1 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi and L.Reatto Selfconsistently renormalized spin--wave approximation for
some two-dimensional systems J. Phys. C7, 1735 (1974)
2 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi A description of magnetic systems in the disordered phase
Phys. Lett. A48, 119 (1974)
3 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Normal modes in an anisotropic antiferromagnet
Phys. Rev. B11, 4711 (1975)
4 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi, L.Reatto Antiferromagnetic model on the triangular lattice
Nuovo Cimento B42, 120 (1977)
5 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi and L.Reatto Non-simple magnetic order for simple hamiltonians
Physica B97, 1 (1979)
6 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi and L.Reatto Noncollinear magnetic order and spin wave spectrum in
presence of competing exchange interactions J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 15-18, 357 (1980)
7 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Exact low-temperature self-energy of the uniaxial Heisenberg
ferromagnet J. Phys. C13, 4377 (1980)
8 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi, M.G.Pini, A.Rettori and V.Tognetti Kinematic consistency in
ferromagnets with single-ion anisotropy: Application to FeCl2 J. Appl. Phys. 52, 2246 (1981)
9 M.G.Pini, E.Rastelli, A.Tassi and V.Tognetti The influence of the anisotropy on the
temperature renormalisation of the magnetic excitations in FeCl2 J. Phys. C14, 3041 (1981)
10 M.G.Pini, V.Tognetti, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Temperature renormalization of the magnon
energies of FeBr2 Solid State Commun. 40, 421 (1981)
11 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Exact low-temperature renormalisation and damping of the uniform
mode in uniaxial ferromagnets J. Phys. C15, 509 (1982)
12 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Dyson-Maleev transformation in ferromagnets with single ion planar
anisotropy J. Appl. Phys. 53, 1867 (1982)
13 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Ladder approximation for uniaxial metamagnets
J. Appl. Phys. 53, 5363 (1982)
14 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Exact low-temperature magnon energy in uniaxial metamagnets with
small interplane coupling J. Phys. C15, 6209 (1982)
15 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi In plane competitive interactions in uniaxial metamagnets
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 31-34, 1041 (1983)
16 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi In-plane next-nearest-neighbour exchange coupling in uniaxial
metamagnets: its influence on the low-temperature self-energy J. Phys. C16, 4663 (1983)
17 E.Rastelli, L.Reatto and A.Tassi Degenerate helimagnetic states, lines of soft modes and
absence of long-range order in three dimensions J. Phys. C16, L331 (1983)
18 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Heisenberg ferromagnets with single-ion planar anisotropy: a
systematic perturbative approach by the Dyson-Maleev transformation J. Phys. C17, 727 (1984)
19 E.Rastelli, L.Reatto and A.Tassi Quantum effects in helimagnets: Disappearance of the soft
mode at the wave vector of magnetic order J. Appl. Phys. 55, 1871 (1984)
20 E.Rastelli, L.Reatto and A.Tassi Helimagnetism in the Heisenberg model: New features and
old mechanisms on S.W.Lovesey, U.Balucani, F.Borsa and V.Tognetti MAGNETIC
EXCITATIONS AND FLUCTUATION Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences Vol.54, 195 (1984)
21 E.Rastelli, L.Reatto and A.Tassi Quantum fluctuations in helimagnets
J. Phys. C18, 353 (1985)
22 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Thermal renormalization of the order wavevector in Heisenberg
helimagnets J. Appl. Phys. 57, 3315 (1985)
23 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi A new variational approach for Heisenberg helimagnets and phase
diagram of the ANNNH model J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 54-57, 1147 (1986)
24 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Low-temperature thermodynamics of the Heisenberg helimagnets
J. Phys. C19, 1993 (1986)
25 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi The rhombohedral Heisenberg antiferromagnet: infinite degeneracy of
the ground state and magnetic properties of solid oxygen J. Phys. C19, L423 (1986)
26 E.Rastelli, L.Reatto and A.Tassi Neutron scattering in rhombohedral Heisenberg
antiferromagnet: application to β-oxygen J. Phys. C19, L5989 (1986)
27 E.Rastelli, L.Reatto and A.Tassi Quantum fluctuations and phase diagram of Heisenberg
models with competing interactions J. Phys. C19, 6623 (1986)
28 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Rhombohedral Heisenberg antiferromagnet: infinite degeneracy of
the ground state induced by the lattice structure. Application to β-oxygen J. Appl. Phys. 61, 4117
29 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Order produced by quantum disorder in the Heisenberg rhombohedral
antiferromagnet J. Phys. C20, L303 (1987)
30 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi RAF model and solid oxygen: infinite degeneracy, soft lines, no LRO in
classical approximation and order by quantum disorder on U.Balucani, S.W.Lovesey,
Proceedings in Physics Vol. 23, 25 (1987)
31 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Competition between thermal and quantum fluctuations in a Heisenberg
rhombohedral antiferromagnet J. Phys. C21, L35 (1988)
32 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Collinear and helical phases of the monoclinic and rhombohedral
antiferromagnet. Application to α- and β-phases of solid oxygen J. Phys. C21, 1003 (1988)
33 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Zero point motion and magnetic field effects on the spin configuration
in a Heisenberg rhombohedral antiferromagnet. Application to β-oxygen J. Appl. Phys. 63, 3823
34 A.Pimpinelli, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi An exact evaluation of the occurrence of helical order
in the quantum ANNNH model J. Phys. C21, L835 (1988)
35 A.B.Harris, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Phase diagram of a Heisenberg hexagonal lattice with
in-plane competing interactions: classical and quantum scenarios J. Physique 49, C8-1395 (1988)
36 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Saw-tooth peaks in elastic neutron scattering by rhombohedral
Heisenberg antiferromagnets Physica B156&157, 115 (1989)
37 A.Pimpinelli, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Characterization of the quantum helix in Heisenberg
models J. Phys. CM1, 2131 (1989)
38 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi and L.Oddi Novel helix phase in the Heisenberg tetragonal model
J. Phys. CM1, 5151 (1989)
39 A.B.Harris, A.Pimpinelli, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi The effect of quantum fluctuations on the
ferromagnetic--helix transition in a Heisenberg tetragonal lattice with competing in-plane
interactions J. Phys. CM1, 3821 (1989)
40 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi New helical phase with a wave vector swinging continuously
Z. Phys. B75, 211 (1989)
41 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari and A.Tassi Long range order in tetragonal antiferromagnets
supported by quantum fluctuations J. Phys. CM1, 4735 (1989)
42 A.Pimpinelli, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Classical and quantum quasi-1D Heisenberg model
with competing interactions J. Phys. CM1, 7941 (1989)
43 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Absence of long range order in three dimendional Heisenberg models
Phys. Rev. B40, 5282 (1989)
44 A.B.Harris, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Novel intermediate phase in Heisenberg helimagnets
Solid State Commun. 75, 35 (1990)
45 A.B.Harris, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Phase locking in Heisenberg helimagnets
J. Appl. Phys. 67, 5445 (1990)
46 B.Carazza, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Thermal behaviour of the planar spin chain with
competing interactions up to third neighbours Z. Phys. B80, 293 (1990)
47 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari and A.Tassi Frustration and zero point motion in Heisenberg
antiferromagnets J. Phys. CM2, 8935 (1990)
48 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi: Comment on Low-temperature properties of quantum Heisenberg
helimagnets Phys. Rev. B43, 11453 (1991)
49 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari and A.Tassi Spin waves and spontaneous magnetization in La2CuO4
and YBa2Cu3O6 J. Appl. Phys. 69, 4877 (1991)
50 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Thermal renormalization of the helix wave vector in the planar model
J. Appl. Phys. 69, 5798 (1991)
51 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari and A.Tassi Long-range order by crucial non-linear effects in
Heisenberg models J. Phys. CM3, 5861 (1991)
52 A.B.Harris, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Locking of commensurate phases in the planar model in
an external magnetic field Phys. Rev. B44, 2624 (1991)
53 B.Carazza, E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Planar spin chain with competing interactions in an
external magnetic field Z. Phys. B84, 301 (1991)
54 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Spin liquid phase in frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnets
Phys. Rev. B44, 7135 (1991)
55 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Unorthodox spin configuration in classical and
quantum Heisenberg models on G.Asti, D.Fiorani and F.Lucari MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF
MATTER World Scientific (Singapore) pp 48-77 (1991)
56 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Goldstone modes and quantum gaps in the square frustrated
Heisenberg antiferromagnet J. Phys. CM4, 1567 (1992)
57 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi, G. Melegari, and A.Pimpinelli External magnetic field effect on helical
configurations J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 104-107, 173 (1992)
58 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi Quantum gaps in Heisenberg helimagnets
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 104-107, 1035 (1992)
59 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari, and A.Tassi Long range order supported by non linear effects on the
ferro-helix phase boundary J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 104-107, 1069 (1992)
60 B.Carazza, E.Rastelli, and A.Tassi Transfer matrix method for the planar linear chain in an
external magnetic field Physica B180&181, 170 (1992)
61 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi, A.Pimpinelli, S.Sedazzari Triangular planar antiferromagnet in an
external magnetic field Phys. Rev. B45, 7936 (1992)
62 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari, and A.Tassi Two-magnon bound states in the triangular ferromagnet
J. Phys. CM4, 6283 (1992)
63 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Nonlinear effects in the spin-liquid phase
Phys. Rev. B46, 10793 (1992)
64 C.Gallanti, E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari and A.Tassi Exchange and lattice frustration in presence
of an external magnetic field J. Appl. Phys. 73, 5482 (1993)
65 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Spin liquid and exchange frustration J. Appl. Phys. 73, 6995 (1993)
66 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari and A.Tassi The helix-fan transition in the square planar model
J. Phys. CM5, 7121 (1993)
67 C.Bucci, P.Carretta, R.De Renzi, G.Guidi, S.G.Jang, E.Rastelli, A.Tassi, and M.Varotto
Temperature dependence of the sublattice spontaneous magnetization of YBa2Cu3O6
Phys. Rev. B48, 16769 (1993)
68 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Quantum anisotropic Heisenberg triangular antiferromagnet:
Application to CsCuCl3 Z. Phys. B94, 139 (1994)
69 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Hexagonal spin lattice with ferromagnetic intrachain and
antiferromagnetic interchain couplings in external magnetic field Phys. Rev. B49, 9679 (1994)
70 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Selection of the ground state in CsCuCl3 by quantum fluctuations
J. Appl. Phys. 75, 6051 (1994)
71 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari, A.Tassi Magnetization and static structure factor behavior in a first
order helix-fan phase transition J. Appl. Phys. 75, 5817 (1994)
72 E.Rastelli, S.Sedazzari, and A.Tassi Commensurate-commensurate phase transitions induced
by external magnetic field in spin Hamiltonians with continuous symmetry
J. Phys. CM6, 2499 (1994)
73 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Spin configurations of ABX3 antiferromagnets in external magnetic field
Phys. Rev. B50, 16475 (1994)
74 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi Locking of commensurate spin configurations in intermediate and strong
magnetic fields J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 140-144, 1499 (1995)
75 E.Rastelli, A.Tassi Hexagonal lattice of weak interacting antiferromagnetic chains in external
magnetic fields J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 140-144, 1601 (1995)
76 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Spin configurations in hexagonal antiferromagnets with competing
interactions Z. Phys. B97, 147 (1995)
77 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Degenerate helix spin configuration supported by three-site
biquadratic exchange Phys. Rev. B52, 12755 (1995)
78 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Phase transition induced by an external magnetic field in frustrated
hexagonal antiferromagnets Z. Phys. B99, 67 (1995)
79 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Quantum fluctuations in antiferromagnets of the BX2 family
J. Appl. Phys. 79, 5745 (1996)
80 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Spin configurations in VBr2 supported by uniaxial anisotropy and
quantum fluctuations J. Appl. Phys. 79, 5745 (1996)
81 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Quantum fluctuations in antiferromagnets of the BX2 family
J. Phys. CM8, 1811 (1996)
82 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Order and disorder in layered ferromagnets
J. Appl. Phys. 81, 4140 (1997)
83 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Elastic neutron scattering and rhombohedral antiferromagnets
J. Appl. Phys. 81, 4143 (1997)
84 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Comment on Thermodynamic properties and the magnetic neutron
scattering cross-section of an atom in a solid J. Phys. CM9, 4495 (1997)
85 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Magnetic order and magnetic excitations in ErBa2Cu3O7
Physica B241-243, 663 (1998)
86 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Quantum fluctuations and ground state of weakly interacting helix spin
chains in a magnetic field European Phys. J. B3, 341 (1998)
87 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Long and short range spin-spin interactions in ErBa2Cu3O7
European Phys. J. B4, 285 (1998)
88 E.Rastelli, A.Carbognani, S.Regina and A.Tassi Long range order in two-dimensional spin
models with long range interactions J. Appl. Phys. 85, 6082 (1999)
89 E.Rastelli, A.Carbognani, S.Regina and A.Tassi Order by thermal disorder in 2D planar
rotator model with dipolar interactions European Phys. J. B9, 641 (1999)
90 E.Rastelli, A.Carbognani, S.Regina and A.Tassi Pseudodipolar anisotropy in the square
rotator model J. Appl. Phys. 87, 5902 (2000)
91 A.Carbognani, E.Rastelli, S.Regina and A.Tassi Dipolar interaction and long-range order in
the square planar rotator model Phys. Rev. B62, 1015 (2000)
92 E. Rastelli and A.Tassi Dynamics of large-spin molecules in a time-dependent magnetic field
Phys. Rev. B64, 064410 (2001)
93 E. Rastelli, S.Regina and A.Tassi Phase diagram of the square planar model with long range
isotropic antiferromagnetic and dipolar interactions Phys. Stat. Sol.(a) 189, 555 (2002)
94 E. Rastelli, S.Regina, A.Tassi and A.Carbognani Long-range isotropic and dipolar spin-spin
interactions in the square planar rotator model Phys. Rev. B65, 094412 (2002)
95 E. Rastelli and A.Tassi Quantum tunneling gap oscillations of Fe8 nanomagnets
Phys. Rev. B65, 092413 (2002) [Selected for: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science&Technology
March 4, 2002(Volume 5, Issue 9)]
96 E. Rastelli, S.Regina, and A.Tassi Planar triangular model with long-range interactions
Phys. Rev. B66, 054431 (2002)
97 E.Rastelli, S.Regina and A.Tassi Short-range exchange and long-range dipole interactions
in a triangular planar model Phys. Rev. B67, 094429 (2003)
98 E.Rastelli, S.Regina and A.Tassi Breaking-symmetry fields in two-dimensional planar
models J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 272-276, 997 (2004)
99 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Spin reorientation in ultra-thin films with dipole and exchange
interaction J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 272-276, e1033 (2004)
100 E.Rastelli, S.Regina and A.Tassi Monte Carlo simulation of a planar rotator model with
breaking-symmetry fields Phys. Rev. B69, 174407 (2004)
101 E.Rastelli, S.Regina and A.Tassi Monte Carlo simulation for square planar rotator model
with a small fourfold symmetry-breaking field Phys. Rev. B70, 174447 (2004)
102 E.Rastelli and A.Tassi Upward renormalization of the antiferromagnetic mode in the
paramagnetic phase of CsMnBr3 Phys. Rev. B70, 214407 (2004)
103 E.Rastelli, S. Regina and A.Tassi Monte Carlo simulations on a triangular Ising
antiferromagnet with nearest and next-nearest interactions Phys. Rev. B71, 174406 (2005)