CONTINUING EDUCATION LIBRARY PROJECT: PROJECT BRIEF Date: 30 August 2007 Author: Cathryn Gallacher Purpose of this Document This document describes a two-phase project regarding the Continuing Education (CE) Library. The first phase involves moving the heavily used stock – approximately 5,000 items – and the AddLibS Service to the Arts and Social Sciences Library, and closing the CE library to users. This phase can be completed by the end of September 2008. The second phase of the project involves withdrawing or relegating to the Library Store approximately 28,000 items; moving 8,000 set books used for the ‘Book Box’ service to another suitable, central location; and vacating the premises at 8-10 Berkeley Square. The timescale for the second phase depends on the space and staff resource available for the project. Background The Continuing Education (CE) Library, based in 8-10 Berkeley Square, originally served the needs of the Department of Continuing Education, with CE staff and CE teaching based primarily in that building. Since the late 1990s, when teaching of CE programmes began to be dispersed to other departments, it has become less important to maintain a separate library in 8-10 Berkeley Square, and Library staff have been steadily withdrawing stock which is no longer used (eg, duplicate items), and moving books which are used to other appropriate branch libraries or to the library’s Store. Approximately 5,000 items have been withdrawn, and 3,000 items relegated to the Store. Staffing in the branch has also reduced from 2.33 FTE to 1.95 FTE, with an additional 15 hours per week during term time. At present, the CE Library houses approximately 33,000 books. Five thousand of these books are still heavily used by Continuing Education teachers and students (and also by other University staff and students); approximately 5,000 books are used but less frequently, and 15,000 books are duplicated in other branch libraries or no longer needed and can therefore be withdrawn. The CE Library also houses sets of books (about 8,000 volumes in total) which are lent to CE students, via their tutors, through the ‘Book Box’ service, which is currently run from the CE Library. Finally, the AddLibS service, which offers additional library support to disabled students and others with specific support needs, is currently run from the CE Library, though it provides support for users of all of the University Libraries. 1.3 FTE staff are required to run these services, which will continue beyond the closure of the CE Library. D:\106736989.doc 1 PHASE 1 (September 2007 - September 2008): Project Definition Objectives Phase 1 will: o Create space in the Arts and Social Sciences Library (ASSL) for 5,000 heavilyused items from CE. This involves withdrawing or relegating to store 5,000 ASSL items, a task which requires reclassification of the item, or deleting its catalogue record, as well as a physical move. o Move 5,000 heavily used items from the CE Library to ASSL. This task also involves reclassifying each item, and changing its catalogue record, and in some cases cataloguing the item from scratch, as some CE records are currently in manual (card catalogue) form only. o Move the AddLibS service and the Book Box service to ASSL, with 1.3 FTE staff who run those services. o Redeploy .65 FTE staff from CE to the Library’s Relegation Team. o Close the CE Library to the public in September 2008. Project Benefits The relocation of heavily-used CE Library stock and service to ASSL will: o Improve the service to users of the CE library resources by consolidating the resources used most in one place (ASSL), and extending access to those resources by providing longer opening hours. (Ie, the CE Library is open 48 hours per week during term-time, while the ASSL is open 86 hours per week in term-time.) o Save £5,190 per year in staff costs from 2008/09 by reducing the overall library’s staffing by 15 hours per week in term time. o Redeployment of .65 staff from the CE library will enable the library to carry out the book withdrawals, moves and relegation to Store associated with several forthcoming building and refurbishment and projects -- including those listed under ‘Constraints’ below, as well as those associated with the Nucleus programme – without employing additional Relegation staff. Exclusions The removal of 5,000 heavily-used items and the AddLibS service will leave 28,000 items still housed in the CE Library. After its closure to the public, this space will be needed to house those collections until the books can be withdrawn or relegated in Phase 2. Library users can get access to these collections in the same way they access materials in the Library Store. Because not all of the items which will remain in CE are on the D:\106736989.doc 2 catalogue, users can also be given browsing access to browse the collection by appointment with the CE Subject Librarian or other relevant library staff. In addition, because there is no space in the ASSL to house the sets of books used for the Book Box service, those books will continue to be housed in the CE Library until the completion of Phase 2 (described below.) Constraints The constraints concern space and staff time. With regard to space: the ASSL is currently full and, indeed, overflowing, leaving no space to incorporate other collections without first moving less-used material to the Store. There are also other urgent moves of library stock from branch libraries to the Library Store currently underway, including: o The Biological Science Library is also full and stock is double-shelved, making it inaccessible to users. 2,700 items (80 metres) must be moved to Store within the coming year. o 10 metres of ASSL materials need to be relegated by October 2008 to accommodate an important gift of German materials. o The Geography Library will be losing space in order to accommodate a new lift which meets the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. To create this space, 20 metres of shelf space must be vacated in ASSL by withdrawal or relegation of items to the Store. o The Medical Library will be refurbished to make the space more student-centred. This will require a significant stock move, requiring both 1100 metres of space in the Store, and staff time. This means that there will be no space in the Store for 5,000 additional books from CE until June 2008, when the Library increases the size of its Store. With regard to staff constraints: there are currently 1.8 FTE library staff dedicated to withdrawal and relegation of items. This team can process an average of 400 items per week, which must include the projects listed above as well as the CE Library project. Relegation also requires Subject Librarian input, which is normally only available outside term time. However, even if additional staff were employed to carry out this project, space constraints would make it impossible before June 2008. Risks The Library has bid for funds to refurbish the ASSL. If that bid is successful, the project will require a significant stock move, requiring both space in the Store and staff time. A reduction in Library staff numbers, for financial or other reasons, would also delay or impede the completion of Phase 1 of the project. D:\106736989.doc 3 PHASE 2: Project Definition Objectives o Withdraw ca 15,000 items currently housed in the CE Library. o Vacate space in other branch libraries for 1,000 items, and transfer that number of items from CE. o Identify space within the University precinct which would house the set books (8000 items, occupying 200 metres) and move those books to the new location. o Move 4,000 items to Store. o Vacate the library’s premises at 8-10 Berkeley Square. Benefits The library in 8-10 Berkeley Square is an inefficient use of space to store books which are used only infrequently in or near the University precinct. Moving those books to the Library Store, or withdrawing those which are not used, would free up those facilities for other, more appropriate academic or academic-related purposes. Constraints As described in the Background section above, it has taken eight years for existing library staff to relegate or withdraw 8,000 items from CE, as that work must be absorbed into their numerous other ongoing tasks. Without additional staffing resource, therefore, it would require considerable time to move the remaining 28,000 items described above. Additional staff required to enable this work to take place in one year, between October 2008 and September 2009, are outlined below. Staff costs In order to vacate the CE Library premises over the course of a year (September 2008September 2009), the Library would require: Redeployment of .65 FTE staff currently running the CE Library service to the Relegation Team, as described in Phase I above. No cost. 1 FTE professional cataloguer (Grade J) for one year £37,624 .3 additional CE Subject Librarian hours for one year £12,000 TOTAL COSTS £49,624 D:\106736989.doc 4