DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES Departmental Policy and Guidelines for Tenure Date approved by Department: 2-1-05 Date approved by College: 2-1-05 Date revised by Department: 3-23-05 Date approved by Provost: 4-8-05 The Department of Human Services Policy and Guidelines for Tenure supplements University Policy E-50A and the College of Education Policy and Guidelines for Tenure. This policy has been approved by the Department of Human Services and will be implemented according to the following schedule: 2005-2006 School Year- Faculty going up for tenure the first year of the new policy will not have time to meet the new standards, so they will be evaluated using the old tenure standards. 2006-2007 School Year-Faculty going up for tenure the second year of the new policy must have at least 1 refereed, first authored journal article or externally funded grant over the candidate’s evaluation period. They must also meet all of the standards listed below under Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness and Evidence of Service. 2007-2008 and all subsequent years, faculty applying for tenure will have to meet the approved policy as written. III. Pre-tenure Review The Department of Human Services Tenure Committee will formally review the progress of each of its tenure track faculty after their first and subsequent years toward the awarding of tenure. This review will follow the schedule approved by the College of Education Policy and Guidelines for Tenure. (See Appendix A) The tenure review will include evaluating each faculty member’s Annual Faculty Activity Report using the Departmental Criteria for Promotion/Tenure/Merit Form. (See Appendix B) IV. Tenure Awards (The following requirements must be met in order to be considered for tenure and is added to the University and College of Education requirements.) A.3a. Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness: Faculty members must have student evaluations for every course they teach. Successful student learning outcomes will be evaluated by student’s professional success, admission into advanced studies, and success on certification exams. These courses evaluations must average at least 3.0 over the candidate’s evaluation period. The composite score in the area of teaching effectiveness must average at least 22 points over the candidate’s evaluation period. A.3b. Evidence of Research and/or Scholarly and Creative Activities: To be considered for tenure, candidates must have at least 5 publications over the evaluation period. Minimum requirements include: At least 2 refereed first authored journal articles or externally funded grants over the candidate’s evaluation period. 3 of the 5 publications could be multiple authored publications or refereed presentations. Composite score in the area of Research and Scholarly and Creative Activities must average 16 points over the evaluation period. A.3c. Evidence of Service: Examples of service must average 28 points over the reporting period. Enrollment management/recruitment and retention activities including Showcase Saturday, Parent’s Day, Career Day, School Visitation, and serving on recruitment and retention committees. Appendix A STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY College of Education Tenure Timeline In order to ensure that the progress of each tenure-track faculty is reviewed in accordance with University Policy E-50A – Tenure (§ III. Pre-tenure Reviews), the attached actions and associated timeline is adopted for implementation within the College of Education. COE Actions to be Accomplis hed SIX-YEAR PROBATI ONARY PERIOD Faculty fulfilling a six-year probationary period (faculty hired with no time toward tenure) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 First Year of Probation Second Year of Probation Third Year of Probation Fourth Year of Probation Fifth Year of Probation Sixth Year of Probation Faculty member attends Departmental Tenure Orientation and is assigned a mentor for tenure purposes no later than October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier including first Faculty Activity Report to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by Oct 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Department Chair no later than Nov 1st. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Tenure Committee conducts pre-tenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th. Department Chair reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 1st. College Tenure Committee reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 14th. Dean reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to Provost by January 28th. Feedback is provided to the faculty at the conclusion of the Provost’s review Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th.. Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 1st. College Tenure Committee reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 14th. Dean reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to Provost by January 28th. COE Actions to be Accomplis hed FIVE YEAR PROBATI ONARY PERIOD Faculty fulfilling a five-year probationary period (faculty granted one year toward tenure) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 1 Year of Service Granted First Year of Probation Second Year of Probation Third Year of Probation Fourth Year of Probation Fifth Year of Probation Faculty member submits Dossier including first Faculty Activity Report to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier including first Faculty Activity Report to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier including first Faculty Activity Report to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Tenure Committee conducts pre-tenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 1st. College Tenure Committee reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 14th. Dean reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to Provost by January 28th. Feedback is provided to the faculty at the conclusion of the Provost’s review Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th. Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th. Department Chair reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Dean by December 1st. College Tenure Committee reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Dean by December 14th. Dean reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to Provost by January 28th. COE Actions to be Accomplish ed FOURYEAR PROBATIO NAY PERIOD Faculty fulfilling a four-year probationary period (faculty granted two years toward tenure) Year 1 Year 2 2 Years of Service Granted Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 First Year of Probation Second Year of Probation Third Year of Probation Fourth Year of Probation Faculty member submits Dossier including first Faculty Activity Report to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier including first Faculty Activity Report to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Tenure Committee conducts pre-tenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 1st. College Tenure Committee reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 14th. Dean reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to Provost by January 28th. Feedback is provided to the faculty at the conclusion of the Provost’s review Department Tenure Committee conducts pre-tenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th. Department Chair reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Dean by December 1st. College Tenure Committee reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Dean by December 14th. Dean reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to Provost by January 28th. COE Actions to be Accomplish ed THREEYEAR PROBATIO NARY PERIOD Faculty fulfilling a three-year probationary period (faculty granted three years toward tenure) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 3 Years of Service Granted Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 First Year of Probation Second Year of Probation Third Year of Probation Faculty member submits Dossier including first Faculty Activity Report to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Faculty member submits Dossier to Department Chair by October 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews tenure report adds recommendations and provides feedback to faculty by November 15th. Department Tenure Committee conducts pre-tenure review and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 1st. College Tenure Committee reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to the Dean by December 14th. Dean reviews and submits tenure report and recommendations to Provost by January 28th. Feedback is provided to the faculty at the conclusion of the Provost’s review Department Tenure Committee conducts pretenure review and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Department Chair no later than November 1st. Department Chair reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Dean by December 1st. College Tenure Committee reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to the Dean by December 14th. Dean reviews and submits tenure report and recommendation s to Provost by January 28th. Stephen F. Austin State University Department of Human Services Annual Review September 1 ____ to August 31 _____ Tenure/Promotion/Merit Activity Review NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________ RANK ___________________________YEARS IN PRESENT RANK _____________________________________ YEARS TEACHING AT SFA Teaching Load (No. Hours) Program(s) ______________________ Other Responsibilities ______________________________________________________________________________ RATING: (Rank from 1-5) 1 indicating low performance reported; 3 indicating minimal standards met and 5 indicating effect of performance significantly enhances or enriches the Department, College and University. TEACHING Effective teaching performance at all instructional levels is essential criteria in tenure decisions. This category includes classroom and laboratory instruction of high quality and significance as assessed through student and academic department evaluations. This category also includes development and delivery of online courses, development and delivery of face-to-face courses including laboratories and curricula; development of electronic instructional materials; innovative instruction, academic advising, tutoring and/or counseling students, mentoring colleagues, and supervision of undergraduate and graduate students. Teaching may be considered meritorious when the effect of the teaching function enhances or enriches the Department. The meritorious teacher exceeds the required duties, responsibilities and performance of the position and contributes substantially to the improvement of Instruction in the Department or beyond. Rate 1-5 1. Provide evidence that teaching performance is exemplary (e.g.. recognitions, awards, invitations for demonstrations, student evaluations, curriculum consultancies, acknowledgment of expertise). [ ] 2. Presenting evidence of on-going research. (Thesis or dissertation project in progress or completed, MIS committees, etc.) [ ] 3. Service on committees that formulate and implement programmatic changes affecting instruction (e.g., curriculum revision, program assessment, accreditation studies, implementing certification requirements). [ ] 4. Providing evidence which indicates the faculty member is involved in formulation of instructional processes and materials, and/or other areas of expertise. [ ] 5. Demonstrating superior knowledge of subject matter; recognized leadership in field (e.g., implementing new developments, resources, references in field, invited guest lectures). [ ] 6. Demonstrating innovative teaching procedures (e.g., on-line course development and delivery, willingness to try new procedures; continuously searches for improved methodology). [ ] 7. Shows evidence of personal influence on and outstanding achievement or accomplishment by a student or students. [ ] 8. Pioneering or initiating an instructional concept or procedure sought and adopted by others. [ ] 9. Teaching load per semester-(i.e., credit hours, contact hours, new course preparation, new textbook adoption, number of preparations etc.) [ ] 10. Professional Credentials (Discipline specific certification, license, etc.) [ ] 11. Supervision of internships, filed experiences, capstone experiences and independent studies [ ] 12. Peer evaluation of teaching ability including classroom observations [ ] 13. Other (Specify) [ [ ] ] Composite RESEARCH/SCHOLARLY AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES Faculty members are expected to engage continuously and effectively in scholarly activity of high quality and significance. Examples of productivity may include but not limited to publication of monographs, books, book chapters, grants (internal and external), papers in scholarly and professional journals, presentations at professional meetings, editorships, membership on review and advisory boards, participation in seminars, and the faculty member's continuing education. Important contributions may include but not limited to design of web-based materials, development of online courses and modules for online courses, electronically published material, and development of software. .Performance or scholarly activities may be considered meritorious when the effect of such activity enhance or enriches the Department and beyond. It may be an activity conducted inside or outside the Department that results in acclaim or improvement to the Department and beyond. Rate 1-5 1. Being published in scholarly publications (e.g. articles in journals of learned societies, articles, books, or instructional materials). Indicate if refereed or non-refereed. Refereed [ ] Non-referred [ ] Total Possible points five (5) [ ] 2. Funded research or grants (or unfunded proposals with impact). Indicate co-authors [ ] 3. Creative Activities/Achievements [ ] [ ] [ ] 5. Development and field-testing of curriculum materials for on-line instruction. [ ] 6. Gaining adoption of proposals to local agencies resulting in improvement in curriculum, instruction, assessment, organizations, or services. [ ] 7. Conducting comprehensive studies involving analysis, forecast, and evaluation. [ ] 8. Membership on discipline related review and advisory boards, book/article reviews [ ] [ [ ] ] 4. Presentation of scholarly papers (e.g., papers, monographs, research presented to learned societies or professional meetings). Indicate if refereed or invited. Refereed [ Invited [ ] ] Total possible points five (5) 9. Professional Honors, Awards, Citations 10. Other (Please specify) ___________________________________________________________________ Composite SERVICE Candidates for tenure must be able to document a commitment to students, colleagues, department, school, University, and community through participation in service activities. Professional service includes committee memberships at the program, department, school, and university levels. Discipline-related service to local, regional, state, national, and international levels, also demonstrates important contributions. In addition, participation in the activities of professional societies and organizations, especially through service in leadership roles, is a strong indication of professional commitment. Service may be considered meritorious when the effect of such service enhances or enriches the Department. It may be service rendered at the level of the department, college, university or the local, state, national, or international community which results in acclaim or improvement to the Department and beyond. 1. University, (Participating in university committee work (e.g., building, policy, welfare). Rate 1-5 [ ] 2. Administrative Responsibilities (chair, director, coordinator, etc.) [ ] 3. Participating in college or departmental committee work [ ] 4. Academic advising [ ] 5. Student recruitment and retention activities [ ] 6. Campus workshop leadership or participation [ ] 7. Service to the Profession, holding offices on boards, agencies, and or organizations (State; national; international [ ] 8. Providing professional consultation (e g .in-services. exhibits, competitions, workshops, expert witness). [ ] 9. Creating sources of information (e g , brochures, guides, models) [ ] 10. Conducting studies (re-accreditation, follow-up, needs assessment) [ ] 11. Sponsoring student/paraprofessional organizations (e.g., student groups, clubs, and societies) [ ] 12. Field Based community service (List any community service activities that are university-related) [ ] 13. Other (Please specify) ____________________________________________________________________ Composite [ [ ] ]