Incipit: 2r. fortuna. Ownership : three 16c. names on Ar. include the name ‘Alamuy’ ;
the volume was purchased in 1947 from Leo Baer of Paris by Col. R. A. Crouch and
subsequently presented to the Gallery, now MS. Crouch
ir. Sequence from John : In principio erat uerbum. et uerbum erat apud deum . .
ir. Sequence from Matthew XX, 17 : In illo tempore. Ascendens ihesus iherosolimam
assumpsit duodecim discipulos . .
lv. En el nombre de la santa trenidad de partida padre et fib spritu santo tres personas
realmente distintas et un solo dios verdadero poderoso rey et señor inmortal sin
nigund començo ni medio . . . (text in 23 para graphs, each unrubricated ; the names
of the founder Knights figure in paragraph five on 2r ; the Rule ends 5v.) . . . el dia del
domingo yendo por cafiamo 0 acosa quantoque en nuestro oficio pague de pena una
libra de cera cada uno.
On fols5r.—19v. are additions to the Rule, all dated at Burgos, in different hands,
signed by notaries, and extending to 1716.
II Commentary Unidentified (fragment)
Vellum, four folios being one bi-folio pasted inside the front cover and another inside
the back cover. Each pair offolios measures 260 x 180mm., so that each sheet was
originally approx. 180 x 130mm. Only one side of each folio is visible. No foliation or
Brown ink fading, ruling light brown ink, two cols each of 36 lines. The writing
suggests two hands, one by an old man, the other by a younger person. It is a scriptura
notularis c.1300 emanating from a Dominican or Franciscan Studium in France.
The text is much rubbed and stained. A legible section is:
3 quia peccat contra syllogismum dyalecticum . . . non contra demon stratiuum quod
autem sit bona ratio planum est quia in. . . syllogismo
sophistico est deffectus siue peccatum est aparentiam (?) non deficiente uel peccandi
cooperiente defficiunt peccatum et sic patet quod loci sophistici non peccant contra
aliud nisi contra quod peccare uidentur. . . (breaks off col.b) . . . syllogismis omnibus
si yllatio necessaria et sic que peccant contra.
On another rubbed side (fol.2a) can be read the words ‘ut uult comentator supra
librum elencorum’. Clearly, the text is an.exposition on a com mentary of one of
Aristotle’s philosophical treatises, namely, the De Sophisticis Elenchis, Octo Libri
Topicorum, Duo Libri Priorum Añalyticorum, and Duo Libri Posteriorum
Saint Pascl’ial’S College
SENTENTIARUM - in Latin - 15c.
mm, 5 x 220mm., A—B contemporary vellum + 213 + C—E contempor
-- L. Collation: (11)1 (12)2_16 (1O)’ (12)’ 8 Quire 1 lacks the first sheet.
- - iwords agree, quire signatures, no foliation or pagination. Fly-leaf A has een cut in
half vertically. Ar.—Av., By., Cr.—Ev. are blank. There are worm— oles in A—B
and 1—4.
., — ink fading, ruling brown ink, two cols each of 50-2 lines. Script is ;t half 15c.
French littera hybrida currens with explicit 213r.b Explicit conflatus rancisci
Decoration : blue caps with red penwork and marginal scrolls ; some run. 1 brown ink.
Edges d, contemporary binding of calf over oak boards ; covers have two panels, one
with agnus dci in lozenges, the other with griffins and fleurs-de £ ifl lozenges, all
blind—tooled ; remains of two leather straps and clasps ; no spine.
Incipits lr.a (old 2r.a) -clusionis deus; 2r.a (old 3r.a) et ideo; 213r.a scientia est;
213v.a incipiunt tituli. Ownership : across the back cover is a label with a title in a
contemporary hand ‘Conflactus francisci de Mayronis’; inside back cover in a 15c.
hand is ‘MasticatiO mirabiliter conditorum cotidie / cum argumento sni conseruat a
dolentibus’ Br. in 16c. hand ‘Philippe and Mary by the grace of God kinge and quene
of Ynglande’; inside front cover is the number ‘11’; date of acquisition is not known;
no shelf-mark.
lr.a (Prologue inc. Circa prohemiuifl primi libri Magistri Sententiar1lm quero primo
utrum primum principium coniplexum possit formari... here opening abruptly) —
clusionis deus est eternus uel non eternus necessario includit istam de quolibet
affirmatio uel negatio . .