its resourcing" ................................................................. Head of Department ……………………………………………………. Print Name .............................................. Date