Lynette Sharp Penya - Abilene Christian University

Lynette Sharp Penya
Abilene Christian University
Department of Communication
134 Sherrod Building
ACU Box 28156
Abilene, Texas 79699
(325) 674-2291
1417 Newcastle Dr.
Abilene, Texas 79601
(325) 676-8785
Ph.D., Communication Studies, University of Kansas, August 1996
Emphases included legal communication and social influence
Dissertation title: The effect of exposure to sequential counterfactuals on attributions in
rape cases
M.A., Speech Communication, University of Illinois, May 1993
Emphases include persuasion and interpersonal communication
B.A., Human Communication, Abilene Christian University, December 1991
Honors Thesis title: Sex differences in communication: An analysis of direct versus
indirect word choice in males and females
Professional Experience
Associate Professor, Department of Communication, Abilene Christian University, 1999present
Currently teach: Fundamentals of Communication (COMS 111), Foundations of Speech &
Rhetoric (COMS 211), Small Group Communication (COMS 331), Persuasion (COMS
375/575), Interview Communication (COMS 384), and Crisis Communication in
Organizations (COMS 408/508).
Previously taught: Business and Professional Communication (COMS 343/543),
Multicultural Teams and Leadership (COMS 400.S2), Advanced Public Speaking (COMS
483), Organizational Communication (COMS 485/585), Communication Research
Methods (COMS 620), Seminar in Communication: Small Group Communication Theory
and Research (COMS 642), and History and Culture of Latin America (INTS 240.S2).
Presidential Inauguration Seminar, Faculty Leader, The Washington Center, Washington,
D.C., January 2009
Fundamentals of Communication, Director, Fall 2008-present.
ACU Speaking Center, Director, Fall 2008-Spring 2010.
ACU Study Abroad in Latin America, Interim Director, Spring 2008
Honors Program Professor: Fundamentals of Communication (COMS 111.H)
Faculty-in-Residence, ACU Study Abroad, Montevideo, Uruguay, Fall 2000, 2006
Other duties include: undergraduate advising, graduate thesis advising, conducting research
in areas of interest and performing service to the department, discipline, university, and
Consultant, Litigation Insights, Overland Park, Kansas, Summer 2001
Duties: analyzed case arguments; designed questionnaires and surveys; conducted mock
trials and focus groups; analyzed quantitative and qualitative data; wrote reports.
Consultant, Center for Trial Insights, Overland Park, Kansas, 1998-1999
Duties: analyzed case arguments; designed questionnaires and surveys; conducted mock
trials and focus groups; analyzed quantitative and qualitative data; wrote reports.
Research Associate, Trial Behavior Consulting, Inc., Irving, Texas, 1996-1998
Duties: analyzed case arguments; designed questionnaires, surveys, and interviews;
conducted mock trials and interviews; analyzed qualitative and quantitative data; wrote
reports; managed projects.
Teaching Assistant, Communication Studies, University of Kansas, 1994-1996
Duties: prepared and presented lectures, discussions, and class activities; constructed
assignments and exams; graded student work in a public speaking course.
Executive Director, Graduate Student Council, University of Kansas, 1993-1994
Duties: served as an advocate for graduate students and as a liaison between graduate
students and administration.
Teaching Assistant, Speech Communication, University of Illinois, 1992-1993
Duties: prepared and presented lectures, discussions, and class activities; constructed
exams; graded student work in a public speaking course.
Scholarly Activity
Johnson, S., & Sharp Penya L. Practical Theology and Gender-Inclusive Churches of
Christ. Paper submitted to Restoration Quarterly.
Dodd, C., Lakey, P., & Sharp Penya L. (Eds.). (2009). Fundamentals of Communication
Resource Manual. Department of Communication, Abilene Christian University.
Sharp Penya, L. (1998). Counterfactuals and juror decision-making: How the alternatives
jurors entertain affect their judgments in sexual harassment cases. American Bar
Association, Center for Continuing Legal Education.
Rodriguez-Mendoza, A., Thornton, G. A., & Sharp, L. (1991). Jury selection study. The
County and District Clerk, 19, 6-8.
Competitive Papers & Presentations
Building strong master's programs in a tight economy: Reflections on various approaches
to using master's students as graduate instructional assistants (GIA's). Panel presentation at
the National Communication Association Convention, San Francisco, California,
November 2010.
Providing ownership and multiple benefits for a multi-section course. Panel presentation at
the Western States Communication Association Convention, Anchorage, Alaska, March
Ryerson, N. & Sharp Penya, L. Message analysis of political cartoons during presidential
elections: Image, horse race, and policy issues. Paper presented at the National
Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, Texas, November 2006.
Sharp Penya, L. Candidate-sponsor identification: The effect of timing, perceived
credibility, and need for cognition. Paper presented at the National Communication
Association, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2005.
Dodd, C. & Sharp Penya, L. Assessing communication competence and anxiety: An
empirical evaluation of course effectiveness. Paper to be presented at the National
Communication Association, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2005.
Johnson, L. & Sharp Penya, L. An examination of the effect of vividness and personal
involvement on personal involvement, message involvement, and behavioral intent in
radio advertising. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, Chicago,
Illinois, November 2004.
Sharp Penya, L. Legal communication education: Current courses and programs. Paper
presented at the National Communication Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2001.
Sharp Penya, L. Choosing counterfactual strategies in rape cases. Paper presented at the
National Communication Association, Seattle, Washington, November 2000.
Sharp Penya, L. Counterfactuals and juror decision-making: How the alternatives jurors
entertain affect their judgments in sexual harassment cases. Paper presented at the National
Communication Association, New York, New York, November 1998.
Sharp Penya, L. Communication and attributions in rape cases: Critiquing the past and
looking into the future. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, San
Diego, California, November 1996.
Sharp Penya, L. Critiquing the counterfactual thinking literature: Reviewing the past and
looking to the future. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, San
Diego, California, November 1996.
Other Presentations
Johnson, S., & Sharp Penya, L., Half the Church: Women in Gender-Inclusive Churches.
Paper presented at Summit, Abilene, Texas, September 2010.
Sharp Penya, L. How We Got There: Scriptural Literalism, Fundamentalism, Religious
Proscription, Experience, and Gender as Predictors of Gender-Role Attitudes in Religious
Contexts. Paper presented at the Christian Scholars’ Conference, Nashville, Tennessee,
June 2010.
Sharp Penya, L. Got Speech? ACU Speaking Center at Your Service. Adams Center
presentation. Abilene, Texas, February 2010.
Sharp Penya, L. Women’s Roles and Attitudes toward Church. Adams Center
presentation, Abilene, Texas, October 2009.
Sharp Penya, L. Examining the Relationship among Female Students’ Attitudes toward
Women’s Roles, Religiosity, and Attitudes toward Churches of Christ. Paper presented at
the Christian Scholars’ Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, June 2009.
Sharp Penya, L. Students’ attitudes toward women’s studies at ACU. Research presented
at the Celebration 2001 Conference, Dallas, Texas, Summer 2001.
Sharp Penya, L. & M.J. Stallard. Jury research: Taking the guesswork out of going to trial.
Presentation at the Kansas Paralegal Association Annual Meeting and Seminar, Lawrence,
Kansas, June 1999.
Sharp Penya, L. The effect of exposure to sequential counterfactuals on attributions in rape
cases. Presentation at the American Society of Trial Consultants, St. Petersburg, Florida,
May 1997.
Faculty Development
Mentoring Undergraduates in Research: Getting Started presentation, Adams Center,
Spring 2011.
Establishing a Communication Center Right from the Start, Short Course, National
Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 2009.
Conquer Your Speech Anxiety, Short Course, National Communication Association
Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 2009.
Speech Evaluation Training, Short Course, National Communication Association
Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 2009.
Publication Writers Group, Adams Center, Spring 2009-Spring 2010
iPhone Mobile Learning at ACU presentation, Adams Center, Fall 2008
iPhone/iPod Touch Basics presentation, Adams Center, Fall 2008
Facebook: e-Connectors, e-Personality, e-Flirtation, and e-Hyprocrisy presentation, Adams
Center, Spring 2007
Service-Learning: Exemplars of Faith, Intellect, and Ethics in Action. Preconvention
Thematic Conference, National Communication Association Convention, Chicago,
Illinois, November 2007.
Teaching Small Group Communication as a Service Learning Course, Short Course,
National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 2007.
Teaching the Introduction to/Principles of Public Relations, Short Course, National
Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 2007.
Audited PSYC 657.01, Intermediate Statistics, Abilene Christian University, Spring 2006
Facilitating Student Participation through Instructional Discussion, Short Course, National
Communication Association Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, November 2005.
Integrating Research and Outreach in Crisis and Risk Communication. Preconvention
Thematic Conference, National Communication Association Convention, Boston,
Massachusetts, November 2005.
Teaching Public Speaking in a Christian Context: Integrating Theology, Theory, and
Technique, Calvin College Workshops in Communication, Grand Rapids, Michigan, June
23-25, 2005
Faculty Portfolio presentation, Adams Center, Spring 2005
Technology Tuesday: Intermediate PowerPoint, Spring 2005
Chalk & Talk to the Video Generation, Fall 2005
Using Case Studies as a Teaching Tool in Public Relations Courses, Short course, National
Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, Fall 2004
Teaching Small Group Communication in the College Classroom and Corporate Setting,
Short course, National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois, Fall
Qualitative versus Quantitative Research Design: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning,
Adams Center, Spring 2004
Using Teams in the Classroom to Increase Student Learning: Reaching in to Transform
Pedagogy, Short course, National Communication Association Convention, Miami,
Florida, Fall 2003
May Faculty Institute on Learning Teams, Adams Center, Summer 2003
Art and Science of Online Discussion Workshop, presented online by Council for Christian
Colleges and Universities, April 2003
Learning Teams presentation, Adams Center, Spring 2003
Pre-tenure, Tenure & Promotion, Adams Center, Spring 2003
Hook, Line & Sinker presentation on pedagogy, Adams Center, Spring 2003
Faculty Faith Forum: Al Haley “Everything Turns into God’s,” Adams Center, Fall 2003
Friday Faculty Forum: Integrating Faith and Learning, Adams Center, Fall (November)
Friday Faculty Forum, Integrating Faith and Learning, Adams Center, Fall (October) 2002
Service Learning about Self & Society, Adams Center, Spring 2002
Best of Blackboard Roundtable, Adams Center, Fall 2002
Teaching the College Course in Undergraduate Research Methods, Short course, National
Communication Association Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, Fall 2001
Introduction to Blackboard, Adams Center, Spring 2001
Mel Silberman: Active Learning Workshop, Adams Center, Spring 2001
Second Year Faculty Discussions (two), Adams Center, Spring 2001
Scholarship of Teaching Workshop, Adams Center, Spring 2000
Role Play Workshop, Plowshares Institute, Spring 2000
Discussing Teacher Evaluations, Adams Center, Spring 2000
Professional Associations
Member of Western States Communication Association, 2010-present
Member of the National Communication Association, 1995-present
Member of the American Society of Trial Consultants, 1994-1999
Convention Planning Committee, 1997-1998
Research Committee, 1996-1998
Membership Committee, 1994-1996
Guest Lecturer
Argumentation and debate: Applying the Toulmin Model, COMS 222, Abilene Christian
University, Fall 2004
Design and advocacy: Using credibility as a tool for advocacy. Presentation to DSGN 442,
Abilene Christian University, Spring 2004, 2005
A Christian rhetorical response to the war in Iraq. Presentation to the War Forum, Abilene
Christian University, Spring 2003
Functional and structurational perspectives on small group communication. Presentation to
COMS 636, Abilene Christian University, Fall 2002, 2003, 2004
Making the most of your study abroad experience. Orientation presentation to the
Montevideo study abroad group, Abilene Christian University, Fall 2001
Theories of information processing. Presentation to COMS 636, Abilene Christian
University, Fall 2001
Small group communication: History, theory, and research. Presentation to COMS 636,
Abilene Christian University, Fall 2001
Studying abroad in Uruguay. Chapel presentation to the Montevideo study abroad group,
Abilene Christian University, Spring 2001
Teaching insights from a second-year faculty member’s perspective. Presentation to New
Faculty Orientation, Abilene Christian University, Spring 2001
Honors Program insights: Exploring ACU’s program. Presentation to incoming Honors
Program students, Welcome Week, 1999
Storytelling: A rhetorical approach to examining communication in the courtroom.
Presentation at Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas, Fall 1997
Legal consulting: History and practices. Presentation at Abilene Christian University,
Abilene, Texas, Spring 1997
Nonverbal communication in the courtroom. Presentation at Abilene Christian University,
Abilene, Texas, Spring 1997
Department & Discipline Service
Thesis chair for two theses (in progress)
Departmental Representative, Passport II, Summer 2009
Reviewer, Composition and Communication in the 21st Century by D. Sellnow (reviewed
prospectus for text), Fall 2009
Fundamentals of Communication Director, Fall 2008-present.
ACU Speaking Center Director, Fall 2008-Spring 2010.
Honors thesis chair for Lynn Hartshorn (Title: Leadership in Student Academic Settings: a
Study of Leadership of Presidential Scholars.) Spring 2006.
Reviewer, Presenting Ideas: Public Speaking by Simonds, Hunt, Simonds, & Rattenborg
(reviewed selections of text, instructor’s manual, student workbook, and instructional
video), Fall 2005
Thesis chair for Nicole Ryerson (Title: Message Analysis of Political Cartoons during
Presidential Elections: Image, Horse Race, and Policy Issues). Fall 2005-Spring 2006.
Communication Department Representative, Admissions luncheon, June 28, 2005
Paper Reviewer, Student Division, National Communication Association, Spring 2005
Research Critic, COMS 641, Spring 2005
Assistant Facilitator, Christian Literary Meet, Spring 2005
Thesis Co-chair for Allison Knutson (Title: Strategic ambiguity: Image builder or
destroyer? An examination of the effects of strategic ambiguity on stakeholder perceptions
of organizational legitimacy). Fall 2003-Spring 2004 (won departmental research award)
Graduate Student Comprehensive Exam Committee Member (Department of
Communication and OHRD), Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Summer 2004, Fall 2004, Spring
Thesis Chair for Laura Johnson (Title: Impact of vivid radio advertising copy). Fall 2002Summer 2003
Adviser in Department of Communication Undergraduate Advising Workshop, Spring
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Department Representative, Academic Showcase, Fall 2002
Thesis Committee Member, 2000 (ongoing)
Judge, Christian Schools Literary Meet, Spring 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Judge, UIL Debate Tournament, Spring 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
Paper Reviewer, Student Research Competition, American Society of Trial Consultants,
1996, 1997
University Service
New Faculty Mentor, Fall 2010-present
Graduate Chapel Panel Member (“Responsible Care of Creation”), September 2010
Honors College Passport II Breakfast Speaker (“Look, Listen, and Leap: A Guide to
Making the Most of Your ACU Undergraduate Experience”), Summer 2009
Cullen Research Council Committee Member, Fall 2009-present
QEP Topic Selection Committee Member, Spring 2009
College of Arts and Sciences Academic Council committee member, Fall 2008-present
Interim Director, ACU Study Abroad in Latin America, Spring 2008
Learning Studio Committee Member, Fall 2008-Spring 2009
Name Reader, ACU Graduation Ceremony, December 2008
Trainer for new Study Abroad in Latin America Director, Summer 2008
McNair Student Research Presentation Evaluator, Summer 2008
Senior Academic Luncheon Speaker (“Find Your Calling Like Your Hair Is on Fire”),
Spring 2007
VISTA Committee Member and Presenter, Spring 2005
Faculty MOMs Luncheon Host, Fall 2003, Spring 2005 (once each semester)
Presentation to the Art and Design Chapel (“Investigating the Nature of Art”), Abilene
Christian University, Fall 2005
Admissions Committee, Abilene Christian University, Fall 2003-Fall 2006
Presidential Scholar Interviewer, Abilene Christian University, Spring 2003, 2005
Hooding of Master’s Degree Candidates, Abilene Christian University, Spring 2003
Library Committee Member, Abilene Christian University, Fall 2002-Spring 2004
New Faculty Mentor in New Faculty Mentoring Program, Abilene Christian University,
Fall 2002-Spring 2003
Social Club Focus Group Participant, Abilene Christian University, Spring 2002
Drafted persuasive appeal letters for 2002 Faculty-Staff Campaign, Abilene Christian
University, Spring 2002
Centennial Faculty Focus Group Participant, Abilene Christian University, Spring 2002
ACU Benefits Women’s Focus Group Participant, Abilene Christian University, Fall 2001
Represented third-year faculty at New Faculty Mentoring Luncheon, Fall 2001
Graduate Student Research Competition Reviewer, Graduate School, Spring 2000, 2005
Academic Dean, ACU Study Abroad, Montevideo, Uruguay, Fall 2000, Fall 2006
Oversaw Activities Committee and Spiritual Life Committee, ACU Study Abroad,
Montevideo, Uruguay, Fall 2000
House Parent, ACU Study Abroad, Montevideo, Uruguay, Fall 2000, Fall 2006
Student Disciplinary Committee Chair, ACU Study Abroad, Montevideo, Uruguay, Fall
Honors Program Task Force Committee Member, Abilene Christian University, Fall 1999Spring 2000
Church and Community Service
Taught 2nd Grade Sunday Morning Bible Class, University Church of Christ, Summer 2010
Big Kids Church Teacher, University Church of Christ, Fall 2009-Spring 2010
Volunteered to serve Thanksgiving dinner, Abilene community dinner, 2010
Host Family for student from China, Fall 2009
Taught 4-year-old Sunday Morning Bible Class, University Church of Christ, Summer
Taught ESL to international student, University Church of Christ, Fall 2007, Fall
2008/Spring 2009, Spring 2010-present
Community Service Presentations Facilitator for COMS 111.H2 at College Heights
Elementary, Fall 2008
Taught 4-year-old Wednesday Night Bible Class, University Church of Christ, Summer
University Church of Christ, VBS Assistant, Summer 2007
Mexico Mission Team Member through University Church of Christ, Summer 2007
Assisted in teaching Wednesday night Spanish class, University Church of Christ, Summer
2003, 2005
Hosted Macau students, Fall 2002
Volunteered to serve Christmas dinner, Highland Church of Christ, 2001
Volunteered to assemble Christmas Food Baskets, Highland Church of Christ, 2001
Hosted Macau student and family, Fall 2001
Provided in-home student housing, Fall 2001
Hosted weekly in-home bilingual Bible study, Spring 2001-Spring 2002
Seminar in public speaking: Connecting audience, speaker, and text. Presentation series at
Church of Christ, Montevideo, Uruguay, Fall 2000
Organized Fall Break Campaign, Santiago, Chile, Fall 2000
Assist with International Student Bible Study, Spring 2000
Cullen Research Grant, Summer 2005
Faculty Scholarship Award, Spring 2005
Presidential Fund for Professional Development Award, Fall 2001, Fall 2004
College of Arts and Sciences Professional Development Award, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2004,
2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010