Nut Awareness Policy - Kirton Lindsey Primary School

Kirton Lindsey Primary School
Nut Awareness Policy
Where Young Minds Shine
Where Young Minds Shine
At Kirton Lindsey Primary School it is important we look after all students in our care. Whilst an allergy to peanuts and
nuts is still a relatively uncommon occurrence, we may still have a small number of children presenting with this condition.
As a school, we would like to provide responsible support for children who have such allergies and suffer severe
anaphylactic reactions that may be life-threatening. In order to provide a safe environment for these children the school is
promoting a ‘nut aware’ environment and seek the school community’s co-operation in supporting the safety of all pupils
at the school.
 To ensure all children with anaphylaxis will be safer and less likely to encounter substances that could initiate an attack.
 To ensure Staff, children and parents/carers are more aware of the dangers for some children in relation to their allergy.
 To ensure there is supportive and caring approach by all the school community.
 To minimise and avoid the incidence of anaphylactic attacks.
Anaphylaxis is the most severe form of allergic reaction. The symptoms of anaphylactic shock may include hives,
swelling, water eyes, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, coughing, wheezing, throat tightness/closing,
difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, dizziness, fainting, loss of consciousness or a change of skin colour. The most
dangerous symptoms are breathing difficulties or a drop in blood pressure, which can be potentially fatal. These allergic
reactions are normally very quick, symptoms usually becoming apparent immediately as the person comes in contact with
the allergen, and can threaten the allergic person’s life within minutes. At present there is no cure for anaphylaxis and
very few people with nut anaphylaxis will ever grow out of it. A tiny amount of the allergen, a trace amount, is enough to
cause a reaction that will threaten the life of these allergic children.
 When a child joins Kirton Lindsey Primary School, parents/carers should supply the school with as much information as
possible regarding their child’s condition. For severe anaphylactics, this should include an action plan supplied by a
 Together with the parents/carers the school will write a school Health Care Plan detailing all contact information,
medical needs, symptoms, and emergency actions. This will then be shared with all school staff and a copy stored in
the Medical Room.
 Where necessary, parents/carers will supply all medication and an EpiPen to be kept at the school. This remains in a
secure cupboard in the Medical Room. Individual arrangements may be made with the class teacher if applicable. Staff
will receive training on using the EpiPen. EpiPens and medication will accompany children on excursions and trips.
 Parents/Carers will be mindful when supplying lunch for their children with nut products or foods with nuts listed in their
ingredients in an effort to minimise the chance of anaphylactic children coming into contact with an allergen. This does
not include products that contain the warning “may contain traces of nuts”.
 At all times, the sharing of food is to be discouraged, especially at lunchtime and playtime, staff supervising lunchtime
need to remain vigilant to this issue.
 Notices will be published regularly in the school newsletters and the policy posted on the school website to remind
families of the commitment to being a ‘nut aware’ school and be supportive of others.
 The school kitchen is commitment to provide nut-free hot meals.
 Any birthday treats or other food items supplied for the class or school by staff or parents/carers should be nut-free.
 Parents/carers must be responsible for educating their children about their anaphylaxis. Children who suffer from
anaphylaxis should follow very strict rules as regards their eating habits as stipulated and instilled by the parents/carers.
Approved by the Governing Body on:Date:
____________________________ (Chair of Governors)
NFC 2013