Toxicology Longitudinal Track Emergency Medicine VCU Health System GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goal of this longitudinal track is to cultivate and expand upon an interest in clinical toxicology. The resident must be prepared for active learning by working alongside a clinical toxicologist in all aspects of the occupation. Teaching, reading and a scholarly activity will also be necessary to diversify and intensify this preparatory course. The resident can chose to attend the North American Congress on Clinical Toxicology, and this is recommended if their abstract is published in Clinical Toxicology. Once the resident has graduated with this emphasis he or she, should be well equipped to handle routine toxicological exposures. This track will appropriately prepare the resident to excel as clinical toxicology fellow in the future. Contacts: Kirk Cumpston, D.O. 1. CLINICAL OBJECTIVES a. Improve clinical skills in the management of acute and chronic toxicological exposures of: Drugs of Abuse Pharmaceuticals Chemicals Environmental Envenomations b. Experience as a toxicology consultant Consults and call c. Experience a toxicology clinic d. Experience the inner workings of a poison center e. Experience in the interpretation of toxicological laboratory testing 2. ACADEMIC OBJECTIVES a. Complete an academic project Triage guidelines QA Research project Project: _______________________ Sign-off: _______________________ b. Be exposed to research within the specialty of clinical toxicology and provided with the opportunity to partake in research opportunities 3. METHODS a. Curriculum Of the thirteen blocks in your second year of residency, you will have requirements for each of your seven blocks in the emergency department. During your seven blocks in the emergency department as a second year resident, you will dedicate two days each block to this track. You will be required to complete an activity each month. These days spent performing activities related to the diagnosis and management of patients referred to the Virginia Poison Center. You will also be responsible for assisting in the collection of data for research projects, teaching classes in the community (EMS lectures, disaster training, etc.), participating in Toxicology Clinic. 4. CLINICAL REQUIREMENTS a. Virginia Poison Center-Call Center Experience The resident will learn about the history of poison centers and how they function. Date/sign-off: _______________________ The resident will learn about the training of the Specialists in Poison Information (SPIs) and the service they provide to the community, including resources they use to give medical advice, when a toxicologist is called, and follow up. Date/sign-off: _______________________ b. Toxicology Consult Service The resident will be “first call” for toxicology consults at VCUH and Central Virginia. All of these patient’s will be presented to a Toxicologist on “back-up call.” Date/sign-off: _______________________ Date/sign-off: _______________________ Date/sign-off: _______________________ Date/sign-off: _______________________ Date/sign-off: _______________________ Date/sign-off: _______________________ Date/sign-off: _______________________ Date/sign-off: _______________________ c. Didactics Toxic M&M – The resident will present a Toxic Morbidity and Mortality to the faculty and residents during residents’ conference. The resident will present a case to the faculty and residents and discuss diagnosis and treatment. This will include educating the residents about the exposure, pathophysiology, treatment and laboratory data pertaining to each case. Date/sign-off: _______________________ Additional lecture – The resident will present a journal club or grand rounds on a topic of their choosing in Clinical Toxicology Date/sign-off: _______________________ d. Toxicology Clinic The resident will participate in one of the regularly scheduled toxicology clinics. Here the resident will gain a better understanding of the appropriate care of those patient’s that have been treated for toxic exposures and/or are presenting to the clinic for potential toxic exposures. Date/sign-off: _______________________ e. Additional Requirements The resident will be required to read in Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, Tintinalli (the latest edition.) and pertinent toxicology articles. The resident will be tested on reading assignments. The resident will receive a pre-test before starting the longitudinal track and a post-test upon completion. Each month the resident will meet with their advisor in the track to discuss ongoing research and review the requirements which have been completed and future endeavors. Date/sign-off: _______________________ Pre-test Date/sign-off: _______________________ Post-test