Theodore G Cleveland Page 1 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Routing....................................................................................................................................................... 1 Hydrologic Channel Routing ................................................................................................................. 1 Channel Storage Routing ................................................................................................................... 1 Channel Muskingum Routing ............................................................................................................ 6 Channel Kinematic Routing ............................................................................................................... 7 Hydrologic Reservoir Routing ............................................................................................................... 8 Reservoir Storage Routing ................................................................................................................. 9 Numerical Routing (Power-Law Models) ....................................................................................... 13 References ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Routing Routing is the name given to the process of determining variations in discharge at a location as it moves in a conduit (stream, bayou, canal, etc.). The procedures can be as simple as a time lag from input to output (the reactor equivalent is a plug-flow reactor) or as complex as solving 3-dimensional flow patterns in the conduit. The procedures based on time lagging and/or conservation of volumes only, are called hydrologic routing, while those that involve consideration of pressure and momentum are usually called hydraulic routing. Both methods are useful and appropriate in different situations – hydraulic routing obviously being more complicated mathematically. Routing is further subdivided into channel routing (translating hydrographs in a stream channel) or reservoir routing (translating hydrographs through a storage structure). Hydrologic Channel Routing Hydrologic routing involves computing the outflow hydrograph corresponding to an inflow hydrograph from a conservation of mass (volume) approach. Generally a conduit is divided into sections called reaches. A section of canal is a good mental model. At the upstream end flow enters and at the downstream end it exits. The flow distance between the two locations is called the reach length. Once these terms are defined for a conduit we simply write a storage balance for water in the reach and then relate storage to outflow by some model. Channel Storage Routing The basic model is the discrete continuity equation for the channel reach. The subscripts 1 and 2 are for times at the beginning and end of a time step of length t. The inflow is located at the upstream end of the reach, and the outflow at the downstream end of the reach. S 2 S1 I1 I 2 O1 O2 t 2 2 D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 2 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology The two unknowns in the time evolution of such a model are O2 and S2. equation is ( S 2 t A rearrangement of the O2 O I I2 ) ( S1 t 1 ) t 1 2 2 2 The storage in a reach can be estimated as the product of the average cross sectional area for a given discharge rate and the reach length, as indicated in the sketch below. Figure 1 A rating equation is used at each cross section to determine the cross section areas (i.e. Manning’s equation or something similar). Once the storage-discharge relationship is constructed a table (or characteristic curves) for O ( S t ) and 2 O ( S t ) is prepared. 2 The starting with a known inflow hydrograph and initial storage condition the mass balance can be propagated forward in time to estimate the outflow hydrograph. The choice of t value should be made so that it is smaller than the travel time in the reach at the largest likely flow and smaller than about 1/5 the time to peak of the inflow hydrograph, otherwise rapid changes in flow will propagate without effect in the calculations. D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 3 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Example of storage routing: Consider a channel that is 2500 feet long, with slope of 0.09%, clean sides with straight banks and no rifts or deep pools. A typical channel cross section is shown below, Manning’s n is 0.030. Figure 2 The inflow hydrograph is triangular with a time base of 3 hours, and time-to-peak of 1 hour. The peak inflow rate is 360 cfs. Figure 3 Routing this inflow hydrograph by storage routing is accomplished as follows. D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 4 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Step #1: Construct Depth-Storage-Discharge Table (Rating Table/Characteristic Curves); note how the time step is specified. Figure 4 D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 5 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Step #2: Construct routing table; Use the storage-outflow-depth table to interpolate values as the storage equation is propagated forward in time. The example spreadsheet has interpolation built-in as an Excel 4.0 Macro sheet. Figure 5 We are essentially done; a similar table can be constructed using power-law models of the depthdischarge-storage table if one expects to route a lot of different hydrographs through the reach. Additionally a “unit-transfer” function could also be constructed. A plot of the result is displayed below. D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 6 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Figure 6 Reference: Stream_Storage_Routing.xls : Worksheet with routing tables and interpolation macros. Channel Muskingum Routing [description] D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 7 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology [work same problem] Channel Kinematic Routing [description] [work same problem] D:\106736052.doc 2/12/2016 Theodore G Cleveland Page 8 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Hydrologic Reservoir Routing Hydrologic reservoir routing involves computing the outflow hydrograph corresponding to an inflow hydrograph from a conservation of mass (volume) approach for a hydraulic storage element such as a detention pond, reservoir, structural BMP, etc. Generally the element is divided into layers (depths) that cover different areas of inundation. These layers have a known (computable) area and thickness, thus a volume can be determined as a function of water surface elevation (or depth). Such a relationship is the depth-storage characteristic for the reservoir. At the upstream end flow enters and at the downstream end it exits or is stored. The depth-discharge relationship is determined from overflow (weir) equations in the case of spillways and similar outlet structures. The series of figures below illustrates the depth-storage relationship for a hypothetical dam on some watershed. In the figures, the inundation area changes dramatically as the water surface elevation increases (such is typical for a reservoir). A graph or table of W.S.E. versus area multiplied by the contour interval (in this case 10 feet) would produce an elevation-storage relationship. Figure 7. Innudation area at W.S.E. = 570 feet. D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 9 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Figure 8. Innudation area at W.S.E. = 580 feet. Figure 9. Innudation area at W.S.E. = 590 feet. Reservoir Storage Routing In this method geometric considerations are used to construct a storage-discharge table for a reservoir element, much like the river reach element. The principle difference is that a reservoir can store significant water before any outflow occurs over a spillway or through a sluice gate. The depth-storagedischarge table will need to reflect this storage capability. D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 10 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology As an example consider a dam with an uncontrolled spillway (emergency spillway) 10 meters wide with a crest elevation of 548.0 meters. The weir discharge coefficient is 0.45. The reservoir-elevation relationship is provided in the table below and was developed from a topographic map in a fashion similar to the inundation maps above. The elevation-discharge relationship is computed using a weir equation. The inflow hydrograph is provided and the starting water elevation is 544.0 meters. The figure below depicts the reservoir situation. Figure 10 The weir equation used is Q K 2g LH 3 / 2 0.45 19.62 10 H 3 / 2 19.9 H 3 / 2 where H is the height of the reservoir water ABOVE the weir crest. If the water is below the crest, then there is no flow. The reservoir-area-depth-storage-overflow table is displayed below. First a tabulation that relates changes in water surface elevation to storage is listed (columns B, C and D). Next a weir equation is used to relate flow over the spillway to the water elevation (columns E and F). Finally the storage and outflow relation are tabulated in the sixth column. D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 11 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Figure 11 The values in this table are used in the hydrograph routing table to pass the flood hydrograph through the reservoir and preserve the total mass in the system. The routing model is again simply continunity expressed as: ( S 2 t O2 O I I2 ) ( S1 t 1 ) t 1 2 2 2 Once this table is built then from any given value of storage+outflow (column F) are interpolated in the table to determine the associated discharge (column E). These interpolated results are then used to estimate the S-O relationship for a time-series of inflows starting from known values. Although it seems complicated it is actually a direct application of a mass balance equation. The next figure shows the results. D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 12 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Figure 12 Lastly, a plot of the inflow and outflow hydrograph is provided to illustrate the effect of storage on hydrograph behavior. D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 13 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Figure 13 Reference: Reservoir_Storage_Routing.xls : Worksheet with routing tables and interpolation macro. Numerical Routing (Power-Law Models) Hydraulic Routing D:\106736052.doc Theodore G Cleveland Page 14 2/12/2016 CIVE 6361 Engineering Hydrology Hydraulic routing is routing based on solution of hydraulic equations for a conduit. The distinction is somewhat unclear as hydraulics is considered in hydrologic routing, but in the case of hydraulic routing pressure and momentum is considered in addition to just storage. References Wurbs and James, 2002. Water Resources Engineering. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey. pp 356-408 (Entire Chapter 6). Hann, C.T., Barfield, B.J., and Hayes, J.C. 1994. Design Hydrology and Sedimentology for Small Catchments. Academic Press, San Diego. pp. 182-203 (Entire Chapter 6). D:\106736052.doc