
FW: re obituary for Jack Streeter
11/18/2003 9:09:04 AM Pacific Standard Time
annes@san.rr.com, mvroberts@bigvalley.net,
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Just received this information on Jack Streeter from the Lyman Museum in Hilo, Hawaii. You
may want to incorporate it with the material I sent you all earlier.
Shirley Leeson,
CFMS & AFMS Historian
-----Original Message----From: Tricia Au [mailto:triciaau@lymanmuseum.org]
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 4:05 PM
To: shirleyleeson@msn.com
Subject: FW: re obituary for Jack Streeter
-----Original Message----From: Registrar
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 3:47 PM
To: Secretary
Subject: RE: re obituary for Jack Streeter
Aloha Shirley,
My sympathy to Mr. Streeter’s family and friends, he was quite a gentleman. I’m here at work
today and can give you some information now. Mr. Streeter did visit the museum, I think it was
around Xmas time, 2002. I got to talk with him, and of course he did make another donation to
the museum; some Hawaiian Stamps and first day covers. In 2001 he gave several photographs
of his early boyhood years in Hilo and of Oahu, 1920-23. Mr. Streeter was a very close friend of
Orlando Lyman, past Director and Chairman of the Board for Lyman Museum. Mr. Lyman
passed away in 1986. Orlando Lyman was a great-grandson of Reverend David and Sarah
Lyman, early missionaries to Hilo (1832). The early founders of the museum included Levi and
Nettie Lyman, Orlando’s parents. Levi was the grandson of Rev. David Lyman and his wife
Sarah, and the son of Frederick S. Lyman, 3rd child and 3rd son of Rev. David and Sarah Lyman.
Mr. Streeter was also been a long-time donor to the museum’s collection, with items such as; rare
Hawaiian books, minerals and of course the items which I mentioned previously. I was familiar
with his name before I even met him, so it was a great honor and pleasure to finally meet him last
year and “talk story.” I will need to do more research regarding Mr. Lyman’s and Mr. Streeter’s
friendship, but as far as finding out about names of minerals and dates given I can do that next
week. Hope some of this helps. Aloha Lynn
Lynn K. Manuel
Lyman Museum, 276 Haili St. Hilo, HI 96720-2927
(808)935-5021/Fax (808)9697685
-----Original Message----From: Secretary
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 3:13 PM
To: Registrar
Cc: 3rdFloorWork
Subject: FW: re obituary for Jack Streeter
-----Original Message----From: Shirley Leeson [mailto:shirleyleeson@msn.com]
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 9:15 AM
To: info@lymanmuseum.org
Can you give me any information on the person who founded the Museum. I
was told he was a classmate of John G. "Jack" Streeter of San Diego, CA. I
was told that Jack had a number of mineral specimens he donated to the
Jack visited there recently. He has previously lived in Hilo and graduated
from Hilo High School in 1923, along with the founder of the museum.
Can you give me any information on their friendship, etc. I'm writing an obit
for a number of Gem and Mineral Organizations that Jack belonged to.
Jack passed away Nov 7, 2003, just two weeks before his 100th birthday.
Thanks in advance,
Shirley Leeson, Historian for American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
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