COMM 620: Computer Mediated Communication Fall 2008 Wednesdays, 9am-11:50am, Room G38 ASC Instructor: Margaret McLaughlin 213-740-3938 Office Hour: 1:15 pm Wednesdays or by appointment 301-D Annenberg School Textbooks: Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.) (2008). Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Class Requirements: Complete and present a data-based term paper on some aspect of computer-mediated communication Lead discussion and prepare abstracts for two of the weekly topics Term Paper Timetable Literature review and hypotheses section: October 1 Methods section due: October 8 IRB application due: October 15 Results section due: November 26 In-class presentation of study results: December 3 Final paper due: December 9 Readings: Wednesday August 27 Wednesday September 3 Wednesday September 10 Wednesday September 17 Wednesday September 24 Wednesday October 1 Wednesday October 8 Wednesday October 15 Wednesday October 22 Wednesday October 29 Wednesday November 5 Wednesday November 12 Wednesday November 19 Wednesday November 26 Wednesday December 3 Introduction, Getting Organized Overview Self-Presentation and Impression Formation in CMC Social Identity Social Networking Online Friendships Online Dating The Dark Side of CMC Online Support Groups Online Gaming Virtual Environments Communication with Avatars and Characters Mobile Phones Issues for Virtual Teams Emotion in Virtual Environments Presentation of Term Projects Wednesday August 27: Introduction August 27: Chapter 1, Mediated Interpersonal Communication Wednesday September 3: Overview Chapters 2, 3, 4 in Mediated Interpersonal Communication Wednesday September 10: Self-Presentation and Impression Formation Whitty, M. T. (2008). Revealing the `real' me, searching for the `actual' you: Presentations of self on an internet dating site, Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 1707-1723. Kalyanaraman, S., & Sundar, S. S. (2008). Impression formation effects in online mediated communication. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.) (2008). Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Back, M. D., Schmukle, S. C., & Egloff,, B. (2008). How extraverted is Inferring personality from e-mail addresses. Journal of Research in Personality, 42, 1116-1122. Tong, S. T., Van Der Heide, B., Langwell, L, & Walther, J. (2008). Too much of a good thing? The relationship between number of friends and interpersonal impressions on Facebook. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.,13, 531-549. Liu, H. (2007). Social network profiles as taste performances. Journal of ComputerMediated Communication, 13(1), article 13. Zhao, S., Grasmuck, S., & Martin, J. (2008). Identity construction on Facebook: Digital empowerment in anchored relationships. Computers in Human Behavior, 1816-1836 Walther, J. B., Van Der Heide, B., Kim, S., Westerman, D., &Tong, S.T. (2008). The role of friends' appearance and behavior on evaluations of individuals on Facebook: Are we known by the company we keep? Human Communication Research. 34, 28-49 Wednesday September 17: Social Identity Tanis, M., & Postmes, T. (2008). Cues to identity in online dyads: Effects of interpersonal versus intragroup perceptions on performance. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 12, 96-111 Utz, S. (2008). Social identification with virtual communities. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Tanis, M. & T. Postmes. (2003). Social Cues and Impression Formation in CMC. Journal of Communication, 53, 676-693 Amichai-Hamburger, Yair; McKenna, Katelyn Y. A. (2008).The Contact hypothesis reconsidered: Interacting via the Internet. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol 11, 825-843. Rogers, P., & Lea, M. (2005). Social presence in distributed group environments: The role of social identity. Behaviour & Information Technology, 24, 151-158. Wednesday September 24: Social Networking boyd, d. m., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13, article 11. Jorgen, S. (2008). Semi-public end-user content contributions--A case-study of concerns and intentions in online photo-sharing. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 66, 287-300. Ellison, N., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2006). Spatially bounded online social networks and social cpital: The role of facebook. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dresden, June 19-23. Shin, D., & Kim, W. (2008). Applying the technology acceptance model and flow theory to Cyworld user behavior: Implication of the Web2.0 user acceptance. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11,378-382. Donath, J. (2007). Signals in social supernets. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 12. Lange, P. G. (2007). Publicly private and privately public: Social networking on YouTube. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 18. Wednesday, October 1: Online Friendships Ando, R., & Sakamoto, A. (2008). The effect of cyber-friends on loneliness and social anxiety: Differences between high and low self-evaluated physical attractiveness groups. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 993-1009. Chan, D. K., & Cheng, G. (2004). A comparison of offline and online friendship qualities at different stages of relationship development. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21, 305-320. Bryant, J. A., Sanders-Jackson, A., & Smallwood, A. M. K. (2006). IMing, text messaging, and adolescent social networks. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(2), article 10. Stefanone, M. A., & Jang, C.-Y. (2007). Writing for friends and family: The interpersonal nature of blogs. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 7. Bregman, A., & Haythornthwaite, C. (2003). Radicals of presentation: Visibility, relation, and co-presence in persistent conversation. New Media & Society, 5(1), 117-140. Henderson, S., & Gilding, M. (2004). ‘I’ve never clcked this much with anyone in my life’: Trust and hyperpersonal communication in online friendships. New Media & Society, 6(4), 487-506. Wednesday, October 8: Online Dating Whitty, M. (2008). The joys of online dating. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Ellison, N., Heino, R., & Gibbs,, J. (2006). Managing impressions online: Selfpresentation processes in the online dating environment. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. 11, 2. Rosen, L. D., Cheever, N. A., Cummings, C., & Felt, J. (2008).The impact of emotionality and self-disclosure on online dating versus traditional dating. Computers in Human Behavior., 24(5), 2124-2157 Valkenburg, P. M., & Jochen, P. (2007). Who visits online dating sites? Exploring some haracteristics of online daters. CyberPsychology & Behavior., 10(6), 849-852 Stevens, S. B., & Morris, T. L. (College dating and social anxiety: Using the Internet as a means of connecting to others. CyberPsychology & Behavior. Vol 10(5), 680-688 Arvidsson, A. (2006). 'Quality singles': Internet dating and the work of fantasy. New Media & Society, Vol 8(4), 671-690 Wednesday, October 15: The Dark Side of CMC Douglas, K. M. (2008). Antisocial communication on electronic mail and the Internet In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Slonje, R., & Smith, P. K. (2008). Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying?. Scandanavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 147-154. Oegema, D., Kleinnijenhus, J., Anderson, Koos, & van Hoof, A. (2008). Flaming and blaming: The influence of mass media content on interactions in online discussions. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Turnage, A. K. (2007). Email flaming behaviors and organizational conflict Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Volume 13 (1). Wolak, J., Finkelhor, D., * Mitchell, K. (2008). Is talking online to unknown people always risky? Distinguishing online interaction styles in a national sample of youth internet users. CyberPsychology & Behavior. Vol 11(3), 340-343. Vasalou, A., Hopfensitz, A., & Pitt, J. V. (2008). In praise of forgiveness: Ways for repairing trust breakdowns in one-off online interactions. International Journal of HumanComputer Studies, 66(6), 466-480. Wednesday, October 22: Online support groups Tanis, M. (2008). What makes the internet a place to seek social support. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Barak, A., Boniel-Nissim, M., & Suler, J. (2008). Fostering empowerment in online support groups, Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 5, 1867-1883. Lin, C., & Anol. B. (2008). Learning online social support: An investigation of network information technology based on UTAUT CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(3), 268272. Demiris, G. (2006). The diffusion of virtual communities in health care: Concepts and challenges. Patient Education and Counseling, 62, 178-188. Kral, G. (2006). Online communities for mutual help: Fears, fiction and facts. In Murero, M., & Rice, R. E., The Internet and health care: Theory, research and practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Lapinski, M. K. (2006) A theoretically based content analysis of pro-eating disorder Web sites. Health Communication , 20, 243-253.. Barnett, G. A. & Hwang, J. (2006). The use of the Internet for health information and social support: A content analysis of online breast cancer discussion groups. In Murero, M., & Rice, R. E., The Internet and health care: Theory, research and practice.. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Wednesday, October 29: Online Gaming Chen, C., Sun, C., & Hsieh, J. (2008). . Player guild dynamics and evolution in Massively multiplayer online games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(3), 293-301. Chior, W. (2008), Induced attitude change on online gaming among adolescents: An application of the less-leads-to-more effect. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(2), 212216. Klimmt, C., & Hartmann, T. (2008). Mediated interpersonal communication in multiplayer video games. Implications for entertainment and relationship management. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Weibel, D., Wissmath, B., Habegger, S., Steiner, Y, & Groner, R. (2008). Playing online games against computer- vs. human-controlled opponents: Effects on presence, flow, and enjoyment. Computers in Human Behavior. 24(5), 2274-2291. Wang, C-C., & Wang, C-H. (2008). Helping others in online games: Prosocial behavior in cyberspace. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(3), 344-346 Teng, C. (2008). Personality differences between online game players and nonplayers in a student sample. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(2), 232-234 Wednesday, November 5: Virtual Environments Visit to Haptics Lab, Integrated Media Systems Center, Powell Hall of Engineering Room 108 and/or VR Psych Lab, EEB basement McLaughlin, M. L., Jung, Y., Peng, W., Jin, S., & Zhu, W. (2008). Touch in computermediated communication In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Younbo Jung, Shih-Ching Yeh, Margaret McLaughlin, Albert Rizzo, and Carolee Winstein (2008). Three-Dimensional Game Environments for Recovery from Stroke. In In U. Ritterfeld, M. Cody, & P. Vorderer (Eds.), Serious Games: Mechanisms and effects. New York: Routledge Press. Nam, C., Shu, J., & Chung, D. (2008). The roles of sensory modalities in collaborative virtual environments (CVEs). Computers in Human Behavior, 24(4), 1404-1417 McLaughlin, M., Zimmermann, R., Liu, L., Jung, Y., Peng, W., Jin, S., Stewart, J., Yeh, S., Zhu, W., & Seo, B. (2006). Integrated voice and haptic support for tele-rehabilitation. Proceedings of UbiCare2006: First Workshop on Ubiquitous and Pervasive Healthcare. Prasolova-Forland, E. (2008). Analyzing place metaphors in 3D educational collaborative virtual environments. Computers in Human Behavior. 24(2), 185-204. Wednesday, November 12: Communication with Avatars and Characters Hartmann, T. (2008) Parasocial interactions and paracommunication with new media characters. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. . Jung, Y. & McLaughlin, M. L. (2008, May). Role enactment based on gender stereotypes in interactive media: Effects of role play on the management of self-concept and physical distance in virtual reality environments. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada. Bente, G., Mramer, N. C., & Eschenburg, F. (2008). Is there anybody out there? Analyzing the effects of embodiment and nonverbal behavior in avatar-mediated communication. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Bailenson, J.N.,Yee, N., Blascovich, J., & Guadagno, R.E. (2008). Transformed social interaction in mediated interpersonal communication. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Bente, G., Ruggenberg, S., Kramer, N. C., and Eschenburg, F. (2008). Avatar-mediated networking: Increasing social presence and interpersonal trust in net-based collaborations. Human Communication Research. 34(2), 287-318. Kristine L. Nowak, Christian Rauh, (2008). Choose your 'buddy icon' carefully: The influence of avatar androgyny, anthropomorphism and credibility in online interactions, Computers in Human Behavior, 24 (4), 1473-1493. Wednesday, November 19: Mobile Phones Leung, L. (2008).. Leisure boredom, sensation seeking, self-esteem, and addiction: Symptoms and patterns of cell phone use. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Wirth, W., von Paper, T., & Karnowski, V. (2008). An integrative model of mobile phone appropriation. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. Vol 13(3), 593-617. Humphreys, L. (2007). Mobile social networks and social practice: A case study of Dodgeball. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 17. Qiu, J. L. (2007). The wireless leash: Mobile messaging service as a means of control. International Journal of Communication, 1,: 74-91. N. Eagle, A. Pentland, and D. Lazer (2008). Inferring social network structure using mobile phone data. Hurlin, R., Catt, M., DeBoni, M. Fairley, B. W., Hurst, T., Murray, P., Richardson, A., & Sodhi, J. S. (2007). Using Internet and mobile phone technology to deliver an automated physical activity program: Randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 9(2). Sundstrom, P., Stahl, A., & Hook, K. (2007). In situ informants exploring an emotional mobile messaging system in their everyday practice. International Journal of HumanComputer Studies, 65 (4), 388-403. Pérez, F., Montón, E., Nodal, M.J., Viñoles, J., Guillen, S., & Traver, V. (2006). Evaluation of a mobile health system for supporting postoperative patients following day surgery. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. Vol 12 (Suppl1), 41-43. Wednesday, November 26: Trust in Virtual Teams Walther, J. B. (2008). Problems and interventions in computer-mediated virtual groups. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Walvoord, A. A. G., Redden, E. R., Elliott, L. R., & Coovert, M. D. (2008). Empowering followers in virtual teams: Guiding principles from theory and practice. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 1884-1906. Stone, N. J., & Posey, M. (2008). Understanding coordination in computer-mediated versus face-to-face groups, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 24, 3, 827-851.. Yuan, Y.C., & Gay, G. (2006). Homophily of network ties and bonding and bridging social capital in computer-mediated distributed teams. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(4), article 9. Anderson, A. H., McEwan, R., Bal, J., & Carletta, J. (2007). Virtual team meetings: An analysis of communication and context. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 2558-2580. Wednesday, December 3: Emotion in Virtual Environments AND Term Paper Presentations Derks, D., Fischer, A. H., &. Bos, A. E. R.(2007). The role of emotion in computermediated communication: A review. Computers in Human Behavio,r Volume 24, Issue 3, Pages 766-785. Konijn, E. A., & Van Vugt, H. C. (2008) Emotion in mediated interpersonal communication: Towards modeling emotion in virtual humans. In Konijn, E. A., Utz, S., Tanis, M., & Barnes, S. B. (Eds.), Mediated Interpersonal Communication. New York: Routledge. Liess, A., Simon, W., Yutsis, M., Owen, J. E., Piemme, K., Golant, M., & Giese-Davis, J. (2008). Detecting emotional expression in face-to-face and online breast cancer support groups. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 76(3), 517-523. Derks, D., Bos, A. E. R., & von Grumbkow, J. (2007). Emoticons and social interaction on the Internet: The importance of social context. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(1), 842-849. Bailenson, J. N., Yee, N., Brave, S., Merget, D., Koslow, D. (2007). Virtual interpersonal touch: Expressing and recognizing emotions through haptic devices. Human-Computer Interaction, 22(3), 325-353 Banos, R. M., Botella, C., Rubio, I., Quero, S., Garcia-Palacios, A., & Alcaniz, M. (2008). Presence and emotions in virtual environments: The influence of stereoscopy. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(1), 1-8.