CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 1 Topic V: A Critical State Model to Interpret Soil behavior 1. Introduction We are going to build a mosaic to provide a simple framework to describe, interpret, and anticipate soil responses to various loadings. The framework is essentially a theoretical model based on critical state soil mechanics critical state model (Roscoe, Schofield, and Wroth, 1968). Laboratory and field data, especially results from soft normally consolidated clays. The critical state model (CSM) we are going to study is a simplification and an idealization of soil behavior. However, the CSM captures the behavior of soils that are of greatest importance to geotechnical engineers. The central idea in the CSM is that all soils will fail on a unique failure surface in (q, p’, e) space. Thus, the CSM incorporates volume changes in its failure criterion. The CSM is a tool to make estimates of soil responses when you cannot conduct sufficient soils tests to completely characterize a soil at a site or when you have to predict the soil’s response from changes in loading during and after construction. Although there is a debate on the application of the CSM to real soils, the ideas behind the CSM are simple. What will you learn? Estimate failure stresses for soil Estimate strains at failure Evaluate possible soil stress states and failure if the loading on a geotechnical system were to change. CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 2 2. Parameter Mapping Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope in the p’-q space Critical state line (CSL) q f M p 'f (f denotes failure) Normal consolidation line (NCL) NCL (isotropic normal consolidation line) Cc C c 0.434C c ln 10 2.3 C C r r 0.434C r ln 10 2.3 Both and are positive for compression. For many soils, / has values within the range 1/10 to 1/5. CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 3 CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 4 3 Failure line The fundamental concept in critical state modeling is that a unique failure surface exists in (q, p’, e) space, which defines failure of a soil irrespective of the history of loading or the stress paths followed. Note that the critical sate is a constant stress state characterized by continuous shear deformation at constant volume. Critical state line in p’-q-e space CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 5 Critical state line (CSL) in p’-q space and e-lnp’ space Note that q = Mc p’ 6 sin 'cs Mc 3 sin 'cs The CSL is parallel to the NCL and has a slope . CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 6 4. Soil yielding (soil plasticity, primarily based on Dr. Li’s notes) Soil yielding in the triaxial test (normally consolidated or slightly consolidated clay). (1) Isotropic compression ESP (2) Drained compression (CD test) ESP CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 7 (3) Undrained compression (CU test) ESP Plasticity There are three essential features of the theory of plasticity: yielding, hardening, and flow (1) Yielding surface CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 8 (2) Hardening The yield stress in soil is not a constant. The yield surface is assumed to be an ellipse (modified Cam clay model) and its initial size or major axis is determined by the preconsolidation stress, pc’ (the maximum historical stress). The higher preconsolidation stress, the larger the initial ellipse. In addition, the yield surface only changes its size but not shape and location in the q-p’ space. This assumption is called isotropic hardening. CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 9 The yielding surface in the (p’-q-e space) The surface represents the state boundary. Inside the surface, only the elastic deformation can take place. On the surface, soils start to yield and plastic deformation can be observed. The function of yield surface on the p’-q space for the modified Cam clay model is ( p' ) 2 p' p 'c q2 M 2 0 CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics The yield surface on p’-q and e-lnp’ space 10 CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 11 (3) Flow rule When the state of stress reaches the yield surface, the plastic strain increment vector is normal to the plastic potential curve. A common assumption, knows as the associated flow rule or normality principle, considers that the yield surface coincides with the plastic potential curve, therefore, the plastic strain increment is normal to the yield surface. CIVL 272 Soil Mechanics 12 Prediction of the behavior of normally consolidated clay (1) Isotropic compression (2) Drained compression (CD test) (3) Undrained compression (CU test)