Away-day Walk Risk Assessment Away-day walk details Faculty/School/Service Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science Away-day walk for academic and academic related staff and PhD research students 4th November 2008 Location Local to Hartington Village, (near Buxton) Derbyshire, circular walk near village. Lati=53.1407, Lon=-1.8084 Brief description of activity and purpose A moderate walk, approx 40 min – 1 hr in length. Walk from Hartington Village Hall to Hartington Hall Youth Hostel and then an approximately 40 min - 1hr walk returning to the YH and then the Village Hall. After walk, participants will rejoin the meeting at the Hartington Village Hall. This activity is open to all ICAS meeting participants. The purpose is to encourage informal social linteraction amongst away-day participants. Organiser Details Walk Leader Nature of visit: Contact details Name, email, telephone Dr Steven Dobbie (, ext 36725) Walk is part of ICAS away day. Walk is scheduled for 2-3pm on Nov 4th, 2008. Hazard Identification Identify all hazards specific to fieldwork trip and activities, describe existing control measures and identify any further measures required. Away-day Walk Risk Assessment HAZARD(S) Nature of the site Main hazards in walk are uneven & loose gravel paths, slopes, some undulating terrain, possibility of slippery mud if wet. Crossing and walking along some non-busy country roads for short periods. Process - Trip participants will walk CONTROL MEASURES (e.g. alternative work methods, training, supervision, protective equipment) The party will walk together following a well trodden route. Good mobile coverage along most of route; emergency services available using normal process. Staff student ratio of at least 1:10 (including qualified emergency first aiders who have completed the 4-day course (e.g. Doug Parker, Maria Romero). Other staff members attending have also completed the 1-day course in the recent past. Trip participants will be advised to wear suitable footwear and bring appropriate clothing for the weather conditions (waterproofs if wet, appropriate sunhats/suncream if sunny and hot). The walk is optional and so nonparticipants will remain at the Village Hall meeting for a poster session. the route above & staff. Walk is to encourage discussion amongst away day participants Many of the staff present have experience with fieldwork and induction week walks (e.g. Malham). No staff have been on this particular walk. The walk was recommended by the Hartington Youth Hostel. According to the YH, “all our walks are designed for families to have a relaxing time”. Maps were provided by the YH. Transport N/a, Walk will begin and end at Hartington Village Hall. Equipment N/a, a short walk along well trodden public route. A couple of first aid kits will be brought. Violence N/a, very low hazard - rural environment Individual(s) – Staff and students will be asked to indicate that they have read the risk assessment prior to the walk. Participants will be emailed the risk assessment form prior to the away-day and will be asked to tick their name on participant list before attending the walk. Students/staff requiring medication etc will be requested to bring this with them and to notify the trip organisers of their condition prior to departure. Work Pattern Depart 14:00 from Hartington Village Hall; return around 15:00 to Hartington Village Hall. Other- None None Additional Control Measures Training: Identify level and extent of information; instruction and training required consider experience of workers No further training required. 1 hour of moderate walking Supervision: Identify level of supervision required e.g. full time, Periodic telephone/radio contact Students under staff supervision at all times Staff will carry mobile phones in order to communicate with each other in case of emergency. Hartington Village in close proximity. Other Controls- e.g. background checks for site visits No staff have undertaken this walk previously. Hartington Youth Hostel provided maps and advised that the walk is suitable “for families to have a relaxing time” Identify Persons at Risk This may include more individuals than the fieldwork participants e.g. other employees of partner organisations Copy of other Organisation’s risk assessment attached? N/A Additional Information relevant to the one working activity including Walk participants will remain with the group or in close proximity at all times existing control measures; information instruction and training received, supervision, during the walk. First aiders and walk leader will be equipped with first aid security, increased lighting, emergency kits and extra clothing will be available. procedures, first aid provision etc. Away-day Walk Risk Assessment Name: Assessment carried out by Names of person(s) involved in Walk Dr Jim McQuaid (School Safety Supervisor) Signature: Date: 1st Nov 2008 Name: Dr. Steven Dobbie (Walk leader) Signature: Date: 1st Nov 2008