1 UNITED NATIONS EP United Nations Environment Programme Distr. GENERAL UNEP/POPS/CONF/INF/4/Rev.1 26 June 2001 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH CONFERENCE OF PLENIPOTENTIARIES ON THE STOCKHOLM CONVENTION ON PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS Stockholm, 22-23 May 2001 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS LISTA DE PARTICIPANTES 2 GOVERNMENTS ALBANIA ANGOLA Dr. Tatjana Hema President of National Environmental Agency National Environmental Agency of Albania Tirana Albania Tel: (+355) 423 0682 Fax: (+355) 436 5229 E-Mail: albnea@albnet.net ALGERIA H.E. Dr. Farida Aiduaze Ambassador Embassy of Algeria 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 679 9130-40 Fax: (+46 8) 611 4957 M Rachid Ouali Deputy Head of Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs 18, Rue DIRAH Alger Algeria Tel: (+213 21) 504 551 Fax: (+213 21) 670 580 E-Mail: rachidouali1@yahoo.fr Mr. Abdelkader Bounedjar Ministre-Conseiller Embassy of Algeria 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 679 9130-40 Fax: (+46 8) 611 4957 Mr. Soki Kuedikuenda Conseiller de la Ministre Cabinet du Ministre Ministère des Peches et de l'Environnement Avenida 4 de Fevereiro No 30 Edificio Atlantico Luanda Angola Tel: (+244 2) 310 479 Fax: (+244 2) 311 140 E-Mail: Jsoki@hotmail.com ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA H.E. John W. Ashe Ambassador/Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador for Sustainable Development Matters Permanent Mission of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations 610 5th Avenue, Suite 311 New York, NY 10020 United States of America Tel: (+1 212) 541 4117 Fax: (+1 212) 757 1607 E-Mail: jashe@un.int Ms. Diann Black Layne Chief Environment Officer Ministry of Tourism and Environment Administration Building Queen Elizabeth Highway Antigua and Barbuda Tel: (+1 268) 462 4625 Fax: (+1 268) 462 6398 E-Mail: environment@antiguabarbuda.net ARGENTINA Sr. Juan Carlos Morelli Ministro Dirección General de Asuntos Ambientales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto San Martin 459 1023 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: (+54 11) 4348 8210 3 Fax: (+54 11) 4348 4804 Mr. Miguel Angel Hildmann Counsellor Dirección General de Asuntos Ambientales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto Esmeralda 1212 1007 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: (+54 11) 4819 7414 Fax: (+54 11) 4819 7413 E-Mail: mah@mrecic.gov.ar Sr. Jorge Luis Riccombeni Counsellor Embassy of Argentina 104 40 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 1965 Fax: (+46 8) 661 0009 E-Mail: JLRicco@hotmail.com Dr. Miguel A. Craviotto Director Nacional de Ordenamiento Ambiental, Secretaria de Desarrollo Sustentable y Politica Ambiente Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Medio Ambiente San Martin 459 1023 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: (+54 11) 4348 8305 Fax: (+54 11) 4348 8404 E-Mail: mcraviotto@medioambiente.gov.ar Dra. Silvia Nonna Coordinadora Nacional del Registro de Generadores y Operadores de Residuos Peligrosos Secretaria de Desarrollo Sustentable y Politica Ambiental Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Medio Ambiente San Martin 459 1023 Buenos Aires Argentina Tel: (+54 11) 4348 8210 Fax: (+54 11) 4348 8404 E-Mail: snonna@medioambiente.gov.ar ARMENIA Mrs. Anahit Aleksandryan Head of Department of Hazardous Substances and Wastes Management Ministry of Nature Protection 35 Moskovyan St. 375002 Yerevan Armenia Tel: (+374 1) 538 838/531 861 Fax: (+374 1) 531 861/151 959 E-Mail: analeks@freenet.am AUSTRALIA H.E. Mr. Ian K. Forsyth Australian Ambassador to Turkey Ankara Turkey Tel: (+312) 446 1180 Fax: (+312) 446 1188 E-Mail: ian.forsyth@dfat.gov.au H.E. Stephen Brady Ambassador Embassy of Australia P.O. Box 7003 103 86 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 613 2905 Fax: (+46 8) 247 414 Ms. Pamela Harris Director Environment Quality Division Chemical Risk Management Section Department of the Environment and Heritage GPO Box 787 Canberra, ACT 2601 Australia Tel: (+61 62) 500 795 Fax: (+61 62) 507 554 E-Mail: pamela.harris@ea.gov.au Mr. Michael Dean Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Environment Strategies Section Barton ACT 2600 Australia Tel: (+61 2) 6162 2335 Fax: (+61 2) 6162 2594 E-Mail: michael.dean@dfat.gov.au 4 Ms. Jennifer Meehan First Secretary Australian Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Case Postale 172 1211 Geneve 19 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 799 9110 Fax: (+41 22) 799 9175 E-Mail: jennifer.meehan@dfat.gov.au Dr. Helga Maria Schrott Chemicals Policy Unit Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 A-1010 Vienna Austria Tel: (+43 1) 515 22 2327 Fax: (+43 1) 515 22 7334 E-Mail: helga.schrott@bmu.gv.at Mr. Andrew Barnes Embassy of Australia P.O. Box 7003 103 86 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 613 2903 Fax: (+46 8) 247 414 Mr. Maximilian Hennig Attaché Embassy of Austria 114 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (46 8) 665 1770 Fax: (46 8) 662 6928 AUSTRIA BANGLADESH H.E. Nikolaus Scherk Ambassador Embassy of Austria 114 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (46 8) 665 1770 Fax: (46 8) 662 6928 Hon. Syeda Sajeda Chowdhury Minister Ministry of Environment and Forests Bangladesh Secretariat Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh Tel: (+880 2) 911 8682 Fax: (+880 2) 912 4005 Mr. Manfred Schneider Director International Environmental Affairs Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 A-1010 Vienna Austria Tel: (+43 1) 515 22 1627 Fax: (+43 1) 515 22 7624 E-Mail: Manfred.Schneider_M@bmu.gv.at Dr. Thomas Jakl Director Chemicals Policy Unit Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 A-1010 Vienna Austria Tel: (+43 1) 515 22 2330 Fax: (+43 1) 515 22 7334 E-Mail: thomas.jakl@bmu.gv.at H.E. Monzurul Alam Ambassador Embassy of Bangladesh 171 54 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 730 5850 Fax: (+46 8) 730 5870 E-Mail: doot@win@asy.se Mr. Khondoker Rashidul Huq Rashed Ministry of Environment and Forests Bangladesh Secretariat Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh Tel: (+880 2) 911 2461 Fax: (+880 2) 911 8682/912 4005 5 BELARUS Mr. Igor Mishkorudny Deputy Director Directorate of International Environmental Cooperation Ministry of Foreign Affairs 19 Lenina Str. Minsk 220030 Belarus Tel: (+375 17) 222 2672 Fax: (+375 17) 227 4521/222 673 BELGIUM Mme Magda Aelvoet Ministre Ministère de la Protection de la Consomination, de la Santé publique et de l'environnement B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+ 32 2) 220 2057 Fax: (+32 2) 220 2067 Mme Ines Verleye Conseiller, Cabinet du Ministre Ministère de la Protection de la Consomination, de la Santé publique et de l'environnement B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+ 32 2) 220 2061 Fax: (+32 2) 220 2067 E-Mail: ines.verleye@minsa.fed.be Mr. Fréderic Denauw Inspecteur de l'environnement Ministère des Affaires Sociales B-1010 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+ 32 2) 210 4871 Fax: (+32 2) 210 4884 E-Mail: frederic.denauw@health.fgov.be Ms. Lies van Grimbergen Director Waste Department Public Waste Agency B-2800 Mechelen Belgium Tel: (+ 32 15) 284 310 Fax: (+32 15) 413 072 E-Mail: liese.van.grimbergen@ovam.be Ms. Lise Cloots Department of Environment Ministry of Flemish Region B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+ 32 2) 553 8176 Fax: (+32 2) 553 8165 E-Mail: liese.cloots@lin.vlaanderen.be Mr. Jozef Buys Conseiller Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Direction général de la coopération internationale (DGIS) B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+ 32 2) 519 0711 Fax: (+32 2) 519 0570 E-Mail: jbuys@badc.fgov.be Mr. Christian Vanden Bilcke Conseiller Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Direction de l'environnement et du développement durable B-1000 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+ 32 2) 501 3712 Fax: (+32 2) 501 3703 E-Mail: P60@diplobel.org BENIN S.E.M. Luc-Marie Gnacadja Ministre Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme 01 BP 3621 Cotonou Benin Tel: (+229) 314 129 Fax: (+229) 315 081 E-Mail: mehucab@intnet.bj Mr. Chabi Séké Morakpai Chef de Service à la Direction de l'environnement Ministère de l'Environnement, de l'Habitat et de l'Urbanisme 01 BP 3621 Cotonou Benin Tel: (+229) 315 596 Fax: (+229) 315 081 6 E-Mail: smorakpai@hotmail.com BOLIVIA Ing. Maria Alejandra Galarza Coca Jefe de la Unidad de Prevención y Control Ambiental Dirección General de Impacto, Calidad y Servicios Ambientales Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Planificación Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz 1092 Bolivia Tel: (+591 2) 331 345/311 894 Fax: (+591 2) 331 268 Dr. Antonio Mariaca Embassy of Bolivia Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz 1092 181 34 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 731 5830 Fax: (+46 8) 767 6311 Mr. Biljana Gutic Cabinet of the Minister Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communications Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: (+387 33) 221 073 Fax: (+387 33) 221 074 Mr. Ramiz Mehmedagic Minister Federal Ministry of Physical Planning and Environment 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: (+387 33) 663 548 Fax: (+387 33) 473 124 BOTSWANA Mr. Andrei Millan Embassy of Bolivia Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz 1092 181 34 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 731 5830 Fax: (+46 8) 767 6311 Ms. Florence Molefe Second Secretary Embassy of Botswana Box 26024 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5452 5888 Fax: (+46 8) 723 0087 E-Mail: fmolefe@gov.bw BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA BRAZIL H.E. Svetozar Mihajlovic Minister Ministry of Civil Affairs and Communications Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: (+387 33) 221 073/221 076 Fax: (+387 33) 221 074 H.E. Elim Dutra Ambassador Embassy of Brazil 114 24 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5451 6300 Fax: (+46 8) 5451 6314 E-Mail: stockholm@brasemb.se Prof. Nedo Duric Minister Ministry of Urbanism, Housing, Public Utilities and Ecology 00387 Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina Tel: (+387 51) 215 511 Fax: (+387 51) 215 548 E-Mail: n.djuric@mgr.vladars.net Mr. Julio Sergio de Britto Ministerio de Agricultura a do Abastecimento 70043-900 Brasilia-DF Brazil Tel: (+55 61) 218 2445 Fax: (+55 61) 225 5341 E-Mail: jsbritto@agricultura.gov.br 7 Mr. Nelson Antonio Tabajara de Oliveira Embassy of Brazil 114 24 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5451 6300 Fax: (+46 8) 5451 6314 E-Mail: tabajara@brasemb.se Ms. Sergia Oliveira de Souza Technical Adviser Department of Environmental Quality Ministry of the Environment Esplanada Dos Ministerios Sala 819 70068-900 Brasilia DF Brazil Tel: (+55 61) 317 1373 Fax: (+55 61) 226 8050 E-Mail: sergia.oliveira@mma.gov.br Ms. Maria Luiza Viotti Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations New York NY 10017 United States of America Tel: (+1 212) 832 6868 Fax: (+1 212) 371 5726 BULGARIA H.E. Mrs. Jasmine Popova Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of Bulgaria 114 31 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 723 0938/790 5942 Fax: (+46 8) 214 503 Dr. Katya Todorova Director of International Organizations and Human Rights Directorate Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2, Alexander Zhendov St. 1040 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: (+359 2) 703 494 Fax: (+359 2) 971 2434 E-Mail: human.rights@government.bg Mrs. Silvya Raykova Senior Expert in Coordination of the Regional Inspectorates on Environment and Water Ministry of Environment and Water 67 William Gladstone St. 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: (+359 2) 940 6275 Fax: (+359 2) 981 3384 E-Mail: sraykova@moew.govrn.bg BURKINA FASO S.E.M. Fidèle Hien Ministre Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau BP 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso Tel: (+226) 307 751 Fax: (+226) 332 775 E-Mail: fg.hien@liptinfor.bf M. Désiré Ouedraogo Ingéneiur d'état en chimie industrielle Direction Générale de la Préservation de l'Environnement/MEE 03 BP 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso Tel: (+226) 311 669 /324 089/241 035 Fax: (+226) 316 491/318 134 E-Mail: arouna.ouedraogo@delgi.gov.bf BURUNDI S.E.M. Jean Pcifique Nsengiyumva Ministre Ministére de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environmement BP 631 Bujumbura Burundi Tel: (+257) 224 979/221 649 Fax: (+257) 228 902 E-Mail: inecncfd@cbinf.com 8 M Jerome Karimumuryango Bujumbura Burundi Tel: (+257) 403 032 Fax: (+257) 403 032 CAMBODIA H.E. Mr. Khieu Muth Director General Ministry of Environment #48 Samdech Preah Sihanouk Phnom Penh Cambodia Tel: (+855) 2321 9287/1682 1180(mobile) Fax: (+855) 2321 9287 E-Mail: moe@bigpond.com.kh CANADA Hon. David Anderson Minister of the Environment Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. K1A OH3 Hull, Quebec Canada Tel: (+1 819) 953 1101 Fax: (+1 819) 953 9547 Dr. Barry Stemshorn Assistant Deputy Minister Environmental Protection Service Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. K1A OH3 Hull, Quebec Canada Tel: (+1 819) 997 1575 Fax: (+1 819) 953 9452 E-Mail: Barry.Stemshorn@ec.gc.ca Mr. Ken Macartney Director Environmental Relations Division Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade 125 Sussex Drive K1A 0G2 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Tel: (+1 613) 995 2168 Fax: (+1 613) 995 9525 E-Mail: kenneth.macartney@dfait-maeci.gc.ca Dr. Robert Matheson Acting Director Transboundary Air Issues Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. K1A 0H3 Hull, Quebec Canada Tel: (+1 819) 953 2941 Fax: (+1 819) 994 0549 E-Mail: robert.matheson@ec.gc.ca Dr. David Stone Director Northern Science and Contaminants Research Directorate Department of Indian and Northern Affairs - Canada Les Terrasses de la Chaudière 10 Wellington Street, Room 658 Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H4 Canada Tel: (+1 819) 997 0045 Fax: (+1 819) 953 9066 E-Mail: stoned@inac.gc.ca Dr. Andrew Gilman Director, Office of Sustainable Development Health Canada 2nd Floor Health Protection Building Tunney's Pasture Mail Stop 0702E4 K1A 0K9 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Tel: (+1 613) 957 6423 Fax: (+1 613) 954 4972 E-Mail: andy_gilman@hc-sc.gc.ca Dr. Caroline Caza Senior Environmental Policy Advisor Environment Division Canadian International Development Agency 200 Promenade de Portage K1A 0G4 Hull, Quebec Canada Tel: (+1 819) 953 2183 Fax: (+1 819) 953 5229 E-Mail: caroline_caza@acdi-cida.gc.ca 9 Mr. Yves Le Bouthillier Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade - Canada Environmental Law Section 125 Sussex Drive K1A 0G2 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Tel: (+1 613) 996 3865 Fax: (+1 613) 992 6483 E-Mail: yves.lebouthillier@dfait-maeci.gc.ca Ms. Anne Daniel Senior Counsel Legal Services Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. K1A 0H3 Hull, Quebec Canada Tel: (+1 819) 994 5733 Fax: (+1 819) 953 9110 E-Mail: anne.daniel@ec.gc.ca Dr. John Buccini Consultant, Chair of Inter-governmental Negotiating Committee 31 Sycamore Drive Nepean Ontario K2H 6R4 Canada Tel: (+1 613) 828 7667 E-Mail: jbuccini@sympatico.ca Ms. Sara Björkquist Special Assistant, Minister's Office Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. K1A 0H3 Hull, Quebec Canada Tel: (+1 819) 994 5733 Fax: (+1 819) 953 9110 Ms. Kathryn Sauve Director of International Communications Environment Canada 10 Wellington St K1A 0H3 Hull, Quebec Canada Tel: (+1 819) 994 5733 Fax: (+1 819) 953 9110 Ms. Sheila Watt-Cloutier President Inuit Circumpolar Conference 170 Laurier Ave. W. Suite 504 K1P 5V5 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Tel: (+1 613) 563 2642 Fax: (+1 613) 565 3089 Mr. John Burdek Chairperson Ta'an Kwach'an Council P.O. Box 32081 Y1A 5P9 Whitehorse Yukon Canada Tel: (+1 867) 668 3613 Fax: (+1 867) 667 4295 E-Mail: jburdek@taan.ca H.E. Philippe Kirsch Ambassador Embassy of Canada 103 23 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 453 3000 Fax: (+46 8) 242 491 Ms. Christine Hogan Director, International Policy and Cooperation Environment Canada 351 St. Joseph Blvd. K1A OH3 Ottawa Canada Tel: (+1 819) 997 4046 E-Mail: christine.hogan@ec.gc.ca Ms. Alison LeClaire-Christie Counsellor Embassy of Canada 103 23 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 453 3000 Fax: (+46 8) 242 491 Mr. Stéphane Gingras Great Lakes United 4525 Rue DeRouen Montreal Quebec H1V 1H1 Canada Tel: (+1 514) 396 3333 Fax: (+1 514) 396 0297 10 E-Mail: sgingras@glu.org Ms. Pia Holmberg Embassy of Canada 113 23 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 453 3000 Fax: (+46 8) 242 491 E-Mail: pia.holmberg@dfait-maeci-gc.ca Mr. Gordon llyod Vice-President, Technical Affairs Canadian Chemical Producers' Association 805-350 Sparks Street K1R 7S8 Ottawa Canada Tel: (+1 613) 237 6215 Fax: (+1 613) 237 4061 E-Mail: glloyd@ccpa.ca CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC M Clément Amarou Directeur de Coordination de l'Action Environnementale Ministère de l'Environnement, des Eaux, Forêts, Chasses et Pêches BP 830 Bangui Central African Republic Tel: (+236) 614 110/616 151 Fax: (+236) 615 741 CHAD H.E. Abderahim Yacoub Ndiaye Ambassador Embassy of Chad in the United Kingdom London United Kingdom Mr. Zakaria Hoski Ministère de l'Environnement et de l'Eau BP 447 N'Djamena Chad Tel: (+235) 523 255/523 891 Fax: (+235) 525 233/520 287/525 668 CHILE H.E. Mrs. Adriana Hoffmann Minister Ministry of Environment Santiago Chile Tel: (+56 2) 240 5620 Fax: (+56 2) 244 1282 E-Mail: ahoffmann@conama.cl H.E. Jose Manuel Ovalle Environment Directorate Chilean Foreign Affairs Dirección de Medio Ambiente Catedral 1143 2 Piso Santiago Chile Tel: (+56 2) 679 4384 Fax: (+56 2) 673 2152 Mrs. Nella Marchetti Unidad de Sustancias Quimicas Departamento Descontaminación Planes y Normas Comision Nacional del Medio Ambiente Santiago Chile Tel: (+56 2) 240 5600 Fax: (+56 2) 244 1262 E-Mail: nmarchetti@conama.cl Mr. Andres Landerretche Environment Department Chief Environment Directorate Chilean Foreign Affairs Dirección de Medio Ambiente Catedral 1143 2 Piso Santiago Chile Tel: (+56 2) 679 4384 Fax: (+56 2) 673 2152 E-Mail: dima10@minrel.cl Mr. Alejandro Montesino Chief International Department Livestock and Agriculture Service Santiago Chile Tel: (+56 2) 672 3635 Fax: (+56 2) 671 7419 E-Mail: rii@sag.cl 11 Mr. Jorge Carvajal Second Secretary Embassy of Chile 111 22 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 679 8280 Fax: (+46 8) 679 8540 E-Mail: jorge.carvajal@chileemb.se Mr. Lorenzo Caballero NationalDirector Ministry of Agriculture Santiago Chile Tel: (+56 2) 671 5131 E-Mail: lcaballe@sag.cl CHINA H.E. Zhu Guangyao Vice-Minister State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Mr. Wang Zhijia Director General Department of International Cooperation State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: (+86 10) 6615 1933 Fax: (+86 10) 6615 1762 E-Mail: zhuoz@svr1-pek.unep.net Mr. Yue Ruisheng Director Department of International Cooperation Division of International Organizations State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: (+86 10) 6615 1933 Fax: (+86 10) 6615 1762 Mr. Wen Wurui Director, Administrative Office State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Ms. Ji Wang Director Department of Pollution Control Division of Solid Wastes and Toxic Chemicals State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: (+86 10) 6615 4547 Fax: (+86 10) 6615 1178(62) E-Mail: wangji@public.east.cn.net Mr. Jia Guide Deputy Director Department of International Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2 Chaoyangmen Nandajie Beijing China Mr. Feng Qinghu Department of International Treaty and Law Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2 Chaoyangmen Nandajie Beijing China Mr. Ning Minghui Ministry of Agriculture No. 11 Nongzhanguan Nanli Beijing 100026 China Tel: (+86 10) 6419 2810 E-Mail: mhning@agri.gov.cn Mr. Zhang Wenjun Director of Information Division Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals Ministry of Agriculture Maizidian St. , Chaoyang District Beijing 100026 China Tel: (+86 10) 6419 4091 12 Fax: (+86 10) 6502 5929 E-Mail: jimzhang@agri.gov.cn Prof. Li Chaolin IOM, CAPM 29 Nan Wei Road Beijing China Mr. Sun Shubao The State Economic and Trade Commission 26 Xuanwumen Xidajie Beijing 100053 China Tel: (+86 10) 6319 3482 Fax: (+86 10) 6319 3817 Mr. Gao Yingxin Director Chemical Registration Centre State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) Beiyuan Beijing 100012 China Tel: (+86 10) 8491 5167 Fax: (+86 10) 8491 3897 E-Mail: gaoyx@crc-sepa.org.cn Mr. Zhuo Zhuang Department of International Cooperation State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA) 115 Xizhimennei, Nanxiaojie Beijing 100035 China Tel: (+86 10) 6615 1933 Fax: (+86 10) 6615 1972 COLOMBIA H.E. Francisco Jose Sanclemente Molina Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of Colombia 114 86 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 214 320 Fax: (+46 8) 218 490 Ms. Maria Cristina Cárdenas-Fischer Asesor de la Dirección General de Organismos Multilaterales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Palacio de San Carlos Calle 10 No. 5-51 Bogotá Colombia Tel: (+571) 566 7077 Fax: (+571) 562 5903/566 6444 E-Mail: pmambienc@minrelext.gov.co Srta. Jimena Nieto Carrasco Coordinadora Grupo de Politica y Negociación Internacional del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Bogotá Colombia Tel: (+571) 288 9860/332 3400 ext 129 Fax: (+571) 288 6954 E-Mail: jnieto@minambiente.gov.co Ms. Gloria Cecilio Rodriguez V. Minister Plenipotentiary Embassy of Colombia 114 86 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 214 320 Fax: (+46 8) 218 490 Mr. Victor Echeverri Second Secretary Embassy of Colombia 114 86 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 214 320 Fax: (+46 8) 218 490 E-Mail: emsuecia@ebox.tninet.se COMOROS M Aboubacar Ben Allaoui Ministère des Affaires Etrangeres et de la Cooperation BP 428 - 289 Moroni Comoros Tel: (+269) 736 357/736 263 Fax: (+269) 733 006 E-Mail: ppsa@snpt.km OR decvas@snpt.km 13 CONGO M Michel Kouka-Mapengo Conseiller Juridique du Ministre de l'Industrie Minière et de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement BP 14634 Brazzaville Congo Tel: (+242) 810 291 Fax: (+242) 810 330/812 920 CÔTE D'IVOIRE S.E.M. Gilbert Lainé Bleu Ministre Ministère de l'Environnement et du Cadre de Vie 20 BP 650 Abidjan 20 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: (+225) 2022 6135 Fax: (+225) 2022 2050 M Dakouri Raphael Zadi Juriste, Point Focal des POPs et Coordinateur du Projet PCB Direction de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Forêt 20 BP 650 Abidjan 20 Côte d'Ivoire Tel: (+225) 2021 6026 Fax: (+225) 2021 0495 E-Mail: Zadi.Dakouri@aviso.ci H.E. Branko Caratan Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Croatia 111 45 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 678 4220 Fax: (+46 8) 678 8320 Mrs. Vesna Vesugaj First Secretary Embassy of the Republic of Croatia 111 45 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 678 4220 Fax: (+46 8) 678 8320 Ms. Darka Hamel Head of Export and Quarantine Department Institute for Plant Protection in Agriculture and Forestry of Republic Croatia Svetosimunska 25 HR-10 040 Zagreb Croatia Tel: (+385 1) 234 6043 Fax: (+385 1) 234 6043 E-Mail: zavod-zas.bilja@zg.hinet.hr Ms. Gordana Ruklic Senior Adviser for International Co-operation Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning 10000 Zagreb Croatia Tel: (+385 1) 3782 444 Fax: (+385 1) 3772 822 E-Mail: gordana.ruklic@zg.tel.hr CROATIA CUBA H.E. Bozo Kovacevic Minister Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning Zagreb Croatia Tel: (+385 1) 3782 444 Fax: (+385 1) 3772 822 E-Mail: kabinet@mzopu.hr Dr. Orlando Rey Santos Director Dirección de Politica Ambiental Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Medio Ambiente Havana Cuba Tel: (+53 7) 670 598 Fax: (+53 7) 670 615 E-Mail: orlando@ceniai.inf.cu 14 Fax: (+420 2) 6731 0013 E-Mail: blaha_karel@env.cz H.E. Ms. Marianela Ferriol Ambassador Embassy of Cuba 182 73 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5458 3266 Fax: (+46 8) 5458 3270 Ms. Alba Beatriz Soto Second Secretary Embassy of Cuba 182 73 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5458 3266 Fax: (+46 8) 5458 3270 CZECH REPUBLIC H.E. Milos Kuzvart Minister Ministry of the Environment Vrsovická 65 100 10 Prague 10 Czech Republic Tel: (+420 2) 6712 2710 Fax: (+420 2) 6731 0200 H.E. Mrs. Martina Motolová Deputy Minister and Director General of the International Relations Section Ministry of the Environment Vrsovická 65 100 10 Prague 10 Czech Republic Tel: (+420 2) 6712 2916 Fax: (+420 2) 6731 0307 H.E. Tomas Husak Ambassador Embassy of Czech Republic 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 440 4225 Fax: (+46 8) 440 4211 Mr. Karel Bláha Director of Environmental Risks Department Ministry of the Environment Vrsovická 65 100 10 Prague 10 Czech Republic Tel: (+420 2) 6712 2532 Mr. Ivan Holoubek Professor of the Masaryk University Brno Ministry of the Environment Vrsovická 65 100 10 Prague 10 Czech Republic Tel: (+420 2) 6712 2735 Fax: (+420 2) 6731 9149 DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA Mr. Chun Yong Choe Embassy of Democratic People's Republic of Korea 181 31 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 767 3836 Fax: (+46 8) 767 3835 Mr. Tong Sop Ri Embassy of Democratic People's Republic of Korea 181 31 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 767 3836 Fax: (+46 8) 767 3835 DENMARK H.E. Svend Auken Minister Ministry of Environment and Energy Hojbro Plads 4 DK-1200 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel: (+45) 3392 7490 Fax: (+45) 3392 7078 E-Mail: minister@mem.dk Mr. Per Nylokke Head of International Department Ministry of Environment and Energy Hojbro Plads 4 DK-1200 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel: (+45) 3392 7648 Fax: (+45) 3392 7078 E-Mail: pny@mem.dk 15 Mr. Mikkel Aaman Sorensen Special Advisor Danish Environmental Protection Agency Strandgade 29 DK-1401 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel: (+45) 3266 0505 Fax: (+45) 3266 0369 E-Mail: mas@mst_dk Mr. Bruno Bros Counsellor Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Belgium 1180 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+ 32 2) 346 4935 Fax: (+32 2) 346 5152 E-Mail: Embajadombelgica@euronet.be OR Bbros@pandora.be DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECUADOR Sr. Frank Moya Pons Secretarío de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Edificio la Cumbre, piso 10 Naco. Avenida Tiradentes Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: (+ 1 809) 567 4300 Fax: (+1 809) 540 2667 E-Mail: olga-luciano@codetel.net.do H.E. Diego Stacey Ambassador Embassy of Ecuador 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 679 6043 Fax: (+46 8) 611 5593 Sr. Julián de la Rosa Embajador Encargado de Asuntos Cientificos y Tecnológicos de la Secretaria de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores Dominican Republic Tel: (+1 809) 353 6377 Fax: (+1 809) 535 6653 E-Mail: j.delarosa@codetel.net.do H.E. Mrs. Abigaíl Mejía-Ricart Ambassador Embassy of the Dominican Republic 114 85 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+ 46 8) 667 4611/667 5105 Fax: (+46 8) 667 4611 E-Mail: stockholm@domant.se Mr. Cesar E. Lopez Secretaría de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Edificio de Oficinas Gubernamentales, Edificio B, 1o piso Avda. México, Esq. Dr. Delgado Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Tel: (+ 1 809) 567 4300 Fax: (+1 809) 540 2667 Mrs. Miriam Orbea Ingeniero Quimico Especialista en Operación del Medio Ambiente Jefe, Calidad Ambiental del Ministerio del Ambiente Av. Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas Edificio MAG, Piso 8 Quito Ecuador Tel: (+593 2) 563 492 Fax: (+593 2) 565 809 E-Mail: morbea@ambiente.gov.ec Mr. Luis Vayas Embassy of Ecuador 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 679 6043 Fax: (+46 8) 611 5593 E-Mail: suecia@embajada-ecuador.se EGYPT Mr. Farid Mohamed Monib Charge d'Affaires Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt 104 40 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 662 9687 Fax: (+46 8) 661 2664 16 Mr. Ahmed Ihab Gamaleldin First Secretary Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the United Nations New York NY 10021 United States of America Mr. Maher El-Adawy Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt 104 40 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 662 9687 Fax: (+46 8) 661 2664 EL SALVADOR H.E. Byron Fernando Larios Lopez Ambassador Embassy of El Salvador 114 54 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 765 8621 Fax: (+46 8) 765 8621 E-Mail: ambassad.elsalvador@telia.com Sr. Roberto A. Rivas Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Alameda Roosevelt y 55 Ave. Norte Edificio Torre El Salvador 5o nivel San Salvador El Salvador, C.A. Tel: (+503) 260 8900 Fax: (+503) 260 0720 E-Mail: rivasr@marn.gob.sv H.E. Peter Stenlund Ambassador Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 176 Laivastokatu 22 00161 Helsinki Finland Tel: (+358 9) 1341 6174 Fax: (+358 9) 1341 6120 E-Mail: peter.stenlund@formin.fi Mr. Per-Mikael Engberg Embassy of Finland Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 676 6700 Fax: (+46 8) 207 497 Pasi Tuominen Embassy of Finland Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 676 6700 Fax: (+46 8) 207 497 Ms. Pirkko Kivelä-Ikonen Consulting Counsellor Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 380 FIN-00131 Helsinki Finland Tel: (+358 9) 1991 9733 Fax: (+358 9) 1991 9630 E-Mail: Pirkko.Kivela-Ikonen@vyh.fi FRANCE FINLAND H.E. Mr. Kari Karanko Director, Ambassador Ministry for Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 176 FIN-00161 Helsinki Finland Tel: (+358 9) 1341 5590 Fax: (+358 9) 1341 6055 E-Mail: kari.karanko@formin.fi S.E.M. Philippe Zeller Ambassdor for Environment 23 Rue la Perouse 75116 Paris CEDEX 16 France Tel: (+33 6) 1530 6541 Mr. Francis Combrouze European and International Affairs Ministry for Land Use Planning and Environment 20, Avenue de Ségur 75302 Paris 07 SP France Tel: (+33 1) 4219 1512 Fax: (+33 1) 4219 1464 17 E-Mail: francis.combrouze@environnement.gouv.fr M. Sylvain Bintein Ministère de l'aménagement du térritoire et de l'environnement Direction de la prévention des pollutions et des risques 20 avenue de Segur 75302 Paris 07 SP France Tel: (+33 1) 4219 1542 Fax: (+33 1) 4219 1468 E-Mail: sylvain.bintein@environnement.gouv.fr GAMBIA Mrs. Fatoumata Jallow Ndoye Coordinator of Technical Services Network National Environment Agency 5 Fitzgerald Street PMB 48 Banjul Gambia Tel: (+220) 223 206/ 228 056 Fax: (+220) 229 701 E-Mail: nea@gamtel.gm OR fjndoye@qanet.gm GEORGIA H.E. Ms. Nino Chokhobadze Minister Ministry of Environment 68a Kostava St. 380015 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: (+995 32) 230 664 Fax: (+995 32) 983 425 E-Mail: gmep@caucasus.net Ms. Msia Gvilava Leader of Regulatory Framework Group Ministry of Environment 68a Kostava St. 380015 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: (+995 32) 333 952/335 514 Fax: (+995 32) 942 808/ 333 952 E-Mail: m.gvilava@gridtb.org GERMANY H.E. Jürgen Trittin Minister Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Alexanderplatz 6 D-10178 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49) 1888 305 2006 Fax: (+49) 1888 305 2046 H.E. Klaus Hellmuth Ackermann Ambassador Embassy of Germany 115 93 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 6701 536 Fax: (+46 8) 6701 572 E-Mail: info@german-embassy.se Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schlottmann Head of Division Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) P.O. Box 12 06 29 D-53048 Bonn Germany Tel: (+49 228) 1888 305 2740 Fax: (+49 228) 1888 305 3524 E-Mail: schlottmann.ulrich@bmu.de Mr. Rainer Schmiedchen Assistant Head of Division Federal Foreign Office Werderscher Markt 1 D-10117 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49) 1888 17 2729 Fax: (+49) 1888 17 2729 E-Mail: 408-2@auswaertiges-amt.de Dr. Thomas Schmidt First Secretary Embassy of Germany 115 93 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 6701 536 Fax: (+46 8) 6701 572 E-Mail: info@german-embassy.se 18 Mr. Michael Schroeren Head of Division Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Alexanderplatz 6 D-10178 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49 30) 1888 305 2010 Fax: (+49 30) 1888 305 2016 E-Mail: schroeren.michael@bmu.de Mr. Volker Quarg Executive Officer Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) P.O. Box 12 06 29 D-53048 Bonn Germany Tel: (+49 228) 305 2742 Fax: (+49 228) 305 3524 E-Mail: quarg.volker@bmu.de Mr. Christian Lindemann Head of Division International Legal Affairs Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Alexanderplatz 6 D-10178 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49 30) 305 2310 Fax: (+49 30) 305 3338 E-Mail: lindemann.christian@bmu.de Dr. Reiner Arndt Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (FIOSH) P.O. Box 17 02 02 D-44061 Dortmund Germany Tel: (+49 231) 907 1279 Fax: (+49 231) 907 1611 E-Mail: arndt.reiner@bova.bund.de Mr. Mirco Kreibich Assistant Head of Division Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety P.O. Box 12 06 29 D-53048 Bonn Germany Tel: (+49 228) 305 2705 Fax: (+49 228) 10 305 2744 E-Mail: kreibich.mirco@bmu.de Dr. Klaus Steinhaeuser Deputy Director General Federal Environmental Agency Postfach 33 00 22 D-14191 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49 30) 8903 3200 Fax: (+49 30) 8903 3900 E-Mail: klaus-g.steinhaeuser@uba.de GHANA Ms. Ule Baumgartel Private Secretary for the Minister Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) P.O. Box 12 06 29 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49 30) 1888 3050 Fax: (+49 30) 1888 3527 Hon. Prof Dominic K. Fobih Minister Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology P.O. Box M 232 Accra Ghana Tel: (+233 21) 662 626 Fax: (+233 21) 666 828 E-Mail: dfobih@ghana.com Dr. Karl-Heinz Pieper Assistant Head of Division Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology Scharnhorstrasse 34 - 37 D-10115 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49 30) 2014 7442 Fax: (+49 30) 2014 5426 E-Mail: khpieper@bmwi.bund.de Mr. Samuel Adu-Kumi Senior Programme Officer/UNEP POPs Focal Point Chemicals Control and Management Centre Environmental Protection Agency P.O. Box MB 326 Accra Ghana Tel: (+233 21) 664 697-8 Fax: (+233 21) 662 690/667 374 19 E-Mail: adukumisam@yahoo.com OR samadukumi@hotmail.com GREECE GUINEA Mr. Christos Salamanis Chargé de Affaires Embassy of Greece Riddargatan 60 104 51 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 545 6022 Fax: (+46 8) 660 5470 E-Mail: greembstockholm@telenordia.se Mme Idiatou Camara Directrice Nationale de l'Environnement Ministère des Mines, de la Géologie et de l'Environnement BP 295 Conakry Guinea Tel: (+224) 214 495/451 589 Fax: (+224) 414 913/451 589 Mr. Christos Sofianopoulos Embassy of Greece Riddargatan 60 104 51 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5456 6026 Fax: (+46 8) 6605 5470 Mr. Andreas Cambitsis Minister-Counsellor, Expert in Environmental Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Greece GUATEMALA H.E. Miguel Angel Velasco Bitzol Ambassador Embassy of Guatemala 115 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 660 5229 Fax: (+46 8) 660 4229 Mr. Claudio Martinez Soazo Embassy of Guatemala 115 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 660 5229 Fax: (+46 8) 660 4229 HAITI S.E.M. Webster Pierre Ministre Ministère de l'Environnement Haut Turgeau Port-au-Prince Haiti Tel: (+509 1) 245 7572-7585 Fax: (+509 1) 245 7360 Dr. Wilfrid Joseph Ministère de l'Environnement Haut Turgeau Port-au-Prince Haiti Tel: (+509 1) 245 7572-7585 Fax: (+509 1) 245 7360 HONDURAS Mr. Miguel Angel Arévalo Casco Director General de Evaluación y Control Ambiental Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente Tegucigalpa Honduras Tel: (+504) 238 4685/237 5667 Fax: (+504) 232 6250 E-Mail: deca@sdnhon.org.hn Mr. Jorge Gálvez Paz Charge d'Affaires Embassy of the Republic of Honduras 181 34 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 731 5084 Fax: (+46 8) 636 9983 E-Mail: embahon@telia.com 20 HUNGARY H.E. Dr. Béla Turi-Kovacs Minister Ministry for Environment P.O. Box 351 H-1394 Budapest Hungary Tel: (+36 1) 457 3300 Dr. Nándor Vass Deputy State Secretary Ministry for Environment P.O. Box 351 H-1394 Budapest Hungary Tel: (+36 1) 457 3300 Fax: (+36 1) 201 3056 H.E. László Szoke Ambassador Embassy of Hungary Dag Hammarskiolds vag 10 Box 24125 104 51 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 661 6762 Fax: (+46 8) 660 2959 Mr. Robert Rakics Head of Department Department for Integrated Pollution Control Ministry for Environment P.O. Box 351 H-1394 Budapest Hungary Tel: (+36 1) 201 2325 Fax: (+36 1) 201 3056 Mr. Gábor Attila Kovacs Department for Integrated Pollution Control Ministry for Environment P.O. Box 351 H-1394 Budapest Hungary Tel: (+36 1) 457 3434 Fax: (+36 1) 201 3056 E-Mail: kovacsg@mail.ktm.hu Mr. A'rpa'd Ro'nay First Secretary Embassy of Hungary Dag Hammarskiolds vag 10 Box 24125 104 51 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 661 6762 Fax: (+46 8) 660 2959 E-Mail: secretariat@huembsto.se ICELAND H.E. Ms. Siv Fridleifsdottir Minister Ministry for the Environment IS-150 Reykjavik Iceland Tel: (+354 1) 560 9600 Fax: (+354 1) 562 4566 E-Mail: siv.fridleifsdottir@umh.stjr.is Mr. Magnus Johannesson Secretary General Ministry for the Environment IS-150 Reykjavik Iceland Tel: (+354 1) 560 9600 Fax: (+354 1) 562 4566 E-Mail: magnus.johannesson@umh.stjr.is Dr. Halldor Thorgeirsson Director, Office of Sustainable Development and International Affairs Ministry for the Environment IS-150 Reykjavik Iceland Tel: (+354 1) 560 9600 Fax: (+354 1) 562 4566 E-Mail: halldor.thorgeirsson@umh.stjr.is INDIA Hon. T.R. Baalu Minister Ministry of Environment and Forests Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O Complex Lodi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: (+91 11) 436 1760 21 Fax: (+91 11) 436 1760 H.E. Ms. Chitra Narayanan Ambassador Embassy of India Adolf Fredriks Kyrkogata 12 Box 1340 111 83 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 107 008/411 3212-13 Fax: (+46 8) 248 524/248 505 E-Mail: information@indianembassy.se Dr. V. Rajagopalan Joint Secretary Ministry of Environment and Forests Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O Complex Lodi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: (+91 11) 436 1760 Fax: (+91 11) 436 1760 E-Mail: raja-g@mail.nic.in H.E. Tupuk Sutrisno Head of Mission Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 48868 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 714 196-8 Fax: (+254 2) 713 475 Mr. Harbangan Napitupulu Minister Counsellor Embassy of Indonesia 112 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 650 4470 Fax: (+46 8) 650 8750 E-Mail: kabidekon@indonesiskaambassaden.se Mr. R.K. Sachdeva Counsellor Embassy of India Adolf Fredriks Kyrkogata 12 Box 1340 111 83 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 107 008/411 3213 Fax: (+46 8) 248 505/248 524 E-Mail: information@indianembassy.se Mr. Dasrul Chaniago Head of Sub-Directorate, Hazardous Substance Management Hazardous Waste and Substance Management Dírectorate Environmental Impact Management Agency Jalan D.I. Panjaitan Kebun Nanas Jakarta 13410 Indonesia Tel: (+62 21) 8590 4932 Fax: (+62 21) 8590 4932 E-Mail: dasrulch@yahoo.com Mr. S. Velumani Private Secretary to the Hon. Minister Ministry of Environment and Forests Paryavaran Bhawan, C.G.O Complex Lodi Road New Delhi 110003 India Tel: (+91 11) 436 1760 Fax: (+91 11) 436 1760 Mr. Kemal Haripurwanto First Secretary Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 48868 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 714 196-8 Fax: (+254 2) 713 475 INDONESIA H.E. Tjahjono Ambassador Embassy of Indonesia 112 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 650 4470 Fax: (+46 8) 650 8750 Mr. Arief H. Mertopuro Third Secretary Embassy of Indonesia 112 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 650 4470 Fax: (+46 8) 650 8750 22 Ngurah Swajaya First Secretary Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations 325 East, 38th Street New York NY 10016 United States of America Tel: (+1 212) 972 8333 Fax: (+1 212) 972 9780 E-Mail: swajaya@hotmail.com Mr. Taghi Ebadi Director General for Analysis of Soil and Water Pollution Department of the Environment Environmental Research Centre Pardisan Nature Park Shahid Hemat Highway Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: (+98 21) 826 7992 Fax: (+98 21) 826 4003 E-Mail: tebadi@yahoo.com IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) Hon. Mme. Masoumeh Ebtekar Vice President and Head of the Environment Organization Environmental Research Centre Pardisan Nature Park Shahid Hemat Highway Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: (+98 21) 826 7992 Fax: (+98 21) 826 4003 Mr. Mohammad-Reza Alborzi Director General for International Political Affairs International Political Affairs Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: (+98 21) 311 6533 Fax: (+98 21) 670 4176 Mr. Ali Abolhasani Secretary of the National Authority for Chemical Conventions Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel: (+98 21) 671 6900 Fax: (+98 21) 390 0094 Mr. Yousef Hojjat Deputy Head of the Environment Organizations Tehran Iran (Islamic Republic of) Mr. Mohammad Salamat Counsellor Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations New York, NY 10017 United States of America Tel: (+1 212) 687 2020 (ext. 217) Fax: (+1 212) 867 7086 H.E. Mohmoud Bayat Ambassador Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran 181 06 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 765 0819 Fax: (+46 8) 765 3119 Mr. Ahmad Reza Daneshkhou Counsellor Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran 181 06 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 767 8290 Fax: (+46 8) 765 3119 E-Mail: ardanenskhou@hotmail.com IRELAND Ms. Sonja Hyland Charge d'Affaires Embassy of Ireland Box 10326 100 55 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 661 8005 Fax: (+46 8) 660 1353 E-Mail: sonja.hyland@iveagh.irigov.ie 23 ITALY H.E. Alessandro Quaroni Ambassador Embassy of Italy 115 21 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 24 58 06 Fax: (+46 8) 660 05 05 E-Mail: itemb@itemb.se Dr. Paolo Ducci Ministry for Foreign Affairs 00195 Rome Italy Tel: (+39 06) 3691 5991 Fax: (+39 06) 3691 3660 E-Mail: ducci@esteri.it Mr. Giorgio Subini Coordinating Officer Ministry of Environment Via Cristoforo Colombo 44 00147 Rome Italy Tel: (+39 06) 5722 5344 Fax: (+39 06) 5722 5370 E-Mail: subini.giorgio@minambiente.it Dr. Alessandra dal Verme Ministry of Treasury - RGS-IGAE Via Settembre 97 00187 Rome Italy Tel: (+39 06) 4761 3587 E-Mail: immacolata.dambrosio@tesoro.it Dr. Alfredo Guillet Ministry of Foreign Affairs 00196 Rome Italy Tel: (+39 06) 3691 5005 Fax: (+39 06) 322 586 E-Mail: guillet@esteri.it Mr. Carlo Paoletti Expert Ministry of Foreign Affairs 00196 Rome Italy Tel: (+39 06) 3264 8527 Dr. Monica Capasso Department of Prevention Ministry of Health Via Della Sierra Nevada 60 00144 Rome Italy Tel: (+39 06) 5994 4209 Fax: (+39 06) 5994 4249 E-Mail: m.capaso@sanita.it JAMAICA Hon. Seymour Mullings Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Land and Environment Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry of Land and Environment 1 Devon Road P.O. Box 272 Kingston 6 Jamaica Tel: (+1 876) 960 8744 Fax: (+1 876) 968 4351 Dr. Mearle Barrett Deputy Executive Director Environmental Management National Environment and Planning Agency/Natural Resources Conservation Authority 10 Caledonia Avenue Kingston 5 Jamaica Tel: (+1 876) 754 7557/754 7550-5 Fax: (+1 876) 754 7599 E-Mail: mbarrett@nrca.org JAPAN H.E. Tomio Uchida Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of Japan Gardesgatan 10 115 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 0440 Fax: (+46 8) 661 8820 24 Mr. Ryuichi Shoji Minister Embassy of Japan Gardesgatan 10 115 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 0440 Fax: (+46 8) 661 8820 Mr. Daiji Takeuchi Counsellor Embassy of Japan Gardesgatan 10 115 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 0440 Fax: (+46 8) 661 8820 Mr. Masatoshi Sato Assistant Director Multilateral Cooperation Department, Foreign Policy Bureau Global Environment Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 Japan Tel: (+81 3) 3581 3882 Fax: (+81 3) 3592 0364 E-Mail: masatoshi.sato@mofa.go.jp Mr. Shinichi Kurita Official, Global Environment Division, Foreign Policy Bureau Multilateral Cooperation Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8919 Japan Tel: (+81 3) 3581 3882 Fax: (+81 3) 3592 0364 Mr. Hiroyuki Eguchi First Secretary Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva 3 Chemin des Fins 1218 Grand-Saconnex Geneva Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 717 3111 Fax: (+41 22) 788 3811 E-Mail: hiroyuki.eguchi-2@mofa.go.jp Mr. Teruyoshi Hayamizu Director, Chemicals Evaluation Office Environmental Health Department Ministry of the Environment 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8975 Japan Tel: (+81 3) 5521 8253 Fax: (+81 3) 3581 3370 E-Mail: teruyoshi_hayamizu@env.go.jp Mr. Takehiko Yokoyama Technical Officer, Agricultural Chemicals Administration Office Agricultural Materials Division, Agricultural Production Bureau Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8950 Japan Tel: (+81 3) 3502 0124 Fax: (+81 3) 3502 5302 E-Mail: takehiko_yokoyama@nm.maff.go.jp Mr. Tetsuaki Nonaka Director Manufacturing Industries Bureau Chemical Safety Office Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8901 Japan Tel: (+81 3) 3501 0605 Fax: (+81 3) 3501 2084 E-Mail: nonaka-tetsuaki@meti.go.jp JORDAN Mr. Ahmed Khattab Director Water Protection Directorate General Corporation for the Environmental Protection P.O. Box 540841 Amman 11937 Jordan Tel: (+962 6) 535 0149 Fax: (+962 6) 535 0084 25 KAZAKHSTAN KUWAIT H.E. Andar Shukputov Minister Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection 1, Satpayev St. 475000 Kokshetau City Kazakhstan Tel: (+7 31622) 54 265 Fax: (+7 31622) 50 661 Mr. Faisal Al-Sabah Chargé d'Affaires Embassy of the State of Kuwait Banérgatan 37 Box 100 30 100 55 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 450 9980 Fax: (+46 8) 450 9955 KENYA Hon. Francis M. Nyenze Minister Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 67839 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 716 103 Fax: (+254 2) 248 851 H.E. Kipkoril Michael Koech Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Kenya to the United Nations Environment Programme P.O. Box 67839 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 221 055 Fax: (+254 2) 228 851 H.E. Michael Sergon Ambassador Embassy of Kenya 103 95 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 218 300 Fax: (+46 8) 209 261 E-Mail: Kenya.Embassy@telia.com Mr. Francis Njuguna Kihumba Assistant Director National Environment Secretariat Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources P.O. Box 67839 00100 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 243 088 Fax: (+254 2) 248 851 Mr. Hamad Sanad Al-Matar Chief, Work Environment Environment Public Authority P.O. Box 24395 Safat Kuwait Tel: (+965) 482 1275 Fax: (+965) 532 0787 E-Mail: almata59@hotmail.com Mrs. Najat Al-Kindari Head of Indoor Environment Section Industrial Environment Department Environment Public Authority P.O. Box 24395 Safat Kuwait Tel: (+965) 482 1279/482 1285 Ext.204 Fax: (+965) 482 1279/482 1724 E-Mail: najat@epa.org.kw LATVIA Mr. Rolands Bebris Director of the Department of Environmental Protection Ministry of Environmental protection and Regional Development 25 Peldu Str., LV-1494, Riga Latvia Tel: (+371) 702 6501/702 6506 Fax: (+371) 782 0442 26 Ms. Ingrida Apene Senior Desk Officer Department of Environmental Protection Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development 25 Peldu Str., LV-1494, Riga Latvia Tel: (+371) 702 6508 Fax: (+371) 782 0442 E-Mail: erna@varam.gov.lv Mr. Alfred L. Brownell Deputy Executive Director for Legal Affairs, Treaties and Protocols National Environmental Commission c/o UNDP Monrovia Monrovia Liberia Tel: (+231) 227 368/227 297/226 399 Fax: (+231) 226 104/226 210 E-Mail: alfredbrownell@yahoo.com Mr. Andris Razans First Secretary Embassy of Latvia 191 67 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 700 6300 Fax: (+46 8) 140 151 LIECHTENSTEIN LEBANON H.E. Mounir Talhouk Ambassador Embassy of Lebanon Box 5630 100 55 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 665 7866 Fax: (+46 8) 662 6824 LIBERIA H.E. Roland C. Massaquoi Minister of Agriculture and Chairman of National Environmental Commission Ministry of Agriculture c/o UNDP Monrovia Monrovia Liberia Tel: (+231) 227 368/227 297/226 915 Fax: (+231) 226 104/226 210 E-Mail: rolandmassaquoi@yahoo.com M Felix Naescher Directeur de l'Office pour la forêt, la nature et le paysage St. Florinsgasse 3 9490 Vaduz Liechtenstein Tel: (+423) 236 6401 Fax: (+423) 236 6411 E-Mail: Felix.Naescher@awnl.llv.li LUXEMBOURG M. Eugène Berger Secrétaire d'Etat à l'environnement Luxembourg Tel: (+352) 478 6806 M. Claude Franck Conseiller de Direction l'classe Ministère de l'environnement Luxembourg Tel: (+352) 478 6824 Fax: (+352) 400 410 E-Mail: ministere-environnement@me MALAYSIA Dr. Zulkifi bin Idris Director Conservation and Environmental Management Division Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment 14th floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50662 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 27 Fax: (+60 3) 2963 1480 E-Mail: drzul@mastic.gov.my Mr. Letchumanan Ramatha Principal Assistant Director Conservation and Environmental Management Division Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment 14th floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50662 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Fax: (+60 3) 2963 1480 Mr. Vellayutham Pachaimuthu Department of Environment Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment 13th floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50662 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Fax: (+60 3) 2963 1480 E-Mail: vella@jas.sains.my Prof. Mohamed Isa Abd. Majid University Sains Malaysia 11800 Penang Malaysia Tel: (+60 4) 657 0099 Fax: (+60 4) 656 8417 E-Mail: isa@prn.usm.my MALI M. Makan Fily Dabo Conseiller Technique Ministère de l'Equipement, de l'Aménagement du Territoire de l'Environnement et de l'Urbanisme BP 78 Bamako Mali Tel: (+223) 222 901/223 380 Fax: (+223) 223 434/ 236 822 E-Mail: urbaprojet@urbanisme.gov.ml MALTA H.E. Francis Zammit Dimech Minister for Environment Ministry for the Environment CMR02 Floriana Malta Tel: (+356) 248 758 Fax: (+356) 243 306 Mr. Paul Mifsud Permanent Secretary Ministry for the Environment CMR 01 Floriana Malta Tel: (+356) 241 644 Fax: (+356) 250 335 Mr. Stephen Borg Counsellor Embassy of Malta Skeppargatan 8 114 52 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 6970 Fax: (+46 8) 528 005 76 Mr. Joseph Farrugia Private Secretary Ministry for the Environment CMR01 Floriana Malta Tel: (+356) 248 758 Fax: (+356) 243 306 MAURITANIA M Hamoud Ould Sid' Ahmed Conseiller Juridique Direction de l'environnement et de l'aménagement rural BP 170 Nouakchott Mauritania Tel: (+222) 290 115 Fax: (+222) 250 741 E-Mail: hosa65@hotmail.com 28 Fax: (+46 8) 663 2420 E-Mail: embamex@algonet.se MAURITIUS MONACO Mr. Oomaduth Jadoo Ministry of Environment Ken Lee Tower, Barracks Street Port Louis Mauritius Tel: (+230) 212 7175 Fax: (+230) 212 9407 E-Mail: equal@bow.intnet.mu H.E. Bernard Fautrier Ministre, Chargé de la Cooperation Internationale pour l'Environnement et le Développement Villa Girasole, 16 bd de Suisse Principauté de Monaco Monaco Tel: (+377) 9313 8333 Fax: (+377) 9313 8888 E-Mail: bfautrier@gouv.mc MEXICO Sr. Raul Enrique Arriaga Becerra Subsecrretaria de Recursos Naturales Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Boulevard Adolfo Ruiz Cortines No 4209 Colonia Jardines de la Montaña CP 14210 Mexico, D.F. Mexico Tel: (+525) 628 0600 Fax: (+525) 628 0624 E-Mail: rarriaga@semarnat.gob.mx H.E. Jorge Castro-Valle Kuehne Ambassador Embassy of Mexico Grevgatan 3 114 53 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 5170 Fax: (+46 8) 663 2420 E-Mail: embamex@algonet.se Sr. Alberto I. Glender Rivas Director General de Asuntos Multilaterales Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Boulevard Adolfo Ruiz Cortines No 4209 Colonia Jardines de la Montaña CP 14210 Mexic, D.F. Mexico Tel: (+525) 628 0600 Fax: (+525) 628 0624 E-Mail: aglender@semarnat.gob.mx Sra. Claudia Keller Lapayre Embassy of Mexico 114 53 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 5170 M Wilfrid Deri Cooperation Internationale pour l'Environnement et le Développement Villa Girasole, 16 bd de Suisse Principauté de Monaco Monaco Tel: (+377) 9315 2122 Fax: (+377) 93350 9391 E-Mail: wderi@gouv.mc MONGOLIA Mr. Sharav Dagva Deputy Director Policy Implementation and Coordinating Department Ministry of Nature and Environment Mongolia Tel: (+976 11) 311 379(o)/683 635 (h) Fax: (+976 11) 321 401 E-Mail: Dagva@env.pmis.gov.mn OR Dagvas@yahoo.com MOROCCO S.E.Mme. Farida Jaidi Ambassadeur Embassy of Morocco Kungsholmstorg 16 112 21Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5455 1130 Fax: (+46 8) 5455 1139 29 Mlle. Bouchra Dahri Ingénieur d'Etat au Département de l'Environnement Ministère de l'Amenagement du Territoire, de l'Urbanisme, de l'Habitat et de l'Environnement 36, Avenue Al Abtal Agdal - Rabat Morocco Tel: (+212 7) 3768 1500 Fax: (+212 7) 3777 0875 Mlle. Mina Makroumi Administrateur Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération Rabat Morocco Tel: (+212 7) 3766 0058 NETHERLANDS H.E. Jan Pronk Minister Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment P O Box 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 339 4174 Fax: (+31 70) 339 1306 H.E. Rudolf Bekink Ambassador Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Gotgatan 16a Box 15048 104 65 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 24 71 80 MOZAMBIQUE Hon. Francisco Mabjaia Deputy Minister Ministry for Co-ordination of Environmental Affairs Rua de Kassuende 167 C.P.: 2020 Maputo Mozambique Tel: (+258 1) 465 843/466 246/465 851/492 109 Fax: (+258 1) 466 020/465 849 Mr. Felicio Fernando Head of the Department of Environmental Quality National Directorate for Environmental Impact Assessment Ministry for Co-ordination of Environmental Affairs Av. Acordos de Lusaka, 2115 C.P.: 2020 Maputo Mozambique Tel: (+258 1) 465 843/466 246/465 851 Fax: (+258 1) 466 020/465 849 E-Mail: dngrn@zebra.uem.mz Mr. Yvo de Boer Director for International Environmental Affairs International Affairs Department Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment P O Box 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 339 4174 Fax: (+31 70) 339 1306 Mr. Hubert Menalda van Schouwenburg Directorate for International Environmental Affairs Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment P O Box 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 339 4714 Fax: (+31 70) 339 1306 E-Mail: hubert.mvs@minvrom.nl 30 Mr. Karel A. Gijsbertsen Directorate-General for Environmental Protection Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment P.O. Box 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 339 4744 Fax: (+31 70) 339 1297 E-Mail: karel.gijsbertsen@minvrom.nl Mr. Jan-Karel Kwisthout Policy Coordinator Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment P O Box 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 339 4726 Fax: (+31 70) 339 1297 E-Mail: jankarel.kwisthout@minvrom.nl Ms. Babette Gräber Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment P O Box 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 339 3939 Ms. Elize de Kock Personal Assistant to the Minister Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment P O Box 30945 2500 GX The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 70) 339 3939 NEW ZEALAND H.E. Christopher Butler Ambassador Embassy of New Zealand Carnegielaan 10 2517 KH The Hague Netherlands Ms. Jennifer Macmillan Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Environment Programme Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations in Geneva Chemin des Fins 2 P.O. Box 334 1218 Geneva 19 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 929 0355 Fax: (+41 22) 929 0374 E-Mail: jennifer.macmillan@mfat.govt.nz NICARAGUA H.E. Roberto Stadthagen Ministro Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Km12 1/2 Carretera Norte Apartado # 5123 Managua Nicaragua Tel: (+505) 263 1273 Fax: (+505) 263 1274 Mr. Helio C. Zamora Director de Vigilancia y Control Ambiental y Punto Focal (COPs) Ministerio del Ambiente y Recursos Naturales Km12 1/2 Carretera Norte Apartado # 5123 Managua Nicaragua Tel: (+505) 263 2832 /233 1504 Fax: (+505) 263 2620/263 2354 E-Mail: helioza@hotmail.com OR dgamarena@tmx.com.ni H.E. Alvaro Montenegro Mallona Embassy of Nicaragua Stockholm Sweden Fax: (+46 8) 668 4160 31 NIGERIA Hon. Muhammed Kabir Sa'id Minister Federal Ministry of Environment 444, Aguiyi Ironsi P.M.B. 468 Garki Maitama, Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 523 4014 H.E. George O. Ajonye Ambassador Embassy of Nigeria Tyrgatan 8, Box 628 101 32 Stockholm Nigeria Tel: (+46 8) 246 390 Fax: (+46 8) 246 398 Mr. Y. Tanko Director Maitama, Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 234 2807 Fax: (+234 9) 523 4119 Mr. Y. Yabo Director Maitama, Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 234 2808 Fax: (+234 9) 523 4931 Prof. O.A. Afolabi Coordinator Maitama, Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 413 6317 Fax: (+234 9) 413 6317 E-Mail: oladapoafolabi@hotmail.com Mrs. Oluronke A. Soyombo Assistant Director Pollution Control and Environmental Health Department Federal Ministry of Environment 444, Aguiyi Ironsi Way P.M.B. 468 Garki Maitama, Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 413 6317 Fax: (+234 9) 413 6317 E-Mail: rsoyombo@hotmail.com Mr. M.K. Ibrahim Assistant Director Maitama, Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 523 2423 Fax: (+234 9) 523 0450 E-Mail: mkibrahim@yahoo.com Mr. Iliya Fachano Counsellor Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 101 32 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 246 390 Fax: (+46 8) 246 398 Mr. I.M. Bashir Counsellor Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 101 32 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 246 390 Fax: (+46 8) 246 398 Mr. Lawal Bindawa Special Assistant to the Minister Federal Ministry of Environment 9th Floor, Shehu Shagari Way P.M.B 468 Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 523 4014 Fax: (+234 9) 523 4014 Mrs. H.B. Obayagbo Senior Legal Officer Maitama, Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 234 2808/413 6317 32 Fax: (+234 9) 413 6317 Mr. Muhammad Lawal Nalado Personal Assistant to the Minister Federal Ministry of Environment 9th Floor, Shehu Shagari Way P.M.B 468 Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234 9) 523 4014 Fax: (+234 9) 523 4014 NORWAY H.E. Siri Bjerke Minister Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 8013 Dep., N-0030 Oslo Norway Tel: (+47 22) 245 701 Fax: (+47 22) 249 563 Mr. Ibrahim Salah Al-Ghilani Chief, Office of the Minister Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment and Water Resources P.O. Box 323 Muscat 113 Oman Tel: (+968) 692 552 Fax: (+968) 692 553 Mr. Mohammed Ali Al-Hakmani Director, Department of Coordination and Follow-up Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment and Water Resources P.O. Box 323 Muscat 113 Oman Tel: (+968) 692 552 Fax: (+968) 692 553 Mr. Jens Guslund Deputy Director General Ministry of the Environment P.O. Box 8013 Dep., N-0030 Oslo Norway Tel: (+47 22) 246 005 Fax: (+47 22) 249 563 Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Mosin General Supervisor of Public Relations Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment and Water Resources P.O. Box 323 Muscat 113 Oman Tel: (+968) 692 552 Fax: (+968) 692 553 Mr. Jorn Gutterod First Secretary Embassy of Norway Box 27829 115 93 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 665 6340 Fax: (+46 8) 782 9899 E-Mail: jgu@mfa.no Mr. Said Ali Al-Zadjali Director, Department of Chemical Substances Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment and Water Resources P.O. Box 323 Muscat 113 Oman Tel: (+968) 692 417 Fax: (+968) 692 462 OMAN H.E. Dr. Khamis bin Mubarak Al-Alawi Minister Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment and Water Resources P.O. Box 323 Muscat 113 Oman Tel: (+968) 692 552 Fax: (+968) 692 553 Mr. Ahmed Hareb Al-Balushi Head of Monitoring and Evaluation Section Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment and Water Resources P.O. Box 323 Muscat 113 Oman Tel: (+968) 692 417 Fax: (+968) 692 462 E-Mail: mrmeintc@omantel.net.om 33 Ms. Thuraya Said Al-Sariri Environmental Specialist Department of Inspection and Control Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Environment and Water Resources P.O. Box 323 Muscat 113 Oman Tel: (+968) 692 417 Fax: (+968) 692 462 PAPUA NEW GUINEA PAKISTAN Dr. Wari Iamo Director Ministry of Environment and Conservation P.O. Box 6601 Boroko Papua New Guinea Tel: (+675) 325 0180 Fax: (+675) 325 0182 E-Mail: angig@daltron.com.pg Mr. Muhammad Khaleel Khan Counsellor Embassy of Pakistan 111 57 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 203 300/249 233 Fax: (+46 8) 249 233 PANAMA Dr. Yila Castillo de Centella Subdirectora de Salud Ambiental del Ministerio de Salud Panama Tel: (+507) 262 6687/262 9005 Fax: (+507) 262 8193 E-Mail: yila8@hotmail.com Hon. Herowa Agiwa Minister Ministry of Environment and Conservation P.O. Box 6601 Boroko Papua New Guinea Tel: (+675) 325 0174/325 0180 Fax: (+675) 325 0182 E-Mail: angig@daltron.com.pg Mrs. Bena Agiwa Department of Environment P.O. Box 3625 Boroko Papua New Guinea Tel: (+675) 693 2798 Fax: (+675) 327 7480 PARAGUAY H.E. Eduardo Carrasquilla Ambassador Embassy of Panama Ostermalmsgatan 59 114 50 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 662 6535 Fax: (+46 8) 662 8991 Dr. Edmundo Rolón Secretaria del Ambiente Madame Lynch No. 3.500 Asunción Paraguay Tel: (+595) 2161 5806 Fax: (+595) 2161 5806 E-Mail: www.seam.gov.py Mrs. Luz Lescure-Frühling Embassy of Panama Ostermalmsgatan 59 114 50 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 662 6535 Fax: (+46 8) 662 8991 E-Mail: panaemba.suecia@telia.com Ms. Gilda Torres Secretaria del Ambiente Madame Lynch No. 3.500 Asunción Paraguay Tel: (+595) 2161 5813 Fax: (+595) 2137 3572 E-Mail: gildat@pol.gov.py 34 Philippines PERU H.E. Eduardo Llosa Ambassador Embassy of Peru 111 38 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 440 8740 Fax: (+46 8) 205 592 Mr. José Luis Pérez S.-C. Minister Embassy of Peru 111 38 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 440 8740 Fax: (+46 8) 205 592 Mr. Luis Alfredo Espinoza Second Secretary Embassy of Peru 111 38 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 440 8740 Fax: (+46 8) 205 592 Mrs. Gladys Garcia Counsellor Embassy of Peru 111 38 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 440 8740 Fax: (+46 8) 205 592 Ing. Alicia De La Rosa-Brachowicz Directora General de Sanidad Vegetal Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria (SENASA) Pasaje Zela S/N Piso 10 (Edificio Ministerio de Agricultura) Jesus Maria Lima 11 Peru Tel: (+51 1) 433 8048 Fax: (+51 1) 433 7802 E-Mail: adelarosa@senasa.gob.pe PHILIPPINES H.E. Heherson Alvarez Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Manila H.E. Erlinda Basilio Ambassador Embassy of the Philippines Skeppsbron 20 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 23 56 65 Fax: (+46 8) 14 07 14 Ms. Aileen Bugarin Embassy of the Philippines Skeppsbron 20 111 30 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 23 56 65 Fax: (+46 8) 14 07 14 Ms. Noralyn Jubaira-Baja Director, Division II Department of Foreign Affairs Office of the United Nations and International Organizations Philippines Tel: (+63 2) 834 4896 Fax: (+63 2) 833 1322 POLAND Mr. Maciej Rudnicki Secretary of State Ministry of the Environment 52/54 Wawelska St. 00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel: (+48 22) 579 2400 Fax: (+48 22) 579 2224 E-Mail: maciej.rudnicki@mos.gov.pl Mr. Andrzej Dworzak Deputy Director Foreign Relations Department Ministry of the Environment 52/54 Wawelska St. 00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel: (+48 22) 579 2256 Fax: (+48 22) 579 2263 E-Mail: andrzej.dworzak@mos.gov.pl OR andydworzak@yahoo.co 35 Ms. Wieslawa Bogutyn Head of Sustainable Development Division Department of Industrial Policy Ministry of Economy Plac Trzech Krzyzy 3/5/7 00-507 Warsaw Poland Tel: (+48 22) 693 5491 Fax: (+48 22) 628 5520 E-Mail: arkdri@mg.gov.pl Ms. Renata Witkiewicz Department of International Cooperation Ministry of the Environment 52/54 Wawelska St. 00-922 Warsaw Poland Tel: (+48 22) 579 2563 Fax: (+48 22) 579 2263 E-Mail: renata.witkiewicz@mos.gov.pl Dr. Janusz Zurek Head of Department Institute of Environmental Protection Ministry of the Environment 5/11 Krucza St. 00-548 Warsaw Poland Tel: (+48 22) 629 5263 Fax: (+48 22) 629 4135 E-Mail: zurek@ios.edu.pl Mr. Józef Domagalski Counsellor Embassy of Poland 114 31 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 411 4132/411 8166 Fax: (+46 8) 101 069 Mr. Artur Habant First Secretary Embassy of Poland 114 31 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 411 4132/411 8166 Fax: (+46 8) 101 069 PORTUGAL H.E. Rui Goncalves Secretary of State Ministerio do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do Territorio Rua da Seculo, 51-2 1200 Lisboa Portugal Tel: (+351 21) 323 2545 Fax: (+351 21) 323 2561 Mr. Joao Goncalves Ministerio do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do Territorio Rua da Murgueira - Zambujal 2720-865 Portugal Tel: (+351 21) 472 8280 Fax: (+351 21) 471 9070 H.E. Alvaro Guerra Ambasador Embassy or Portugal 100 55 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 4545 Fax: (+46 8) 662 5329 E-Mail: portemb@swipnet.se Mr. Alberto Marcolino Director Serviços Direccao-General do Ambiente Ministerio do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do Territorio Rua da Murgueira - Zambujal 2720-865 Amadora Portugal Tel: (+351 21) 472 8280 Fax: (+351 21) 471 9070 E-Mail: alm@dga.min-amb.pt Mr. Eduardo Barroso Adviser Ministerio do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do Territorio Rua da Século, 51 1200 Lisboa Portugal Tel: (+351 21) 323 2544 Fax: (+351 21) 323 2561 36 QATAR Col. Hassan Ahmed Al-Obaidly Director of Criminal Laboratory Ministry of the Interior P.O. Box 22276 Doha Qatar Tel: (+974) 480 6380 Fax: (+974) 480 4366 E-Mail: obaidly@hotmail.com Mr. Mohamed Lahdan Al-Kaabi Head of Pest Control Section Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture Doha Qatar Tel: (+974) 468 8141/468 7894 Fax: (+974) 468 7565 Eng. Mohamed G. Al-Ibrahim Head of Department of Chemical Materials Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing P.O. Box 7634 Doha Qatar Tel: (+974) 350 504 Fax: (+974) 441 5246 E-Mail: eng_mohd@yahoo.com REPUBLIC OF KOREA H.E. Jung-ho Keum Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Korea 102 53 Lidingö Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 660 0330 Fax: (+46 8) 660 2818 Mr. Kyung-won Lee Assistant Director Agricultural Resources Division Ministry of Environment, Rural Development Administration Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: (+82 31) 299 2600 Fax: (+82 31) 299 2601 Mr. Zha-hyoung Rhee Deputy Director Treaties Division II Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: (+82 2) 725 0766 Fax: (+82 2) 722 7581 Mr. Seuk-woo Kang Deputy Director Chemicals Management Division Ministry of Environment Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: (+82 2) 504 9288 Fax: (+82 2) 504 6068 Mr. Tong-Q Lee Deputy Director Environment Cooperation Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: (+82 2) 720 2329/ 720 2522 Fax: (+82 2) 722 7581 E-Mail: tqlee96@mofat.go.kr OR tlee1996@hotmail.com REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA Mr. Byung-muk Lee Director Agricultural Resources Division Rural Development Administration 250 Seodun-Dong Suwon Kyeonggi-Do 441-707 Republic of Korea Tel: (+82 31) 292 4251 Fax: (+82 31) 299 2607 E-Mail: byungm@rda.go.kr Dr. Gheozghe Duca Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Territorial Development 9, Cosmonautilor Street Chisinau MD 2005 Republic of Moldova Tel: (+373 2) 228 608 Fax: (+373 2) 220 748 E-Mail: duca@mediu.moldova.md 37 Mrs. Liudmila Marduhaeva National POPs Focal Point Consultant of the Division for Pollution Prevention and Improvement of the Environment Ministry of Ecology, Constructions and Territorial Development 9, Cosmonautilor Street Chisinau MD 2005 Republic of Moldova Tel: (+373 2) 226 850 Fax: (+373 2) 220 748 E-Mail: liudmila@mediu.moldova.md OR l.marduhaeva@mail.md ROMANIA H.E. Ioan Jelev Secretary of State Department of Environment Protection Ministry of Water and Environment Protection Bucharest Romania Tel: (+40 1) 410 0243 Fax: (+40 1) 410 0243 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Prof. Rustem Mamim Director Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation B.Gruzinskaya str, 4/6, 123995, Moscow Russian Federation Tel: (+7 095) 254 1565 Fax: (+7 095) 254 8283 E-Mail: root@ecocom.ru Mrs. Natalia A. Karpova Principal Expert Department of International Cooperation Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation B.Gruzinskaya str, 4/6, 123995, Moscow Russian Federation Tel: (+7 095) 254 8601 Fax: (+7 095) 254 8283 E-Mail: root@ecocom.ru Dr. Valentine G. Sokolovsky Advisor State Centre for Ecological Programmes Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation Malay Uyshanskay Str. 1-1 Moscow 113303 Russian Federation Tel: (+7 095) 319 8494 Fax: (+7 095) 319 8494 E-Mail: GCEP.Mos@23releom.ru Mr. Sergey Kuraev Manager of Program of POPs The Centre for Preparation and Implementation of International Projects on Technical Assistance Moscow 117218 Russian Federation Tel: (+7 095) 125 5559 E-Mail: kuraev@npaf.ru SAINT LUCIA Mrs. Alison King-Joseph Permanent Secretary Ministry of Planning, Development, Environment and Housing P.O. Box 709 Greaham Louisy Administrative Building Castries Saint Lucia Tel: (+758) 468 4419 Fax: (+758) 451 6958 E-Mail: directorofplanning@candw.lc SAMOA Hon. Tagaloa Sale Tagaloa Minister Department of Lands, Surveys and Environment P.O. Private Bag Apia Samoa Tel: (+685) 224 81 Fax: (+685) 231 76 38 Dr. Tuuu Ieti Taulealo Director Department of Lands, Surveys and Environment P.O. Private Bag Apia Samoa Tel: (+685) 22 481 Fax: (+685) 23 176 E-Mail: tuuu.ieti@samoa.ws SAUDI ARABIA Mr. Abdulaziz Al Jumaah Water Resources Development Department Ministry of Agriculture and Water Riyadh 11195 Saudi Arabia Tel: (+966 1) 456 2594 Fax: (+966 1) 403 3702 Mr. Suliman Mohammed Al-Zaben Director Hazardous Waste Department Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA) P.O. Box 1358 Jeddah 21431 Saudi Arabia Tel: (+966 5) 561 3574/(+966 2) 651 7832 Fax: (+966 2) 651 1424 E-Mail: smz2002@hotmail.com Mr. Ibrahim Al Shabibi Water Resources Development Department Ministry of Agriculture and Water Riyadh 11195 Saudi Arabia Tel: (+966 1) 403 0036 Fax: (+966 1) 402 2479 Mr. Saleh Al Ghannam Environmental Officer Ministry of Defence Riyadh 11672 Saudi Arabia Tel: (+966 1) 493 1387 Fax: (+966 1) 493 1387 Mr. Abdul Rahman Kembiaty Laboratory Technician Quality Control Laboratory Ministry of Commerce P.O. Box 1358 Jeddah 112019 Saudi Arabia Tel: (+966 5) 662 2873/647 6310 Fax: (+966 5) 647 6310 SENEGAL Mr. Mamadou Kasse Counsellor Embassy of Senegal 39 Marloes Road W86LA London United Kingdom Tel: (+44 207) 938 4048 Mr. Ibrahima Sow Ministère de l'Environnement 23, Rue Calmette BP 6557 Dakar Senegal Tel: (+221) 823 8047 Fax: (+221) 822 6212 E-Mail: Ibsow@sentoo.sn SINGAPORE Mr. Talal Alenazi Attaché Diplomatic International Organization Department Ministry of Foreign Affairs Riyadh 66712 Saudi Arabia Tel: (+966 1) 140 5000 Fax: (+966 1) 453 1387 E-Mail: xtalalx@yahoo.com H.E. Walter Woon Ambassador to Federal Republic of Germany Embassy of Singapore Berlin Germany 39 Fax: (+421 7) 5956 2662/5956 2367 E-Mail: mojik.ivan@lifeenv.gov.sk Mr. Soh Tze Bian Deputy Senior State Counsel Attorney General's Chambers 1 Coleman Steet, # 10-00, The Adelphi Singapore Republic of Singapore Tel: (+65) 332 5974 Fax: (+65) 332 5203 E-Mail: soh_tze_Bian@agc.gov.sg Mr. Hazri Bin Abu Hassan Assistant Director Office of Global Environmental Issues Global Environmental Issues Planning Unit Ministry of the Environment Environment Building 40 Scotts Road # 11-00 Singapore 228 231 Singapore Tel: (+65) 731 9484 Fax: (+65) 738 4468 E-Mail: hazri-hassan@env.gov.sg SLOVAKIA H.E. László Miklós Minister Ministry of the Environment Nám L'Stúra 1 812 35 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: (+421 7) 5956 2306 Fax: (+421 7) 5956 2438 H.E. Mrs. Teodora Chmelová Ambassador Embassy of Slovakia Arsenalsgaten 2/3 TR 103 88 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 611 9005 Fax: (+46 8) 611 9002 Mr. Ivan Mojík Director Department of Air Protection Ministry of the Environment Nám L'Stúra 1 812 35 Bratislava Slovakia Tel: (+421 7) 5956 2220 SLOVENIA Dr. Fedor Cerne State Undersecretary and a Member of the Negotiating Team of Accession Government Office for European Affairs Subičeva 11 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel: (+386 1) 478 2445/GSM 041 766 644 Fax: (+386 1) 478 2485 E-Mail: fedor.cerne@gov.si H.E. Ms. Dragoljuba Bencina Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Styrmansgatan 4/1tr 114 54 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 662 9436 Fax: (+46 8) 662 9474 Ms. Alenka Cesnik Counsellor Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Styrmansgatan 4/1tr 114 54 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 662 9436 Fax: (+46 8) 662 9474 SOUTH AFRICA Ms. R.T. Mabudafhasi Deputy Minister Atmospheric Protection and Chemicals Management Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa E-Mail: amdala@ozone.pwv.gov.za H.E. Raymond Suttner Ambassador Embassy of South Africa Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 243 950 Fax: (+46 8) 660 7136 40 Mr. Ephraim Buti Mathebula Director Atmospheric Protection and Chemicals Management Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Tel: (+27 12) 310 3448/310 3721/310 3527 Fax: (+27 12) 320 0615/320 1421/320 1167 E-Mail: bmathebula@ozone.pwv.gov.za OR gitshamathebula@hotmail.com Ms. A. Mdala Assistant to the Deputy Director Atmospheric Protection and Chemicals Management Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Private Bag X447 Pretoria 0001 South Africa E-Mail: amdala@ozone.pwv.gov.za Sr. Román Martin Antón Subdirector General Adjunto de Cooperación Institucional y Politicas Sectorales Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 28071 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34 91) 597 6539 Fax: (+34 91) 597 5980 Sr. Victor Escobar Paredes Jefe de Area Coordinación Institucional D.G. Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 28071 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34 91) 597 6356 Fax: (+34 91) 597 5980 E-Mail: victor.escobar@sgnci.mma.es Mr. Rambla Amparo Subdirectora General Relaciones International Ministerio Medio Ambiente 28071 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34 91) 597 6336 SPAIN SRI LANKA Sra. Maria Jesus Fraile Fabra Subsecretaria Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 28071 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34 91) 597 6027 Ms. Ana Garcia Gonzalez Jefe de Servicio - D.G. Calidad y Evaluccion Ambiental D.G. Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 28071 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34 91) 597 5772 Fax: (+34 91) 597 5980 E-Mail: ana.garcia@sgnci.mma.es Sr. German Glaria Garcerán Director General de Calidad y Evaluacion Ambiental Ministerio de Medio Ambiente 28071 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34 91) 597 6370 H.E. Mrs. Sarala M. Fernando Ambassador Embassy of Sri Lanka 39 Strandvägen Box 24055 104 50 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 663 6523-25 Ms. Leela Padmini Batuwitage Director, Environment Division Ministry of Forestry and Environment Sampathopaya 82 Rajamalwatte Road 82 Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel: (+94 1) 887 453 Fax: (+94 1) 887 450 E-Mail: envpolmg@sltnet.lk 41 SUDAN H.E. Eltagani Adam Eltahir Minister Ministry of Environment and Physical Development P.O. Box 306 Khartoum Sudan Tel: (+249 11) 773 970 Fax: (+249 11) 774 058 Mr. Hussein Elamin El Fadil Charge d'Affaires Embassy of Sudan Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 611 7780 Fax: (+46 8) 611 7782 E-Mail: huss60@usa.net Mr. Ahmed Mahgoub Elhindi Ministry of Environment and Physical Development P.O. Box 306 Khartoum Sudan Tel: (+249 11) 770 706 E-Mail: hindi39@usa.com SWAZILAND H.E. David Dlamini Ambassador Embassy of Swaziland Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Communications Kastelsvej 19 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Tel: (+45) 3542 6111 Fax: (+45) 3542 6300 Mr. Jameson D. Vilakati Executive Director Swaziland Environment Authority Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Communications P.O. Box 2652 Mbabane Swaziland Tel: (+268) 404 6420/404 7893 Fax: (+268) 404 1719 E-Mail: seabiodiv@realnet.co.sz Or mintour@realnet.co.sz SWEDEN H.E. Kjell Larsson Minister Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 2022 Fax: (+46 8) 613 3072 E-Mail: kjell.larsson@environment.ministry.se H.E. Ms. Maj-Inger Klingvall Minister Ministry of the Development Co-operation, Migration and Asylum Policy 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 5537 Fax: (+46 8) 723 1176 E-Mail: maj-inger.klingvall@foreign.ministry.se Mr. Björn Dufva Director Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 2292 Fax: (+46 8) 613 3072 E-Mail: björn.dufva@envvironment.ministry.se Ms. Viveka Bohn Senior Advisor Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 3495 Fax: (+46 8) 613 3072 E-Mail: viveka.bohn@environment.ministry.se 42 charlotta.andersson@environment.ministry.se Mr. Gunnar Bengtsson Director General Swedish National Chemicals Inspectorate P.O. Box 1384 171 27 Solna Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 783 1150 Fax: (+46 8) 735 7698 E-Mail: gunnarb@kemi.se Ms. Margaretha Gistorp Legal Advisor Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 1995 Fax: (+46 8) 140 987 E-Mail: margaretha.gistorp@environment.ministry.se Mr. Lars-Erik Liljelund Director General Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 106 48 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 698 1000 Fax: (+46 8) 202 925 Mr. Håkan Björndal Associate Professor Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 106 48 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 698 1000 E-Mail: hakan.bjorndal@environ.se Ms. Eva Sandberg Senior Adviser Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 2335 Fax: (+46 8) 613 3072 E-Mail: eva.sandberg@environment.ministry.se Mr. Anders Höök Programme Officer Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Department for Natural Resources and the Environment 105 25 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 698 5334 Fax: (+46 8) 698 5653 E-Mail: anders.hook@sida.se Ms. Susanne Jacobsson Deputy Director Ministry for Foreign Affairs 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 5609 Fax: (+46 8) 723 1176 E-Mail: susanne.jacobsson@foreign.ministry.se Ms. Monica Törnlund Head of Section Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 2022 Fax: (+46 8) 613 3072 E-Mail: monica.tornlund@environment.ministry.se Ms. Charlotta Andersson Head of Section Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 1976 Fax: (+46 8) 613 3072 E-Mail: Mr. Krister Nilsson PoliticalAdviser Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 2269 Fax: (+46 8) 613 3072 E-Mail: krister.nilsson@environment.ministry.se Ms. Lott Jansson Political Adviser Ministry for Foreign Affairs 103 33 Stockholm Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 3218 Fax: (+46 8) 711 2478 43 Fax: (+41 31) 323 0349 E-Mail: gabriela.loew@buwal.admin.ch Mr. Ola Hennung Principal Secretary to the Minister Ministry of the Environment 103 33 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 405 1912 Fax: (+46 8) 103 807 E-Mail: ola.hennung@environment.ministry.se SWITZERLAND H.E. Beat Nobs Ambassador Head of the International Affairs Division Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape CH 3003 Berne Switzerland Tel: (+41 31) 322 9318 Fax: (+41 31) 323 0349 E-Mail: beat.nobs@buwal.admin.ch Mr. Georg Karlaganis Head of the Substances, Soil and Biotechnology Division Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape CH 3003 Berne Switzerland Tel: (+41 31) 322 6955 Fax: (+41 31) 324 7978 E-Mail: georg.karlaganis@buwal.admin.ch Mr. Ivo Sieber Head of the Environmental Affairs Unit Political Division V Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Bundesgasse 32 CH 3003 Berne Switzerland Tel: (+41 31) 324 4498 Fax: (+41 31) 324 1063 E-Mail: ivo.sieber@eda.admin.ch Ms. Gabriela Löw Scientific Collaborator International Division Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape CH 3003 Berne Switzerland Tel: (+41 31) 322 9386 SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC Mr. Fouad El-O'K National Focal Point of POPs Head, Chemical Safety Department Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs Damascus Syrian Arab Republic Tel: (+963 11) 333 0510 Fax: (+963 11) 331 4393/333 5645 E-Mail: Env-Min@net.sy Mr. Kosay Moustafa Department of International Organization Ministry of Foreign Affairs Damascus Syrian Arab Republic Tel: (+963 11) 333 1200 Mr. Idris Mayya Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 660 8810 THAILAND Mr. Jarupong Boon-Long Deputy Director General Pollution Control Department Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment 92 Soi Phahon Yothin 7 Phahon Yothin Road Phayathai Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel: (+66 2) 298 2086 Fax: (+66 2) 573 2531 E-Mail: jarupong.b@pcd.go.th THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA H.E. Marjan Dodovski Deputy Minister Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52 91000 Skopje The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: (+389 91) 366 595 Fax: (+389 91) 366 931 44 E-Mail: infoeko@moe.gov.mk Ms. Teodora Obradovic Grncarovska Chief of Monitoring Department Department of Monitoring and Environmental Impact Assessment Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Drezdenska 52 Skopje The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: (+389 91) 366 930 ext. 109 Fax: (+389 91) 366 931 E-Mail: dori969@hotmail.com Mr. Aleksandar Kostovski Director for State Inspection of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Skopje The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Tel: (+389 91) 134 477 Fax: (+389 91) 121 462 TOGO M Komla Sanda Docteur en Chimie Organique, Point Focal des POPs Ecole Supérieure d'Agronomie Université du Benin BP 20131 Lomé Togo Tel: (+228) 263 599/218 595 Fax: (+228) 257 539 E-Mail: kkoba@ubns.ub.tg.org OR komsanda@hotmail.com TUNISIA H.E. Lazhar Bououny Ambassador Embassy of Tunisia 115 22 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 545 855 20 Fax: (+46 8) 662 1975 E-Mail: tunamb@swipnet.se TURKEY H.E. Fevzi Aytekin Minister Ministry of Environment Ankara Turkey Tel: (+90 312) 287 9963 Fax: (+90 312) 285 5875 H.E. Selim Kuneralp Ambassador Embassy of Turkey Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20 115 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 230 840 Fax: (+46 8) 663 5514 Ms. Müfide Demirural Chemist/Director of Chemicals Management General Directorate for Environmental Pollution and Control Ministry of Environment Ankara Turkey Tel: (+90 312) 287 9963/4318 Fax: (+90 312) 285 5875 Ms. Ebru Kamiloglu Biologist Ministry of Environment Ankara 06530 Turkey Tel: (+90 312) 287 9963 Ext. 4302 Fax: (+90 312) 285 3739 E-Mail: Ebrucos@yahoo.com Mr. Cenk Uraz Third Secretary Embassy of Turkey Dag Hammarskjölds väg 20 115 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 230 840 Fax: (+46 8) 663 5514 45 Tel: (+97 12) 677 7363 Fax: (+97 12) 677 0501 UKRAINE H.E. Alexander Slipchenko Ambassador Embassy of Ukraine Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 731 7690 Fax: (+46 8) 731 5690 E-Mail: ukraina.embassy@ukrainaemb.se Mr. Obaid Hamoud Al Suwaidi Legal Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Federal Environment Agency P.O Box 1 United Arab Emirates Tel: (+97 12) 665 2200 Fax: (+97 12) 665 4366 UNITED KINGDOM Mr. Olexander Danyleiko Counsellor Embassy of Ukraine Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 731 7690 Fax: (+46 8) 731 5690 E-Mail: ukraina.embassy@ukrainaemb.se Mr. Romen Sova Deputy Director Medved's Institute of Ecohygiene and Toxicology 03022 Kiev Ukraine Tel: (+380 44) 251 9687 Fax: (+380 44) 251 9643 E-Mail: srezov@medved.kiev.ua Mr. Yevhen Matorin Head of Department Ministry of Environmental and Natural Resources Kiev Ukraine Tel: (+380 44) 228 0543 Fax: (+380 44) 228 0543 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES H.E. Salem Messari Al Dhaheri General Director Federal Environment Agency P.O. Box 5951 United Arab Emirates Tel: (+97 12) 677 7363 Fax: (+97 12) 677 0501 Mr. Mahboub Hassan Saleh Environment Researcher Federal Environment Agency P.O. Box 5951 United Arab Emirates Dr. Peter Hinchcliffe Head, Chemicals and Biotechnology Division Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) Zone 3/F7, Ashdown House 123 Victoria Street London SW1E 6DE United Kingdom Tel: (+44 20) 7944 5262 Fax: (+44 20) 7944 5229 E-Mail: peter_hinchcliffe.detr.gov.uk Dr. Jane Stratford Chemicals and Biotechnology Division Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) Zone 3/E7, Ashdown House 123 Victoria Street London SW1E 6DE United Kingdom Tel: (+44 20) 7944 5240 Fax: (+44 20) 7944 5229 E-Mail: jane_stratford@detr.gsi.gov.uk Mr. Patrick Széll Legal Directorate Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR) Eland House 9/J9 Bressenden Place London SW1E 5DU United Kingdom Tel: (+44 171) 890 4820 Fax: (+44 171) 890 4804 E-Mail: patrick_szell@detr.gsi.gov.uk 46 Ms. Linda Brown Senior Programme Manager Environmental Policy Department Department for International Development (DFID) 94 Victoria Street London SW1E 5JL United Kingdom Tel: (+44 171) 917 0110 Fax: (+44 171) 917 0679 E-Mail: L-Brown@dfid.gov.uk H.E. John Grant Ambassador Embassy of the United Kingdom Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 671 3191 Fax: (+46 8) 671 3104 E-Mail: john.grant@fco.gov.uk Mr. Rupert Potter Embassy of the United Kingdom Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 671 3191 Fax: (+46 8) 671 3104 E-Mail: rupert.potter@fco.gov.uk Mr. David Dunn Embassy of the United Kingdom Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 671 3191 Fax: (+46 8) 671 3104 E-Mail: david.dunn@fco.gov.uk UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Hon. Arcado Ntagazwa Minister of State Vice President's Office Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (+255 22) 211 6995 Fax: (+255 22) 211 3856 E-Mail: makamu@twiga.com Ms. Angelina Elias Augustine Madete Assistant Director Pollution Control Section Vice President's Office Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (+255 22) 211 3983/211 8416 Fax: (+255 22) 212 5297 E-Mail: vpodoe@intafrica.com Ms. Ruth Hellen Jason Lugwisha Senior Pollution Control Officer Directorate of Pollution Prevention and Control National Environment Management Council Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (+255 22) 213 4603/212 7817 E-Mail: ruthtz@yahoo.com Mr. David J. Nginilla Second Secretary Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania 103 89 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 244 870 Fax: (+46 8) 109 815 E-Mail: mailbox@tanemb.se UNITED STATES OF AMERICA H.E. Ms. Christine Todd Whitman EPA Administrator Governor U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1101A Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 4700 Fax: (+1 202) 501 1450 Mr. Kenneth Brill Acting Assistant Secretary Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs U.S. Department of State 2201 C Street, NW Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 647 3004 Fax: (+1 202) 647 0217 47 Fax: (+1 202) 501 1450 Mr. Daniel Fantozzi Director Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Office of Environmental Policy U.S. Department of State 2201 C St., NW Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 647 9831 Fax: (+1 202) 647 5947 E-Mail: fantozzidt@state.gov H.E. Ms. Lyndon Olson Ambassador Embassy of the United States of America 115 89 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 783 5300 Fax: (+46 8) 661 1964 Mr. Charles Auer Office of Prevention Pesticides and Toxic Substances U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 7405 Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 260 3749 Fax: (+1 202) 260 8168 E-Mail: auer.charles@epa.gov Mr. Khary Cauthen Assistant to the Governor Office of Communications, Media Relations and Education U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1101A Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 4700 Fax: (+1 202) 501 1450 Ms. Kelly Glazier Special Assistant to the Administrator U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1101A Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 4700 Ms. Amy Fraenkel Office of International Activities U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2660R Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 6482 Fax: (+1 202) 564 2412 E-Mail: Fraenkel.Amy@EPA.gov Mr. Robert Harris Assistant Legal Adviser Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs U.S. Department of State 2201 C St., NW Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 647 1370 Fax: (+1 202) 736 7115 E-Mail: harrisrk@ms.state.gov Ms. Susan Hazen Deputy Assistant Administrator Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 7101 Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 260 2902 Fax: (+1 202) 260 1847 Tina Kreischer Associate Administrator Office of Communications, Media Relations and Education U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1101A Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 4700 Fax: (+1 202) 501 1450 Mr. Robert Kellam Office of Air and Radiation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency MD 12 Research Triangle Park NC 27711 United States of America Tel: (+1 919) 541 5647 48 Fax: (+1 919) 541 4028 E-Mail: kellam.bob@epa.gov Ms. Karissa Kovner Director for International Environmental Policy Office of the United States Trade Representative Office of Environment and Natural Resources Executive Office of the President 600 17th St NW Washington DC 20508 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 395 6169 Fax: (+1 202) 395 6865 Mr. Peter Lallas Office of General Counsel U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 5407 Fax: (+1 202) 564 5412 E-Mail: lallas.peter@EPA.gov Mr. Carl Mazza Office of Air and Radiation U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 6101A Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 7427 Fax: (+1 202) 564 1407 E-Mail: mazza.carl@epa.gov Mr. David Miller First Secretary Embassy of the United States of America SE-115 89 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 783 5326 Fax: (+46 8) 783 5324 E-Mail: millerad@state.gov Mr. Daniel Magraw Acting Assistant Administrator Office of International Activities U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2313A Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 1810 Fax: (+1 202) 564 5412 Ms. Marie Ricciardone Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Office of Environmental Policy U.S. Department of State 2201 C St., NW Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 736 4660 Fax: (+1 202) 647 5947 Mr. Padmini Singh Office of General Counsel U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2313A Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC 20460 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 5641 Fax: (+1 202) 564 5412 Ms. Jennifer Yoder Chemical Division International Trade Administration U.S. Department of Commerce 14th and Constitution Ave., NW Washington DC 20230 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 482 0131 Fax: (+1 202) 482 2565 Mr. David van Hoogstraten Team Leader, Office of Environmental Policy Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs U.S. Department of State 2201 C St., NW Washington DC 20520 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 647 5808 Fax: (+1 202) 647 5947 E-Mail: Hoogstratendr@State.gov Ms. Anna Wolgast Principal Deputy General Counsel Office of General Counsel U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2311A Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington DC United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 564 8064 Fax: (+1 202) 564 1773 49 Ms. Marilyn Heiman Senior Advisor on Oceans, Watersheds and Contaminants Office of the Governor, State of Alaska 550 W. 7th Avenue, Suite 1700 Anchorag, Alaska 99501 United States of America Tel: (+1 907) 269 7450269 7447 Fax: (+1 907) 269 7461 Mr. Willard Mayo Senior Advisor on Rural Policy Office of the Governor, State of Alaska Fairbanks, AK 99710 United States of America Tel: (+1 907) 456 2991 Fax: (+1 907) 456 2991 E-Mail: Will_Mayo@gov.state.ak.us Ms. Kathryn Parker Science Fellow Office of Senator James M. Jeffords 728 Hart Building Washington DC 20510 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 224 5141 Fax: (+1 202) 228 0776 E-Mail: kathryn_parker@jeffords.senate.gov Mr. Chris Schabacker Legislative Director Office of Senator Ted Stevens 728 Hart Building Washington DC 22510 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 224 3004 Fax: (+1 202) 224 2354 E-Mail: Chris_Schabacker@stevens.senate.gov H.E. José Luis Remedi Dirección de Medio Ambiente Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Montevideo Uruguay Tel: (+598 2) 902 1010 Mr. Jorge Cassinelli Embassy of Uruguay 114 58 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 660 3196 Fax: (+46 8) 665 3166 E-Mail: urustoc@uruemb.se VENEZUELA Mr. Alejandro Hitcher Vice Ministro Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Torre Sur, Piso 18, C.S.B. 1010 Caracas Venezuela Tel: (+58 212) 483 4038 Fax: (+58 212) 408 1503 Mr. Norberto Rebolledo Director General de Calidad Ambiental Ministerio del Ambiente y de los Recursos Naturales Torre Sur, Piso 18, C.S.B. 1010 Caracas Venezuela Tel: (+58 212) 481 2209/(+58 214) 263 4613 Fax: (+58 212) 481 6275 E-Mail: norbertorebolledo@cantv.net OR lasanorberto@netscape.net URUGUAY H.E. Alfredo Cazes Ambassador Embassy of Uruguay 114 58 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 660 3196 Fax: (+46 8) 665 3166 Mr. Leonardo Villalba Palacios Counsellor/Charge d'Affaires Embassy of Venezuela 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 411 0996 Fax: (+46 8) 213 100 50 VIET NAM YUGOSLAVIA H.E. Nguyen Van Nam Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of Viet Nam 113 28 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5562 1070/71 Fax: (+46 8) 5562 1080 Mr. Dejan Vasiljevic Charge d'Affaires Embassy of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 114 27 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 218 436/218 485 Fax: (+46 8) 218 495 Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Sinh Director General National Environment Agency Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment 67 Nguyen Du St. Hanoi Viet Nam Tel: (+84 4) 8223 194 Fax: (+84 4) 8223 189 Mr. Le Manh Hung Deputy Director General Department on International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs C/o Embassy of Viet Nam 113 28 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 5562 1070/71 Fax: (+46 8) 5562 1080 Dr. Le Bich Thang Director Department of International Relations Pollution Control and Waste Management Division Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment 67 Nguyen Du St. Hanoi Viet Nam Tel: (+84 4) 8223 194 Fax: (+84 4) 8223 189 Mr. Tran Dung Tien Department of International Relations Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment 67 Nguyen Du St. Hanoi Viet Nam Tel: (+84 4) 8223 194 Fax: (+84 4) 8223 189 ZAMBIA Hon. Chembe Nyangu Minister Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources c/o Embassy of the Republic of Zambia Box 26013 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 679 9040 Fax: (+46 8) 679 6850 H.E. Mrs. Josephine Kafwembe Ambassador Embassy of Zambia Box 26013 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 679 9040 Fax: (+46 8) 679 6850 Mr. Nelson Manda Inspector Environmental Council of Zambia Pesticides and Toxic Substances P.O. Box 35131 Lusaka Zambia Tel: (+260 1) 254 130-1 Fax: (+260 1) 254 164 E-Mail: Nmanda@necz.org.zm Mr. James Simoko Phiri Director Environmental Council of Zambia P.O. Box 35131 Lusaka Zambia Tel: (+260 1) 254 130-1 Fax: (+260 1) 254 164 51 Mr. Teddy Simakungwe Embassy of Zambia Box 26013 100 41 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 679 9040 Fax: (+46 8) 679 6850 E-Mail: teddy@zambiaembassy.se ZIMBABWE Hon. Francis Nhema Minister Ministry of Environment and Tourism Karigamombe Centre 53, Samora Machel Avenue Harare Zimbabwe Tel: (+263 4) 757 881-5/751 720-2 Fax: (+263 4) 759 413/757 877 Mr. Irvin Douglas Kunene Ministry of Environment and Tourism Karigamombe Centre 53, Samora Machel Avenue Harare Zimbabwe Tel: (+263 4) 705 671-4 Fax: (+263 4) 793 123 H.E. John Mayowe Ambassador Embassy of Zimbabwe 103 65 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 246 695 Fax: (+46 8) 219 132 Mr. Kumbirayi Taremba Embassy of Zimbabwe 103 65 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 246 695 Fax: (+46 8) 219 132 52 OBSERVERS - UNITED NATIONS BODIES AND SPECIALIZED AGENCIES CONVENTION SECRETARIATS SECRETARIAT OF THE BASEL CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENT OF HAZARDOUS WASTES AND THEIR DISPOSAL Ms. Sachiko Kuwabara-Yamamoto Executive Secretary Secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal International Environment House 15, chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Chatelaine Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 917 8213 Fax: (+41 22) 797 3454 E-Mail: sachiko.kuwabara@unep.org Mr. Pierre Portas Secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal International Environment House 15, chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Chatelaine Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 917 8217 Fax: (+41 22) 797 3454 ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE (ECE) Mr. Lars Nordberg Eonomic Commission for Europe (ECE) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 917 1234 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) Dr. Alemayehu Wodageneh Coordinator and Chief Technical Advisor Plant Production and Protection Division Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00100 Rome Italy Tel: (+39 06) 5705 5192 Fax: (+39 06) 5705 6347 E-Mail: alemayehu.wodageneh@fao.org GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY (GEF) Mr. Mohamed El-Ashry Chairman, CEO Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street NW, Room G6-005 Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 473 3202 Fax: (+1 202) 522 3240-3245 Mr. Hutton G. Archer Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street NW, Suite G6-150 Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 458 7117 Fax: (+1 202) 522 3240 E-Mail: harcher@worldbank.org Dr. Herbert Acquay Global Environment Facility (GEF) 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 458 5781 Fax: (+1 202) 522 3240 E-Mail: Hacquay@worldbank.org 53 Mr. Andrea Merla International Waters Program Manager Global Environment Facility 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 458 8198 Fax: (+1 202) 522 3240-3245 E-Mail: amerla@worldbank.org UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME (UNEP) Dr. John Hilborn Chief (Chemicals Conventions Division) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) United Nations Avenue P.O. Box 30552 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 624 543 Fax: (+254 2) 623 926 E-Mail: john.hilborn@unep.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (UNIDO) Mr. Angelo D'Ambrosio Managing Director Sectoral Support and Environmental Sustainability Division United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) P.O. Box 300 Vienna Austria Tel: (+43 1) 26026 5085 Fax: (+43 1) 26026 6819 UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH (UNITAR) Mr. Craig Boljkovac Deputy Programme Coordinator United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 917 8471 Fax: (+41 22) 917 8047 E-Mail: craig.boljkovac@unitar.org WORLD BANK Mr. Steve Gorman Senior Environmental Specialist Environmental Department World Bank Room MC4-107 1818 H Street, NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 473 5865 Fax: (+1 202) 522 3258 E-Mail: SGorman@worldbank.org Mr. Vic Buxton Montreal Protocol and POPs Group World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington DC 20433 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 473 5865 Fax: (+1 202) 522 3258 E-Mail: vic.buxton@sympatico.ca WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) Dr. Zoltan Csizer Director Cleaner Production and Environment Branch of the Support and Environmental Sustainability Division United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) P.O. Box 300 Vienna Austria Tel: (+43 1) 26026 3895 Fax: (+43 1) 26026 6819 E-Mail: zcsizer@unido.org Dr. John Paul Clark Senior Policy Advisor Roll Back Malaria World Health Organization (WHO) 20, Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 791 3781 Fax: (+41 22) 791 4824 E-Mail: clarkj@who.int 54 Dr. Timothy John Meredith Coordinator, International Programme on Chemical Safety World Health Organization (WHO) 20, Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 791 4348 Fax: (+41 22) 791 4348 E-Mail: meredith@who.int Dr. Douglas W. Bettcher Coordinator, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Team Tobacco-Free Initiative World Health Organization (WHO) 20, Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 791 4253 Fax: (+41 22) 791 4832 E-Mail: http://tobacco.who.int Mr. William Onzivu Legal Officer, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Tobacco-Free Initiative World Health Organization (WHO) 20, Avenue Appia CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 791 4908 Fax: (+41 22) 791 4832 WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION (WMO) Mr. Jörgen Nilsson World Meteorological Organization (WMO) 601 01 Norrkoping Sweden Tel: (+46 11) 495 8345 Fax: (+46 11) 495 8001 E-Mail: jorgen.nilsson@smhi.se 55 OBSERVERS – INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS EUROPEAN COMMISSION (EC) Mrs. Margot Wallström Environment Directorate-General European Commission (EC) Rue de la Loi 200 (BU-5 2/15) B-1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 299 1111 Mr. Marco Morettini Administratorinthe Chemical Substance Unit Environment Directorate-General European Commission (EC) Rue de la Loi 200 (BU-5 2/15) B-1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 299 0384 Fax: (+32 2) 295 6117 E-Mail: marco.morettini@cec.eu.int Mr. Robert Donkers Deputy Head of the Chemicals Department Environment Directorate-General European Commission (EC) Rue de la Loi 200 B-1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 296 8784 Fax: (+32 2) 296 6995 E-Mail: robert.donkers@cec.eu.int Ms. Pernilla Bengtsson Environment Directorate-General European Commission (EC) Rue de la Loi 200 (BU-5 2/15) B-1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 299 1111 Ms. Jill Hanna Deputy Head of Unit Environment Directorate-General (DG-ENV) European Commission (EC) Rue de la Loi 200 B-1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 295 3232 Fax: (+32 2) 296 9557 E-Mail: jill.hanna@cec.eu.int Mrs. Margarida Afonso Legal Adviser, Legal Service Environment Directorate-General European Commission (EC) Rue de la Loi 200 B-1049 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 295 5654 Fax: (+32 2) 295 2483 E-Mail: Margarida.Afonso@cec.eu.int ORGANIZATION OF THE ISLAMIC CONFERENCE (OIC) Mr. Aydin Nurhan Director, Department of Science and Technology Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) P.O. Box 178 Jeddah Saudi Arabia Tel: (+966 2) 688 1294/680 0800 Fax: (+966 2) 687 3568/687 3569 E-Mail: oiccabinet@arab.net.sa ORGANIZATION FOR THE PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS (OPCW) Mr. Huang Yu Director for External Relations Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) 2517 JR The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31 7) 416 3300 Fax: (+31 7) 306 3535 56 THE WORLD CONSERVATION UNION (IUCN) Mr. Marco Olsen The World Conservation Union (IUCN) Godesberger Allee 108-112 D-53175 Bonn Germany Tel: (+49 228) 2692 231 Fax: (+49 228) 2692 251 E-Mail: Secretariat@elc.iucn.org 57 OBSERVERS - NONGOVERNMENTAL AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS ALASKA COMMUNITY ACTION ON TOXICS (ACAT) AQUAMEDIA FOUNDATION Ms. Shawna Marie Larson Alaska Community Action on Toxics (ACAT) 135 Christensen Dr. Suite 100 Anchorage AK 99501 United States of America Tel: (+1 907) 222 7714 Fax: (+1 907) 222 7715 E-Mail: shawna@akaction.net Ms. Inessa Kuzanova Aquamedia Foundation P.O. Box 78 Uznadze 380002 Tbilisi Georgia Tel: (+995) 32 961 587 Fax: (+995) 32 942 808 E-Mail: inesa@ip.osgf.ge ALIANZA POUR UNA MEJOR CALIDAD DE VIDA DE CHILE/RED DE ACCION EN PLAGUCIDAS DE AMERICA LATINA ARMENIAN WOMEN FOR HEALTH AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT (AWHHE) Ms. Maria Elena Rozas Coordinadora Alianza por una Mejor Calidad de Vida/Red de Acción en Plaguicidas de América Latina RAP-AL Carmen Sylva No. 2870, depto 601, Providencia Santiago Chile Tel: (+56 2) 335 9397 E-Mail: aplagui@rdc.cl Dr. Elena Manvelian President Armenian Women for Health and a Healthy Environment (AWHHE) Avan-Arindg 1/14, Apt.7 Yerevan 375022 Armenia Tel: (+37 41) 626 620 Fax: (+37 41) 151 210 E-Mail: elena@awhhe.am AMERICAN CHEMISTRY COUNCIL (ACC) ASOCIACION ARGENTINA DE MEDICOS POR EL MEDIO AMBIENTE (AAMMA) Mr. Michael P. Walls Senior Counsel American Chemistry Council (ACC) 1300 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22042 United States of America Tel: (+1 703) 741 5167 Fax: (+1 703) 741 6167 E-Mail: mike_walls@americanchemistry.com Ms. Lilian Corra Asociacion Argentina de Medicos por el Medio Ambiente (AAMMA) Boulevard Galvez 2013, Piso 10 Sante Fe Argentina Tel: (+54 11) 4823 2298 Fax: (+54 11) 4823 2298 E-Mail: lcisde@arnet.com.ar 58 ASSOCIACAO DE CONSEIÊNCIA À PREVENCAO OCUPACIONAL (ACPO) CANADIAN ARCTIC INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AGAINST POPS Fernanda Giannasi Associaçao de Consciência à Prevençao Ocupacional (ACPO) Rua Júlio de Mesquita 148 conjunto 304 sala B - Vila Mathias 11075-220 Santos Brazil Tel: (+55 13) 3234 6679 Fax: (+55 13) 3234 6679 E-Mail: acpo94@uol.com.br OR jcbranco@yahoo.com Ms. Stephanie Meakin Technical Advisor Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC) 269 South Gower Dr., R.R. No. 2 Kemptville K0G 1JO Ontario Canada Tel: (+1 613) 258 9471 Fax: (+1 613) 258 7621 E-Mail: smeakin@attcanada.ca AVIMA (PTY) LTD. Mr. Edwin Butler Avima (Pty) Ltd. Johannesburg South Africa Tel: (+27 11) 769 1300 Fax: (+27 11) 762 5712 E-Mail: e.butler@iafrica.com CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL INVIRONMENTAL LAW (CIEL) Mr. Glenn Wiser Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) 1367 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 300 Washington DC 20036 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 785 8700 Fax: (+1 202) 785 8701 E-Mail: gwiser@ciel.org BAIKAL ENVIRONMENTAL WAVE (BEW) Ms. Tatiana Markova Baikal Environmental Wave (BEW) Lermontow Str.140 P.O. Box 21 664033 Irkutsk Russian Federation Tel: (+7 3952) 514 370 Fax: (+7 3952) 514 370 E-Mail: mark@baikalwave.eu.org BASEL ACTION NETWORK (BAN) Mr. Jim Puckett Basel Action Network (BAN) c/o Asia Pacific Environmental Exchange (APEX) 1305 Fourth Ave., Suite 606 Seattle, Washington DC 98101 United States of America Tel: (+1 206) 652 5555 Fax: (+1 206) 652 5750 E-Mail: jpuckett@ban.org CENTRO DE DERECHO AMBIENTAL E INTEGRACIÓN ECONÓMICA DEL SUR, AC-DASSUR Mr. Claudio Torres Nachon Director Centro de Derecho Ambiental e Integración Económica del Sur A.C. del Sur, AC-DASSUR Primo Verdad 23-A 91000 Xalapa, Veracruz Mexico Tel: (+52) 2818 2388 Fax: (+52) 2818 2028 E-Mail: dassur@hotmail.com 59 CHILDREN OF THE EARTH Dr. Jindrich Petrlik Chairman Children of the Earth Chlumova 17 CZ 130 00 Prague 3 Czech Republic Tel: (+420 2) 2278 0052 Fax: (+420 2) 2278 0052 E-Mail: jindrich.petrlik@ecn.cz CIVIL CENTRE AND DATABASE FOUNDATION OF HAJDU REGION Zoltan Koszorus Chief of Foundation Civil Center and Database Organisation Of Hojdu Region P.O. Box 125 4220 Hajduszoboszlo Hungary Tel: (+36 52) 280 039 Fax: (+36 52) 456 370 E-Mail: koszorus.zoltan@matannet.hu CIRCUMPOLAR CONSERVATION UNION (CCU) Ms. Sharon Newsome Circumpolar Conservation Union (CCU) 1615 M Street, NW 2nd floor Washington DC 20038 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 429 7440 Fax: (+1 202) 429 7444 E-Mail: snewsomeccu@yahoo.com Ms. Michelle Sparck Circumpolar Conservation Union (CCU) 1615 M Street, NW 2nd floor Washington DC 20036 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 429 7440 Fax: (+1 202) 429 7444 E-Mail: circumpolar@igc.org CITIZENS CONCERNED ABOUT WASTE INCINERATION NOW (CCWIN) Ms. Abhaya Thiele Citizens Concerned About Waste Incineration Now (CCWIN) 2425 18th Street, NW Washington DC 20009-2096 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 232 4108/(1 804) 825 0639 Fax: (+1 202) 332 0463 E-Mail: abhayathiele@hotmail.com CLIMATE AND DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES (CDI) Mr. Timothy Byakola Programs Coordinator Climate and Development Initiatives (CDI) Suite C204 Amber House P.O. Box 8849 Kampala Uganda Tel: (+256 41) 259 521 Fax: (+256 41) 347 380 E-Mail: acs@starcom.co.ug CNIID NATIONAL CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT INFORMATION ON WASTE Ms. Gaelle Ecobichon CNIID National Center for Independent Information on Waste 51 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine 75010 Paris France Tel: (+32 1) 5578 2860 Fax: (+32 1) 5578 2861 E-Mail: gaelle@cniid.org 60 COMISIONES OBRERAS ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH FUND Ms. Stephanie Blount Technical Adviser Department of Environment Comisiones Obreras Modesto Lafuente, 3-3oD 28010 Madrid Spain Tel: (+34 91) 591 3616 E-Mail: eblount@ccoo.es Mr. Jack Weinberg Project Director Environmental Health Fund (EHF) c/o VDC 407 South Dearborn, Suite 1775 Chicago, IL 60605 United States of America Tel: (+1 312) 566 9314 Fax: (+1 312) 408 0682 E-Mail: jackwein@uic.edu COUNCIL OF YUKON FIRST NATIONS Mr. John Burdek Chairperson Ta'an Kwach'an Council P.O. Box 32081 Y1A 5P9 Whitehorse Yukon Canada Tel: (+1 867) 668 3613 Fax: (+1 867) 667 4295 E-Mail: jburdek@taan.ca ECO-ACCORD CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Dr. Olga Speranskaya Deputy Director Information Department Eco-Accord Center for Environment and Sustainable Development 129010 Prospekt Mira, 36, Room 604 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: (+7 095) 924 6240 Fax: (+7 095) 925 9282 E-Mail: speransk@ntserver.cis.lead.org EUROPEAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY COUNCIL (CEFIC) Ms. Anita Ringstrom European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) Kemikontoret Storgatan 19 114 85 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 783 8147 Fax: (+46 8) 663 6323 E-Mail: arm@chemind.se Dr. Rainer Koch European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) D-51368 Leverkusen Germany Tel: (+49 214) 306 1490 Fax: (+49 214) 306 5270 Ms. Birgit Engelhardt European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) c/o VCI - Verband der Chemischen Industrie Karlstrasse 21 D-60329 Frankfurt Germany Tel: (+49 69) 2556 1425 Fax: (+49 69) 23 56 99 E-Mail: engelhardt@vci.de ENVIRONIC FOUNDATION INTERNATIONAL (EFI) Mr. William Godfrey President Environic Foundation International (EFI) 3503 Hulch Place Chevy Chase, MD 20815-4736 United States of America Tel: (+1 301) 654 7160 Fax: (+1 301) 654 3710 E-Mail: b.godfrey@environicfoundation.org GLOBAL CROP PROTECTION FEDERATION (GCPF) Ms. Annik Dollacker Global Crop Protection Federation (GCPF) 51368 Leverkusen Germany Tel: (+49 2173) 383 719 Fax: (+49 2173) 383 454 E-Mail: Annik.Dollacker.AD@bayer-ag.de 61 Dr. Richard J. Nielsson Global Crop Protection Federation (GCPF) c/o BASF Agro-Research P.O. Box 400 Quakerbridge and Clarksville Rds. Princeton, NJ 08543 United States of America Tel: (+1 609) 716 2354 Fax: (+1 609) 275 5226 E-Mail: nielssr@basf-corp.com Dr. Chris Waller Co-ordinating Chairman, International Obsolete Stocks Projects Global Crop Protection Federation (GCPF) Avenue Louise 143 B-1050 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 542 0410 Fax: (+32 2) 542 0419 E-Mail: chris.waller@obstocks.co.uk gcpi@pophost.eunet Dr. Christian Verschueren Global Crop Protection Federation (GCPF) Avenue Louise 143 B-1050 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 542 0410 Fax: (+32 2) 542 0419 E-Mail: c.verschueren@gcpf.org GREENPEACE INTERNATIONAL Dr. Darryl Luscombe Greenpeace International 182 Yarmouth Road Toronto M6G 1X4 Ontario Canada Tel: (+1 416) 538 8827 Fax: (+1 416) 538 5966 E-Mail: darryl@au.greenpeace.org Mr. Andreas Bernstorff Greenpeace International 22767 Hamburg Germany Tel: (+49 171) 878 0838 E-Mail: andreas.bernstroff@greenpeace.de Ms. Pat Costner Greenpeace International Keizersgracht 176 1016 DW Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: (+31 20) 523 6222 Fax: (+31 20) 523 6200 Mr. Tom Dowdall Greenpeace International Keizersgracht 176 1016 DW Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: (+31 20) 523 6222 Fax: (+31 20) 523 6200 E-Mail: Tdowdall@ams.greenpeace.org Mr. Jacob Hartmann Greenpeace International Keizersgracht 176 1016 DW Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: (+45 28) 109 020 Fax: (+45 33) 935 399 E-Mail: jacob@nordic.greenpeace.org Mr. Rick Hind Greenpeace International 702 H St NW #300 Washington DC 20001 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 319 2445 Fax: (+1 202) 462 4507 E-Mail: rick.hind@wdc.greenpeace.org Mr. Alexey Kiselev Campaign Coordinator Department of Toxics Greenpeace International P.O. Box GSP 4 101428 Moscow Russian Federation Tel: (+7 095) 257 4122 Fax: (+7 095) 257 4110 E-Mail: trussia@diala.greenpeace.org Mr. Wytze Van der Naald Greenpeace International Keizersgracht 176 1016 DW Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: (+31 20) 523 6222 Fax: (+31 20) 523 6200 E-Mail: Wvandernaald@ams.greenpeace.org 62 Mr. Wahid Labidi Greenpeace International 5 Rue Mikael Novaima 2010 Manouba Tunisia Tel: (+216 1) 524 330 Fax: (+216 1) 520 291 E-Mail: wahid.labidi@diala.greenpeace.org Mr. Kevin Stairs Greenpeace International Keizersgracht 176 1016 DW Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: (+31 20) 523 6222 Fax: (+31 20) 523 6200 E-Mail: kevin.stairs@diala.greenpeace.org Mr. Von Hernandez Greenpeace International Keizersgracht 176 1016 DW Amsterdam Netherlands Tel: (+31 20) 523 6222 Fax: (+31 20) 523 6200 E-Mail: sarah.bevis@ams.greenpeace.org GROUNDWORK Mr. Ardiel Soeker GroundWork P.O. Box 2375 Pietermaritzburg 3200 South Africa Tel: (+27 33) 342 5662 Fax: (+27 33) 342 5665 E-Mail: ardiel@groundwork.org.za INDIAN CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (ICMA) Mr. Jayprakash S. Gosalia Sr. Vice President - Agri Business Exel Industries Limited Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association (ICMA) 184/87 S.V. Road Jogeshwari (W) Mumbai 400 102 India Tel: (+91 22) 678 8258/678 4450 Fax: (+91 22) 678 2409 E-Mail: gosalia@excelind.com Mr. S. Ganesan General Manager Exel Industries Limited Indian Chemical Manufacturers Association ICMA) H-206, B, Minerva Complex 94, S.D. Road Secunderabad 500 003 India Tel: (+91 40) 781 3273/781 9849 Fax: (+91 40) 784 1366 E-Mail: ganesan@excelind.com INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF CHEMICAL ASSOCIATIONS (ICCA) Mrs. Mara Caboara International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) c/o European Council of Chemical Federations (CEFIC) Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 4 B-1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 676 7217 Fax: (+32 2) 676 7332 E-Mail: mca@cefic.be Mr. Gordon E. Lloyd International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) 805-350 Sparks Street K1R 7S8 Ottawa Canada Tel: (+1 613) 237 6215 Fax: (+1 613) 237 4061 E-Mail: glloyd@ccpa.ca INTERNATIONAL POPS ELIMINATION NETWORK (IPEN) Mr. Ahmed Geneid International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) P.O. Box 323 41111 Ismailia Egypt Tel: (+20 12) 230 6149 Fax: (+20 64) 329 448 E-Mail: Geneid@bigfoot.com 63 Ms. Sharyle Patton Northern Co-Chair, IPEN and Director Commonweal Health and Environment Program Environmental Health Program Commonweal 451 Mesa Road P.O. Box 316 Bolinas, California 94924 United States of America Tel: (+1 415) 868 0970 Fax: (+1 415) 868 2230 E-Mail: spatton@igc.org Mr. Hemsing Hurrynag Development Indian Ocean Network (DION) 140, Jackson Road Vacoas Mauritius Tel: (+230) 686 4100 Fax: (+230) 208 2397 E-Mail: dionet@intnet.mu Mr. Ravi S. Agarwal Coordinator, Toxics Link IPEN Focal Point India International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) H-2 Jangpura Extension New Delhi 110014 India Tel: (+91 11) 432 8006 Fax: (+91 11) 432 1747 E-Mail: ravig@ndf.vsnl.net.in Prof. Jamidu H.Y. Katima AGENDA P.O. Box 32312 Dar-es-Salaam United Republic of Tanzania Tel: (+255 22) 241 0365-9 Fax: (+255 22) 241 0379 E-Mail: jkatima@cpe.udsm.ac.tz INUIT CIRCUMPOLAR CONFERENCE (ICC) Ms. Sheila Watt-Cloutier President Inuit Circumpolar Conference 170 Laurier Ave. W. Suite 504 K1P 5V5 Ottawa, Ontario Canada Tel: (+1 613) 563 2642 Fax: (+1 613) 565 3089 IRANIAN SOCIETY OF ENVIRONMENTALISTS (ISE) Daneh Haj Manouchehri Iranian Society of Environmentalists (ISE) P.O. Box 14155-7451 Tehran Islamic Republic of Iran Tel: (+98 21) 640 0884 Fax: (+98 21) 640 0884 E-Mail: irsen@irsen.org JAPAN POPS ELIMINATION NETWORK (JPEN) Mr. Hideyuki Kawana Japan POPs Elimination Network (JPEN) People's Association on Counter Measures of Dioxin and Endoctrine Disruptors Yasuibiru, Shinbashi 4-25-6 Minato-ku Tokyo 105-004 Japan Tel: (+81 3) 3432 1490 Fax: (+81 3) 3432 1490 E-Mail: kawana@blue.ocn.ne.jp OR kokumin@attglobal.net KENYA ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL WORKERS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (KAPMWSR) Dr. Paul Saoke Director of Programs Kenya Association of Physicians and Medical Workers for Social Responsibility (KAPMWSR) P.O. Box 19565 Nairobi Kenya Tel: (+254 2) 714 757 Fax: (+254 2) 724 590 E-Mail: psaoke@healthnet.or.ke 64 KOREAN ASSOCIATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH (KAER) Mr. Rokho Kim Department of Environmental Health Korean Association of Environmental Research (KAER) Seoul National University School of P.H. 28 Yongondong Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: (+82 2) 740 8869 Fax: (+82 2) 764 5056 E-Mail: rkim@snu.ac.kr MAMA-86 KHARKOV Ms. Darya Imshenetskaya Mama-86 Kharkov 60 Lenin Avenue 61001 Kharkov Ukraine Tel: (+380 572) 308 326 Fax: (+380 572) 324 494 MOUVEMENT POUR LES DROITS ET LE RESPECT DES GÉNÉRATIONS FUTURES (MDRGF) Mr. Francois Veillerette Mouvement pour les Droits et le Respect des Générations Futures (MDRGF) 7, rue Principale 60 380 Saint Deniscourt France Tel: (+33 3) 4482 7037 Fax: (+33 3) 4482 7037 E-Mail: courrier@mdrgf.org or mdrgf@wanadoo.fr NATIONAL TOXICS NETWORK (NTN) Mr. John Wickens National Toxics Network (NTN) 47 Eugenia Street, Rivett 2611 Canberra Australia Tel: (+61 62) 885 881 Fax: (+61 62) 885 881 E-Mail: biomap@oztoxics.org Ms. Mariann Lloyd-Smith National Toxics Network (NTN) 47 Eugenia Street, Rivett 2611 Canberra Australia Tel: (+61 62) 885 881 Fax: (+61 62) 885 881 E-Mail: biomap@oztoxics.org PEOPLE'S ASSOCIATION ON COUNTERMEASURES OF DIOXIN AND ENDOCRINE DISRUPTORS (PACDED) Mr. Satoru Mizuguchi Director People's Association on Countermeasures of Dioxin and Endocrine Disruptors (PACDED) Cosmos Law Firm 6F Yasui Building 2, 4-25-6 Shinbashi, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0004 Japan Tel: (+81 3) 3432 1490 Fax: (+81 3) 3432 1490 E-Mail: satoruMizuguchi@aol.com PEOPLE'S TASK FORCE FOR BASES CLEAN-UP Resurreccion Mariñas Secretary People's Task Force for Bases Clean-up 14-C Medical Street GSIS Village, Project 8 1102 Quezon City Philippines Tel: (+63 2) 456 2985 Fax: (+63 2) 925 4147 E-Mail: basecin@@yahoo.com OR respm@yahoo.com Ms. O'lola Ann Olib People's Task Force for Bases Clean-up 14C Medical St. GSIS Village, Project 8 1106 Quezon City Philippines Tel: (+63 2) 456 2985 Fax: (+63 2) 931 1153 E-Mail: olola12@yahoo.com OR basecln@yahoo.com 65 PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK (PAN) Mr. Mark Davis Pesticide Action Network - UK Eurolink Centre 49 Effra Road London SW2 1BZ United Kingdom Tel: (+44 20) 7274 8895 Fax: (+44 20) 7274 9084 E-Mail: markdavis@pan-uk.org Mr. Henry René Diouf Program Officer Pesticide Action Network - Africa Sicap Amitié 1, villa No. 3018 BP 15938 Dakar-Fann Senegal Tel: (+221) 825 4914 Fax: (+221) 825 1443 E-Mail: panafric@sentoo.sn Dr. Romeo Quijano Pesticide Action Network - Asia Pacific Lot 2 Block 30 Salome Tan St. BF Executive Village 1740 Las Pinas Philippines Tel: (+63 2) 805 0585 Fax: (+63 2) 521 8251 E-Mail: romyquij@yahoo.com Ms. Kristin S. Schafer Pesticide Action Network - North America 49 Powell Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94102 United States of America Tel: (+1 415) 981 1771 Fax: (+1 415) 981 1991 E-Mail: kristins@panna.org PESTICIDES ET ALTERNATIVES POUR UNE AGRICULTURE SAINE ET ECOLOGIQUE (PALAGRISE) M. Privat Wilfrid Raymond Lembo Pesticides et Alternatives pour une Agriculture Saine et Ecologique (PALAGRISE) 131 rue Yakoma BP 298 Brazzaville Congo Tel: (+242) 664 653 Fax: (+242) 811 828/810 325 E-Mail: palagrise@yahoo.fr PHYSICIANS FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (PSR) Ms. Karen Perry Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 1012 Washington DC 20009 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 667 4260 ext. 249 Fax: (+1 202) 667 4201 E-Mail: kperry@psr.org RED DE ACCION EN ALTERNATIVAS AL USO DE AGROTOXICOS DE VENEZUELA (RAPAL-VE) Dr. Patricia Gutierrez Urizar Red de Accion en Alternativas al Uso de Agrotoxicos de Venezuela (RAPAL-VE) FDSV/RAPAL-VE C.U.M. 0730 P.O. Box 02-5801 Miami, FL 33102-5801 United States of America Tel: (+58 93) 330 265 Fax: (+58 93) 330 265/514 148 PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK - RAPAM SEOUL METROPOLITAN COUNCIL (SMC) Mr. Fernando Bejarano Pesticide Action Network - RAPAM Amado Nenvo 22-2 Col. San Juanito 56121 Texcoco Mexico Tel: (+52 595) 47 744 Fax: (+52 595) 47 744 E-Mail: rapam@prodigy.net.mx Mr. Eun-kyung Kim Seoul Metropolitan Council (SMC) #37, Seosomoon-dong, Chung-gu 100-110 Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: (+82 2) 3705 1046 Fax: (+82 2) 3702 1208 E-Mail: ecofem21@hanmail.net 66 Mr. Jong-in Dong National Organizing Committee of DIOXIN2001 University of Seoul #90 Jeonnong-dong, Dongdaemoon-ku 130-743 Seoul Republic of Korea Tel: (+82 2) 2210 2532 Fax: (+82 2) 2244 2245 E-Mail: jidong@uoscc.uos.ac.kr SIERRA CLUB Mr. Michael Gregory Sierra Club 43 Howell Ave. P.O. Box 1896 Bisbee, Arizona 85603 United States of America Tel: (+1 520) 432 5374 Fax: (+1 520) 432 5374 E-Mail: aztoxics@mindspring.com Mr. Mattias Nordström Stockholm Environment Institute - Sweden Lilla Nygatan 1 P.O. Box 2142 S-10314 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 412 1413 Fax: (+46 8) 723 0348 E-Mail: mattias.nordstrom@sei.se STOCKHOLM ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE – YORK Mr. Harry Vallack Stockholm Environment Institute - York SEI-York Biology Department, University of York P.O. Box 373 Y010 5YW York United Kingdom Tel: (+44) 1904 43 2894 Fax: (+44) 1904 43 2898 E-Mail: hwv1@york.ac.uk SIERRA CLUB OF CANADA Ms. Angela Rickman Deputy Director Sierra Club of Canada 412-1 Nicholas Street K1N 7B7 Ottawa Canada Tel: (+1 613) 241 4611 Fax: (+1 613) 241 2292 E-Mail: angdave@istar.ca SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT POLICY INSTITUTE (SDPI) Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Khwaja Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) 3 UN Boulevard Diplomatic Enllavg-1 Islamabad Pakistan Tel: (+92 51) 227 8134-36 Fax: (+92 51) 227 8135 E-Mail: khwaja@sdpi.org STOCKHOLM ENVIRONMENT INSTITUTE – SWEDEN Ms. Maria Delvin Stockholm Environment Institute - Sweden Lilla Nygatan 1 P.O. Box 2142 S-10314 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 412 1421 Fax: (+46 8) 723 0348 E-Mail: maria.delvin@sei.se SWEDISH DOCTORS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT (SLFM) Dr. Ingrid Eckerman Swedish Doctors for the Environment (SLFM) Statsradsvagen 11 128 38 Skarpnack Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 600 1556 Fax: (+46 8) 718 6915 E-Mail: eckerman@algonet.se 67 Dr. Jehns Christian Martineus Swedish Doctors for the Environment (SLFM) Varmdovagen 647 132 41 Saltsjo-Boo Sweden Tel: (+46 8) 715 9294 THANAL CONSERVATION ACTION AND INFORMATION NETWORK (TCAIN) Mr. Jayakumar Chelaton Coordinator Thanal Conservation Action and Information Network (TCAIN) Kawdiar Post Box 815 695 003 Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala India Tel: (+91 471) 311 896 Fax: (+91 471) 435 452 E-Mail: thanal@md4.vsnl.net.in VOLGOGRAD-ECOPRESS Ms. Elena Vasilyeva Director Regional NGO IC Volgograd-Ecopress P.O. Box 3047 400081 Volgograd Russian Federation Tel: (+7 8442) 363 412 Fax: (+7 8442) 303 960 E-Mail: valyon@online.ru W. ALTON JONES FOUNDATION Mr. John Peterson Myers W. Alton Jones Foundation 232 East High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902-5178 United States of America Tel: (+1 804) 295 2134 Fax: (+1 804) 295 1648 E-Mail: jpmyers@wajones.org WOMEN IN EUROPE FOR A COMMON FUTURE (WECF) Ms. Marie J.C. Kranendonk-Schwartz President Women in Europe for a Common Future (WECF) Regulierenring 3981 LA Bunnik Netherlands Tel: (+31 30) 231 0300 Fax: (+31 30) 234 0878 E-Mail: wecf@wecf.org WORLD ALLIANCE FOR BREAST FEEDING ACTION (WABA) Ms. Susan Siew Co-Director World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) P.O. Box 1200 10850 Penang Malaysia Tel: (+60 4) 658 4816 Fax: (+60 4) 657 2655 E-Mail: secr@waba.po.my WORLD CHLORINE COUNCIL (WCC) Dr. Arseen Seys Director World Chlorine Council (WCC) Avenue E. Van Nieuwenhuyse 4 P.O. Box 2 B-1160 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32 2) 676 7251 Fax: (+32 2) 676 7241 E-Mail: ase@cefic.be Mr. Joseph Stearns World Chlorine Council (WCC) 1300 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22209 United States of America Tel: (+1 703) 741 5854 Fax: (+1 703) 741 6084 E-Mail: joseph_stearns@americanchemistry.com 68 WORLD WIDE FUND FOR NATURE INTERNATIONAL (WWF) Mr. Clifton Curtis Director Global Toxics Initiative WWF - USA 1250 24th Street, NW Washington DC 20037 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 861 8379 Fax: (+1 202) 530 0743 E-Mail: clifton.curtis@wwfus.org Mr. Hammad Naqi Khan Director Environmental Pollution Unit WWF - Pakistan Ferozepur Road Lahore 54600 Pakistan Tel: (+92 42) 588 2069/586 0429 Fax: (+92 42) 586 2358 E-Mail: hnaqi@wwf.org.pk Mr. Lee Poston Media Officer WWF - USA 1250 24th Street, NW Washington DC 20037 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 778 9536 Fax: (+1 202) 530 0743 E-Mail: lee.poston@wwfus.org Ms. Gwynne Lyons Toxics and Policy Advisor WWF - UK 17 The Avenues Norwich NR2 3PH United Kingdom Tel: (+44 1603) 507 363 Fax: (+44 1603) 507 363 E-Mail: g.lyons@mcmail.com Mr. Olivier van Bogaert Press Officer WWF - International Av. du Mont-Blanc 1196 Gland Switzerland Tel: (+41 22) 364 9554 Fax: (+41 22) 364 8307 Ms. Cynthia Palmer Olsen Senior Programme Officer Global Toxic Chemicals Initiative WWF - USA 1250 24th Street, NW Washington DC 20037 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 778 9562 Fax: (+1 202) 530 0743 E-Mail: palmer.olsen@wwfus.org Mr. Brooks B. Yeager WWF - US 1250 24th St. NW Washington DC 20037-1193 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 822 3442 Fax: (+1 202) 861 8378 E-Mail: brooks.yeager@wwfus.org Ms. Samantha Smith Policy Officer WWF - Arctic Programme c/o WWF- Norway Postboks 6784 St. Olavs Plass N-0130 Oslo Norway Tel: (+47 22) 036 517 Fax: (+47 22) 200 666 E-Mail: smith@wwf.no 69 OBSERVERS - OTHERS COWI CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS (COWI) Mr. Erik Brander Section Manager COWI Consulting Engineers and Planners (COWI) 2800 Lyngby Denmark Tel: (+45) 4597 2306 Fax: (+45) 4597 2211 E-Mail: EB@cowi.dk ICF CONSULTING Mr. Mark C. Wagner ICF Consulting 1850 K Street, NW, Suite 1000 Washingtaon DC 20016 United States of America Tel: (+1 202) 862 1155 Fax: (+1 202) 862 1144 E-Mail: Mwagner@icfconsulting. com LINKOPING UNIVERSITY Dr. Henrik Selin Linkoping University Environmental Science Programme Department of Thematic Studies, Campus Norrkoping 601 74 Norrkoping Sweden Tel: (+46 11) 363 348 Fax: (+46 11) 363 292 E-Mail: hense@ituf.liu.se ÖREBRO UNIVERSITY Dr. Berndt Brikell Örebro University Fakultetsgatan 1 SE 701 82 Örebro Sweden Tel: (+46 19) 303 891/ (+46 70) 510 5942 Fax: (+46 19) 303 484 E-Mail: Berndt.Brikell@sam.oru.se UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Martin Kovach Environmental Studies Department University of California 339 Natural Sciences 2 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Un ited States of America Tel: (+1 510) 649 7349 Fax: (+1 510) 649 7349 E-Mail: mkovach@cats.ucsc.edu UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN Ms. Noelle Eckley University of Copenhagen c/o European Environment Agency Kongens Nytorv 6 DK-1050 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel: (+45) 3336 7136 Fax: (+45) 3336 7128 E-Mail: noelle.eckley@eea.eu.int