Matthew Regan SUSSMAN INTERNSHIP FINAL REPORT “Restoring the plant diversity of freshwater wetlands of the Upper St. Lawrence River” Introduction Hydrology is one of the most important factors affecting the ecology of coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Basin. The seasonal and yearly fluctuation of water levels results in the diversity and zonation of plant communities in wetlands. High water levels flood many trees and shrubs that have encroached into lowland areas since the last period of high water levels. Low water levels that allow herbaceous species to germinate from buried seed banks. Wet meadows composed of Carex spp. develop in shallower waters compared to marshes composed of Typha spp. The plant species composition of wetlands is the result of the interaction between a diverse seed bank and fluctuating water levels. The St. Lawrence River experienced much anthropogenic disturbance in the 20th century. Its hydrology was altered to allow for navigation, hydroelectric energy, and the management of shoreline development. These activities were made possible by the construction of the Robert Moses Robert H. Saunders Power Dam in Cornwall, ON and Massena, NY in 1958. Since its creation, the dam has reduced the variability of water levels. These stabilized water levels have resulted in the expansion of invasive Typha spp. in wet meadows. This research is part of a larger collaborative restoration project between Ducks Unlimited, SUNY-ESF, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service, New York Department of Environmental Conservation and private landowners. The restoration project aims to restore the diversity of coastal marshes of the Upper St. Lawrence River and its tributaries. This collaboration developed a strategy to improve habitat connectivity, restore natural water level fluctuations and restore native vegetation. Restoration methods included water level manipulation from fish ladders, mechanical removal of Typha spp., channel excavation, pothole excavation and habitat mound creation. Four wetland sites were chosen for restoration treatments and four reference wetlands were left unaffected by restoration to serve as reference sites (Figure 1). A monitoring program was developed to evaluate the effects of the restoration project. Summary of proposed research I proposed to evaluate different methods of wetland restoration by monitoring the plant community. My objectives were to compare water-level manipulation and the use of dredge spoils for restoring a wetland’s plant community. Data collected would be used to help understand the vegetation dynamics of a wetland after re-introducing high water levels and the early colonization from an exposed seed bank. Summary of work completed The vegetation was surveyed at four reference sites (French Creek Reference, Swan Bay, Plum Tree and Deferno) and four treatment sites (French Creek Treatment 1, Pt. Vivian, Delaney, and Carpenter’s Branch). The two treatments were fish ladders to manipulate water levels (Carpenter’s Branch and Delaney) and channel excavations to restore habitat connectivity (French Creek Treatment 1 and Pt. Vivian). We established three transects per site; ranging from 35 to 275 meters, and seven permanent plots per transect on an elevation gradient (75.80; 75.34; 75.04; 74.89; 74.73; 74.58; 74.28 m IGLD 1985) using a Trimble 5800. PVC pipes were installed at each transect point, flagged and recorded with a GPS. A 1 m2 PVC quadrat was used to survey vegetation at each sampling point. We identified plants by species and recorded their percent coverage by ocular estimate within the 1 m2 quadrat. Additionally, for Typha spp. we recorded the number of live and dead stems, flowers, maximum height and visually estimated the percent coverage of live stems and fallen leaf litter. Observations on the water depth and soil moisture were recorded. All vegetation plots were surveyed once from July through August 2012. A total of 168 1 m2 plots were surveyed on the elevation transects. An additional 85 1 m2 plots were randomly selected on the spoil piles at Pt. Vivian, French Creek Treatment 1 and French Creek Treatment 2. Both habitat mounds that were part of the original restoration design plan and smaller spoil piles leftover from the channel excavation were surveyed to capture the vegetation response from seeded and non-seeded dredge spoils. FIGURE 1. Site descriptions Site Name Location Geomorphology Treatment French Creek Treatment Clayton, NY Drowned RiverMouth Excavations and dredge spoils French Creek Reference Clayton, NY Drowned RiverMouth None Clayton, NY Fish Ladder Fish ladder Carpenter’s Branch Deferno Branch Clayton, NY Pt. Vivian Alexandria Bay, NY Alexandria Bay, NY Drowned RiverMouth Drowned RiverMouth Protected Embayment Protected Embayment Grindstone Island, Protected Swan Bay Delaney None Excavations and dredge spoils None Plum Tree NY Embayment Grindstone Island, NY Protected Embayment None PRELIMINARY RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Species richness was recorded for each site and it was found that total species richness was higher in the treatment sites when compared to the reference sites. The site with the highest species richness was Pt. Vivian. It is hypothesized that Pt. Vivian’s high species richness could be due to the effect of nutrient loading from the surrounding landscape. Pt. Vivian is in close proximity to residences with large lawns that may provide nutrient inputs that stimulate plant growth, especially from the exposed seed bank. The mean species richness per site was highest in the excavation sites when compared to the water-manipulation sites and control sites. This initial difference could be due to the recruitment of species from the dredge spoils. The high water levels at the water-manipulation sites might be more effective at reducing the presence of Typha spp. than increasing species richnes. Differences in mean species per plot were analyzed. There was a statistically significant difference in species richness when comparing Carpeneter’s Branch to Deferno Branch (p=0.00177, α = 0.05), and when comparing Delaney to Plum Tree (p<0.001, α = 0.05). These results reveal differences in species richness are dependent on scale. Dredge spoils contribute more to overall species richness on a larger landscape scale than water level manipulations. Water level manipulations contribute more to species richness at a smaller scale. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze if there were differences in species richness per plot. There was a significant difference in species richness per plot compared among all sites (p<0.001, α = 0.05) in a 8 x 7 factorial using site and elevation as factors. There was a significant difference in species richness per plot between restored and reference sites (p<0.0001, α = 0.05) found in a 2 x7 factorial ANOVA using restoration and elevation as factor. These ANOVA tests indicated that variability in species richness per plot can be explained by differences between the all of the sites regardless if they were grouped by treatment and reference sites or not. Preliminary linear models looked at the effect of Typha spp. on species richness. It was found there was a stronger direct relationship between the number of Typha live stems and species richness in restored sites compared to reference sites. It was also found there was a stronger direct relationship between Typha spp. coverage and species richness in restored sites compared to reference sites. Restoration allowed more species to germinate where there was more Typha spp. This relationship could be due to increased competition for resources made available by restoration. The high water levels of the water-manipulation sites may increase competition at higher elevations that weren’t flooded. FUTURE WORK A second field season will be planned for spring and summer of 2013. Pt. Vivian will have more excavations completed and a fish ladder installed to manipulate water levels. The same protocol for the vegetation survey will be used. Soil samples will be collected at all of the sites to analyze differences in pH, soil moisture, N, P and organic matter. Soil samples will also be collected from the dredge spoils to be used for a seedbank germination experiment comparing the species diversity of the dredge spoils with the surrounding area. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am thankful for my major advisor Dr. Donald Leopold for his input and guidance for my research. I would also like to thank Dr. John Farrell, who is the principal investigator for this project and a member of my steering committee. I am extremely grateful for Sarah Fleming of Ducks Unlimited for agreeing to be the sponsor for my host organization. I am also deeply thankful for the Edna Bailey Sussman Foundation and their generosity, which made my fieldwork possible.