
Tonight’s overnight low will be 40 degrees Fahrenheit, with a humidity of 45% and a
dew point of 30 degrees. It should be clear tonight with only a 6% chance of
precipitation. The winds will be from the northeast at about 6 mph.
Tomorrow’s daytime high will be 58 degrees Fahrenheit, with a humidity of 70% and a
dew point of 38 degrees. Expect increasing clouds as the day goes on, getting to about 6
tenths coverage, with a 51% chance of rain, totaling between .01 and .05 inches. Winds
will be from the north at 2 mph.
Tomorrow night:
Overnight tomorrow the low will be 48 degrees Fahrenheit, with a humidity of 77% and a
dew point of 43 degrees. The skies will be overcast, with a 100% chance of rain, totaling
between .5 and .75 inches. Winds will be from the north again at about 13 mph.
Tonight’s overnight low was 46 degrees Fahrenheit. The predicted temperature was 6
degrees off. The skies were clear, as predicted and there was no precipitation. The winds
came from the north, rather than the northeast, with an error of 34 degrees.
Tomorrow’s daytime high was 56 degrees Fahrenheit. The prediction was 2 degrees high.
Clouds covered 5 tenths of the sky, making that prediction 20% off. There was no rain
during the day on Friday, which is within acceptable ranges since there was only a 51%
chance of rain. The winds came from the east, and the prediction was off by 83 degrees.
Tomorrow night:
Tomorrow night’s overnight low was 40 degrees Fahrenheit, making it 8 degrees colder
than expected. The skies were overcast as predicted, and there was precipitation at 6 PM,
12 AM and 1 AM. Winds came from the southwest, making that prediction again very
inaccurate, missing by 114 degrees.