Female Pornography Use and Sexual Coercion

Female Pornography Use and Sexual Coercion Perpetration by Poco D.
Kernsmith and Roger M. Kernsmith
Summary of article
This research article explains the author’s research regarding female use
of pornography as it relates to their usage of sexual coercion in their
relationships. The author’s review the current research related to the relationship
between pornography and sexual aggression. The article then provides a brief
review of their research in an attempt to provide a link between risk factors for
coercion perpetration, pornography and violence, and women and pornography.
The article concludes by providing a brief overview of the research methods,
results, and conclusion analysis.
Learning Objectives
1) The risk factors for coercion perpetration
2) The methods in which sexual coercion is used by females.
3) The link between pornography and coercion perpetration
Key Terms
1) Sexual Coercion
2) Likert Scale
3) Sexual Aggression
Questions for Class Discussion
1) Do you think pornography consumption among college females is on the
rise? What are your thoughts regarding pornography?
2) How can this research be used to generalize to the public at large? What
are some of the limitations regarding this research in generalizing to the
public at large?
3) What are some reasons why the use of pornography has increased by
women? How might this also influence sexual coercion behavior?
4) What do you think society’s general attitude is regarding the various forms
of sexual coercion?
Exam Questions
Multiple Choice
1) According to several research studies, ________ has been found to be an
important predictor of physical violence perpetration in relationships
among both males and females. (109)
a. Drugs
b. History of exposure to violence *
c. Poverty
d. Education level
2) Nearly ________ of female adolescents reported viewing pornography in
the past six months (Peter and Valkenburg, 2006). (116)
a. 5%
b. 26%
c. 50% *
d. 90%
3) In Kenrnsmith and Kernsmith’s research, which of the following was not
used as a control variable? (112)
a. Frequency of sexual activity
b. Age of first sexual experience
c. Perceived importance of relationships and sexual activity
d. Drug use *
4) Kernsmith and Kernsmith reported that _________ percent of respondents
reported using some form of pornography at least once in the previous
year. (113)
a. 92
b. 75
c. 43*
d. 22
5) Approximately ____________ of the women in Kernsmith and Kernsmith’s
research sample reported employing at least one of the measured sexual
coercion strategies in the previous year in order to get someone to do
something sexual that the other person did not want to do. (113)
a. 65% *
b. 43%
c. 23%
d. 10%
6) According to Kernsmith and Kernsmith, pornography use was significantly
related to perpetration of all forms of coercion except: (116)
a. Shame
b. Drug
c. Physical force *
d. Threatening to leave
Short Answer Questions
1) Describe the risk factors related to school involvement and activities have
been found to relate to sexual coercion and violence. (113)
2) What was purpose of the research conducted by Kernsmith and
Kernsmith? (110)
3) According to the research results about how women are most likely to use
pornography? (114-116)
4) Describe the measures used in Kernsmith and Kernsmith’s research.
5) What was the finding of the use of physical coercion reported by female
respondents in Kernsmith and Kernsmith’s research? (116)
Resources for further Research or Assignments
1) “The Porn Myth.” http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/trends/n_9437/
2) “More Women Lured to Pornography Addiction.”
3) “Why More and More Women are Using Pornography.”
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