The DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus (TIMIT) Training and Test Data and Speech Header Software NIST Speech Disc CD1-1.1 October 1990 This CD-ROM contains the complete TIMIT acoustic-phonetic speech corpus. TIMIT was designed to provide speech data for the acquisition of acousticphonetic knowledge and for the development and evaluation of automatic speech recognition systems. The disc was prepared at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) with sponsorship from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Information Science and Technology Office (DARPA-ISTO). CD-ROM Contents --------------The following files and subdirectories are located in the top-level directory of this CD-ROM: convert/ - directory containing ESPRIT SAM software for converting TIMIT speech files into a SAM compatible format; This software (version 1.2) has been slightly modified from the version distributed on the Resource Management CD-ROMs (version 1.1) to work with TIMIT. /readme.doc - this file sphere/ - directory containing a new version (1.5) of the NIST SPeech HEader REsources (SPHERE) software; SPHERE is a set of "C" library routines and programs for manipulating the NIST header structure prepended to the TIMIT waveform files. timit/ - directory containing the TIMIT corpus as well as TIMITrelated documentation. Each of these directories contains a "readme.doc" file which may be consulted for more detailed information.