Bulk Loop Qualification Extract – Verizon West West Bulk Loop Qualification Extract Report Overview This report provides the Local Service Provider (LSP) the working telephone numbers served by Verizon West. The report is available on the Customer Wholesale Portal (CWP) Reports Website. For purposes of this document, the term “LSP” will be used to describe CLECs and DLECs. A Non Disclosure Agreement must be signed before access is granted. Process On a weekly basis, the Verizon Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC) will provide CWP extract clients with extracts of working telephone numbers within all Verizon West wire centers. After the files are created, the files are encrypted and compressed. Encryption is required because the extracts contain sensitive customer information that should only be accessible to users authorized by Verizon. Thus, the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption software is used to encrypt the files and to generate encryption and decryption keys. Each authorized LSP is given decryption keys to decipher the extract files. LSPs are required to use the PGP software to decipher the extracts. You may download the appropriate PGP software for your platform and the user guide from the International PGP site, http://www.pgpi.org/. The decryption key allows a LSP to read all DSL extract files on the Customer Wholesale portal. Prior to encrypting, the extract files are compressed in order to conserve storage space and improve upon the transmission rates. Although PGP has a built-in compression algorithm, it does not have the ability to compress multiple files into a single compressed file. Thus, GZIP (GNU) is used to compress all wire center files within one State into one compressed file. The receiving extract user is required to decompress the extract files after decrypting the files. To assist each LSP in processing the West Bulk Loop Qualification Extract report, a READ.ME File or help file is provided within the file directory. This file describes the file layout description. File Availability This report is available for the Verizon-West jurisdiction. Files are purged every 7 days before new extracts are deployed to the Customer Wholesale Portal (CWP) website. Trouble Reporting There should always be files available for each Wire Center. If a file is missing or not accessible, a WCCC trouble ticket should be submitted. Establishing Connectivity to the Web Portal In order to retrieve the Bulk Loop Qualification Extract Report, the user must have access to the Customer Web Portal (CWP). CLECs access the reports via a standard web browser to the Verizon.com website using secured HTTPS. To access the web portal, the CLEC must obtain user name and password information from Verizon utilizing the CWP delegated user registration process. Upon receipt of a User ID and Password, the CLEC accesses the reports by clicking on the reports URL. The user is asked to login. After a successful login, the user is presented with the files available for download. Only the reports that have been approved for that user’s company are shown to the user for download. ** Not for use or disclosure outside of Verizon or any of its subsidiaries, except under written agreement ** 1 Bulk Loop Qualification Extract – Verizon West File Layout The file layout includes a field identifier; data is delimited by the pipe symbol (i.e. ). Data is presented by wire center and the characters “Z“ will indicate the last line of each wire center’s data. State extracts will include data from all Verizon West wire centers in that state Data Layout Each extract file contains a header record and detailed WTN records. A description of these records and their layouts is provided below. Wire Center Fields T – Line Indicator WTN – Working Telephone Number LST – Local Service Termination SAPR - Service Address Number Prefix SANO – Service Address Number SASF SASD – Service Address Number Prefix SASN - Service Address Street Directional Prefix SATH – Service Address Street Type SASS – Service Address Street Suffix Maximum Character Format Char (01) Description Char (01) Delimiter (|) Char (10) Working 10 Digit TN in NPANXXXXXX format Char (01) Delimiter (|) Char (11) 11 digit CLLI code of Serving CO/Remote Char (01) Char (6) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (10) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (4) Char (01) Char (2) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (60) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (2) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (2) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Delimiter (|) Delimiter (|) ** Not for use or disclosure outside of Verizon or any of its subsidiaries, except under written agreement ** 2 Bulk Loop Qualification Extract – Verizon West Wire Center Fields LD1 – Location Designator 1 & LV1 – Location Value Maximum Character Format Char (14) Description Char (01) Char (32) Delimiter (|) City – City Char (01) Char (2) Delimiter (|) State – State Char (01) Char (5) Delimiter (|) Zip Code – Zip Code PRIVACY Char (01) Char (01) Delimiter (|) P is populated to designate where use of the information is restricted to ordering purposes under the License Agreement. P=”The customer account is either marked as DO NOT WRITE, DO NOT CALL, DO NOT WRITE / CALL /DO NOT SURVEY OR NONPUBLIC/NON-LISTED” No value will be present if the WTN is not marked as private (i.e. After RSNNOTQUAL two consecutive pipes will be present) BTQ – Bridge Tap Quantity BTLEN - Bridge Tap Length LL - Loop Length LLG – Loop Length by Gauge (old - 26GaugeLength) Char (01) Char (02) Delimiter (|) Total number of Bridge Taps(s) Char (01) Char (11) Char (01) Char (11) Delimiter (|) Total Length of Bridged Tap(s) Delimiter (|) Total loop length excluding Bridged Tap Length Delimiter (|) Length of 26 gauge cable included in Loop Length Delimiter (|) Quantity of load coils provided when present. Loop may not qualify if this field is populated. Delimiter (|) Additional Reason(s) Not Qualified are provided in this field. This is an advisory indicator only. The user must determine if the service can be provisioned based on the end users facilities. The following facilities are available for CLEC use. Char (01) Char (14) LCQ - Load Coil Qty Char (01) Char (01) RNQ Char (01) Char (04) Entries Include: - DAML – Indicates DSSC/DAML/Carrier ** Not for use or disclosure outside of Verizon or any of its subsidiaries, except under written agreement ** 3 Bulk Loop Qualification Extract – Verizon West Wire Center Fields Maximum Character Format Description presence SERVICE TYPE Char (01) Char (01) ELL - Equivalent Loop Length Char (01) 11A/N HILD - High Insertion Loss in Decibels D4A - DSL 4A Carrier Conditioning Repeatered Solution D4ALST - DSL 4A Carrier Conditioning Repeatered Solution Location ALA - Alternate Loop Available ALST - Alternate Local Service Termination ALL - Alternate Loop Length ALLG - Alternate Loop Length Gauge ABTQ - Alternate Bridge Tap Quantity ALCQ - Alternate Load Coil Quantity FE – Fiber Environment HLST - Host Local Service Termination - DLC – Indicates DLC presence Delimiter (|) Service Type Indicator. Field may be populated with a Service Type Indicator. Service type codes are: R - Residential B - Business Delimiter (|) Equivalent Loop Length The valid entries are listed in the Verizon online business rules for Loop Qualification Response. Char (01) 6N Delimiter (|) High Frequency Loss in Decibels The valid entries are listed in the Verizon online business rules for Loop Qualification Response. Char (01) 1A Delimiter (|) Indicates the presence of a carrier system. Char (01) 11A/N Delimiter (|) Indicates the CLLI code where the CLEC DSL Equipment must be located to utilize DSL 4A Carrier Conditioning Repeatered Solution. Char (01) Char (01) Char (01) Char (11) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (11) Char (01) Char (14) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (02) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (01) Delimiter (|) Char (01) Char (01) Char (01) Char (11) Delimiter (|) Delimiter (|) Delimiter (|) Delimiter (|) 11-digit CLLI code of the wire center Host central office. ** Not for use or disclosure outside of Verizon or any of its subsidiaries, except under written agreement ** 4 Bulk Loop Qualification Extract – Verizon West Sample Wire Center File Layout First Line of Wire Center File: W|WC#|WireCenterName| Line for each working TN in the Wire Center: T | WTN | LST |SAPR | SANO | SASF | SASN | Street Name | SATH | SASS | LD1, LV1 | City | State | Zip | Privacy Indicator | BT Quantity (BTQ)| Total BT Length (BTL) | Loop Length (LL)| Length of 26 Gauge (LLG) | Load Coil Quantity (LCQ) | RNQ | Service Type | ELL | HILD | D4A | D4ALST | ALA | ALST | ALL | ALLG | ABTQ | ALCQ | FE | HLST Last Line in a Wire Center File: Z| ** Not for use or disclosure outside of Verizon or any of its subsidiaries, except under written agreement ** 5