Campus Site Inspection Checklist

Venues: An Overview
There are many places on campus in which you can hold a successful event.
Apart from the usual suspects (Petersen Room, Walker Ames Room, The
Burke Room, etc), think outside the box and consider the following ideas for
spaces (this is especially effective when the program centers on the unit for
whom you are planning the event):
Challenges for finding a suitable space for an event on campus:
Venue size (hard to find spaces on campus for large events)
Times venue is open for an event (eg Petersen Room closes early)
So many events, too few spaces available (think outside the box, come up
with our own venue)
Many rooms are AV challenged- you have to bring in your own AV and/or
operator. This can be costly to the event budget.
Examples of Unusual Event Spaces:
A hallway amongst classrooms
On a stage or in a performance space
A loading dock
A gallery
The working lab/studio of a department
The lobby of an auditorium
A campus café
A department’s patio or public area
A greenhouse or campus garden
Astro Observatory (adding a small tent adds great value to the event)
Any campus place of historical significance
Any place that gives the guest an insider’s look into the department,
unit or program can really make them feel extra special and inclusive.
If you can secure a space of an unusual nature, the extra cost for rentals
and/or labor can really be worth it in the long run to your unit’s mission or
to the UW as a whole. Naturally, all of these potential, unusual spaces
require special permissions and are normally not available as event spaces.
However, let your imagination wander and see what you can come up with
as an option…
Site Inspections: Which questions to ask, what to look for
(Suggestion: Bring a campus banquet permit with you and have the Venue Coordinator sign it during
the Site Inspection – saves time!)
i. What type of UW forms need filling out to complete your space reservation?
RUUF? Etc? Any other UW Policies and Procedures to address?
ii. What sort of lighting and power sources does the room have? Adjustable?
Outlet locations?
iii. AV capabilities (mic/podium, sound, special effects etc)
iv. Heating/Cooling system (adjustable?)
v. Do they have coatracks or should I order them?
vi. Access to event: Stairs, elevator (depends on target audience) Disability
vii. Restroom location
viii. Closest Parking area (do I need to order SpEv Park?)
ix. Preferred Caterer list? Outsiders?
x. Does it have a kitchen/prep area for the caterer? Water access?
xi. How does the caterer access the space? Loading zone?
xii. How does the caterer dispose of garbage and recycling at event’s end?
xiii. Do you need to show the caterer the space beforehand?
xiv. Does the venue allow for both white and red wine?
xv. Historical placement of registration, bar, buffet, remarks- what has worked in
the past that you should consider as a guideline as this event’s planner
xvi. Who will be your contact for the night of the event?
xvii. What sort of signage do they post for events?
xviii. Does the venue allow flash photography?
xix. How much set up does the venue do? Strike? (helps determine # volunteers
and timing of event)
xx. What type of decoration are we allowed to put up in the room? Does the
venue have policies about tape/nails?
xxi. How many tables and chairs do we have access to for the event?
xxii. Do we need a key for outside doors? Do doors auto lock after hours?
xxiii. Determine a floor plan, equipment list, room policies with/for the caterer for
the event (considering traffic flow, number of guests and room logistics)
xxiv. Venue Coordinator’s Time Schedule
1. Contact from Caterer?
2. Confirmation of event timing